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>tfw fell for the "delete all social media accounts"
now I have 0 friends. why are you like this /g/?
you have us, anon
>go to a board full of friendless losers
>takes their advice
you should invest heavily into the hasbro stock anon
while you are at it please replace all oils consumed with polyunsaturated oils.
for bonus points reach for some cops firearms.
They weren't your friends if they didn't care enough to keep in touch with you personally
bump bc same, like it feels good mentally to not be on social media but now i feel so out of the loop from the little friends i do have. and just finding out general information about interests is harder
I have social media but I know some dudes who don't use jackshit and I keep in touch with them. Make better contacts OP.
>I only have internet friends
>online friends
lol, lmao and rofl
Meeting people physically was never an option
You had no friends when you had social media.
its pretty hard to find real ones now that everyone is glued to their phone at all times
Let me give you a hint:

You didn't have friends before
Did you think those talking heads and meme-posting morons were friends? Would you call any of us friends? It would be like saying /g/ is your friend, what difference does it make if its' a twitter account or not?

And let me give you another hint:
If you're on twitter right now, you will immediately get 50 followers that are all bots trying to boost their reliability statistics. You can even PM and talk to them, and you'll talk to a ChatGPT instance somewhere who pretends to be a real person.
Does this sound like a friend to you?
Those people are just as friendless as you are, they're in what is called a parasocial relationship with people who don't even realize they're real.

For a real nightmare scenario, now look at the target demographic of influencers and vtubers. Those are their friends now.
I don't use anything and keep in touch with friends. If they care about you you'll hear from them.
honestly /g/ feels way more like a friend than anyone on discord etc
its so weird that people were successfully convinced to stop talking with each other and instead use this and that app to do so. no wonder mental health problems are the new normal. as for the last section god damn the audiences of those are the most cancerous and delusional people there is
You had fake friends and parasocial monetary relationships and now you don't.
i have 10 friends. 5 on each hand. they are talking to you right now ;)
hi friends
how r u today?
I had a Facebook hiatus from November to February, and now again since May.
The first hiatus was great, I was almost disappointed it had to end, now it seems more permanent.
Can't say I miss it; it's retarded enough here already, how do you think it is with normies around?
good morning, sar
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dear friend enjoy your morning
i will be eating pringleslop as i have finished doing the gardening
want to watch sliders with me?
>fell for the no social media
>fell for the hiding your power level
>fell for the open source
I lost Billy with the chain of my dad's bike when I was 7.
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>fell for the only communication through Signal
Hard to describe the look normies give me when I tell them I don't use whatsapp :(
Anons there are always trade offs with the actions you take in life.

If you think being on social media is worth hearing about sportsball teams doing sportsball things or gay politics or whatever random shite the average 100IQ pleb feels everyone needs to hear about, then go ahead and sign up again. You fo you.

I don't miss any of that shit one bit.
Get on meetup for real life interests.
Youre already on anime image boards, you shouldnt need help finding new online interests. If youre open to suggestions might i propose /fit/
Trade that loneless in for muscles.
LMAO'ing @ the faggots here with superiority complexes. Nobody cares about your
>Normies le bad!! They le plebss 3 iq!!
copes. Nobody is close with everyone in their life. Just have an account you check in once in a while to keep up with friends and social events. Who knows, maybe a friend you know starts a hobby you already had or whatever and you reconnect. Maybe you invite a college friend to drink a beer when he comes to your city.
But you are too good for everyone I guess lmao.
I fell for the no-social-media meme back when I was an impressionable teen who began using imageboards, but eventually it became clear that it's not worth it. Don't get me wrong, social media is 99% useless and actively detrimental for you, but you're just ostracizing yourself by having zero online presence. Having an inactive profile is better than deleting everything; you can get an email if someone contacts you while filtering the other notifications, and you're not out of options if you have to do something that requires social media (I've had to use Facebook for buying used goods and ask for information regarding local events, for example). Just try not to waste time actually using those sites, and give as little information as possible (name and city, if anything, uploading photos is already alarming). Oh, and of course, real friendship mostly occurs on close interactions, either IRL or via direct messages, so you probably should use instant messaging if you want to keep your friends, and that's often tied to social media anyways.
youre supposed to let your wife manage social media, not drop out of society
you gotta make sacrifices and socialize with normies in the ways they want you to if you're poor and need to interact with them
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>mfw I went even further and tell enlightened normies and light autists to join my matrix server because signal is pozzed
places like facebook build ghost profiles for you anyway, it was always a control what information you provide them and use tracking blockers on 3rd party sites
deleting your account is pretty retarded and just opens you up for identity theft and impersonation
or just move to EU and spam GDPR requests
it's probs 'cause you're done a retortaid raycis wipo.
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you are just in cocoon mode.keep improoving, lifting and moneymaxxing and some day a single mom who's ready to settle down will let you pay her bills and raise her spawn
Get on Meetup, join groups (including related WhatsApp groups), go to events, meet people, chat in between events, etc. Also just Google for local hobby and special interest clubs / groups. It’s not that hard unless you live in Bumfuck, Nowhere, population 150.
>having social media accounts
You're a loser here too.
You would gag if you saw what these guys looked like in real life.
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>pre 2020
shitposts on social media
lurk on 4chan
>post 2020
shitposts on 4chan
lurk on social media
poo loo
just use AI anon.
who needs friends?
Good post.
I'd also add that, if you're on the internet, you should probably have a website. Social media will try to retain your attention by any means necessary, no matter how detrimental they are to your well being. Having a website, and following other sites through RSS feeds/mailing lists, not only allows you to see and post things online without the likes of shadowbanning and endless scrolling, but also gives you a platform for people to reach out to you without being subject to the everchanging rules of social media.

Having your website, at the very least, allows people to reach you through a platform you control, not beholden to someone else's rules. It's also a great excuse to experiment with creating stuff, lile writing, drawing, video/image editing, etc.
I deleted my social media accounts because I didn't engage friends on them. It was a slow realization back in 2016, that I didnt have any good reason to continue having a facebook account. I keep in contact with my closest friends. But I'm not sure I'd really want to get back into personal social media just for acquaintances I happen to meet. Or if I wanted to get back in touch with all my old friends I wouldn't even know what platform to use. I hate how all popular social media works too: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Their designs are just really shitty and anti user.
wait people really count RSS feeds and personal websites and emails social media? I only assumed OP deleted TikTok and immediately went to posting wojaks.
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>it's another /g/ thread of a bunch of anons pretending to be confident social butterflies irl
You don't know anything about me. I could have been on of the guys socializing with your mom last night
>now I have 0 friends
You weren't supposed to keep all your friends in the 'puter, anon.
You already had 0 friends.
>now i have 0 friends
when i deleted my social media my friends messaged me through email
anon, you never had real friends
I feel just as lonely even when I interact irl. I maybe have 2 real human friends. I won't go into a rant. But life can suck.
>nothing turns out the way you wish
in that case, you never had any friends to begin with
>wait people really count RSS feeds and personal websites and emails social media?
No, I was comparing social media and personal websites in terms of posting stuff online and communicating with people. Both things allow you to do that, but in very different ways. Personal sites are good, better than social media.
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I Dont need anything, I have /g/
>implying having a social media would help you get friends
This is a made up scenario isn't it? You didn't really delete all your social media did you?
>No social media except 4chan
Incel chud thug Crook
they didn't need to be convinced.

the unfortunate truth is that communicating with people IRL is much harder and drains more energy than communicating with people via text because in addition to the semantics of what is said or explicitly omitted you also communicate with your body language, your tone, pacing, etc.
communicating with people effectively in this manner is difficult, especially in a world where social media (e.g. twitter or reddit) trains people to react negatively to all kinds of minor tone aspects of communication, making people more conscious of their own communicative deficiencies.

this is why far more people prefer to take the route that takes less energy: avoid talking to people at all beyond their jobs or limit communication to text, where communicating without tripping someone up is far easier.
now that deplatforming is a thing you can't really escape the tyranny of others. you would need your own server on a hacked backbone that you can easily change as needed
I had social media and I had no friends then. What’s the point in having them?
>now I have 0 friends.
literally happened to me, I used to have daily streaks on snapchat with a bunch of a girls. I deleted all my socials during college because I thought I was going to focus on muh career but nothing came out of that and I haven't had a single friend for the past 2 years
>now I have 0 friends
You had 0 friends before, too. All that's changed is that you're now aware of it.
you forgot the next step. Now, go out.
cool it with the antisemitic remarks
You're a pathetic loser even with 'friends', don't kid yourself, you retarded ESL shitter.
the only reason i would get friends is so i cam use them to find a wife and fuck off to someplace else
Whatsapp always just werked for me
4 u
but they are, in fact, under-socialized, and under-humanized as well as a consequence, plus socially very immature, which is another consequence
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>>tfw fell for the "delete all social media accounts"
>now I have 0 friends. why are you like this /g/?
Sounds like you didn't have any friends to begin with.
They were never friends…that’s why I deleted it. Whenever I would see them in-person, they acted like they didn’t know me because they didn’t. I also realized I didn’t really know them either. After living in freedom, you realize how fake social media is
>why can't I find a job
That could work, but having a mirror on the Tor network with proper opsec so the real IP of the server is never revealed seems simpler.
This is how I learned nobody but my family cares about me.
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same?, i don't have social media/ don't use them bc, well i have facebook for school and shi, but when i first deleted all social media i also felt like if i didn't have as many fiends as before.
But, the truth is that all of those people they weren't your friends, they where and are just numbers in a dumb and retarded app. I think that's good that you deleted social media, now try to spend more time on other things or something, i mean, there's shit tons of things that you can do.
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I deleted all my social media accounts recently. How long until my data gets deleted on average?
The trick is you private them. I still have no friends other than one IRL friend I see once every few months.
Yeah but I didn't ruin my career being an open racist online either. I'm still embedded, maybe in your office, microagressing women and minorities. When you're in the office alone and you hear a faint voice in the ether saying "NIGGER", that's me.
i don't remember where i read and how many time certainly, but, i think it was a few years at least
i have a weird antisocial (autism? i genuinely don't know) problem where i feel an instinct to "socialize" and "connect" with people on something like facebook but i have too many negative thoughts and emotions that prevent me from enjoying the experience and i have to completely disconnect.

idk how it comes so naturally to normies. something is definitely genetically wrong with me.
Fake. I only have Discord (working on getting rid of this), Signal, and my own site and things are fine.

I impregnate lesbian couples and lone roasties to spread my seed far and wide. I don't want any of them or the kids they produce finding me and fucking me for child support in future.

Keep your cancerous practices to yourself. I will continue to breed anonymously.
huh are you me
>idk how it comes so naturally to normies

most of what you're calling socialization is largely status signaling, which is a game that can release a lot of good feeling brain chemicals, just a guess.
Essentially. Normalfaggots don't really have friends in the true sense, just buddies or acquaintances that make them feel good. I am so glad I don't waste my time with that bullshit. It seems like an empty existence for the spiritually (and mentally) retarded.
There's no "why", I just am. Baleeted all slop accounts during lockdown, best thing I've ever done and zero desire to go back.
actually, glad you brought this up. i think that's a big part of it. i've never enjoyed the status signalling. maybe that's because i have low self esteem.
explains how they manage to have so many despite it being a physical impossibility
Send me some of your sloppy seconds, Anon. I am in dire need of prime lesbo coochie.
You forgot the part where you go touch grass and meet people irl
imagine always meeting people irl
maybe in your not eclipsed land, but going anywhere in new york, especially just walking outside your apartment in NYC means meeting hordes of scum and villainy, and the nightlife is just all fat and drugged out communists
why would you still be uhurrdurr go out and meet people in that situation? there is noone to meet except escaping to somewhere in the world where there are common people, which unless you happen to know french and go to the backwoods of france you will never be safe, besides the NWO is destroying every country area
>no social media
>no smart phone
I email and call those close to me. Life is good.
This is dumb. Just have your own blog and some glownigger IM app like Signal or Telegram
What is the use case for friends?
having someone to talk about technology and politics with instead of only talking to feds on 4chan
I've met four of my online friends that I built a rapport and trust with for years. Skill issue.
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you could be like me and have social media and no friends
>some day a single mom who's ready to settle down will let you pay her bills
yall can't even pay your own bills kek
they're for people to create community because they've spent their entire lives being selfish and now they must redeem themselves by helping others.
The maximum amount of people a human can form a social connection with and know is something ridiculous in comparison to follower/connection counts, iirc 150.
I dont post anything on social media
I just look at memes and try not to cry when I don't have anyone to send them to
a) gee is better than your own family
b) chatgpt is also a better friend than 50+% of Earth's population
why those friends didnt install privacy friendly messenger apps just to stay in contact with you? it's literally a bunch of clicks, and then you could go play online games with them.
ah, right. they're all randos who didn't give a shit. nice friends lol
No use case, pure bloat. Deprecated and considered harmful.
There's no sex involved :(

Sperm in a pot. Actually not all of them are that attractive so it's not such a big deal. Few absolute babes though.
>he doesn't have a tight nit group of friends that he made in highschool and still hangs out with
lol ngmi

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