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Why don't more people use this piece of brilliance, I don't get it
It has to do with psychology. Most people on /g/ are mentally and emotionally stunted. They need to feel like they're using something either niche and interesting, or difficult, so they fall for every meme and use Niggerpoofartux with some gimmick instead of known mainline distros. Meanwhile most normalfags who'd actually use something relatively well-known just default to Ubuntu due to its reputation.
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Because they're too stupid to install non-free firmware packages and KDE Plasma

Debian is the best linux distro to date if you at least know what your host machine needs.
It's rock solid and secure as fuck compared to anything else out there.
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since debian already introduces the non free firmware (since deb12), the two main reasons are: people have hardware released after deb12, or, people are ignorant about debian stable and it's frozen packages, so they believe that debian is abandon ware
it used to be hard to install but now with Raspbian, I think it has a comeback
This is why.
Go away pleb, what is your point again ?
Sorry, wrong link.

My point is that Debian can't even get latest stable KDE into its development branch after six months.
Fedora Silverblue
Oh, yeah, fair point, but that's not a deal breaker to me
I'm a chronic updooter. I need to run latest stable. And it's kind of justified on KDE.
>I'm a chronic updooter.
Then why are you even looking at Debian?
I wanted to run KDE 6 on Sid.
Do you want 6 specifically or do you just want the latest?
Will you actually run Plasma 6 on Sid when it becomes available or will you be wanting the newer release by then?
shitty installer (forces on-disk swap in 2024), no AUR
I want my distro to track latest stable. Basically I want Arch. But Debian has a certain comfy vibe to it. Probably because I grew up with it. But also it does things in stricter fashion due to Debian Policy. For example, Debian is more disciplined around upstream licencing including enabling the user to properly filter by licence. I accidentally installed a non-free package on Arch this week. On Debian I could configure my system so that is impossible or at least flaggable.
In other words, I would run Debian if it kept Sid fresh.
>KDE 6
My dude, KDE Plasma 6.1.3 is the best Linux desktop I have ever used. And I have used them all over the decades.
Newfag here, what should I know before trying out debian?
The stability seems promising but does it really lock you out from using untested versions of software?
Thanks in advance
You can always use Flatpak if you need newer software than what the distro provides.
Debian basically picks and arbitrary point in time to freeze its package versions. It then tries to fix all the bugs and release the distro. Sounds good in theory. Doesn't quite work out in practice.
this. debian always has ancient nvidia drivers, so for anything gpu-related, I always go with ubuntu instead. debian for everything else.
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But I do
It won't detect my soundcard, Xubuntu does
Simple as
Non-free firmware is now included in the installer. Default DE configuration is however terrible when compared to other distros.
because I prefer not to run systemaiDs
i just wiped my desktop and installed debian for the first time, without a gui. i'm finally going to catch up on my reading/studies, stop wasting my time with video content and web browsing, and actually learn vim beyond the basics-- as soon as I throw this fucking laptop into the trashcan anyway
How are you gonna watch porn?
It is very common in servers though
Not my problem
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It is not Debian's fault if Plasma 6 is so bad that it has not even reached the point of entering the experimental branch. Meanwhile, on the other hand, we already have Gnome 46.3.1 in the unstable branch.
You think Plasma 6 is bad because Debian hasn't packaged it. But it's actually Debian that is bad because it hasn't packaged Plasma 6. It's literally the best Linux desktop ever.
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I have "( . )( . ) B===D~" saved as a text file in my home folder
>it used to be hard to install
How? you just click next on every screen. The only screen you need to even think for is the one that asks for a username and password
You took the clot shot lmao
I use Debian on my laptop that I hardly use because it is stable and works great without any effort. I prefer an OS with more regular releases on my daily driver though.
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If you aren't a gaymer it will serve you well. I use it with XFCE on my primary laptop.
you must be a zoomer
It's not brilliant. It's not good. It's merely okay.
what's so brilliant about it? it's just a really boring distro. i use it on my servers because of how boring it is.
I think he made a point a couple of days ago that Debian has a hard preference for GNOME. It could be, or they just might not have maintainers interested in KDE (which would be very worrying though?). Either way I'm not really affected since I use GNOME on my Linux desktop but everyone should be able to make their own choices.
boring is good
you're not even a zoomer, youre a gen alpha, it wasnt like that some years ago
Debian's CUDA packages put things in non-standard paths, which is usually OK, but if you have to compile things it can quickly become a nightmare. If you want CUDA, use the non-free driver and the netinstall method, do not use the debian-native packages.
>Why don't more people use this piece of brilliance, I don't get it
Because of
I use Devuan.
Tried Debian 12 with KDE and Discover kept crashing over and over. On Kubuntu it works.
I don't know if I'm just a schizo but Debian seemed to get slower on my machine. After installing it it worked great but as time passed on it got slower. I didn't install a bunch of bloat either. This never happened on mint or ubuntu.
not boring=not working
Linux is so weird with their “cadences” and separation of “server OS” and “desktop OS”.
FreeBSD was this boring, supposedly conservative thing, but it had more up to date shit. I dipped my foot into Debian, and was like nope within a month and ran to a minimal Fedora install.
Why though? It literally just worked on my machine, I switched from Ub*ntu. Of course, I run it on servers only, these are server operating systems not intended for desktop use.
Yes that’s the problem.
I tried Debian on my laptop.
It didn’t work out. Was mostly usable, but I wasn’t that familiar with this rigid separation thing in the Loonix culture, coming from mostly messing around with BSD and Mac
Can you describe your issue in my more detail? Seems like you didn't like Debian, but you refuse to elaborate why. It is true that certain distros are server focused. Alpine for instance made with the sole purpose of serving as a minimal container. But you can repurpose even that for desktop use.
I’ll give a funny example.
The new Transmission didn’t make the bookworm cut. You’d have to Flatpak or something. I wanted the new Transmission, lmao, and I was bummed they wouldn’t let me have it.
Did not work on my machine so fuck it.
You can just use backports.
I don’t believe this was backported
I had all those repos in my source list
Debian is a little bitch with coc'd maintainers (ask them about why KDE isn't updated in Sid) that manufactured "consent" for the systemd ramthrough by not allowing a simple yes/no vote.
Since Debian has basically removed everything about the distro that made it unique you may as well use one of the distros that does "Redhat but with a twist" that are infinitely quicker on their feet, better documented, and more geared toward desktop use.
What's wrong with Flatpak? I actually like the idea of it.
Idk I examined it, a little.
And it “felt” like some kind of weird overkill to me for a lot of stuff. I actually use it now, on Fedora, for a few things.
but I'm using Devuan right now
so.... In conclusion, you're a retard?
32bit debian 12
They kicked their main Plasma maintainer a few years ago over some pronouns polemic. Conveniently just before the Bookworm freeze. Coincidentially just around the time GNOME 45 was falling appart. Many coincidences.
is harder to install proprietary programs like spotify, discord as they arent in the distro repos.
in linux mint you can search for discord and spotify in the graphical store, in debian you need to find the .deb package in the site and it mostly will not have a debian specific package and can fuckup the distro
Debian is a gnomes distribution, deal with it nerd.
I’m cool with package managers and the odd Flatpak. It took me forever to figure out how to make that shit respect the dconf settings. But I guess that’s more a consequence of not using GNOME / KDE. I’m new to desktop Loonix, mkay?
The outdated software can be annoying sometimes. I always choose debian for my servers though.
because rolling distros are better
How can it be the best if it's so out of date for stability? The lost stability from the dev edition or a derivative like Mint Edge is negligible.
MATE is superior to all.
>because rolling distros are b-ACK
so... low iq + skill issue?
I'm inclined to give it a go but i'm biased because Ubuntu has 1st party support for most things despite being a shit distribution for the end user all around so i stick with Mint for now. If they are going to stick with GNOME they should at least offer a no branded version of it because their customizations suck. Debian's also suck but at least they use mostly vanilla branding.
I've used every distro out there and nothing tends to be as good as Debian for a daily driver. There are of course trade offs so that's mainly what you need to keep in mind when using Debian. Most programs are available as a package in Debian but they tend to be out of date only really get security or bug fixes.
This is fine for 90%+ of programs you'll use as chances are you don't care or know what the difference is between the current version of mpv and what Debian ships. For other programs like emulators where newer updates do matter you'll often find them packages as app images, flatpaks, and snaps. Personally I just use flatpaks for any newer program I need.
There are some downsides unfortunately one of which being that some packages like academic or professional software are only packaged in .deb files that are designed with Ubuntu LTS packages in mind. So if you wanted to install MySQL Server using dpkg you may run into some issues. The other big issue is that desktop environments are still a pain point on Linux which means the newer version do bring much needed updates and you'll always be stuck waiting on those features. The final consideration is the age of your hardware as you'll also get an older Linux kernel and by extension drives. So brand new hardware may not work on stable.
The other thing to keep in mind is that some software may have special steps needed to install it like steam otherwise I don't think I'd personally hop again.
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running a rolling release distro like arch or debian testing is like playing roulette every time you update hoping for the best.
skipping 2 months of updates and you just want to kys because everything breaks.
>If they are going to stick with GNOME they should at least offer a no branded version of it because their customizations suck.
Switching to vanilla GNOME on Ubuntu is trivial.
LMDE is neat because they have a repo to backport newer releases of Cinnamon, best option if you like Cinnamon or Debian and need something easy IMO.
Sounds like a KDE problem. If you make shovelware that needs daily bugfixes, your software is shit.
i wonder if bookworm has distrobox these days, that's another option.
>not using debian with btrfs and timeshift
why do I see bsd and linux people clone/pull into ~/.config and make and install from there?

Is this just a convention? I mean can't you do it from anywhere?
I've literally heard of this. My most educated guess would be that ~/.config is the user-specific equivalent to /etc (used for misc data that doesn't fit anywhere else)
LMDE or Ubuntu Mint?
Ubuntu Mint, though I kinda want to jump ship to LMDE eventually.
Is already there
Problem would be using older version of Podman. I heard this also works with Docker but never tested.
Its release model doesn't match my usage on the desktop. I like to have the latest gnome, etc.
Otherwise, it's rock solid on my servers.
home config
why wouldn't you?
bring debian to desktop
i used to use mint, but then i changed to arch (and still in arch btw), so, do you guys recommend me debian? what are the pros and cons?
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Good morning, sir.
Debian is good if you don't care that you're going to run an older version of Mesa and sometimes Nvidia drivers and you don't mind using Flatpaks or building from Software. Otherwise, there's going tone friction.
Linux literally has no use case.

Server or workstation: BSD
Gaymen or "artist": Wangblows/MacOS, respectively

You're subjecting yourself to both shitty toxic social idiocy and to shitty toxic convoluted aimless fragmented bloated design.

Come home white man.
DietPi (based on Debian) runs alright on my gook SBC, seeding torrents, hosting my files, and turned my dumb printer into a network connected one, and it's been running 24/7
I use Arch on my desktop btw
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Kde maintainer got pushed out so it's unmaintained. Distro is gay as fuck and broken most of the time. Distrobox made it somewhat usable in recent years but at that point why not just use the distro you're creating containers of.
> kde

They seem to be releasing kde 6.1 on experimental rn, the maintainer being pushed out was a few years ago if I recall. kde 6.1 should be ready by debian 13 stable apparently

> distro usability
Depends on what you want, for gaming things are a strained, and using backports and flatpaks allow for a great deal of flexibility for most things if you're stable. If testing or unstable....good luck I guess

> debian gay
Arch mdlb, gentoo cbt, fedora chastity cucked, opensuse scaly, slackware findommed, nix tulpafucked, void permacel
it's alright and i've used it, but have since switched from devuan to slackware
What is so much better about BSD?
>fedora chastity cucked
kek, I use Fedora btw
That’s harsh bro you can’t mean it
I'm considering moving to LMDE. I love debian but it really isn't quite what I want for a daily driver, and I fucking hate how bloated Ubuntu is. Would love to hear your further thoughts on Ubuntu Mint, especially if you have used regular Ubuntu/Xubuntu before.
>hate how bloated Ubuntu is
Can't you just remove whatever you don't want?
You literally can't remove things from Jewbuntu without bricking the entire install.
Can you be more specific?
Ancient packages. I see why people use it on servers, but Debian on desktops is a total meme and you should install something else if you're younger than 60. I personally recommend Fedora.
>corrupting your data and raping your ssd
>you should install something else if you're younger than 60
I guess I'm a boomer at heart. Even Debian's packages aren't ancient enough for me.
because Ubuntu and Mint exist
Debian's main appeal is ideology - muh independent, muh community, muh upstream, muh freedoms, etc. If you don't care about any of that, there's better long-term-support distros out there.
Debian is for freedom hating communists.
Want proof? Ubuntu is based on it.
run it on headless boxes for decades, can't be arsed fiddling for desktop use when mint just werks
same with my NAS there was some bullshit to run ZFS on deb when I built it but ubuntu server worked ootb
>non-free driver and the netinstall method
That picture smells awful
Packages get too old. Good for a stable server that doesn't try to do anything cutting edge. Shit for desktop or a server running new stuff.
Disagree, debian’s main appeal is for ppl who want the old windows experience of shit not changing for months, if not years, and a system that is stable and reliable to do shit on. If it breaks it breaks like the olde windows viruses, and you might as well reinstall OS, which isn’t as bad as it’s east now
Mint works for the most part, though you're still suceptible to the ocassional upstream bug (i.e. there is a regression in the current 6.8 Ubuntu Kernel that makes mounting NTFS drives throw an error).
Cinnamon may not be your cup of tea too, it has the same issues as most X11 DEs like poor support for VRR.
As I literally said earlier, if an LTS distro is what you want, then there are better options out there. The only people who insist on using Debian are those who are ideologically opposed to Canonical and Red Hat. It does not bring anything practical to the table on its own.
Anon, I use Debian since Potato. That's 24 years. Give me any reason to change a distribution.
I don't care what you do with your computer.
>The only people who insist on using Debian are those who are ideologically opposed to Canonical and Red Hat
That in and of itself a very compelling reason to use Debian
Whatever makes you feel better.
Debian's official DE is GNOME.
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been using debian testing since 2013
everything that breaks is bloat
everything you need can be compiled from source
Debian is a server OS, and as such, the only DE that matters is the CLI through SSH.
Debian has no default DE, but the desktop task (which is optional) defaults to GNOME.
"Debian's official DE is GNOME." would mean you can't install Debian without installing GNOMe, and there are at least two ways to do so (not selecting GNOME in the standard Debian installer and installing with Calamares in a KDE/xfce/other live iso).
I've installed Debian many times over thelast 20 years, and i only installed GNOMe once or twice to try it long after I installed Debian.
>just installed debian stable + backports
Feels good man. I realized the only software I use that needs to be up to date at all times is yt-dlp which gets backported.
I just pull the raw binary straight off of GitHub lmao. I see no reason to fuck my distro packages/repos over this.
I fell for the Debian testing trap for two years or so. A trap because who uses a distro without security patches? Only idiots.
Debian stable is running on my servers. There is no other usecase for Debian.
If you use any hardware from the past 6 years it doesn't work. Ubuntu and Mint are also asleep at the wheel. If you use modern hardware you're stuck with Fedora or Arch based.
Testing and Sid don't have security repos because the patches come directly from upstream.

Also using "Just" Testing is only advised if you want to report bugs for the next Stable.
Pinning Testing with a few packages from Sid and maybe Experimental is the best way to use Testing as a daily driver.
Why do people complain about Debian packages being too old and then use Mint? Isn't Mint based on a version of Ubuntu LTS that's even older than the current Debian?
Debian testing does get security patches asap if they're urgent enough. Usually though there's a 2 week period where a package remains in unstable before being moved to testing. I stopped using testing though because they recently had an annoying several month long transition to fix some 32 bit 2038 time keeping bug that no one will ever see. They froze or outright temporarily removed a lot of packages I use and I had to modify my sources.list to grab them from stable or unstable, which causes its own set of problems.
Sid was good for a bit, then they bullied Norbert out.
So Arch it is.
My 7900 GRE works on stable, with one caveat: I had to download firmware from kernel git, and unpack it. But that was literally a one time process, easy as shit and only took a couple of minutes.
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literally who

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