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How does this happen to such a large court system? (Largest in the world)

Do Ransomware hackers ever dump data if they aren't paid?

The Los Angeles Superior Court is notorious for making it difficult to lookup cases except by case name, the party names, or case number. This makes it almost impossible to figure out collusion with judges and lawyer conflicts since you cannot access cases by laywer name.

It also seems like Charlie Munger's company Daily Journal (a newspaper) and Journal Technologies owns the interface used to file documents with the Court....

And a bunch of places seem to have access through API to get additional information the public cant readily access...

anyone have any info?
As long as they have backups they'll be fine. Lost a week of work at most and then spend another week catching up reentering everything, then it's back to business. Happens to the best.
god I love all these cybersecurity attacks lately because IT boomers are retiring and companies have no replacement or they have tech illiterate zoomers.
I'm millennial but I think even boomers will have the same process here - restore your backups, and spend 20 hours in meetings explaining that no you can't "look at the logs" and import all the data that people tried to transmit while the system was down, and no you can't patch the security hole that led to the attack, the best you can do is keep software up to date from the vendor and hope people are not dumb enough to fall for spear phishing attacks again.
based, fuck commiefornia
>then spend another week catching up reentering everything,
Never interacted with an American court system before, I see.
All of their own making. They chose to not hire people for a competitive wage. This is the result. Total and utter incompetence.
All money belongs to corrupt judges and lawyers. Why should they even care about this? Get few days free holiday. Only ones suffering are their victims anyway. All monetary consequences are from tax payers who don't care.
>How does this happen to such a large court system?

I can only wonder...
Finally, someone calling Crowdstrike what it really is.
>IT boomers are retiring
Was chatting w/ a friend recently
> both of us are are infosec consultants
> he focuses on .gov and .mil stuff (he's got TS/SCI)
> I focus mainly on .com stuff
One common point emerged: Active Directory is getting more complex and people that fully understand a domain's AD implementation are retiring / quitting. And the people taking their place seem to be command line averse.
> mfw John Galt was a domain admin who quit 3 weeks ago
I legitimately hope billions were wasted on this shit.
All this proves is if you're going to be a retarded nigger and install nonfunctional spyware, at least be heterogeneous about your choices in spyware.

having a single software vendor bring down everything is pathetic and hilarious. I guess nature was right with that whole biodiversity thing.
>mfw John Galt was a domain admin who quit 3 weeks ago
oy vey. they prefer the term "compliance assurance payments."
John Galt, the man nobody knows but everyone needs.
thank you for your truthful and inspiring words. I changed the topic of some group chat at work to WHO IS JOHN GALT
This. I hope everything burns down and makes the greedy people responsible seethe
what OS were they using?
Totally unrelated to Los Angeles county. Really.
> be me
> 2016
> infosec vendor
> visiting a county registrar in a large western state
> been there before
> walk in
> armed guard checks ID
> wut.jpg
> last time it was just a rent-a-cop without a sidearm
> get on elevator
> ding.mp3
> get off at floor, another armed guard checks my ID
> points me to meeting room
> clients from county enter
> me: what's w/ the armed guards?
> "fucking Bernie supporters"
> wut
> "yeah, we caught them three times sitting at workstations, doing shit at keyboards"
> what were they doing?
> "dunno, nobody reported anything"
> aggressive-disinterest.mp3
> We look at the Oracle cluster that runs their county, (and their elections)
> transactions oscillate w/ time of day, totally normal
> errors are a flat wall at several thousand per hour, no correlation to transaction volume, that's unusual
> we look at the errors
> a few syntax errors, but vast majority of the errors are login failures
> Oracle helpfully tells you the user account that was attempted when a login fails
> all the login failures were for 'sa' which is a god-mode account on Oracle
> county employees: zero fucks given
> we zoom out and go back in time, errors have been going on for 3 weeks
> county employees still have all their fucks
> we pivot to IP space of who is causing the errors
> it's IP space owned by the Dept. of Water and Power
> "should the Power department be accessing the election database directly?"
> county: "uh, no"
> we might be getting somewhere
> this certainly smells like somebody trying to brute force database access from the Power department
> maybe a Power asset was popped, or maybe they're just up to some fuckery
> county: "but, nobody has reported anything, let's move on to something interesting"
That was the county's information security team.
County employees don't give one flying fuck because they know they have X days until retirement and those sweet pension dollars.
Are you sure its ransomware and the announcement poster not knowing that Crowdstrike was security software? Its the same day
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bai lan bros….we’re winning
>How does this happen

>import millions of shitskins who don't pay taxes
>penalize business that hire whites
>govt only hires shitskins



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