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Post those uptimes
surely you aren't bragging about a 9 day uptime? wouldn't surprise me with how much leunuchs gnome/kde memory leak and crash that you deem this impressive

my daily driver windows server desktop does 100 days without breaking a sweat. only thing preventing it from cruising for longer is me rebooting for security updoots
why would you do this
what's the point
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my uptime outlived your president
>100 days uptime
btfod by clownstrike

you must be mad
also post winfetch fagot
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work 'puter
>Screenshot from 2024-07-23 15-11-42.png
looks like you do a whole lot of nothing on that computer. typical
>btfod by clownstrike
how can i be btfod by clownstrike if i don't even have it installed and explicitly implied i only invoke updates manually and occasionally
>also post winfetch fagot
ironically i updated 9 days ago so i have a 9 day uptime, just like OP
>looks like you do a whole lot of nothing on that computer.
>implying you post on 4keks from a woork machine

did you only notice its posted from a currybook from 2006?
you physically cannot do anything worthwile on this machine except post on 4chuds
its even too worthless to even browse for documentation

>corporate drone being retarded
also post winfetch its literally the point shtick of this thread
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I shutdown daily so its not perfect or anything
>do what I say!!
>did you only notice its posted from a currybook from 2006?
>you physically cannot do anything worthwile on this machine except post on 4chuds
>its even too worthless to even browse for documentation
why would you have ubuntu gnome installed on it and why do you even have a dedicated 4cheddit posting machine?
why even bring it up?
can you post uptime from your 'real' computer then?
>also post winfetch its literally the point shtick of this thread
no it's about uptimes. i already told you that i currently have a 9 day uptime
do you not believe i use windows server or something?
>cant see why you would want a dedicated shitposting machine
>ruins neofetch thread with his retardation
>doesnt even post neo/win fetch
lurk more napoleonian retard
nobody likes you
not even your mother
but before you go i can tell you one thing
>why uboontu on currybük?
bc it just werks, unlike wintrash OR fagOS
>>cant see why you would want a dedicated shitposting machine
no. you are actually infantile and you have no need for this
>>ruins neofetch thread with his retardation
uptime thread
>>doesnt even post neo/win fetch
>lurk more napoleonian retard
can i come up with creative insults like this if i purchase a dedicated 4cheddit currylaptop?
>nobody likes you
yes they do
>not even your mother
yes she does
Why do you keep your computer turned on? What the fuck is wrong with you wasting electricity, do you not care about losing money like a retard?
not him but gnome is comfy, I use KDE Plasma due to needing HDR but I prefer Gnome wherever possible.
i wouldn't put windows or ubuntu on a simple laptop like you did. i actually have a lot of experience with un*x systems. but you underestimate me because i'm inflammatory and it confuses your directionbrain
>wasting electricity
unused power is wasted power
imagine not producing your own free electricity via wind/solar in 2024 and relying on the grid
The only retards are you gridfags who when some storm blows through you lose power... imagine relying on other people for basic life necessities.
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>yes she does
Brian Kernighan seems to disagree
and i implicitly trust the guy

>uptime thread
id refer you to my picrel, again
like i said, i implicitly trust the guy

>can i come up with creative insults like this if i purchase a dedicated 4cheddit currylaptop?
that would be a step in the right direction

>yes they do
cf. §1
>i wouldn't put windows or ubuntu on a simple laptop like you did.
jewbuntoo is the lowest effort install one could go for

even if you polish a turd
its still a turd
i lay this argument to rest now
have a good day
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OS update this morning. had to restart
same to you anon :)
>if you polish a turd
~$ uptime
16:36:20 up 1 day, 21:34, 0 users, load average: 22.74, 23.81, 23.90
lowest I can do this rig is slow
for the anons who keep up their systems 100+ days, what are you using to prevent a power cycle during lightning strikes that hit transformers?
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>be me, at work
>main service crashes contantly, vp of engineering has to restart it manually every day
>they wrote that service before I started at the company
>the high throughput service I wrote has never crashed, ever
>no bugs at all
>no job submitted to it has ever failed
>I've forgotten all about the code because I haven't had to touch it in over a year
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It's a laptop I have in a cupboard attached to a 8 Tb HdD. I use it as a cloud. ssh into it from my phone or work computer, can torrent shit on it using transmission-cli or rip shit from the internet or YouTube. Why wouldn't you want that?
you're proud that you waste electricity? Just turn it off when not in use, or is the startup time that slow
>128Gb of ram
>24 core CPU
how much it cost and what do you do with it?
what's the point? you wouldn't believe it anyway.
<$500 and i'm going to load openstack for a hybrid cloud with devops stuff
Surely you aren't bragging about 3 month uptime? My Debian install regularly runs for 6 and I only turn it off when the power cuts out or I install new components
up 23 hours, 41 minutes
Did a kernel update a month ago...
i hear the 6.10 kernel comes with pretty big improvements so gotta get that
how is your kernel so old if you run arch and say you updated it a month ago?
i remember there used to be a site where people would compete for the highest uptime. i miss it.. think it was uptimeprj or something
6.6 is the latest lts kernel. And you can literally see I built it on 2024-06-15
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>imagine believing the uptime is a relevant metric in fucking 2024
its a discussion starter you dweeb

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