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How long until it's banned completely?
Not a gaymer. In what games/situations would this be useful?
twitch e-sports shooters like Valorant and CS mainly where you will have more dominant strafe and peek movement
None of this shit matters at all
>b-but pros use it
they're paid to
pros want it banned
i really dont give a fuck
Can't you implement this in a few hours in QMK with an nkr keyboard?
In CS and TF2 this is literally just a cfg script, you don't need a special keyboard
How can you ban a keyboard feature?
It's all done in the kb firmware, undetectable by anticheats.

Keyboards are technolo/g/y.
This, I've had it in cfgs for 10 years.
Really just should be how inputs are handled by default by the game
I use this on pokemon and havent noticed a difference
someone already raised a PR
so you cheat at video games, gotcha
can't games just process input the same way and change their movement code a bit and then this doesn't do anything for strafing? as far as i know this only works because of the specific stuff that games like CS do with the velocity when suddenly changing directions, and if they did that with input instead of velocity then snap tap would do nothing
Rebinding your inputs isn't cheating, even some comp players use it (not all because some think it's actually worse)
>Keyboards are technolo/g/y.
so poast in keyboard general you board shitter
>How can you ban a keyboard feature?
>It's all done in the kb firmware, undetectable by anticheats.
kb features can absolutely be found and banned. Recently one of the top osu players got caught because his kb registered both the down and up strokes as presses and thus had much faster clicking. And if this stuff can be tuned by user software kernel anticheat can absolutely interface with the "hidden" features.
never? if it's baked into the controller of the keyboard you can't do shit.
>ban people based on memey handwavy and deniable heuristics
anticheats and competitive gaming is a fucking joke.
b-but having velocity in movement makes it, le bad.
If you want to have top priority at execution of your keystrokes you just need to connect your keyboard to the PS2 port, it literally sends interrupts to the processor and you don't need slopware to do this for you
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When people are suspected of doing shady things with their kb the community and sometimes often devs demand a hand cam. That and the fact that the tapping was weirdly timed were how the person got banned.
And i dont see why "snap tap" should be build into the kb. Like others said this can be simply turned on in some games or you can use other software to emulate the behavior that you want.
Games, such as CS:GO, require you to be completely still for there to be little/no spread on the bullets being fired.
This feature makes it so that you can go from pressing 'a' (left) to a complete stop (pressing d to go the other direction) much easier. Without this feature, there's a high chance of human error due to overlapping key presses (when one key is being released, you might press the other before it's fully released).

It means you can stop marginally faster, causing your aim to be better, which leads to a higher chance of winning.
There have been scripts that do this in the past, but they've been banned in all major tournaments, while this keyboard isn't banned.
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But people who play for ranks and numbers dont get games in the first place. And then lying about what hardware you run ruins the last enjoyment that you could have had in a competitive setting.
nice trips on the pr
>Razer SNAP TAP™
Literally just last input priority SOCD resolution https://www.hitboxarcade.com/blogs/support/what-is-socd
People have been writing AHK scripts for every resolution for a decade, you don't need to buy a whole new keyboard if you think last input is better than neutral for FPS (it isn't)
This is an autoexec.cfg script not technology
wooting just released their version of this
It's literally just a cheat program. If this was any other program instead of being a part of the keyboard drivers, it would be considered cheating by everyone.
i'm trying to think how this would be useful for say CS counter strafing but i can't really figure out why it would help, feels like it would be more awkward than just pressing one at at time
>using old crt because muh latency? A-OK!
>using old cable controllers ebcause also latency? A-OK!
>taping two controllers to use some weird controller type? A-OK!
>using a tablet instead of mouse? A-OK!
gametroons and speedtroons are something else, the rules as to what's allowed and what isn't are so arbitrary it's beyond funny
that osu keyboard was probably banned because it was someone from outside the inner tranny circlejerk who came up with the idea, it would be 100% fine otherwise
> Razer makes leverless controllers for fighting games
> Razer re-uses SOCD implementation in keyboard software
Now that's business, take a solution and try to find a business for it
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find a problem* for it
I'm a retard
Maybe the people who speedrun know something you don't
>t. ranny
Cheats are defined by external software modifying the memory or binary files of a game. Scripts are literally built into the game.
i just tried it in cs2 and i dont see the appeal, in fact i think its worse than counterstrafing normally. why would you use this?
yeah i'm confused about this
maybe if you're retarded and when you're counterstrafing you're accidentally pressing both buttons?
thats when it goes wrong because you immediately just start going in that direction and become inaccurate again
it won't help people that already have the muscle memory
it will make people that don't on their level within 10 minutes
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like am i crazy? this is so much worse it looks like im new to the game like this
Running left-right like a spastic to make it difficult for your enemy to shoot you, also known as strafing, this technique is inaccessible to the console gamer.
already obsoleted totally by wooting
doesn't cs have some inertia mechanic? If so snaptap is probably useless for it
yes, to counteract that you tap the opposite strafe key (called counterstrafing) to bring your velocity down to 0 way faster than just letting go. snap tap is supposed to make this process way faster? but its completely different muscle memory, perhaps if i practiced it
Its not actually very useful in valorant, csgo yes, more useful in overwatch than valorant
its fucking crazy in overwatch cause you change directions instantly
protip your 150ms reaction time is slower than your keyboards key rollover.
I don't think this is really a thing in Source-engine shooters. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think because Source engine shooters are physics based, tapping A and D repeatedly won't make you jitter side to side very much since you have to ramp up to a top speed by holding the button. Of course, that is way more effective in games where you instantly move at full-speed when you press a direction.
Source engine game players make use of this feature in a different way, like this >>101538207 anon explained.
It would be considered a mild form of cheating but cheating, yes

The funniest thing about all this is how arbitrary the distinction here is between keyboard firmware and software on your computer. Maybe it's because I've been doing QMK stuff recently but the idea that Razer can take an old banned cheat script, just migrate it over to the keyboard side and pretend it's a technological advancement in keyboard design... lmfao

the real innovation here is in making deals with tournament officials to launder old software cheats and sell them as new hardware. The fucking balls. I wonder how much money changed hands to make sure this was given the green light. The fact there is silence from pros on this tells you how compromised that whole scene is.
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kek I'm retarded and initially thought W and S and was like what the fuck is the point of that. I mean this still seems absurdly niche but I don't play games competitively so maybe it matters more than I think.

Is this really about fps or just about some speedrunning trannies for a rythm game?
I watched the video about it, I guess it's more like a crutch than cheating
Lol, what a bunch of whiny gaymer pussies we have here...
dick testing

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