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I never got a problem with Microsoft Windows 11. It just works.
literally this, it just works and gets work done. NEET baby ducks and freetroons need not apply.
Same but with Linux Mint
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>just werks*
>*until it doesn't
>reposting the same thumbnail for months on end
Please buy an ad already.
Tried installing it twice, but didn't manage. My track record for installing Gentoo is much better.
nice vm bro
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> Bloat
> Botnet
> No privacy
> Backdoors for days. RIP when the NWO bricks your device for the cyber-polygon.
> Introducing Microsoft AI copilot, where we use new AI technology to record everything you do and totally don't use sell your data

Pls end yourself
>anime picture
not kms
>It just works.
If all you do is gayming, and considering you have temp meters on your taskbar it's probably what you do all day, then yes.

If you are not a gamer/poorfag you get a Mac.
ah yes, ms finally catching up to the linux "desktop" gui experience, now it really feels like I'm using some half assed retarded shit like gnome or KDE
what were they thinking?
Same but with Win10 which is why I haven't installed 11
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I never got a problem with Microsoft Windows 7. It just works
But that's Windows 10. The Windows 11 settings app doesn't look like that.

poo in loo sarahs

Win11 default Fullscreen optimization setting fuck up games
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>> Bloat
dont care
>> Botnet
dont care
>> No privacy
dont care
>> Backdoors for days. RIP when the NWO bricks your device for the cyber-polygon.
dont care
>> Introducing Microsoft AI copilot, where we use new AI technology to record everything you do and totally don't use sell your data
dont care
works on my machine
Same. I think it was rough for some at first, but the issues have been ironed out.
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While you're at it go take all the vaccines. Eat only seed oils, don't eat meat and don't forget to take a long walk off a short peer.


Bot post
What's bad about vaccines? I rather be safe than sorry.

Seed oils are indeed crap some even say they are toxic because of the refining process and meat is part of a normal human diet.

I mean just look at how seed oils are refined: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edible_oil_refining

Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Butter from grass fed cows all the way.
lol I've seen win11 crash an image gallery app
no way I'll ever settle for this absolute POS
So you are gooning to Aerith. I cant stop gooning to Tifa for hours, literally till it hurts
It looks ugly and is full of ads
Wanna goon together?
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BOT posting. Wouldn't expect anything less on this glowie honeypot
my old ass games run better than on w10 and I can alt-tab without crashing
0 IQ, the post
I kneel
you run 5mb program, click apply settings and solve most of your problems
>inb4 heh just one more script vro retard
most linux distros take like half an hour to setup to your needs and preferences so you won't lose any more time

also linux users should stfu about backdoors for some time after xz incident
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Of course it does, now do login to that proton mail account we haven't logged your password yet.
No wonder you are also too dumb to understand the importance of vaccination, retard-kun.
>the importance of vaccination
There is none.
>m-m-muh child mortality
Has only been a disaster for mankind overall.
Enjoy apt crashes, lmao
I hardly see anyone even talking about windows 11 here
so there's only 2 options

1. nobody is using it
2. it just works
I used Windows 10 for a long time and never had a ui bug like that. You're on a vm.
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Are you on Win7? You come off as a fellow that does not understand progress and genuinely fears innovation. Your life must be pathetic.
It's true. Also had lot's of problems with Linux
>You come off as a fellow that does not understand progress
I understand what "progress" entails i.e. loss of stability, destruction of traditions, decline in biodiversity, mental illness etc. more than anyone on this board. Not a single good thing has stemmed from notions of "progress".
I kneel
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just get windows 10 ltsc or whatever. Why you would subject yourself to a bloated OS unless you actually use the bloat is beyond me.
> Bloat
debloat or use ltsc
> Botnet
> No privacy
easily fixable with many programs or doing it urself editing files
> Backdoors for days. RIP when the NWO bricks your device for the cyber-polygon.
if ur on a computer using the internet theres always gonna be some backdoor unless ur an ultra schizo cp hoarder using some insane linux usb install that bricks itself
> Introducing Microsoft AI copilot, where we use new AI technology to record everything you do and totally don't use sell your data
not on my machine
debloating 11 is the same as debloating 10

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