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>Lama-3.1; 8b, 70b and 405 is now released on huggingface!

405b is beating chatgpt-4o, while being just half the parameter count, possibly because of not suffering the crippling effects of wokeness infusion

While the new 8 billion parameter models seems affected in reasoning by being forced to learn thirdie langues compared to the old 3.0 version.
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What's the VRAM requirement for 405b?
for 4q about 200gb, then more for context
one Mac Pro with M2 Ultra
say it
Literally won't run regardless of what you change

go for the smaller models
>he thinks the top llama model is uncensored
>he can't even run the foundation model on runpod without $200+ a month on runpod
>open source llm and nn are the path forward
Second that. Just don't tell any retards. Work or wait for or both. It will come and it will be the best.
>one Mac Pro with M2 Ultra
405B model, 192GB Mac...
you're going to run it at q3? Plus, even the absolute best M2 barely touches at 3070 in terms of performance.
Mark looking extra zesty here
thats just his new cool look
Whats the cheapest Hardware that can run the bigger models? Doesnt need to be fast just borderline usable. Do i have to become an itoddler?
what kind of specs do you realistic need to run something like this at home? definitely not something a desktop can handle on its own but how much hardware does a home server g tard need?
something like 160GB of VRAM however you can manage that
H100 dgx has 640 GB of vram
Is that the one that was leaked ages ago?
Did anyone make anything with it?
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nothing released so far is even remotely cool. the dalle3 shit was KINDA NEAT for like 3 months and it died out with how woke it fucking got after that first week of it being kino.
the whole ai thing is so shit. lama 3 405 just came out. it is at best as good as gpt4 lol like where the fuck are the robots and the fucking ai that will take over peoples jobs?!?!?
I trust this mother fucker as far as I can throw him. What's the catch Zuck? You want me to believe your releasing a multi million dollar piece of software for purely altruistic reasons..

Could I run something like this on say 128 lanes of avx512 at a tolerable token rate? Because I have access to a rig with nearly a tb of system ram.

He's doing it to fuck over Microsoft. He wants a model for internal use, has the hardware to train one because he was expecting to need it for the VR bullshit and ticktock knockoff. It looses him very little to release it to everyone.
To bring down Microsoft/OpenAI.

Which I suppose counts as altruistic reasons.
But can it produce the filthiest smut imaginable with no content restriction?
Nah, I think there's more to it than that.
Here's a few theories:

Get it integrated into everything then hold everyone hostage.

Facebook is on the decline, so he's all in on anything that will bring users.

And lastly, long term goals. If his company can steer or control responses, he can subtly influence users for political or financial gains.
How are the 'scores' generated for rating these models?
Someone had a 4090 and used the 405B option and it took him 30 mins for it to generate the word 'The'.

I am currently trying to install the 8B version but im a noob and only messed around with stable diffusion before this, so im just trying random shit the meta AI site tells me when I try to use it for tech support. Right now I got an error because I need the llama library but it cant install the llama library due to some error and its suggesting I download an older version of python but idk how to do that. and i tried updating pip and installing the other dependencies too.

But I need to finish this challenge of getting it to run locally I refuse to always use a website for it
what os are you on?
Windows of course, since I am a humble gamer dabbling in these things. Im using git bash as a terminal I guess although I tried to use powershell to see if that would magically fix any errors but it did not.
>fuck over Microsoft.
Dare I say it, but, based?
So it's "unsafe" and will have the hammer brought down on it behind the scenes.
Free testing
Sauce on 4o being 800B?
Open source so that retards can provide cuckerberg with free work and data. Great idea.
>405b is beating chatgpt-4o
no it's doesn't, it's barely better than the now decrepit chatgpt3
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zammmmmmmn zucky look like dat??
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nobody works on Llamo for free tho
only Stable diffusion corp managed that
The Llama-3.1-8b is pretty damn good.

Like turbo level at least which is great for local
Did they up the context?
>he thinks the top llama model is uncensored
Yikes. Fucking silicon valley cucks still complying with DEI.
crazy what a good haircut can do.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of reasoning.

>You want me to believe your releasing a multi million dollar piece of software for purely altruistic reasons..
To be fair, they already released a multi million dollar piece of software as open source (Pytorch), so MAYBE he's not so evil...
Nigga that shit costs almost HALF A MILLION DOLLARS
define tolerable token rate
either way, it'll be way under 1 tokens/sec
Man, I only get about 35tk/s with 70b on a 4090... I can't imagine there'd be a person out there with the hardware to run the big one that fast.

>Someone had a 4090 and used the 405B option and it took him 30 mins for it to generate the word 'The'.
If I'd have to take a guess, then cheap AI probably makes Facebooks core buisiness more valuable. Maybe they're trying to boost the ecosystem to eventually use AI to offer professional shilling services, hellban people or "reanimate" dead loved ones on facebook for a fee
I don't know, I only got a quickie out before I had to leave. I'll put it through it's paces tomorrow though.

It's very coherent and seems to be uncensored.
wouldn't a dual socket cpu be reasonably fast and cheaper at that size? I doubt strapping x10 p80 together will be fast.
just follow https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile?tab=readme-ov-file#using-llamafile-with-external-weights its the best way to test instead of running all these shitty python venvs that pull half the ecosystem.
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I think so
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it sucks dick refuses to write anything useful because muh violence when there is nothing like that. I told it to capture analyze a poem and it shits itself about muh safe guards.
So this is unreachable for consumers? I assume consumers access models running on data center GPUs remotely. But the cost and energy use must be enormous. What the fuck?
To reduce value for OpenAI/Microsoft dominance. OpenAI is setting themselves up to swallow the government contracts whole.
Yeah corporate trannyism is in place. Surely its not your first time using a corporate model
what are you, poor?
no, just saving up for a catgirl loli local llama life size silicone stretable reusable pleasure AI sex robot
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oh nevermind, go on then king
it is. They advertise 128k context and after a couple prompts it starts spamming ##########"""""""""""
'berg be bussin right now, brah.
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Zucky M did it
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Just borrow one from work

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