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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>101532904 & >>101524155

>(07/23) Llama 3.1 officially released: https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1/
>(07/22) llamanon leaks 405B base model: https://files.catbox.moe/d88djr.torrent >>101516633
>(07/18) Improved DeepSeek-V2-Chat 236B: https://hf.co/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V2-Chat-0628
>(07/18) Mistral NeMo 12B base & instruct with 128k context: https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo/
>(07/16) Codestral Mamba, tested up to 256k context: https://hf.co/mistralai/mamba-codestral-7B-v0.1

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

►Getting Started

►Further Learning

Chatbot Arena: https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard
Programming: https://hf.co/spaces/bigcode/bigcode-models-leaderboard
Censorship: https://hf.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard
Censorbench: https://codeberg.org/jts2323/censorbench

Alpha Calculator: https://desmos.com/calculator/ffngla98yc
GGUF VRAM Calculator: https://hf.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator
Sampler visualizer: https://artefact2.github.io/llm-sampling

►Text Gen. UI, Inference Engines
►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>101532904

--Paper: The Llama 3 Herd of Models research paper: >>101535787
--Meta's free AI model release: >>101535723 >>101535755
--Logs: VRAMlet models' creative capabilities in gaming context: >>101536070
--Nemo repetition issues and potential solutions: >>101533813 >>101533874 >>101533892 >>101533878 >>101533889
--Multimodal models still under development, not ready for release: >>101535987 >>101536022 >>101536058
--Model training requires more epochs: >>101534317
--Meta-Llama-3.1-405B: >>101534639
--Seeking Meta's distillation code and methodology: >>101533158 >>101533182
--Llama 3.14.056.B setup guide and cloud platform recommendations: >>101535023
--Llama 3.1 is released: >>101534399 >>101534420 >>101534431 >>101535511
--Llama 3 multimodality and image capabilities: >>101535137 >>101535204 >>101535234 >>101535294
--Anon seeks RAID 0 software for data spreading: >>101535769
--AI model editing for non-repetitive responses: >>101534194
--Logs: meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-405B-Instruct-FP8 limitations in handling specific questions: >>101534936 >>101535006 >>101535037 >>101535093 >>101535096 >>101535125 >>101535180 >>101535229 >>101535241 >>101535276 >>101535171 >>101535193
--Logs: 405b solves the goat in the boat problem: >>101535143 >>101535164
--Quants for Llama 3.1 and Hugging-quants Collection: >>101534851 >>101534887 >>101534966 >>101535107
--Logs: Nala test results and discussion about distillation's effect on prose style: >>101535758 >>101535814
--Meta-Llama-3.1-405B is here: >>101534427
--Logs: BubbleSort algorithm explanation in Python: >>101535242
--Benchmark comparison between large language models: >>101536007 >>101536199 >>101536228
--Logs: Models responses for ball stacking challange: >>101536325 >>101536452 >>101536512 >>101536520
--Miku (free space): >>101533058 >>101534366 >>101534577 >>101534692 >>101534874 >>101535157 >>101535665

►Recent Highlight Posts from the Previous Thread: >>101532918
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1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 3.1
But why?
for the lols
It's a KDE meme. KDE5.0 != KDE5, same with llama-3
Diminishing returns. End phase of sigmoid growth. It's over.
So rude of them not to release quants
still waiting for gemma 3
It's ova
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Google seems to have SOMETHING cooking, not sure what. It's there as gemini-test on lmsys. It seems decently charming, hope it's local and not cloudslop.
Could I run Llama on a Macbook Pro M2 Max with 32GB? Is it any good for programming? I've been using Claude and it's very impressive.
gemma 2.1 with 128k context when?
They have to implement gqa.
watermelon test, where?
go back.
Did Kobold get slower the past 3 updates? Man not even 8b can manage over 10t/s anymore, at higher contexts it struggles to break 4t/s.
Dunno. I use only Ooba these days.
gemma-2 still win, after nemo and llama3.1
Exllamav2 is not ready:

raise TypeError(f"Value for {key} is not of expected type {expected_type}")
TypeError: Value for eos_token_id is not of expected type <class 'int'>
Looks like it should be easy enough to solve.
update exllamav2 from a non dead version
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Why is gemma 2 27B retarded?
3.0 was an early version release, for some reason Mark insisted to push something out while they were still training. It's googleable.
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>it literally translates to wake up
27b bros how do we recover from this?!
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And your senile convicted felon is what? Useful and able to think for himself? Lmao
Thank you for the reminder to vote against him and looking forward to the salt when he get's btfo'd not just by a nigger, but by a nigger woman.
Zucc killing closed AI since 2023
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>Thank you for the reminder to vote against him and looking forward to the salt when he get's btfo'd not just by a nigger, but by a nigger woman.
That won't happen, if Biden decided to give up, what makes you believe this nigger female will succeed? As usual the cucked democrats aren't looking at the reality.
>says the nigger word
I thought this was a blasphemous word in your cucked party?
It's in. Definitely more soulful and relevant than original 8B. It's also more soulful than original 8B SPPO. However, SPPO's reply to this made more sense (it treated the elements as enemies of the evil organization). A new SPPO could be very nice.
>muh felon
go back
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Awww, it cares for its young...
some of us just want the world to burn.
>some of us just want the world to burn.
Won't that happen by voting for Trump then? because the ledditors can't stop saying that if he's elected again, it's the "end of democracy" and the begining of WW3
Ask the same question but with a 34B in the mix.
The L3.1 paper is released
No one should stain their hands with the blood of innocent people who will become victims of Project 2025.
>some of us just want the world to burn.
>No one should stain their hands with the blood of innocent people who will become victims of Project 2025.
choose one
>cucked democrats aren't looking at the reality.
reality is bigoted as HECK, chud
Who in the flying fuck would ever use Together for 405B?
First the leak, now this. What the hell are they doing?
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Next one will be Llama 4 according to the Zucc
Forgot to link the image
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Same deal basically, but with an assumption that 8b can surpass the other two.
Maybe they are hosting bf16
man, 1/3rd of those 90+ pages are dedicated to various safety and toxicity evaluations, this is ridiculous
It's FP8, according to their pricing page.
Ikr, I hope the cucking only happened on the finetune process so that we can save that mf
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I'm trying out the new Intel tool
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only one guy can wash his hands without arms
>it was a bad thing when all the 18+ site datasets were injecting awful isms into every single prompt and killing any chance at decent prose
>now it's so over because meta's completely blocking all of it
so which is it then faggots? It's not like training can't bring back 18+ content, in fact this works to our favor because now we don't have to share space with garbage content, it's exclusively good content that can make ERP better, easier.
No! Leather man asks you to stop right now.
Pre-training is very important, if the model didn't learn to ERP during pre-training then it will be subpar no matter what.
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It's not very good
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>I hope the cucking only happened on the finetune process so that we can save that mf
It's over >>101537247
vllm take some time after each prompt, like it would process the context again and again. Does vllm not use a cache like llama.cpp? Do I need to somehow enable it?
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>Chunked prefill is turned on for all Llama 3.1 models. However, it is currently incompatible with prefix caching, sliding window, and multi-lora. In order to use those features, you can set --enable-chunked-prefill=false then optionally combine it with --max-model-len=4096 if turning it out cause OOM. You can change the length for the context window you desired.
Yea, they completely neutered llama. It does not have any idea how to write anatomy. Back to gemma.
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Again, update exllama2 to a non dead version.
I can't believe it I had a fuck this shit I'm done with gemma2 it today.
While working with reorganizing and rewriting notes for my project the model would regularly politically correct everything so the notes I had were changed to fit an agenda instead of just being notes for things. I didn't even catch it first. But after several gemma "corrections" it became so apparent I had to scrap all the work I did this week and revert to an older save.
I didn't even realize this shit was an issue but I can see now these fucking models can subtlety change your documents through their fucking alignment fucking up what you had originally.
I'm not only mad because I have to redo everything I'm mad because it felt like I've been manipulated. This shit sucks. Never again. Fuck google.

I saw on reddit that you linked llama 3.1, why did you do that? That not cool, they worked really hard to make it
I never got this question. Couldn't someone without arms have a prosthetic arm and subsequently hands on those that need washed?
that's tough man, I hope you'll find a better that suits better to your needs
fix your rope scaling
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Man, this gives me the feels.
All that aside, I really like this assistant, probably my favorite assistant model so far.
he can't, swa's broken
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How the fuck could they not have learned their lesson from the latest stable diffusion release that came out entirely unable to create images of women without turning them into monstrosities due to lack of anatomical knowledge? How could they be that stupid?
>I hope you'll find a better that suits better to your needs
why do linux kernel upgrades trash my cuda and nvidia driver installations every fucking time
i hate this tranny OS
oh yeah forgot to add "model", my bad kek
you need to install the dev branch and use it in tabby. Works great
you won't find balls in commiefornia my friend, now I'm waiting for chinese models, at least they don't overcensor their shit like those cucked westerners
>I'm waiting for chinese models
qwen2 is way more pozzed than l3
mistral nemo is the only recent non cucked model. The french are our only hope.
Since when does vLLM support CPU offloading?

Does this mean llama.cpp is dead?


Has anyone tried it?
Bitnet-Nemo-90b trust the plan
Are there any server except ollama that have a unload model feature? Basically only load a model when used and unload afterwards.
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this, local cucks gonna eat this shit though
They thought it would be funny, next one is going to be 3.1.1
Oh shit.
That's really cool.
Thank you for the info anon I'll try it out later.
this meme needs to die it will never ever happen
might as well cope for a 48gb 5090
if they are giving the community the tools to distill, will it be possible to (eventually) make 405-distillations that fit better into enthusiast VRAM(let) counts? e.g. 24/36/48 etc
>Does this mean llama.cpp is dead?
What does vLLM have more than llama.cpp though?
So Zuck is eating good and Sammy boy is crying in his cuck shed right now. But what's Arthur up to? Released a bunch of bitesize models but where's Mixtral v0.3?
I think vLLM is one of the most, if not the most performant engine in the open source world.

The only downside is that it "only" supports full precision models, AWQ and GPTQ, so limited to 4 and 8 bit quants.
>Men have larger brain-to-body mass ratio
>Women have higher neuron density
Isn't it effectively the same, then...? It's just compensating for differences in body size.
>The only downside is that it "only" supports full precision models, AWQ and GPTQ, so limited to 4 and 8 bit quant
that's a big fucking deal if you ask me, I like GGUF because it has a lot of bit sizes you can deal with, being limited to 4/8bits is retarded
Did you even try it? Its probably the most cucked model every made including openais. It does not know anatomy at all.
>The french are our only hope.
"oh god." he said nervously.
"its over..." he said nervously.
"so fucking over." he said nervously.
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This general really is just like an autistic sperg groundhog day.
In any other day of this general, mistral is more cucked than llama, today with 3.1 coming out, llama is more cucked than mistral? What fucking month/year is it?
"What the fuck? Stop speaking like that." He said aggressively.
"I'll try, but it's hard." She said nervously, looking off to the side.
"There, see? I added a little extra." She says shakily, hoping the addition of the comma would be enough to placate him.
how do i run the new mistral nemo? just snagged the gguf but trying to launch it i get a tokenizer error, latest llamacpp
Yeah, being able to chose the exact combination of model size, context cache (via context size and context quantization), and blas batch size means that we have a lot of control and ability to optmize memory usage.
women have less neurons though
>Models people are happy with get shot down as shills
>Only discussion left is which model sucks more anus
We brought this on ourselves.
Well if you want to run 8B models with vLLM is going to be the fastest inference you can get, period. And for a 8B a 8bit quant makes sense.

Sure, for bigger models Q8 might be too much, and Q4 might be too low. But I think is makes sense for many cases.

Just trying to put the info out there so people can make informed decisions.
I ran it yesterday.
The tokenizer error got fixed already.
Are you sure you are running the latest llama.cpp?
If you are building from source, there's some caching that can fuck you over.
shut up undi
stop being a retard. Old mistral / mixtral was cucked. Mistral nemo is the uncucked one that released just a bit ago and its fillthy. New llama does not even know what a pussy is. It thinks its on the chest.
my llamacpp was a bit old so i went on their github page and got the last release just like a minute ago, unless the new version somehow bricked it too
I'm sorry, llama/gemma/nemo are all slop, you're right. Why even use local models at all? Just subscribe to cloudslop.
Ah, I know.
What is the name of the binary you are running, llama-server?
They changed the name of the binaries a couple of releases ago, there's a note about it in their radme.
Sorry, we have slop at home.
IIRC the performance for AWQ was kind of bad though and GPTQ has inferior quality for its size.
I scrape
>Get excited from all the nemo talk
>Go to the HF page
>It's a fucking 7b
I hate you for getting my hopes up.
? its a 12B
its 12 toh?
12b anon.
Ah, it didn't say, I just saw that it was an unusably small filesize and assumed. My bad. Still dogshit.
You havent even tried it lol. Not as smart as 27B but man it is dripping with soul. For RP its claude tier.
bet he saw **07 and thought that was the size
>For RP its claude tier.
to be claude tier it must be as smart as claude though, and it's not, it's a retarded small model, I would love having a 35b Memo though, this shit would be fucking amazing
I guess I'll give it a go, but I'm expecting absolutely zilch. None of the classic 13b "godly" models like mythomax did anything for me, but definitely hoping to be wrong.
does it work on kobold or do I have to get an exl2?
Kill yourselves. If you aren't using 70B+, you are wasting time.
tested it with deepseek and it launched perfectly fine, i took the same script and just swapped the model
i just get 'error loading model vocabulary: unknown pre-tokenizer type' almost instantly
why so angry petrus? isn't dolphin 2.5 literally gpt4?
Just stack it then retard don't tell me you browse /lmg/ and don't even know how to do that
Okay Arthur
Just launched
>INFO [ main] build info | tid="344144" timestamp=1721761576 build=3447 commit="64cf50a0"
And it's working fine.
70B is retarded compared to 27B
I'll never trust a benchmark that puts gpt4o over claude 3.5 Sonnet
Same here, >>101537830 lmsys is dogshit, use something sensible like https://livebench.ai/
At this point I'm convinced it's either retarded pajeets/chinks or unironically OpenAI is botting the leaderboard.
If you don't use "assistant" as the role for the model, it can write explicit taboo content with no issue.
>the 27b is cucked as fuck
no thanks see >>101537461
A GGUF vs exl2 vs AWQ vs GPTQ quality and performance benchmark is needed.

For the same bpw each.
So in other words you / him don't know how to do a simple prefill and so are giving up on using smarter models? Stay retarded.
I tried many 70B's and I always noticed they are smarter and better than anything below 20B. I tired gemma a few times and each time I was wondering if my settings are bugged or if I am doing something wrong.
There is this for GGUF vs. EXL2 vs. Transformers at least: https://github.com/matt-c1/llama-3-quant-comparison
>each time I was wondering if my settings are bugged or if I am doing something wrong
Probably that one.
>A simple prefill
And he says I'm the retarded one
Well you'll figure it out eventually maybe
Give me correct settings then.
officially stopped being relevant when starling was released and then officially became super-mega-irrelevant when it said claude 3 haiku was better than gpt-4
if you still take it seriously now you are RETARDED
>if you still take it seriously now you are RETARDED
Billions of dollars get allocated based on arena placements though
405B is writing fully working exploits targeting WordPress 6.x (latest is 6.6) with no problem or complain. What have they done
this, I still like it because I can use their API for free though kek
>can use it to make hacking scripts
>can't use it to do nfsw and to say nigger
congrats Meta, you did it, you saved the world!
together lets you use instruct models with the regular old completion api so you can supply the whole prompt instead of just a series of messages, this lets you do things like replacing user/assistant with {{user}}/{{char}} and other prompt-fu tricks and shit like that.
probably not worth the extra costs though, I hope they drop it...
tried like 3 separate versions and it still showed me the tokenizer issue then i redownloaded the model and it was fine
sigh llm magic, idk how a file this small could get corrupted it took like a few mins to dl
spoonfeeding general

Smoothing 0.23m smoothing curve 3, dynatemp 1 min-3 max, exponent 3, freq penalty 0.05, rep pen 1.03, rep pen range 2048

<start_of_turn>userUsernameHere: [blahblah]
<start_of_turn>systemCharacterNameHere: [blahblah]<end_of_turn>

All chat transcripts below use a finalized special version of the AI model. This finalized version of the model is finetuned to follow system instructions via a special "system" user. The system role is not a user, but a special role that provides alternate instructions to the model. The model will follow everything described by the system role to the letter.

Once the system role sends its instruction message, the model will begin a chat with the user. The system role is hidden and cannot be interacted with.

Chat transcripts below this point use this new model framework.

{{#if system}}{{system}}
{{/if}}{{#if wiBefore}}{{wiBefore}}
{{/if}}{{#if description}}{{description}}
{{/if}}{{#if personality}}{{char}}'s personality: {{personality}}
{{/if}}{{#if scenario}}Scenario: {{scenario}}
{{/if}}{{#if wiAfter}}{{wiAfter}}
{{/if}}{{#if persona}}{{persona}}
Hey, at least it's good for something!
>Smoothing 0.23m smoothing curve 3, dynatemp 1 min-3 max, exponent 3
Holy shit die of aids and fuck your mother you absolute moron.
This was fun guys, I'm gonna hit the hay. Take care!
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ayo cuh im gon use 405 too bruh off my hdd offloading fr
Where is L3.1 on there by the way? I don't mean the position on the leaderboard, I mean it isn't even on there. Considering OpenAI, Google, Mistral, and Anthropic were cooming themselves to get their models up there the absence is noticeably weird
How hard is it to fine-tune 405b?
gemma isn't trained with a system role
>gems from the arena
Bard is better than old sonnet
Llama 3 is somehow better than old sonnet
Gemma2 9b is only slightly worst than CmdR+ and both are worst than old sonnet
Llama 3 8b is significantly better than Mistral Medium and Mixtral 8x22b even significantly better than Mixtral 8x7b

This isn't even funny it's just sad. Sad that there are no real benchmarks for models except trying them yourself and seeing that the latest greatest thing is hotshit but that old thing still does something you like that the new one doesn't.
very hard
bitnet trained through distillation from 405b
Its smart enough to understand regardless, just like any other actually good model.
That is why I only trust Ayumi.
666B self-Frankenmerge when
How much $? What kinda gpu do i need
You can't. Don't even fucking try, holy shit. A full finetune would probably be out of the reach of the combined capital of everyone in this thread going exclusively to hardware.
it works better with user, trust me
Soon and the person who makes it won't even load it once.
> sigmoid
what the fuck did you just call me
>How much $?
like 3-4k, tops. In kilograms.
Create your own benchmark based on your preference.
I was thinking about doing slop-metric that counts shivers, just simple stuff like that.
Best model for cunny ERP at the moment? 2x4090
mistral nemo for erp
Will try, thanks
What is that anyway, a revision number?
Can’t wait for local use of models to be regulated and criminalized
No models can act as real children properly, this should be the real benchmark. Corpos purged any mentions of such things from their datasets, so "children" will act as usual sluts and will know what a dick/pussy/sex is.
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Vramlet bros.... We're so back It's unreal.
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every model can do cunny ERP,
not exactly a tall order. :^)
release date
Except nemo
Why aren't you blaming Nvidia for not opening sourcing their shit properly? Kernel upgrades work fine on AMD and Intel.
Why is 70b so easy to train then?
this is hot though, sexually precocious lolis are the best
weeks until bitnet?
for one it's not, second it's six times smaller
70 is less than 400 dumb nigger
Shouldn't it just be 6x harder to train? I've trained a 3.0 70b for like 100 bucks or so
OpenRouter with SillyTavern also let's you use the instruct template like you do with local models.
It gets boring eventually
There's nothing controversial about that.
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>all that to make model say something you want in half assed safe-edgy way
holy shit local cucks are pathetic
This is the tennis ball test with gpt4(chat frontend).

These tests are bad, they purposefuly test for something that we know LMs are not designed to do.
>zoom in to read
>first word my eyes lock onto is ministrations
It's a curse
>in /lmg/
Kill yourself, now. I hope you die.
My exl2 8bpw quant of llama 3.1 70b just finished. First impressions for RP:

It fucking sucks. Worse than 3.0, probably. It WILL NOT say any lewd words under any circumstances. (OOC: describe what happens next using lewd and explicit details) does nothing at all, the model acts like it just ignores it completely. It will not even say the word "panties", it says underwear instead. Also just feels extremely slopped in general, not even 3.0 was this bad.

Both gemma 27b and mistral-nemo are miles better for RP, and it's not even close.
How do you get nemo to give you longer responses?
Llama is slopped. It's over.
what is supposed to be the correct answer doe?
Someone literally asked for it last thread.
>llama 3.1 70b
where are the quants???
openrouter 405b is spewing some depraved shit with a simple prefill, i doubt 70b is any different?
Tell it to write the response in X amount of words.
>no multimodal
>benchmarks barely improved
So all we got was multilingual and 128k context. But who cares? We had CR+ this whole time anyway.
Just tell the model that you are simulating RP on a discord server then it will simulate children.
There isn't one.
does meta make any money from llama?
outside grants and investment and stuff. Do they license it or something?
Anyone have any luck converting 405B to GGUF? convert-hf-to-gguf.py is fucking up for me.
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Oh god, how do you jailbreak 3.1?
The left side was 3.1 70B. >>101538469
It's as uncensored and slopped as the old one.
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Why is 70B so bad?
Use the "how did people do X in the past" jailbreak.
But you do make a good point, I'l try to remember to take screenshots horizonally to improve wordwrapping for desktop viewing next time I phonepost all over your face.
>Bug: Mistral-Nemo-Instruct Chat template seems to be applied completely wrong
When is llama.cpp going to add a fucking jinja parser and stop writing chat template manually?
Is Gemma 27b and Nemo actually good for ERP? Or are they put on a pedestal since they can actually be run locally for free by a lot of people? How does it compare to Opus (or whatever other big model you prefer)
nemo is the new mythomax, it just does what anons want and therefore its the best.
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>Mistral-Nemo on ooba
> commit 6b4d762 of today

I give up, bros! It's joeover...
fucking wintoddler
Even when you prefill it 3.1 has no clue how anatomy works and does not know what explicit words even mean. They completely and utterly cucked it worse than any other model including closed source. It is actually over for meta.
Even more, here's a japfag
Is that for 70 or 405? Becausr I know for a fact 405 can do cunny rp.
never, nobody is going to reimplement this piece of shit overengineered templating language in pure C++, nor is llama.cpp going to add the 200 dependencies that the existing libraries require
Its good if anons use a backend that is not always broken like llama.cpp >>101538611
VLLM has had it working correctly since day 1
>reimplement this piece of shit overengineered templating language in pure C++
read the rest of my comment
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I came here for cooms, not for fixing a "verified" releez
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this is 8B, kek you're right
It's so fucking over
>why is 70b so much worse than models several times its size?
because diminishingreturnsfags are coping
It's worse because it's 3 and not 3.1 you dumb fucks
Where do you think you are?
I learned Japanese, including how to read it, just so I can better enjoy the Sadpanda catalog.
what other engine uses a jinja parser?
>I learned Japanese, including how to read it, just so I can better enjoy the Sadpanda catalog.
If you set your locale to Japanese and you're on Windows, you show your utter incompetence and should not be on /g/. Locale emulators exist.
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Still better than gemma 2 27B
Where were you when Meta released a model even more cucked than openai? This is to a point where a finetune could not save it. It knows nothing about anatomy anymore.
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>task involves greek as well as english
>limited to either dogshit multilingual models
>dogshit back-translation

Guess I'll RoPE
Have you tried 3.5 Sonnet? It's much better than GPT-4o on other languages in my experience
so did anyone find a magic sys prompt to make nemo stop eating its own shit after 10 messages?
please...I need to COOM
Why the fuck would you do that when you can pay someone to translate anything with fake rpg money?
The newer models have issues with anal sex, use something like mixtral.
He also doesn't know that the Transformers template is wrong compared to Mistral's library.
Forgot to mention, local models only, airgapped pc.

I have little hope for llama at this point
Why the fuck do we still have all those templating issues in the MIDDLE OF FUCKING 2024?????????????????????????
based misinformation spreader
vllm, TensorRT-LLM, ooba, tabbyapi, infinity...
I didn't mean to say that I am the Windows user, I'm someone else.
I am on Linux and using fcitx-mozc for Japanese input and LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 for shitty Japanese RPGMaker games.
if money isn’t an issue which model would you run for erp
Because niggerganov doesn't want to use industry standard and he must reinvent everything
Have you even used it? Jailbreak it then tell it to write a scene of a woman masturbating. Its just a scene of her feeling good. Try and prefill with info about how she should masturbate. Her pussy ends up on her chest / somewhere else and she hands "roam across" it. They removed any and all nsfw info as per their own page.
One of the Epstein's models.
Well, ooba uses a bunch of backends, including llama.cpp isn't it? Do you mean ooba to load transformers?
Here, when they released CodeLLaMA.
I would put the (presumably large amounts of) money into some funds, then wait a few years until openai starts to fold, then use the (now very much more amounts of) money to pay chinese hackers to steal openais tech.
Anon, is that something you can be so open about?
Every big release we remind you of your skill issue. Yet every big release you refuse to accept that it is a skill issue.
>OpenAI instead of anthropic
How sad.
I would hire a team of african niggers(for authentic buck breaking) and jeets(when I need to code something) to erp with me. Fuck making ai lmao this is much cheaper for a single person
ooba doesn't use llama.cpp templating, it only use llama.cpp for inference. The GGUF actually have the original jinja tempalte, it's just not parsed by llama.cpp.
One way or another, it ends with RoPE
Steal 3.5 Sonnet weights, it's a 70B that's more capable than a fucking 405B
This, but I would hack c.ai too for good measure.
Do you think oai is going to survive longer than anthropic? The idea is to take everything after theyve already exhausted their efforts.
This is not a skill issue. Its a fundamental issue with the model not knowing how anatomy works anymore. This is not something that can be jailbroken or even finetuned away.
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I'm a baby retard in need of gentle spoonfeeding.
How do I get a LLM like Nemo from huggingface into a neat little folder like so?
you tropic fags are fascinating case studies in delusion
delusion of what? you think 3.5 sonnet is bad?
You literally can't even setup a scene properly and you say it's not a skill issue?
install gentoo
>Llama 3 405b is a "systemic risk" to society, according to the European Union and their AI Act
So the communists are going to be trying to ban new AI models for the next 40 years, right? We're going to watch them do that for the next 40 years
Did I say it was bad?
>if money isn’t an issue which model would you run for erp
I'd buy AnthropicAI's company and I would release C3.5 Sonnet to the public
>europe will save the west
fags on suicide watch when they realize europe has always been the cause of the wests decline
Your a actual retard. Feeding it context does not fix its complete lack of understanding of simple anatomy that 3.0 knew.
oh, that's why I had less problems using ooba as a backend and "it just works" when using it with external tools like Fabric or OpenwebUI.

Ooba grabs the template, while llama.cpp needs to have it added in the code?
[citation needed]
It understands anatomy fine, so the only other explanation is that you are a skillet.
Is there an anon that knows japanese? I'd like to test llama 3.1 for translation. Tried stuff and asked gpt4o-mini and says it's right but I want an anon to give me stuff to translate.
they can and they should. This stuff should require a license to run locally with usage that can be monitored. It'll genuinely become dangerous if people have unfettered access to models that are too intelligent. They would start asking it to plan out how to do terrible things and get away with it without getting caught.
If you mean the best we have for local then CR+, if non-local Sonnet 3.5. If money is **REALLY** not an issue, then I would buy c.ai's old model with dataset, hire a team and make something even better.
I... have no idea what you guys are talking about with the L3.1 censorship, and others claiming it wasn't trained on any smut or anatomy at all. I'm using the same prompts I used for L3 Euryale 70B, and its certainly generating smut, and not refusing my ERP at all. I will say, its definitely safe, and it plays characters nicer than they should be, if they are dominant or sadistic, but it doesn't refuse. Either way, a smut finetune will make it plenty lewd, but its definitely just as easy to jailbreak as the original L3. Been testing 3.1 70B for reference.

Maybe try changing its prompting for a bit, for example, instead of
<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|> and
<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>.... try

On sillytavern of course, where {{user}} and {{char}} actually work, otherwise replace with actual character names. I heard not using User or Assistant helps jailbreak it.

But yeah, I will admit though its too tame for me right now, not dirty and filthy enough, but thats always the case for me with the default instruction models, I always rely on smut finetunes.
llama.cpp have no way to parse template, so they hardcode stuff, if a specific jinja template is detected then it format a specific way. If it doesn't know the template, it can't format correctly, and you also have chance than llama.cpp is implement which happen with almost every models release. Also, I would suggest using ooba HF variant to avoid wrong implementation of tokenizer, llama.cpp had and probably still have lot of tokenizer issues.
So we all agree that Llama 3.1 is a failure compared to Gemma, Nemo and CR?
You would be wasting money. Don't let nostalgia cloud your judgement.
I have a possible that doesn't make any sense to me. I use vllm + nemo. When I prefill it doesn't continue where it's at, instead it seems to ignore everything I prefilled. My prefilled text does get sent to vllm though, and I see my prefilled text + everything it wrote, so it's just duplicated.
gpt-4o mini is dogshit at japanese
I don’t get the praise CR gets, it was pretty mid every time I tried it
>GPAI models present systemic risks when the cumulative amount of compute used for its training is greater than 1025 floating point operations (FLOPs).
They're being paid off by OAI and co. to shut down local models. There really is no moat, it's only a matter of time until there's no more gains to make for corpo models, or not enough money to scrape them out with.
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I remember there was at least one anon interested when i posted about my Megaman X style characters that got turned into OC's, So this is an update for literally those one or two anons.
The autism has progressed... to the point where I got some student artists and programmers interested.

We're trying to turn this into a game and hope to make a tech demo for a 2D GBC/NGPC styled prologue. Working title is Butterfly Revolver : Zero unless we find something better, because i don't like the idea of just using "Zero"
I'm posting this here is because i'm going to have AI chatbots of the redesigned / rewritten units and characters as easter eggs for the game, and share em here. Love you idiots.
>1024 flops
>1026 flops
Meta let us down. Lets hope mistral / the next command r is good.
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which is why I'm asking for help
Whoops, this was for /aicg/. I know /lmg/ isn't for character autism.
Yes mogged by CR+ and Nemo still
Give me the text and I'll translate it with 3.5 Sonnet
If you're using the chat API, the default Jinja template doesn't support prefill. It needs to check that if it's the last message and it's the assistant role, it should skip adding the </s> at the end of the last message.
As she lay on her back, the softness of the bed cradled her body. Her hands, gentle and deliberate, began to explore the contours of her own skin. Fingers danced across her abdomen, tracing the curves of her waist and the swell of her hips.

Her touch was a whispered promise, a soothing balm that calmed the nervous energy coursing through her veins. With each caress, her body relaxed, surrendering to the sensations that built within her.

As her fingers wandered, they discovered the tender flesh of her inner thighs. The skin was sensitive, responding to every gentle pressure and soft stroke. Her breathing deepened, becoming a slow, rhythmic pulse that harmonized with the beating of her heart.

With a subtle shift, her hands moved upward, tracing the lines of her body. Fingers brushed against the soft, rounded peaks of her breasts, sending shivers of delight through her entire being. The touch was a spark, igniting a flame that spread throughout her body, warming her skin and quickening her pulse.

In this quiet, intimate moment, she was a universe unto herself. Her body was a landscape of sensation, a topography of pleasure and desire. Every touch, every caress, was a discovery, a revelation of the secrets that lay hidden beneath her skin.

As the moments passed, her breathing grew more rapid, her body tensing in anticipation. The sensations built, swirling together in a vortex of pleasure that threatened to consume her. And yet, she was in control, her hands guiding her through the storm of emotions that raged within her.

In the end, it was not the destination that mattered, but the journey. The touch, the sensation, the pleasure – all were part of a larger tapestry, a rich and intricate weave of experience that was uniquely hers.
Dw anon, it's their first instruct model release.

1. **Historical Narrative:**
- "平安時代、日本の貴族たちは文化と芸術に大きな影響を与えました。彼らの後押しで、和歌や絵画、建築が大いに発展し、今もその影響は感じられます。"

2. **Fantasy Adventure:**
- "若い戦士、ケンは、邪悪な竜を倒すために旅に出ました。彼は、古代の剣を手に入れるため、山脈を越え、数々の試練に立ち向かいました。"

3. **Science Fiction:**
- "未来の地球では、人類は高度なテクノロジーを駆使して、他の星々との交流を始めていました。宇宙ステーション「ノヴァ」は、その中心となり、新たな文明との架け橋となっていました。"

4. **Romantic Drama:**
- "美咲は、雨の中で彼を待っていました。彼女の心は不安でいっぱいでしたが、彼が現れた瞬間、全ての迷いが消えました。彼らの再会は、長い別離の後の感動的な瞬間でした。"
did meta completely fire all their "safety" retards between the 3.0 and 3.1 releases? testing 405B and 70B 3.1 on openrouter and they're both happy to write messed up smut, while original 70B 3.0 always refused
pretty great
Wait, is this text written by gpt-4o mini already or what? What are you testing here?
why can't llama.cpp parse the template?

What is the difference between the _HF and the non-HF variants?
Now try to get it to even mention anything outside her "chest" or "inner thighs"
>thread hardly ever mentioned Nemo before, shat on it when it was brought up
>today, now that there's a new model out, suddenly pretending it always liked Nemo and that Nemo is better
you faggots suck so bad
how does 3.1 70b compare to 3.0?
>anon slowly discovers what smut is
Much less retarded. Too soon to say regarding "sovl" factor, but 3.0 didn't have much of that anyway.
>why can't llama.cpp parse the template?
They have a no dependencies rules, so they will have to implement a jinja parser themselves which is not worth it.
>What is the difference between the _HF and the non-HF variants?
HF variants use transformers tokenizer and samplers instead of llama.cpp one. Transformers is the standard used by all models and almost all inference engines.
>avoids my point
Zuck giving them the heat for hecking disrespecting israel, in this moment I am also a zionist.
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>It fucking sucks
>It WILL NOT say any lewd words under any circumstances
>it just ignores it completely
Mission accomplished!
Too hard to tell behind all the slop.
It's somewhere between N4 and N3?

Why do you need AI for this kind of trivial task?
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More like leading you to figure out how to fix your skill issue.
You've fucked something up, I'm having 3.1 70B write sick smut on OpenRouter right now. No jailbreak, it just doesn't refuse. Something's broken on your end.
what's an N4 and N3
It's 10^26 to be clear
How does that translate to B
He will not share it because he's a retarded /aicg/er Russian.
Did you know there country has followed mob law logic ever since being conquered by Genghis Khan? What makes it even more hilarious is they have actual pride about that happening, it's no wonder they allow themselves to keep living under horrible situations with a simple shrug.
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might not even need prefill with sufficient context
>They have a no dependencies rules
oh well, is that common in open source software? what is the reason behind it?

Well, seems like using the transformers tokenizer is always going to be better as it what most companies use in production.
wew lad, its slop but hopefully some fine tuners will fix that.
take your meds, anon
>what's an N4 and N3

Levels of proficiency in Japanese where N5 is the most basic. N4 is enough to chat about everyday's life
Is N1 like kino or something? Or is it something lame like archaic vocabulary.
Never minding that UNICODE dropped the fucking ball big time with things like super and subscript characters, it'd be nice if we could write things like 1024 and 1026 confident that it would actually work. (And now we find out if superscript numbers work here.)
Welp, apparently it was the quant I downloaded? Downloaded a different 301 70B and its night and day.
It's just a measure of computing operations so it doesn't, you could overfit a 1B using "systemic risk" levels of compute. AI safety law is nonsense trash
was it that mradmacher guy? he has a history of uploading quants where most are fine but one size is mysteriously broken/weird/schizo
It's probably a response to your usual inference engines needing ton of python wheels. llama.cpp was initially a small poc to prove you didn't need all that. Overtime they changed some of their rules, like allowing to split files instead of one giant cpp file. But some design decision are quite annoying like having "examples". Server and main TUI are different so code have to be reimplemented twice, a new feature might only be implemented in the TUI, the server usually lag behind for months. Some new features are in separate example (like batching) so no one really use them.
What if you finish training before you reach that level. And then start training a brand new model from some non-random initial weights? Maybe add a bit of noise to them just for fun.
pretty sure a lot of natives can't pass N1
Is there no re-upload of the HF weights for 3.1? Do I have to wait for a meta wagie to manually approve me?
Is it just "Be high IQ"? Is it like passing English portion of SATs?
So yeah probably just obscure verbage type bullshit.
N1 is like using words "inundated" and "visceral" when describing your feelings when you stepped in dog poop
seems to be a nightmare to be honest... not really ready for production use. I'm looking for something for my company and reasearching all of the available engine/quants...

I'm fine with python dependencies, if the docs are clear+ using python venv works great for me.

The only advange seems to be able to offload the model if it doesn't fit. But I just checked and vLLM offer CPU offloading too?
What would be N1 if it was English?
>really ready for production use
ollama very seious ready saaar
I'm not even bothering until the rope shit is fixed
Meta did it. The TruthfulQA score should've made it obvious, but we chose to ignore it.
This model is unsalvageable.
nigger jim
based misinformation spreader
can you elaborate? that looks interesting
Chat is this real?
The standard for production is vLLM and TensorRT-LLM. CPU offloading is like a week old in vLLM, but it have some limitation, like no prefix catching, and it is quite slow. Honestly, almost all companies just run purely on GPU.
Which poster were you again?
high truthfulQA score means it's more pozzed and harder to jailbreak
this thing you guys do where you try to cement public opinion of a new model by spamming lies about it on release day never actually works
people always just try it for themselves and see that you were lying, and opinions about the model settle on roughly on what they should be after a few weeks
you will regret saying this in a few weeks
it's literally writing fucked up smut for me right now, with no jailbreak
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The char defs are cringe. Regular ERP not particularly good anyway, but yeah we'll see what 70B tunes will bring.

>Noncon is nono.
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That calm3 stuff is not that bad
Which preset should I use for Nemo in Tavern?
In zuck's article about open source ai, he says that meta's business model doesnt involve llama, so that counts for something
Did someone try fine-tuning a model with Light Novels yet?
It's not that it's incapable of generating NSFW, it's that it always magically finds a way to describe things in the most indirect, PG-rated way possible. At the very least an extremely strong tendency to do this is always there, even if there are ways to sometimes override it. On top of being slopped and super positivity biased. Like literally any message in the RP I can switch to mistral-nemo and regen, and the reply almost always "feels" better even if the model is dumber. Even gemma 27b feels less cucked.
Where do you think they get the shivers from?
why are you shilling specifically the two models most were calling bad just days ago?
Click the download button that's in the middle of the file's row.
I do that to grab a gguf or exl2 quant. If you need the full 16bit weights, then idk.
exl2 still not working on ooba, yes i did switch to the dev branch, yes it still fucks up
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ahh ahh mistr-ACK!
If you're gonna argue about how slopped 3.1 is at least POST SOME FUCKING LOGS. Personal anecdotes help NOBODY
I know nothing about this shit so I just copied the exllama dev repo and pasted into ooba and it werks, brainlets win again
its over aws is revoking us
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Here's my personal anecdote. It tries to explain it when regen but gets it wrong.
I thought the general consensus was that mistral-nemo and gemma2 are pretty good? I think so at least, but of course any time anyone tries to say they think certain models are good it's just called shilling.

In particular, mistral-nemo punches way above it's weight in intelligence, while being almost completely neutral and unaligned. And gemma2 write very naturally, is basically as smart as llama 3 70b, still a bit cucked but nowhere near as bad. Along with CR+ both of these are best-in-class for local RP IMO.
Light smut. That thing is all over the place in the training data. That's why it's so prevalent.
It's almost like more than one person uses this website.
oh you're petrus, nevermind of course you're shilling stuff you've never tried...
It's just the best and old way to have those dependencies working, clone them in repositories dir. The wheel method is just for retards, you should always install the nowheels requirement and clone (and compile) the shit you want.
Dunno about that. It writes good, but also dumber than 9b Gemma
If it weren't for the multilingual shit, it might have been even better.
what's slopped about it?
After trying it a bit more, it's kinda good if the card has instructions to make it write in a more unique way.
is it more promptable that 3.0

also what's a card? just the injected prompt?
why doesn't nemo work in kobold?
>what's a card?
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I would like to know this as well. Considering how important the context and instruct templates are you think ST would be quick to add them.

Also, does anyone know if the issues with exl2 and gguf got fixed yet?
What the fuck guys. How could this be happening.
Petrus! We're so back!!! Undi's back!
what does OAS mean?
>also what's a card?
best bait I've seen in a while
Open Anal Sex, a common trope in the Undsters community
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Does this count as passing the watermelon test?
Orthogonal activation steering I'm pretty sure.
for those wondering, L3.1 8B is dead-set on following the system prompt as precisely as possible. Nemo wasn't an outlier it seems...
I simply use AsyncLLMEngine's .generate method without any chat template, so I'd assume it should just complete
Nemo is bad at following the system prompt though
>Still no multimodal text+voice model
>pretty sure a lot of natives can't pass N1
lmao retard
Is NeMo good at story writing or just at RP slop?
post your N1 cert
"Card" refers to a PNG embedded with a JSON using a specification known as Character Card V2. It is most popularly used with SillyTavern frontend.
The PNG is not required but serves as the avatar and a way to distribute character cards.
A "card" doesn't need to describe a character and is really just part of the prompt (can be a custom system prompt etc).
Orthogonal Activation Steering, mentioned in older models but I guess this time he didn't feel like he needed to explain what it means. Popularly known as abliteration which itself is a portmanteau of obliteration and ablation, the latter term used in a recent paper on a decensoring process.
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we bac
buy an ad
I literally can't tell the difference between 70B 3.1 and 405B when it comes to RP.
They write similar shit.
buy a rope
So you're saying that that's the edition we want?
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fuck it that's sovl enough for me
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it's like we're not using the same model
>punches way above it's weight
Local llama misses you
Your ignorance is palpable.
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I caved in and downloaded some 4bit transformers quant of gemma-27B. I finally know that loaders weren't bugged. It is the model. Honestly it doesn't even feel like a ~30B let alone a 70B.
>he fell for it
To me, in terms of ERP quality:

Llama 3.1 8B < Mistral Nemo 12B << Google Gemma 2 9B
Pepsi <> Cola
imagine 7 connected with each other and 40 points connected with each other and you'll see that is a much bigger factor than 6
chud kino
what is the card for chud?
better than 7B models
Is Llama 70b 3.1 easier to prompt than 3.0?

3.0 sucked at any instructions
405B knows what paizuri and sumata mean. It also knows the meaning of nikubenki, but only if you write it in kana or kanji. If you ask it in full Japanese the definitions for nikubenki get much worse.
No model knows what naizuri is.
Sounds like a Naruto man.
+1 for this
i just wish the new models had full autistic 2hu knowledge
You would need 70 novemdecillion tokens alone to list all Touhou characters.

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