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>trying to download 3D modeling software from Russian pirating site
>too much of a brainlet back then so I just download a zip file
>open the .exe file
>hidden wav file opens playing lime in the coconut song on loop
>turn off PC
>song continues to play in the background
>stop using it and start using laptop instead until I build my own PC

Wasn't really scary but I do know there were other hidden files installed on that PC that I'm terrified about
Shoulda had it in a vm m8. Just reinstall the bootloader and OS and you'll be fine.
this isn’t spooky scary but it was definitely scary for 13y/o me:
>be me, its like 2005
>poorfag kid with a windows xp computer
>always getting viruses and shit because i’m downloading cracks and keygens from sketchy websites
>one day while i’m not at my computer it turns its own volume up and starts blasting LOUD porno noises
>parents hear it first
>start freaking out, yelling at me
>don’t believe me that it’s not something i was watching
>try to turn it off but the whole thing is locked up, some lady yelling “FUCK ME FUCK ME” until i unplug the speakers
>end up unplugging the power and reformatting the computer
lol didnt read this until i posted mine we both had noise viruses. were they pretty common back in the day?
i had a more harmless one once that would just play homer simpson saying “TRABAPOLINE, TRAMAPOLINE” at random intervals throughout the day
an anon once told me the truth and it was actually true
>be me
>eat durum sammich in front of pc (picrel)

>remove alu foil
>chomp some more
>remove some more foil
>chomp again
>foils' in the way
>remove and the cho-ack

>psu thats at mu feet went tzz then puff with gray smoke
>i upgraded my machine a couple weeks prior
>dismantled the machine, got the multimeter out, and start checking the psu...

i shorted 220v into the guts, past the coils.
when i saw that i thought my whole pc was a goner
but only half the psu burned down. i just got a new one and went on with my life
pc served me for 5 years longer until i killed the mobo by doing a short somewhere around usb connectors. must be a crack in the solder bc of material fatigue.
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what else would they do?
go on the interwebs and lie
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>be 19 and live with parents
>try to watch ladyboy porn
>search for free accounts
>one website logs my IP and says my ISP has been notified
No one ever said anything so I think I'm in the clear ha ha...
falling into write email to fake reply-to
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>cmd flashes for a nanosecond and then goes away
i sometimes feel like my pc is literally alive sometimes
it acts like it too
erin moriarty used to be so cute
That should be illegal. There should be some time limit or manual button press requirement for stuff like that.
when i was around 12 or so, i was on the internet and suddenly heard some voice say "I'm going to kill you", don't know where it came from
It's actually difficult to watch The Boys after her face is destroyed. It feels like someone died. Crushing depression...
No lie it's as bad as Katie Piper being acid attacked.
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No lie I thought OP's image was from this stop motion video.
where not specified
mods spy on me through my phone's camera with javascript because brave is backdoored by the NSA
put a bit of tape over the front camera and then a bit of tape over your mouth so they cant hear you
this one is just sad.
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>be me, 9 or something
>playing flash porn game
>scared of getting caught
>the power goes out
>after a while, the power comes back
>after booting up the computer again i realize that the two speakers are dead
>spent like 2 months without speakers
>mfw 10 year old me starts thinking all porn corrupts computers
Not really that scary in retrospective but
>get message notifications on pc
>no clue whatsoever where they came from
>some of them are nonsense (like "afdsfad"), others are real messages I had sent to a friend privately days prior
>spent the entire afternoon trying to figure out what was going on
>turns out I sent those messages myself from my phone to my pc while I was testing some sync stuff
I guess I just wrote random messages (and also copied some existing ones) for testing purposes, but completely forgot about it. And for some reason I didn't receive any notifications about it until a few days afterwards.
that's just a burrito
>be me
>homeserver meme
>have qbittorrent, a soulseek client and a private SearX running running on laptop
>network drives to main computer
>UPnP ON, Ports Forwarded, No VLAN, 0 Security
>weird files start being created
>torrents appear i didnt download
>finally see file called in / called I AM IN ROOT
>still do nothing for a week and pretend it doesnt exist
>change computer password
>re-setup network filesystem so laptop doesnt have 777 access to half my computers filesystem lul
>re issue SSH keys
>month later laptop dies and I give up on homeserver meme
tfw i think some chink was using my computer as a seedbox
>that's just a burrito
actually yeah
minus the cheese
+ french fries as filler, when present
sometimes the guys use actual burrito bread instead of the durum.
but burrito bread was traditionally made with corn, no? durum bread is made of wheat

9/10 girl gets Bogdanoff surgery. Becomes acid attack victim tier. Very sad indeed. Erin Moriarty...
did it try selling you a nordvpn subscription?
I went into a Rust thread once and nobody called OP a tranny, and I kept failing the captcha so I couldn't do it either. I had to switch to my laptop to do it.
>Found scary notification on my Google calendar something on the lines of "God is dead and you have killed it"
>Wtf I do not use google calendar (app is intalled by default)
>I check if someone logged in on my google account but seems to be clean, no new log ins
>Pretty sure it's not a classmate prank, never left my phone to anyone lately
>Freak out,don't tell anyone or they will think I'm crazy
>think about it for days
>Mfw I remember it's a prank i pulled on myself when I was 13, my little shit past self though it would be funny to prank it's adult counterpart with creepy shit

Best prank ever
many such cases
every time my account got stolen
so one time when I was like 12 and someone broke into my facebooks
my password was myname123

Also like a year ago my steam account got hacked. I am good at tech and I never download any weird shit so I was really shocked

Turns out it was my sister's fault
Also mine for letting her use my account on her laptop
>Be 13
>Downloading 700MB DVD Rip.
>Open with VLC when file it partially done.
>See japanese scat porn.
>Wait for it to finish downloading.
>Normal movie.

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>be me
>around 16 years old
>im horny so i go on tor to download some cool porn
>download a nice video set, video zip has a lot of hot videos to beat my meat to
>while going through the vids, i accidentally click a .exe file that i confused for a video because it had a video thumbnail and it opened a terminal and did a bunch of shit
>i freak out but act fast. I remove my ethernet cable immediately, shut down my pc and open in it safe mode.
>download a bunch of anti malware shit from another pc and run them all
>antivirus is able to detect it
>also go on task manager and notice virus had hidden itself in a temp file
>get rid of it successfully, afterwards i turned the internet back on in the computer

Apparently it was a shitty bitcoin miner and keylogger, but that could have been much worse.
I acted fast so it prevented the program terminal from doing a lot of other stuff. Be careful when downloading cool porn on the internet.
>also go on task manager and notice virus had hidden itself in a temp file
that was a fake out
you're such a fucking noob holy shit
I though pedo trannies are good at technology
>playing a videogame
>realize how protocols pass commands
>pass a bad command to a friends computer
we weren't friends anymore
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well the antivirus had already deleted the main shit. I also vaguely remember that I found some part of it hidden in a Sys32 folder.
im no tranny you little shit
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>sitting by my computer doing shit on my phone
>mouse moves on its own
>goes on tor to download "cool porn"
>avatarfags with anime
>"im no tranny you little shit"
who's gonna tell xer?
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>talks like a buttblasted spergy milennial that hates anime in an anime website
who's gonna tell you
Once upon a time, I installed Gentoo.
you didn't even read my post
try again
You destroyed the sperg
>troon avatarfagging
anime is ok but you're fucking cancer, kys
>not required
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surely its troonism to like lolis? I can't fathom the mind of autistic milennials who come to such conclusions. tendies are not very bright individuals
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I'm younger than you thougheverbeit
I got jumpscared by the goosebumps website when I was like 8.
This. This has been my fucking computer boogieman when I was a kid and it still is now and I love using the terminal.
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I commend you anon
kill this gay ass thread with fire

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