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>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?


A board dedicated to all aspects of music making and audio would be great for many reasons. Here's why:
If you like the idea, let 4chan know at https://4channel.org/feedback (under Board Suggestion)


Previous: >>101472219
if you take issue with compression in particular
if you think most mainstream music is trash
then your DAC/amp might be inadequate
realtek motherboard audio is ridiculously bad, very unsatisfying to listen to
even when i switched from my old high end DAC to my new top tier DAC it took a bit of getting used to because i was now getting the full dynamic range (maybe 0.1db compression when measured at an extreme volume, essentially zero compression at normal volume) so at first it was difficult to dial in my listening volume because some parts i would feel that they were too peaky and some parts were too quiet
this has to be the most annoying schizo this general has gotten
he doesn't even make any music, he just talks about music which is something that should be on /mu/, not here
I said it was off topic from the moment he started posting but got samefagged to death "of course it's on topic"
i'm learning about music production very efficiently while most of you aren't displaying any curiosity or willingness to discuss in a constructive way, some of you don't even tolerate listening to most music and you think you have what it takes to make music after you've been trying for 10+ years

basically the comments about lando being unlikeable as people find out that he's not very smart or curious about the world around him apply to you as well
stop spamming threads, you fucking idiot.
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saying that taylor swift has good production is not the topic of this general, retard, that's something you do on /mu/. this general is about MAKING digital music, it's not about giving your opinions on some track

I'd ask you to post something that you've made but you'll just vocaroo someone's track, and honestly, I don't fucking care, just fuck off to /iemg/ or /mu/, your shitposts aren't even funny
anons here are stuck in the 2010s hipster edgelord mindset that mainstream music sucks, an anon from the last thread even said he has a thinkpad from like 2012 lmao, you're possibly even worse off than /mu/ technology wise because you're not willing to upgrade your computer and audio equipments
ok, now fuck off to /mu/
for you to get started, here's a thread I found that mentions taylor swift
Are synths funko pops? My live-in gf left me recently and I was thinking about how I don't really care and could just live alone with synths the rest of my life. But maybe I'm just being a manchild. I guess it ultimately doesn't matter. They are cool, but the harsh reality is that even though it feels like you're doing work when twiddling knobs on a synth, you're doing jack shit. But I guess you have to fill your days somehow.
bitwig on Ubuntu studio for me, though i prefer scrolling ,4chan and listening to YouTube these days.
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how does these sound to you? shit or not shit? these are raw recordings, zero mastering done.
some of it sounds competent but they all have a beginner producer stink to them whether it be sound choice or composition/melody
thanks for the feedback. yeah the instruments are not final!
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Anyone producing on tablets? Logic seems like the closest thing to Ableton with their session view loops arrangement and their tiny but maximizable plugins window.
when people say the beatles were masters of harmony, are they talking about the chord progressions? because it doesn't seem like rocket science
lol at the beatles songs being 2 minutes long when modern songs get accused of being tiktok brain rot for being 3 minutes long
whereas listening to DJ Khaled - I'm the One (feat. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper & Lil Wayne) feels like a marathon at 5 minutes long
fucking boomers i swear
>are they talking about the chord progressions?
they're talking about how they're able to harmonize with melodies and chords, but they weren't the masters. the masters were beach boys, frankie valli & the four seasons, and many others.
> lol at the beatles songs being 2 minutes long when modern songs get accused of being tiktok brain rot for being 3 minutes long
nobody cares. take your mu level cancer back to fucking mu.
>anons here are stuck in the 2010s hipster edgelord mindset that mainstream music sucks
this is how one copes when they're born into an era of the most homogenous and contrived garbage imaginable. i thought "mainstream" music was shit during the 80s and 90s but boy i was fucking WRONG. last 20+ years has been a hilarious disaster.
I wonder where midi app anon and virtual modular app anon are those days. On vacation?
Please r8 my garageband song:
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I avatarfag now.
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I feel like I should advance out of using such a basic DAW like Garageband but I've been using Garageband for so long that everything else feels wrong.

Audacity is impossible for multi-tracks and everything else just overcomplicates everything.

Anyone else know this feel? Wat do?
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Why don't you want to get a full daw?
>AI slop
Fuck off
just use ableton, it's so ridiculously easy to use that even i managed to figure it out. i'd go with ableton 11 for the meantime though, ableton 12 is a bit weird
at least unlike with movies and other bigger mediums, music has a low barrier for entry

mainstream music is dogshit, but pretty much no matter your taste you can still find high quality stuff

you can't say that about movies or tv shows (no matter how much people like to pretend there are "hidden gems" or whatever)
Do nothing
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if you all want a pretty good free spatialization plugin, i'm posting this because it seems to have disappeared completely from the original page, and while the new dearVR plugin is good, i still like using ambeo orbit. really useful plugin for creating space in your mix.

the new version that has replaced it isnt free but there are limited versions you can find here



and here is sennheiser ambeo orbit


i just pirated the full version of dearVR but I still use ambeo orbit on almost every track
just follow tutorials you'll get the hang of it
is there like a superrack thingy for windows or linux
which doesnt cost fucking 600 bucks
i want to do this but run guitar amp simulators and stuff
the duality of man
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re: et al
Just graduate to Logic Pro. It's the exact same layout/flow of Garageband with more features.
holy schizophrenia
Hey guys newbie here. Should I go with the SM58, sE v7 or the AT2020. I'm mostly gonna be recording vocals.
do you want a dynamic or condenser? the at2020 is not a great condenser mic so i'd get either of the first two but look to get a better large diaphragm condenser later on
imho first mic should be a 57/58, they will still have a bunch of other uses if/when you upgrade and you can find them used everywhere
i wouldn't recommend buying them used, there are tons of fakes and you're not saving much money
get them from actual humans in your area
actual humans in your area can sell fake gear whether they know it or not
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Sorry for the slightly out of topic question but any A.I that turns music into cat meows? I need this specifically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9tlqukSn5U

or maybe there is a track like that already that you know...?
have there been any good synths released in the past few years?

don't really like serum, pigments, phase plant or massive x (which was the last to release when i was paying more attention to new VSTs)
is there a huge counterfeit sm58 cartel in your area?
yes, tons of fake 57s. good site with pictures of how some of them look which can be subtle if you have no experience with them. a lot of the fakes get the inside close enough looking with the wires and wax but the outside has the tells
what mic is this
i've literally never run into a fake mic , but i don't live in the uk. i have seen tons of sketch power supplies, di boxes, things like that but usually the weight is off or the device is missing the proper markings
this was in america, not the uk
i'm based in the us, never seen one, but i believe you.
>mfw michael bay is making a skibidi toilet movie
>at least unlike with movies and other bigger mediums, music has a low barrier for entry
can be said about many arts. the barriers are low. always have been. anybody can do it if they have time and patience. music, tv, video etc. has become incredibly cheap to produce and at a high quality.

> you can't say that about movies or tv shows
hasn't stopped people in the past creating movies or tv shows. the barriers don't exist if you want to do something.
>don't really like serum, pigments
What do you use?
napoleon dynamite still had a $400k budget. you nerds are dreaming
in game dev it's easy to see if the game is literally broken with bugs or unfinished content so in /agdg/ they drop out or get to a doomer state within 10 years
in music you have people who dismiss all popular music from the last 50 years but they think they are the ones who have figured out how to make the good music. lol
it's not difficult to raise money for movies, especially if it's a good idea.

i would guess he uses nothing or has severe lack of skills using serum and pigments.

> nothing to do with music technology
kill yourself
you're not better for replying to the obvious bait tards, tard
udio updated
You think he'll come here to scout for musicians?
>it's not difficult to raise money for movies, especially if it's a good idea.
that's like saying it's not difficult to get signed to a music label. meanwhile you're struggling to get 1k streams on your dubstep tracks made in your mom's basement
>that's like saying it's not difficult to get signed to a music label
nothing like it at all.
> meanwhile you're struggling to get 1k streams on your dubstep tracks made in your mom's basement
who makes that trash? lmao. you've been intellectually buck broken. when's the livestream suicide? you dumb fuck monkeys have no idea how the world works at all. the frightening part is you have no life experience at all to know basic things such as how the entertainment industry works, a thing that's been around for hundreds of years
>it's not difficult to raise money for movies, especially if it's a good idea.
absolutely insane and delusional. maybe someone with top tier giftedness can get a small amount of government funding depending on the country, or get a viral crowdfunding campaign going, or be well connected with american venture capitalists. otherwise they would be pissing money down the drain like brianna wu who got $200k from her parents for her game dev studio.
>who makes that trash?
anon has mentioned that he makes riddim several times. otherwise i'm not sure what music you're into, maybe boomer rock.
Buy an SM58 and if you don't like it, return it anad get teh AT2020. They're both on amazon
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this shit has parallel fifths or nah? more so in the part after 2:30, the voices kinda blend together, but i haven't had ear training or learned how to read sheet music properly so i wanted to find outside info to confirm my suspicion.

ffs lol daft punk are considered legendary but they have the harshest autotune/vocoder effect, abruptly resetting samples and general repetitiveness
boomers are at it again with their nostalgia bias because daft punk used obscure retro samples

The joke about them not knowing they were french is the single most unfunny joke in all of family guy
i laughed so hard my appendix burst
Hope you get the appropriate medical attention you need.
boomer sheeple hype up what they're told is good, such as shitposting mozart, songs by the beatles that are 2 minutes long, queen who made the so tastefully written song "fat bottomed girls", daft punk
enlightened people can listen with their own ears using state of the art audio equipment and decide for themselves that there are great modern day artists and producers
I agree this makes the most sense.

If they're branching out might wanna give ableton and fl studio a try and see if either click.
interesting, how are you using it in your mix? are you panning separate tracks around? I've only messed around with the open source IEM and Sparta plugins, but it was fun to go up to 7th order and actually use 64 channel tracks.
cool ps1 main menu music-esque tune. can hear end credits in the second part. definitely japanese anime game. i like it. sometimes the offtune notes really rips through... drums need some work.

do i hear some italo in there? sounds like a fusion of million different edm sub genres. after polishing these have lots of potential. interesting 90's dance style melodies. could use better instrument combinations.
Nobody cares about your stupid opinion on what other people like fuck off and go make music instead of blogging to 10 people who all hate you

>it’s not a joke
Might hate watch this
Modern day sharknado???

How do you not like *any* of those lmao skill issue
Depends what you’re going for

>garage ha d to logic
This should have been the first and only response fuck this general

Wtf happened
Yeah I might go with a dynamic. My only problem with the SM58 is that it seems you have to put you mouth really close for the best possible audio where the AT2020 can be some distance away.
I'm also thinking about the sE v7. I heard it sounds better then the SM58 while still being durable.
But I wonder how the sE v7 and SM58 hold up in a non-live environment. Just making music on my laptop at home.
i can't make music since no one answered my question about parallel fifths. i asked in >>>/mu/classical but they're being assholes
So in Da Vincii Resolve (probably every video editing software I imagine) there's a toggle for snap alignment (I think it's called magnet or something) where starts and ends of clips... you know, snap.

This should be standard. repetitive alignment off the grid is an absolute fucking pain to do
you're consistently a faggot so you deserve it
it's not trivial for the software to figure out the precise point of the sample that you want to snap. and people like rick beato have a raging hateboner against robotic alignment to a grid
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literally who is rick beato and why do people keep talking about him?

no no, i want precise snapping OFF the grid, to other clips.
no o no no no
this is all wrong.
the correct answer is:
>red = drums
>blue = bass
>yellow = synth lead
>pink = synth chords
>green = acoustic instruments
if anyone knows where these colors come from, i love you.
oh shid, i fucked up.
>orange = acoustic
>green = sfx
What is??

I can’t believe I never thought of rainbow signaling until now wtf

I assigned colours based on like... saturation aura.
Low frequency and heavy stuff is more full and aggressive so red/orange.
Leads and melody etc is light and inherently flamboyant so pink/bright greens.
Effects and references and utilities are are unnecessary and yellow is just a light and shitty colour (like the sun)
Only the good ones
They tried to take my sparkle with the :) ones and it only filled me with rage.
Anti psychotics bonked me out for a couple weeks tho that shit scary fr
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>What is??
it's fun :)
Can you guess the remix artist? Hint: it was made in 2000 without fancy zoomer plugins. And it still mogs.
Keygen Music
obsoleted by
What is the most straight, white and male electronic music subgenre?
German techno.
I'm a noob to synths. I've discovered the Oberheim eight voice. I see there is a software emulation (GForce OB-E) of this analog synth. I am tempted to buy it. However, it seems that it (and the real thing) are nothing more than 16 oscillators strewn together, grouped with filters. It also seems that most synth vsts only play a handful of oscillators. Is the ability to play a large number of oscillators at the same time unique to this analog synth emulator? Are there any vsts that can play large numbers of oscillators and arbitrarily assign filters to groups of oscillators?
>Alice Yalcin Efe - Mercurial Tones Academy
>Andrea Botez
are into techno altho not specifically german i guess

dutch hardstyle
check the videos, everyone is white and would be a sausagefest if they didn't hire female dancers for the crowd shots

Ein volk, ein reich, ein HP!

OB XD is a free version of that (or inspired by, idr how close it is)
Vital is free and much more powerful

The number of oscillators isn’t really unique or indicative of power; how flexible each oscillator is is more important.

>dutch hardstyle
nta and I can see that but I thought that had more to do with like... where they’re playing....
yeah but nonwhites exist in europe lol
zyzz (australian) was kinda white passing
Can Vital do this?

Each oscillator of the eight voice can only be saw or square. I think that's a significant limitation. There are 2 oscillators per filter.
But is the number of oscillators really unimportant? 16 oscillators slightly detuned from eachother surely is unreplicatable.
In large numbers where it’s notable that they don’t show up when accounting for economic factors and such?
Not baiting or anything I just don’t know

Like it’s actually hilarious and been somewhat news to me recently that EDM is kind of known as an Asian “thing,” or at least festival going ; like it’s notable that they’re disproportionately attending lol

Yeah, no problem

There’s this thing called unison where each oscillator gets more than one “voice” that can be detuned in various ways; this is a trivial thing in digital synths that advanced far beyond what you’re talking about.
>this is a trivial thing in digital synths that advanced far beyond what you’re talking about.
Can each group of unison oscillators get their own filter? There are 8 filters in that analog emulator.
idk but like every hardstyle producer is white while hiphop, drum n bass etc has black people
You can split 3 16 voiced oscillators between 2 parallel/serial and then one more filter in vital, or stack instances if you just really need more (you don’t for the sound you linked).

If that’s really something you’re hung up on, phase plant can do both of those things combined, better with more.

None of this may matter at all depending what you’re actually trying to do.
You should start experimenting sooner rather than later and re-evaluate your needs as you progress.
Either way, there’s seldom a need to spend money right away before you even start
What I'm trying to do right now is get a grip on some fun and enjoyable software. The big dick "voice of god" sound has its merit and is nice to listen to; endlessly tweaking 8 sets of sound and panning them for a wide stereo image sounds fun.
However, if I were to actually make music, I would want a sound that is ironically the opposite of wide and big.
I really really love this intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sRVELFp8qU
I assume this can be made with anything.
also speaking in very general terms, hardstyle has similarities to classical music and metal which also have a lot of white people, with piano-like melodies and string-like synths, whereas jungle and such have african roots with more rhythmic percussion elements
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>zyzz (australian) was kinda white passing
>zyzz (australian)
>with piano-like melodies and string-like synths, whereas jungle and such have african roots with more rhythmic percussion elements
yeah i like this explanation better t b h lol


tfw white but white* (hispanic (so not really enough)) in just my country LIKE race isn't even real BRO FUCK
where can i get good free samples from?
>african roots
How much trolling is to mention either suno or udio?
Depends on what you say when you do.
>mfw I'd just get distracted and start wasting time on youtube while telling myself "I'm basically crate digging, I'm being productive!"
Internet Archive, the 300gb torrent of ancient sample CD's
>type question into archive
>gather links
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>German techno
probably Drum n Bass, Neurofunk and Dark DnB
Guys i have problem. my table doesn't have quite enough room for big midi keyboard. Yet something the size of TE OP-1 fits perfectly. Problem is that it's only 2 octaves long. How come there aren't dedicated midi keyboards that are of same size as OP-1, but that is 4-5 octave long? Or does anyone happen to know some midi keyboard with around same key size, that's only 11-15cm deep (same depth as normal PC keboard)? Ideally it shouldn't be too long either
How thin are your fingers?
> my table doesn't have quite enough room for big midi keyboard.
fucking retards insist that this is a goated song regardless of boomer nostalgia bias etc
you can't release a song with a similar faggy style in current year and reach mainstream success. even though bands like lizard jizzard have had a lot of success with exploiting nostalgia in other ways. because it's just not good.
it's meant to be the most compelling examples as to why you should want to use a noise gate. i hate it. a noise gate is where it cuts the volume in quiet sections so it's like a band-aid fix for a noisy recording.
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>It actually comes from something else. It was used in the TV show Miami Vice during one of the longer shot sequences almost in it's entirety. Miami Vice was one of the more iconic shows of the 1980's as it integrated big budget film ideology into the pastel popularity of the more main stream MTV music videos. The show propelled the popularity of the song which then propelled the popularity of the of the show.
>Internet Archive,
That one had some shit dmca'd. Comfybox is more complete.
>Imagined by Daedelus, Realized by Rainbow Circuit
>Failure is our attempt to model overload bass.
>Not simply the hyping of overtones, phase tricks, or even/odd distortion.
>We are chasing the particular feeling that comes with perceived loudness; the synesthetic shuddering of sound as it pushes against the limits of the recording medium. This can be used as a barely-there buttress creating a simmering loudening enhancement minus extra lufs, or all the way to heavy-handed have eyeballs rattling.
>As it is a perceived effect we've created a perceptual Moiré pattern that is Failure sensitive, encoded with feedback from the parameters to give immediate visual sense of this unique efx.
>We suggest you use it on the master, as a send, multiples on individual tracks, buses, side chained to kick-y things, creating sound designed mayhem, or simply as a visual interpolation.
>Don't just produce, please Failure gloriously!
>How come there aren't dedicated midi keyboards that are of same size as OP-1, but that is 4-5 octave long?
it would be hilarious and retarded. the closest to that are the old alesis q-49s
Imagine being British and learning to read music. It's like "now you rest for a hemidemisemiquaver and accent the Eb notington von tyne"
i have to remind my friend to speak english whenever she starts talking about crotchets, minims, and semibreves. shit is annoying and way harder than just using numbers
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Are there any daws that support the vst open source no license CLAP plugin format?
no, not a single daw supports clap

queue 5 replies by retards that don't read
Bitwig and FL Studio
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Why isn't Bitwig more popular?
not welcome here

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