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Almost been a year since the UI was changed

Forces you to click more times

Can't search while posting

Can't filter posts

Can't copy the post URL

Often forced to restart to attach files or disable text highlighting in posts

What alternative is there to this dog shit?
chance is the only option atm
>reddit spacing
go back
Dunno I still use Clover and just werks.
No, not your meme forks but the OG from floens.
>user has autism

>posts thread about app that shares a logo with 3 or 4 others

>doesn't identify app, only posts logo

>gripes in reddit spacing, assumes others know what program he is griping about

>has not yet developed theory of mind

>is mentally age 3 forever

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The OP didn't say reddit spacing. So, who are you quoting? Oh right, you're a retarded newfag for being insecure, desperately trying to fit in, falling for the hoax that Reddit invented paragraphs and oldfags never used paragraphs, and not knowing what the meme arrow is for.

I'm not telling you to go back. You need to go to a mental asylum. Asap.
/qa/ lost
Can you fuck off with this repost already

Imagine being a retarded newfag who is retarded enough to fall for the hoax that reddit invented paragraphs and oldfags never used paragraphs because you're an insecure clinically retarded, underage and/or zoomie because you're incapable of doing basic research and you can't see you're desperately trying to fit in on a website where 90% of the users are just like you and not oldfags, screeching how everyone must spoonfeed you basic things, and having the audacity to say others are autistic and underage.
People pointed it out to you in the other Kuroba threads but since you're retarded I'll reiterate:

this is how we know who you are every time you post, Dmitry K1rakishou

90% of /g/ is reposts but the only supposedly repost that gets you to sperg out is any mention of the app that you stole, shilled on /g/ and degraded
>quotes literal trip fags as figures of authority
just out of curiosity, who is the most noteworthy person whose dick you've sucked? you seem pretty clever so it must be someone really impressive right?
Who are you quoting and why do you think substituting your meds with slurping on your dad's little dick is a good choice?
why don't youunderstand what the red tripcode means, what the meme arrow is, what a figure of authority is and think schizoposting about reddit is facts?

almost as if you're a retarded newfag and you're a peak retard
I'm >>101538911, I love my father, I think he's a very admirable person and his dick is the greatest I've ever sucked. My hobbies are browsing reddit and keeping up with celebrity news. I have a printout-poster of Christopher Poole in drag on my bedroom wall.
>My hobbies are browsing reddit and keeping up with celebrity news.

You made that obvious by spamming that Reddit invented paragraphs and having a mental breakdown every time when you think someone realizes you're a mentally ill newfag
Line breaks exist so long paragraphs don't look like a giant mess. Using line breaks for separating single, short lines is retarded, simple as.
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>wahhh wahhh
>you retarded for make me scroll more on me phone
>me not esl also
>me expert on engrish

Another mentally ill newfag detected.
Hi K1
Not an argument. As I said, the purpose of spaces between paragraphs is to prevent giant walls of text. There's no reason for them to be used

like this,

specially not for shitposting

on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Why do you want the UI to change? Why is the UI not changing in a year a bad thing?
What an embarrassing meltdown.
Dude, you're replying to trolls, ignore them.
>this thread again
iToddler app for knuckledraggers.

>As I said

You're a mentally ill ESL newfag

>There's no reason for them to be used
>like this,
>specially not for shitposting
>on a mongolian basket weaving forum

No one uses paragraphs like that

Again, you're a mentally ill ESL newfag

Also stop pressing enter after every word
>you're a troll if you're not a retarded newfag who is retarded enough to fall for reddit spacing

kill yourself k1
>I have autism and you hurt my feelings

Not an argument, underage newfag
>I love my father
Nice try fake redditor, but everyone know that reddit users don't have good relationships with their fathers.
>newniggas think paragraphs=reddit spacing
kill yourself
Are you high or something? None of this is true.
Line breaks are how you create paragraphs in the first world. Paragraphs are used whenever making a new point.

Sometimes you get a new idea quickly like this, and it creates short lines.

It's 4chan's fault for being so horizontally designed on modern widescreen monitors, that it looks incorrect.
if you haven't moved to blue or taco kuroba dev you deserve to suffer
>taco kuroba
¿Uma delicia?
Okay, you got me. I am Dmitry. Now stop posting these fucking threads, I will never change my app for you and I don't care about you or anyone else who whines about it. You will never break my resolve. Go elsewhere for your 4chan app needs, I do not want you to use my app. kthxbye.
Didn't read the thread but when is kurobaex going to work properly with endchan? That's I want yayayayaya!
Based, same here.
I use blue clover. It quite literally just works and I don't care about the developer "tastes".
Keep crying dmitry
Get fucked, user whom I will not accommodate no matter how many threads you create
Who the fuck asked you to fix the app that you stole and broke? You fucking retard, take some krokodil and get the fuck out of our sight.
Read Chan
>No faggy pony shit
>One dev, constantly updates
>Very nice and customisable
My only gripe is that I can't delete posts.
>One dev

What did the r*ddit typing retard mean by this
You fix it then, motherfucker, if you're so smart
Literally nothing youve just said is true except the first one.

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