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Hello, I use to be GIMP's biggest fan and I made tons of GEGL based plugins for GIMP. I always had a smile on my face thinking about GIMP. but now I give up. GIMP is crawling towards non-destructive editing while commercial software is mastering AI.

Sure we have some GIMP Plugins that use offline usable AI to auto remove backgrounds and inpaint (remove content) but they don't work on GIMP 2.99 which has non-destructive editing. They only work on GIMP 2.10. And just a few days ago I found out why a long time crash with my GIMP/GEGL plugins happens in GIMP 2.99, as ive been aware of the crash since GIMP got non-destructive editing in Jan 2024, but now I know why it happens... It turns out GIMP plugins of mine that use malloc for storing unused GEGL nodes can crash GIMP 2.99 with non-destructive editing and native GIMP filters don't use this feature, only my plugins do. Which means dozens of plugins I made broke in GIMP 3 as they crash randomly when closing tabs. I concede, GIMP is ass and not the good kind - once I get done removing features from my GIMP Plugins just to making them compatible with GIMP 3 I will switch to Windows 11 and Adobe CC and pretend Linux and FOSS don't exist.

tldr - 1000s of hours of work I spent with GIMP's engine GEGL went down the shitter because GIMP 3 does't know how to store unused GEGL nodes in memory correctly. This is an actual criticism of GIMP unlike uninformed normies that say >use kritad BS
sucks to hear that.
but yeah
i dont have the highest opinion of foss either.
i dont have a specific issue in mind, rather that, with a couple notable exceptions, everything is either half assed, chaotic, or incomplete.

i use gimp.
but as such i also know about the jank that gimp contains.
and, yeah
i had it segfault on me even without using gegl magick. it was upon closing, but still. jank.
and underneath the gui things seem to be just as janky if not even more so.

i cant blame you.
godspeed. may you find greener pastures
Krita works fine for me including image editing
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Why do you use updooted trash? You could have just stuck with an older version and worked with what you have instead of being gay about it.
I am a third party GIMP dev I have to test the newer versions. I have multiple installs of GIMP on my system - GIMP 2.10.37, GIMP 2.10.32, GIMP 2.99.19 and GIMP 2.4 (from 2008)
Honestly kritia ate gimps lunch a long time ago. Even if gimp had zero technical problems kritia just has a better UI and can do more. The people who shill gimp all the time are just people who started with it and never tried any of the competition after.
Switch to Affinity Photo or use Krita if you want a similar foss alternative

I did because:
No CMYK not for years but decades
Old scripts doesn't work properly each update (2.6 to 2.8, 2.8 to 2.10, 2.10 to 3 afaik)
You can fix this only if you know python, but every new update and one by one? fuck it
Interface out of the box still sucks, and no, get used to it =! good
Devs don't give a shit about user opinions at all
No native shape tool
To make a kinda decent work you must download like 20+ plugins & scrpits
>major version updates from 2 to 3
>is not backwards compatible and some plugins break
Are you actually surprised? Do you not know how version numbers work?
Well OK thats a pretty good reason.
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Wanna know something funny about this autist...
His GIMP plugins were never even intended by GIMPs team

You see...

GIMP's default plugin folders is


But GEGL has its own plugin folder outside of GIMP


At startup of GIMP any GEGL binaries put here are discovered by GIMP by it scanning the /gegl-0.4/plug-ins folder. Now GIMP's team is fully aware of this and has it where his plugins can integrate in their menu... but in mid 2022 when he first started making GEGL Plugins for GIMP they had NO CLUE GEGL plugins were even possible.

Here is Beaver's problem. GEGL plugins written in .c use MALLOC for storing data. This seem to crash GIMP 2.99.19 at random times - this is because GIMP 2.99.19 has non-destructive editing and stores GEGL information long term instead of just rasterizing it like GIMP 2.10 does. Now dozens of GIMP Plugins he made no longer work proper in GIMP 3 happen at random when closing tabs or windows.
nice blog. but how about you report it to their devs instead?
>Devs don't give a shit about user opinions at all
This is the ultimate code smell
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Everytime I post on /g/ its the same uninformed shitpost about using krita. Krita can't do advance text styling like GEGL can.. the only redeeming feature about GIMP is using GEGL Plugins to make fancy text and graphial effects.
KYS aitoddler
Finally you discovered the truth about GIMP. Purging GIMP is one of the first things to do on a fresh install.
What's the plan forwards?
Did the segfault happen while closing tabs or GIMP's main window. In my case its both. It could be because one native GIMP filter `gegl:dropshadow` uses malloc to a very small extent.
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The plan has two parts with one hopeful future goal

1. Instruct users of my GIMP Plugins that GIMP 2.10 is the best way to enjoy their feature richness.

2. Modify my special "bunker repo" for GIMP 3 so it removes everything to do with malloc - this means my main plugin "GEGL Effects" will be deprecated in GIMP 3 and existing plugins like "custom bevel" will be broken into many smaller plugins that represent each of its blend modes.

The hopeful future goal is that GIMP's team fixes this to make store inactivate GEGL nodes or I can find an alternative way to swap GEGL nodes. I have one idea of an alternative way. Instead of wild card nodes I could boot up alternative GEGL graphs as I do with my "sharpen deluxe" plugin.
nm... I just confirmed the alternative method includes malloc

GEGL can understand malloc storing nodes. Its GIMP that shits the bed.
Hmmm... A technical question:
From what I understand from reading the thread, the problem lies with GIMP's changes making GEGL plugins that make use of malloc, and that GIMP stores every node in memory in startup...? Am I correct?
If not, I'd like to learn properly and be corrected, and if so, what's the main issue with being unable to use malloc?
Much of this is beyond me, but... I want to understand.
excuse any lack of coherency resulting from it being 02:30 AM for me
GIMP master branch before 2.99.17 (dec 2023 build) never stored GEGL information long term and filters were NOT re-editable.

The filter information being stored long term is creating new problems that never existed in earlier builds of GIMP. Non-destructive editing is the hot new feature that came with unintended consequences.
no, u r, /b/ro
That sounds like a bug. If you're already in there slashing away at the jungle, doing crazy things with plugins, why don't you, I dunno, just fix GIMP directly?
i dont get it. just make photoshop work on lunix or whatever. fix the proton wine. instead of making a new app, fix lunix so that the old app works.
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I have no clue how to interact with gimp's code. I just make plugins by arranging gegl nodes in a designated area

even if photoshop worked on linux it would never had a counterpart like gegl and gegl syntax to make custom filters.
the person who made this post has severe autism and the mental capacity of a 8 year old. He doesn't understand programming terminology or math as everything he does with GEGL is modeled after gegl:difference-of-gaussian.c's template area.

Every plugin he has ever made from 2022 till now is a modification of that one GIMP filter.
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the normal plugins will be unmodified and all gimp 3 plugins will be in one repo called the "GIMP 3 Bunker"
Remember, if GIMPs team does not fix things this plugin will forever be broke on GIMP 3. Of course it will work until it crashes mid session until you close a tab.
gimp fucking sucks. krita is better. paid shit like affinity, CSP, photoshop is obviously better. even the online image editing tools are significantly better. i don't know how gimp is so bad, it might be one of the worst programs ever that is still relatively well known. software like that should be utterly forgotten about. when you use it, you wonder how it could possibly be around for so long and still be so bad. it is shockingly, disturbingly, offensively shitty and useless. how is it even possible?

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