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What does /g/ think of it?
bloat, just use a physical notebook. if you're not physically scribing something into paper you're not gonna remember it.
>electron for a FUCKING TEXT EDITOR
It's more like a personal Wikipedia than a traditional text editor. There's a lot of emphasis on linking between different notes.
>What does /g/ think
It doesn't.
it's purple
It's a nice editor and I like using markdown as a format for personal notes. The daily note button is handy too.
I think .txt with utf-8 encoding is all I need
nice. yeah, its bloated + not FOSS, but its the best crossplatform justwerks solution i have found that doesnt require a huge amount of tinkering, and the whole linking of concepts is really nice. markdown, too, so no propietary bs formats like notion. i know it is not a very /g/ opinion, but i personally cant spare a lot of time fucking around with emacs or whatever ungodly combination of software to get something usable. i have better shit to do
I guess it's basically Visual Studio Code but for writing. It's the best at what it does but I don't use it because of how complicated it is. Way too bloated.
I use it and it's OK. But i'd rather something simpler and better implemented. However, nothing really comes close, and its 'competitors' (e.g. Logseq, Joplin) are trying to be its own thing for better or for worse.

For anyone that shits on Obsidian for being an Electron app, clearly you haven't tried Logseq. That sack of shit takes years to load and halts to a crawl on larger notes. Its outliner-focused approach is very nice for connecting trains of thought, though. But that's about it.
>if you're not physically scribing something into paper you're not gonna remember it.
That's not really true
Who cares what /g/ thinks?
Kys kike
If you can't remember something you wrote down digitally you need to be tested for dementia
I just started using like a week ago. Right now I'm creating and organizing a personal brain dump. Simple markdown and locally stored as plaintext .md files.
I swear most of the motivation to make pages and organize them is the graph view. I used to just take .txt notes, but this is better because it's basically the same thing with a better UI and linking. Nested previews on hover reminds me of gwern's site.
fippy bippy

every retard who uses this spends more time thinking about their perfect setup than actually just writing shit
I genuinely don't understand what sort of brainrot the faggots at logseq have to refuse to implement folders, seriously what the fuck is wrong with freetards?
It looks like a genuinely nice and useful program, but I already have a very comfy Emacs + org-mode setup, so I'm not going to switch. Especially since it's not free software.
I hope you die in a fire, /pol/ subhuman.
it's a nice markdown editor if you don't waste your time customizing it over actually getting shit done

the only customizations I stuck with are a premade theme, and the quick latex, templater and omnisearch plugins.

I use it for class notes, documentation, and personal notes (medical, recipes etc)
>if you're not physically scribing something into paper you're not gonna remember it.

The point of taking a note is so I don't have to remember it.

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