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>regedit: old context menu
>taskbar alignment: left
>search: hide
>widgets: off
>other systray icons: all visible
oh yeah, it's peak time
for me, it's explorerpatcher
The UI is still too fucking big.
>Your start menu is still written in React
>You still have OS-level ads on a product you paid for
>Your data is still being collected and sold
>You still have abysmal UI inconsistency since 8
If you use an intel or AMD cpu your PC is already compromised and has back door access to every intelligence agency know to man what point were you trying to make here retard
>my hardware has botnet so i'm obligated to install a botnet OS and create a botnet google account
skill issue?
Are you on a 1366x768 screen or what?
>You still have OS-level ads on a product you paid for
skill issue
>Your data is still being collected and sold
skill issue
>You still have abysmal UI inconsistency since 8
That sucks, but no one cares except smelly NEET schizos
No 1080p on a laptop.
>Disable fractional scaling
Everything is now too small.
Everything was just right with windows 10 and then they had to fuck it up.
Have fun with your toy browser OS retard
>skill issue
I accept your concession. Linux has become objectively better for desktop use.
Who’s the retard
It doesn't matter what OS you install you literal deadshit if the cpu is compromised the entire system is what part of that don't you understand next you'll be saying i was only pretending to be retarded
>React is…. le BAD!
It’s react native + WinUI, JS just acts as a syscall middleman

+modern GTK apps are written in JS, running in spidermonkey, an ACTUAL browser runtime
Don’t see any
>Paid for
Came with my laptop
Ok buddy
>UI inconsistency
Still more consistent than Linux will ever be
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I just boot straight into steam vr or tv lol, gaymes is all windows is good for.
>Linux has become objectively better for desktop use.
does the context menu still take a whole second to load if you set it to the old one with the registry hack?

also, they ended up removing a whole swathe of registry hacks people used to optimize their windows experience after they slowly but surely kept removing options in subsequent releases after xp. how do you know they wont remove this one also? i fucking hate microsoft. fuck you

the fact you now need to perform registry hacks to even resize the taskbar is so fucking insulting if i had any self respect i would have [REDACTED] on microsoft by now
You will never be a woman.
>Your start menu is still written in React
dont care
>You still have OS-level ads on a product you paid for
not an issue on ltsc with oosu10
>Your data is still being collected and sold
skill issue
>You still have abysmal UI inconsistency since 8
its comfy seeing old windows ui idc
>4k screen
>set scaling to 100%
>everything is tiny
comfort maximized
Show me a comfier taskbar.
Protip: You can't.
literally all you need: the taskbar
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>start menu is still written in React
holy fuck
I seriously hope that adobe suite isn't pirated
why not
who the fuck buys adobe products
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>Your start menu is still written in React
LMAO, people on Linux fight between c and rust but both BTFO anything microjeet has ever made
there's layers of bait here
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here ya go
>>other systray icons: all visible
I didn't know about this, thanks anon!
Why the fuck do you have launchers for 4 different browsers in your taskbar?
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Its not that its pirated, its that the latest version are infected with a special kind of malware that rewrites your ethernet adapters and can't be detected by any means.
Upload your setup.exe and packages/setup.exe files from your install files to virustotal and check the "behavior" page, even if it doesn't get "virus detections" it edit a fuckton of shit it shouldn't.
chrome- for work
firefox for personal shit
brave for porn because I'm a GIGACOOMER
Edge is just there as a back up for whatever
>looks worse than 10
>works worse than 10
Peak garbage.
>brave for porn because I'm a GIGACOOMER
Just ues firefox private mode + ublock origin, you do NOT need another browser
>the latest version are infected with a special kind of malware that rewrites your ethernet adapters and can't be detected by any means
the fuck?
Mine only gets 3 flags instead of 15 like in your pic, then the behavior tab shows stuff related to blocking IPs that check for unlicensed products.
Latest PS from m0nkrus.
>>You still have OS-level ads on a product you paid for
>>>a product you paid for
>>>>paid for
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Still on CC 2018 LMAO
And what reg entries does it edit?
What files it creates and where?
>And what reg entries does it edit?
a fuckton but the only ones i can tell are internet related are in hkcu\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
>What files it creates and where?
two "blockip" .cmds in appdata + a bunch of folders also in appdata
U're part of the botnet now, be a good zombie
feels comfy
Making the users life easier all the while fucking up the biv corpos side business (telemetry/ads) should always be encouraged. TotalCorpoDeath
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the minute i cant make the taskbar behave like xp classique with ye olde ultramon-esque multimonitor taskbar is the minute i make the switch to debian plasma full time

windows 10 is literally unusable without open shell

windows 11 you cant even shift right click items on the taskbar to get the REAL context menu and not the fucking bloated shitheap aero one with gaps requiring you to move the mouse further

fuck microsoft
For me it's all that but...
>windows 10
>start menu full screen
>remove internet search from search through system registry

Yeah baby!
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part of my unattended file :)
pastebin shell script plz
I feel like I'm using some shitty Linux desktop when using Windows 11.
How did they fuck up this bad?
>>widgets: off
Nuke them with group policy. Mine haven't been turned on since they put the gay flag there.

You're also missing "Combine taskbar buttons..." -> Never.
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Windows 11

7800X3D with a 7900 XTX 64 GB of DDR5 at 6000

>CTFLoader using 20% nonstop have to kill it if I'm lucky to notice it
>PC Won't wake up from Standby
>Basic settings behind 100 menus
>Insanely long boot times if the starts don't align with Quick boot settings
>explorer.exe suddeny starts also sucking 10~20% of CPU until I kill it
>random other windows applications do the 10~20% CPU from time to time

It's so fucking tiresome to google this shit every time and try to fix it, only to find a few people with the issues and then microshit pajeet patches it in 8 months.
well windows 10 ltsc just works
>install education
>install playbook REVIos
>install stardock start11 and windowblinds
>install explorer patcher
Literally extacy. you cant get better.
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>windows 11 you cant even shift right click items on the taskbar to get the REAL context menu and not the fucking bloated shitheap aero one with gaps requiring you to move the mouse further
skill issue.
another registry hack i need that they will inevitably remove too for the most basic of functionality? fuck off retard
What the fuck?
At least it finally looks better than 10 and 8. Use micaforeveryone to get nice translucent titlebars
I got the windows 11 update for free and I honestly haven't seen any ads
>Your Start menu is still written in React

This isn't true is it? I'm going to be sick
CTFLoader is Windows search it I recall? They broke it back in Windows 10 as well. Are you.on the latest updates?
Standby has always been shit on Windows / x86 hardware.
AMD problem.
Haven't heard of that one. Could be a memory leak. I recall explorer having issues in 21H2.

Works on my machine.
I have none of these issues
wipe and fresh install
>they'll remove it
skill issue.
use revios dumbass

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