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Everyone, shut the fuck up I'm about to drop science.

-Your choice of CCCP or Kovensky's Mplayer builds (+smplayer if you want a GUI). Also XBMC if you have a TV hooked up. Control using a joypad through Joy2Key.
-Foobar 200000000
-Firefox with all your shit you obviously backed up with FEBE because you aren't retarded.

Enjoy your fully functional system fag.
>Foobar 200000000
2024 and still the best
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>it's 2010
You are gay.
It's 2010

>running same Arch install

Get on my level winfag
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Served me well at its time for hiding porn on our family computer. I pay my due respects.
>google chrome
>cheat engine
>chicken invaders
>adobe cs6
>this much bloat on a 15 year old pc
jfc you're like a D rank tech boomer
is soulseek still around or is it just a cp honeypot nowadays?
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the logo which looks like it was drawn by a toddler has always turned me off from this software, ngl
>he had win7 in 2010, one year after release
equivalent to a win11 early adopter cockslurping faggot LE NEW THING LE GOOD UPDOOT UPDOOT
we ran xp sp3 well into 2015 queer
>new le bad
>old le good
terrific contribution
it has always been true.
using early builds of win7 which were complete jeetshit in 2010 was not something anyone that cared about tech did.
Literally embarrassed for you
> I'm a raging homo jew nigger
I tried buying a license for TC (it's a business tax write off). They wanted me to give them my physical address for the purchase. Yea nah.
complete retards lmfao
go rage at your father for not teaching you how to behave like a normal human bean
>running win7 in 2010, before service packs made it usable
>implying anyone did this
zoomoid please
You shit up every thread you enter. Boomers have a tendency to behave as if they are ALWAYS right. Buzzword spewing, low IQ chimpanzee.
humans aren't beans retard
Literal plebfilter.
The logo does its job
Windows 7 is fine, but it's basically just Vista SP3 without the sidebar. I'm sticking to Vista for now, it runs fine on my E6600 since I got 4 GB RAM.
Irfanview sucks, fastone image viewer is better.
Alcohol 52%
QuickTime plugin
DivX plugin
FreeRapid Downloader
Privacy Firewall
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Downloading ero doujinshi from mediafire links off /a/ and /jp/ during Comiket and reading them on CDisplayEx
If this was today we would've been banned from using CCCP due to the name association alone, Windows 7 would be canceled in favor of Vista and everyone would be using Netscape or the other shitty Gecko browsers because they're not popular.
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nah, onlyfoss from now on.
grabbed this since winfaxviewer constantly broke trying to show large images and never looked back
soulseek is going strong, bafflingly enough
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backwoods in 2004
The logo is retarded - you cannot even discern what its supposed to be
>he doesn't know
Time to fire up Zdoom 2.3.0 and go play UAC ULTRA for the first time I guess.
It's a little splat dog.
The goggles did not save him.
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Why is every file sharing system labeled as cp honeypot?
>it's 2010
No please, my life was shit in 2010.
Indeed it is
>Posted from my spark gap telegraph
It's always funny watching zoomies throw a tantrum when they're reminded that everything they love is dumbed down garbage.
irfan is viewing
it's awesome
i discovered it only about two years ago
i've been getting and giving terabytes of data
it has everything, not just audio files
at the difference of torrents
>you can download whole directories of users at a time
>you can browse their whole sharelist and find bonanza
>you can search by keywords inside ppl's harddrives
>and goddamnit it doesnt corrupt files over time
i share the wildest shit
pls use Nicotine+ T~~~T
Was already using opensuse and didn't even have to install anything outside the repo to do anything those proprietary programs do.
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good shitware
I might get myself cs6 again, I don't mind affinity as photoshop but I wanna give illustrator cs6 a try
Don't forget to install peerblock.
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Aside from the inferior ai used in spot healing and similar tools, it's still my daily driver for graphic design.
I still mostly use figma for many things, guilty as charged, but I really want a stable version of the adobe creative suite that just works, and cs6 might just be that.
baby duck spyware
was based, I use Double Commander now
Basic 2.0 was the first os I ever used though.
Alpha activities. I hated 2010 tho.
>it's 2010
Choose wisely anon
>Windows Live Messenger
>Total Commander
The bare necessity to get any kind of work done
Still useful for Total Commander quick preview, using XnView MP for standalone
K-Lite Codec Pack is a must, comes with a good player (MPC-HC) and helps with Total Commander thumbnails
Still the GOAT
Still the GOAT
Still the GOAT even though I mostly use Total Commander but standalone still comes in handy from time to time

I use it at work cuz no commercial license and it's utter shit compared to TC. You can never replace the original, only badly imitate it.
I have 4 gigs of ram on a 64 bit os, so I can just run them all.
i use trillian to login to all of them (and then still only speak to my 1 internet friend, man I miss our chats john)
this is simply not true, I think i got win 7 around 2010 too. maybe even 2009. Back then things were different. It was not the case of "new = bad" was not the case for games, hardware or software. new things existed and they were simply better. I think you are applying 2024 logic in 2010 and you are wrong. hell you may even be a fake boomer.
you are beyond full of shit
there was INFINITE screeching about win7 being corporate faggified trash making windows look like mac os x leopard/snow leopard but with hideously broken UAC and ribbonshit everywhere
>haha win7 was just le good on release it was just...le perfect!!!
you fucking clown
somehow i remember some complaints but not too much... maybe i was just a stupid zoomer but for the most time... it was good.
I was using Pidgin by then
>lol I was 6 years old during win7 but it was good enough for meee!
about what I figured
anyone that had to use win7 for work found it disgusting. goes for everything after winxp. vista,7,8,10. all of them were slop.
OSFmount vs MagicISO vs ImgBurn?
Windows 7 was Vista SP2
>he had win7 in 2010, one year after release
I installed it as soon as the prerelease builds started showing up on the Internet and I'd do it again
All anime had this font in 2010
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I just installed windows 2000 on my moms old 1999 pentium dell
how do i get steam on this thing?
I remember vista being hot garbage but 7 wasn't that bad in comparison. By the time 8 rolled around you would be considered retarded for wanting to 'upgrade'
>utter shit compared to TC
It has its issues, but to me it does most stuff mostly fine. I used it at work as well in Ubuntu and it runs just fine. Search / multi rename / sync etc are OK for my needs. And it supports wcx extensions as well
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When people look at me using Total Commander, they think I'm a wizard. When I see other people using Explorer and barely knowing where their shit is saved, I think they're troglodytes, complete inbred retards who should not be allowed to use PCs. Am I in the wrong? Why do I feel such strong contempt for people who don't even have the brain cells to re-use/favorite paths instead of double clicking all the way down the insanity train of moronic file structure?
Peak technology
i miss emule
There is a copy shop near me with two curvy girls working, and I was amazed that they use Total Commander
Nomacs better than Irfan
What model is that Blu-Ray and HD-DVD drive?
What music player is that

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