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>cures your distrohopping
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NixOS users MIGHT be as annoying as Arch users.
Is he the guy making a lot noise eating chips?
>'Cures' your dick
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The drama actually got me on board.
Shill me on this. Why is it better than Arch or Debian, and why is everyone seething that the military is using it on their drones?
>cuts you're penis
The only time Mint doesn't fix your distrohopping is when you're just simply not satisfied with things that work.

Which is understandable... It's boring if your machine just reliably works without issue every single day. How can you enjoy a computer hobby without anything to do or explore?
its not even nixos users i don’t think. all the shitposting is about the community drama nobody says anything about the tech itself.
Is their logo a snowflake, because they’re... special?
its a bunch of lambdas
/pol/ spammer is a braindead ESL, as usual.
I think it's hilarious that freetards have spent the last 2 decades mocking the Windows registry just for troons to reinvent it.
Yes. We are the Brotherhood of the Snowflake. United by our special approach to system administration.
Well yeah, but it’s totally a snowflake, right...
And Nix is like, unconventional, or something...
Am I following
Trans perchance?
>a package manager inspired by functional programming is the same as... microsoft's binary config database! le freetards btfo!
smartest windows user
yeah sure and nix is latin for snow. you noticed the logo is a snowflake and it reminds you of the term "special snowflake"
what do you want, a medal?
I've always seen the main advantage of Nix to be the central management for options. I do consneed that package management hadn't even occured to me, but it's basically a solved problem to me. You could still use the registry for that though, but you'd have to write a new piece of software.
Does being a femboy count? :3
you're not a boy alice don't talk like that
>central management for options
You do have a point here, but I think that you're comparing very different design choices. On one side, you have a user-written, commented text file with just your current deviations from the defaults. On the other side, you have a colossal binary database where every program dumps its settings; a database which often gets bloated with time, as programs don't clean it up when uninstalled or upgraded. Not saying that everything Microsoft does is bad btw, but these things just aren't alike at all.
The idea is also much older than you think. NixOS is just the latest iteration and the most integrated into the OS so far. But competent Unix and Linux sysadmins have been doing central management of configs forever. It's natural, really. As a beginner you just apply ad-hoc changes to your servers. But if you maintain a highly customized server for a few years, eventually you start thoroughly documenting every change you make from the distro defaults, as otherwise you're going to forget its details, or even forget about it entirely. But then you realize that you're spending so much effort on the docs, you may as well make them executable, converting them to scripts that put the system into the desired state, managed in a single central repo.
At first people did this with shell or Perl scripts; then there was CFengine; after that, Puppet and Ansible got really popular for a few years; and now we have Dockerfiles and NixOS. What has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun.
>The drama actually got me on board.
this, i dont know why, but i like fucking with people that look easy to fuck with.
>Shill me on this. Why is it better than Arch or Debian, and why is everyone seething that the military is using it on their drones?
it has a declarative configuration so setting up basic services is like 1 line of config in a config file
it uses a source based package manager with build isolation and dependency management so you can mix both stable and unstable software in a single OS.
as for why people are seething, its palmer luckys corpo, seems everyone wants to bring hime down since 2016, also nix is largely a european project that americans have discovered in the last couple of years. so its probably driven by yuro hate of muricans
>But then you realize that you're spending so much effort on the docs, you may as well make them executable
This is *exactly* what brought me to Nix and eventually Guix even just as a desktop user. I was spending so much time writing out what was basically just a guide for future me on how I’ve installed/configured Arch Linux. I eventually just tried recreating my Arch config in Nix and that ended up being easier and way more useful too.
>i dont know why, but i like fucking with people that look easy to fuck with.
you're a big fat meanie.
P.S. >>101543564
As far as I can tell, the closest thing Windows has to this kind of config management is the Group Policy system. It's genuinely good, but they seem to go through cycles, alternating between adding power to it and nerfing it when they want to shove some crap down people's throats. I wish they just made it super powerful and a normal way for power users to configure their system.
Seems to be a pattern with modern day Microsoft. It's like they have two minds, and you never know if the next update is going to bring real technical improvement or just more useless crap that's hard to opt out of. I appreciate some of their tech, but I'm glad that I no longer use Windows.
>the ultimate tinker tranny distro
just get over your ricing phase and hop on ubuntu or fedora like everyone else
>2 gnome distros
>Calling anyone else a tranny
I'm gonna have fun with new technologies on my personal computers and no amount of seething by you will stop me, corporate bootlicking tranny. Don't like it? Maybe you should go complain to your DEI officer about it.
my personal computer isn’t for work so i can do whatever i find fun. i’d never be so cucked.
you larp about being productive but were apparently never provided a work laptop or can’t afford to buy one?
Are they done with that forking bullshit with Lix and stuff? Is Nix finally a coherent project again? I don't want to use something that's in unstable leadership
it never mattered man stop dedicating so much headspace to forum drama
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it sucks because its called nix os and yeah thats probably the primary reason why nobody recommends it. Arch sounds kino. Arch, like the arc-de-triumphe, fuck your gay distro with zero historical relevance.
it matters because scattering dev effort means all of them are worse off
Lix will be forgotten in a year but NixOS will live on. If they are not able to behave themselves more power to them. As far as I can see, only a negligible amount of devs left, if you looked at the graphs without knowing the drama you would most likely called the dev count around the shitshow a rounding error. The remaining Nix maintainers don't care, and life goes on.
dunning kruger

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