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Intel: Rust inside
I'm glad I bought Ryzen
Intel Oxide
>be intlel
>run hot
>chemistry happens faster
>>omagad who would have thought

caught with their hand in the bag
we'll see what happens next
bc from what i know its not a matter of bad batch, but a matter of running beyond capabilities
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would it work?
sir do not poo in the CPU, please
only if its poured down intlels marketing + c suite throats
Intel Aviv negroids have access to everything I do but can't make a good quality product in return.
I want see how /g/ twists this to blame DEI for this and not middle management or C-levels.
theres not much twisting to do, tho
>bc from what i know
You are a ucking retard. Watch GNs previous video. They fucked up some part of the fabrication process.
why do you keep posting this nonsensical, completely unrelated crap? is this a bot or something?
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im just reiterating that dei is trash and should be killed with fire at every available occasion
we do have bots among us here
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hes just seething at the mention of dei
we do have indeed bots tho
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so you aren't arguing, you are trying to deflect the conversation out of malice to blame whole groups of people for things that powerful people do, as the unpaid shill you are, defending other groups of powerful people.
in short, you are a mentally ill retard.
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that was unhinged
youre gonna have to explain that one to me step after step
i know youre a leftie but i dont live in your reality
amazing series of posts, guys.
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he started
and leftypol visitors seem to have a hall pass while theyre visiting the zoo
dont blame me for that
>rust inside
Don't be so bigoted chud! Rust is the future!
while you are right, you are kinda of-topic.
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dei in tech is tech talk doe
and it has a real impact on technology
at the root of the problem is corporate greed
but it still impacts the tech were using.
our employement for those that are-
and it sucks in general because its the death of meritocracy
so obviously incompetence is what will and does follow
I do not disagree with you, but I must be talking to an american if the only topic in your head is DEI. Once again, I agree with you, but damn if I bored to death of talking about DEI. I am so bored I just do not even want to touch such topics. Right now I have bigger problems - my CPU is rusting as we speak, whether I can blame DEI or not, I need to think solutions to the problem. Of course if CPUs are rusting, it is also normal to assume that really "It's over" and soon the end is coming, which DEI is kind of responsible for. Still, 1 problem at a time.
sory bro
have a you
but yeah
if thats a manufacuturing problem
thats gonna be one hell of an rma
>be intel
>trap demons in silicon
>silicon fails
uuuh, fa/g/s? teh implications??? O_O
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10nm, the node that keeps on giving
any /x/ fags have some insight on digital seances?
amd chink magic > intel jewish black magic
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what if you seal off the access to oxygen with thermal paste
or delid + smother under a layer of TP while under gas
you should get argon at a hardware store
or if you know someone who has a mig machine use theirs for controlled argon distribution
you put the argon in a bucket or a box
its heavier than air so it will stay there
put lid back on
glue it back again or whatever the kids do these days
smother in non-conductive thermal paste in case you missed a spot, still in the bucket
to be sure not to let any oxygen back in

and that could slow down or maybe even stop the oxidation.
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btw I hope you all realize that because of Intel the whole tech space is now just stuck in a Limbo: If you are fucked by 13th gen problems like me, you will not buy any recent chip, not even AMD, as you now will wait like ... 3-4 years for any possible problems to arrive in a chip. Also you will not buy too fast chips - they are hot and will die... so:
If you are just going to stay with the same hardware for a long time... the Windows 11 Microsoft thread of "SWITCH TO WINDOWS 11 OR NO HARDWARE SUPPORT!!!" becomes null and void - you do not need and will not need in the next 3-4 years win 11 hardware support, possible even more.
Of course, no good new games, means also no need to go for ULTRA GIGA EXPENSIVE GPU - a GTX 1650 will do...
What this means is that now you do not need to update software and hardware as there simple is no point - no new games to play and no new hardware to support. Until 2030, the current and even last generations of hardware are all you need. But also software.
It is the end of needing to keep up - the tech space is now stagnated. Phones also hard stagnated so hard you do no need a new phone after 2020....
So what is the last peace of tech you will buy? The Steam Deck 2? Is that it?
man... I am afraid if i do any of this i would probably make more problems. I would have said "let experts solve it", but I hope these won't be Intel's experts...
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or rather heres the procedure:
get everything ready
then glue it back toegether under argon

the glue is gonna be a problem.
you probably want something that isnt solvent based and doesnt emit gas when curing.
you will be under argon to make it work.
and you wouldnt want anything corrosive to be trapped under the ihs
maybe lap the processor
do the liquid metal thing
and isnt the chip soldered to the ihs?
(it has been ages i didnt look into OC)
if youre out of options, youre out of options.
if you want to slow degradation down you might try to undervolt it
and obviously keep it as chill as possible

ofc that, or anything else voiding warranty should be applied as last resort
maybe wait a couple of weeks to see what experts, and maybe more importantly, the courts have to say
undervolting may be the right thing to do... if only when i googled about my CPU and board people were not complaining that undervolting resulted in instability.
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>CPU and board people were not complaining that undervolting resulted in instability.
check if that wouldnt void the gaurantee
but that would be insane for intlel to look at that
and they shouldnt have the means to verify that to begin with

be sure to read up on the procedure
you might have to reduce the frequency of the processor
and with the special energy states and how they interact with the settings, modern cpus it might be not so straight forward
I can actually see myself using a 10850k on windows 10 for 10 years
If I needed something faster, the play would be amd's x800x3d cpus, and sticking to last gen would be cheaper and guarantee a mature platform free of bugs
Thank you. I am just tired of all of this shit. Intel just made it so for the next 5 years and possibly more, I will have to think 5 times before buying any of their products, while AMD will probably be my default option.
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>a small number
>a small number
>a small number
>a small number
amd doesnt exactly have a spotless track record either
i think the real winning strategy is always wait for end of cycle technology when you upgrade-
then a technology has fully matured
and you can get de-stock prices on new hardware

if you must buy into new tech, buy the minimum you need
youre less likely to encounter problems with mid to low end chips, but youre taking a risk with the tech anyways, as the clowns at intlel have shown.
>mfw I'm running my FUCKING THIRD 14900k while waiting for Intel to send me a check for my 2nd one.
>mfw I will have to order a 4th CPU when this one dies/once Microcode update is applied since this one is probably fucked too.
>mfw I will have to order a 5th CPU if I can't apply the Microcode update on the 4th one.
AMD only got gud when they came up north and we mixed in maple syrup with the doping process.
that's a software issue
intel fabrication is compromised
just buy AMD
I agree about waiting: as I stated in >>101543812
the future will just be using 3 gens old CPUs and GPUs as there is not a single reason to update unless and VERY specifically unless you are making money out of your pc and you know that new RTX 5090 will pay for itself as will that i9 14900k ... if you can even use it before it kills itself.
But if you really just use your pc for general programming, gaming and web browsing... oh boy do you not need to update neither hardware nor software. Windows 11? why? no hardware support? oh, no, whatever.
well said sir.
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>computer hardware industry collapse
>AI takeover of internet fails
>big tech crisis as they can't hit quarterly earnings
>internet rolls back to decentralized collection of old computers and boring websites
>we get to live in 00s until oil runs out minus google facebook twitter reddit youtube

We won. The bad guys lost.
both these statements are contradictory unless its a problem with intel software running the machines.
or that means that the fix will probably be a patch to windows/loonix to downvolt the cpu
i do not know if you are joking or you are serious. Intel made your shitpost tooooo believable.
cope intel admitted it's a fabrication issue leading to oxidation
He's not joking Intel customers are used to buying the same CPUs at least twice
better buy 10 spares of whatever you fancy before they run out
why not buy the cope 12th gen i9 as in the >>101543812
i never touch my development environment while developing
fuck no, siree
actually i airgap my machine when i do something serious so its also part of the sop for me so to speak
>>why not buy the cope 12th gen i9
because it's 5% slower
read my post again

also yeah, ik its a fab issue
i learned it itt, kek
I hope that 5% difference pays for itself.... just don't tell me you need it for gaming or some shit.
I would but I don't have the money. I'm having to front the money to buy each replacement via a line of credit, I'm totally fucking broke, but will switch to AMD in the end of this shit doesn't work.

I'm not joking, this is my 6th Intel build since 2011, and I'm on my 3rd 14900k in less than 5 months. This shit is atrocious. I never should've sold my 9900k build.
>I'm not joking
To be honest I did burn a CPU in 2017... I cannot blame you too much.... but I burn like 1 CPU per 10 years....
>>i do not know if you are joking or you are serious.
Have you seen the intel forums, I'm 100% convinced he's not joking
I saw a guy in there seething hard about how in 30 years he's never had so much shit from CPUs as much as 13th/14th gen has caused him
i bet its planned obsolesce.
cpu get fast enough now to keep a computer for 10+ years
so they start using planned obsolence now
rusting cpus is not a failure its a feature
>failed implementaiton bc they rust too fast
Intel are just incompetent
ok, listen, I say this to myself too: if the CPU starts making problems, try to return or sell it and just buy a i7 12700k/f/idk.... omg
the failure was that it happened in the warranty window for 50% of their cpus
lol true
they maked non rusting cpus for decades
any old 8086 cpu still works.

now they rust. its planned obsolesce

>Playing classic vidya 1 hour a day.
>Browsing the internet.
>Playing 5 year old vidya 10 hours on each CPU.

literally it's that fucking bad.

I'd rather have slightly better performance and replace the fucker every 50 days.
placebo amount of difference, even for gaming
>I'm totally broke
>built around the 14900k
huh. Broke and stupid? Classic combination I guess
I wasn't as broke 6 months ago when I first built the PC.
>14th gen cuckmaxxer
It might become the new normal just like with GPUs and SSDs if Intel continues to play dumb and AMD's new CPUs also start failing on purpose.
Isn’t blaming DEI inherently blaming management for picking DEI candidates for roles over qualified candidates?
I.... I don't know how to respond. You do know that if you are playing classic games you are already at 60/120/240 fps and your CPU is irrelevant most of the time? What performance? Is this a troll post? Bro, what games are you playing where after 120 fps you even notice the difference ? also ... man the GPU is what makes those numbers, you really need the CPU for games? what? what? Browsing the internet is also a somewhat non-CPU intensive task?
What do you work? wtf ?
Overall, Rust is designed to make efficient use of your CPU, both during compilation and runtime, ensuring that your system’s resources are utilized effectively.
Rust running in the Kernel, Rust running in the userspace, Rust running in the CPU... rusty world.
Who cares
I want to have your money. I literally have Steam FPS always on and basically match my wallet with the FPS I see.
Btw you are not one of those people running Overwatch on 480 fps and a 480 hz OLED monitor, right?
Yes, its literally called Didn't Earn It. (DEI).
The management needs niggers to extract money from the jew, even if this means sabotaging themselves.
>nobody was fired for buying intel
this sentence is about to be nullified by intel themselves.
The managerial class are the ones promoting DEI since they benefit from it (it's a grifting opportunity). You think the bourgeois capitalists want their corporate property made less efficient? Fuck no, given the choice they'd hire only the best for anything requiring thinking or craftsmanship, which would mean an overwhelmingly White & Asian, male workforce, because that way they'd maximize their own wealth.

It's the managerial class, who have far less stake in a corporation's efficiency (they get paid either way) who are constantly trying to push all sorts of inclusivity policies and quotas and such, because it gives them room to grift more jobs for their buddies and waste more of their employer's money paying their consultant friends on how to create more DEI grift.

That's why they had to pass laws mandating diversity, because if it was left up to the bourgeois (who don't have much power in society these days - wealth, yes, but not power - the managerial class is too entrenched everywhere) they wouldn't be hiring diverse workforces, they'd be hiring on a meritocratic basis.
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So how exactly do I check if my cpu is fucked?
I got a 13600k on october 2022, so far I've had no issues but it could always be creeping and I haven't particularly stressed it too hard.
There's no way to know other than stressing it with cinebench or something
>was so close to just buying a 7800x3D
>got a i9 instead
So much for my "future proofed" build.
And what, I should get a BSOD with a specific code if so?
Would that start the corroding process if it does?
Kinda fucked that this is allowed to happen and then intel has the fucking gall to not properly address the issue which means it's just gonna blow up in their face later on, won't buy Intel again.
>n and basically match my wallet with the FPS I see.
No, 3440x1440 @ 200hz
High refresh rate monitors are sex. Even 240 is too slow. With time you will come to realize this as higher and higher specs become standard.
Update your BIOS so you get the latest microcode and then run cinebench. If you see failures, your chip has already degraded. If you don't, you're probably fine.
>Intel, Oxide doens't matter
Alright, guess no other option.
Thanks anon.
if you don't have the oxidation problem, then its just the voltage problem. current speculation is the trash bins that are dying from strictly voltage problem. trash bins be examples like:
>14900k needs 1.5v's for 5.7ghz
>13900k needs 1.5v's just for 5.4ghz
unless intel actually states what the bad voltage ranges are, i would either:
>issue warranty replacement claim when the new microcode drops
>buy a new processor and send your old one back for the refund
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intel stated 14th gen doesn't have the oxi problem. that could explain why less 14900k's fail compared to 13900k's. if you have a 14th gen i9 you don't have to worry about the oxi problem.

if you have a 13th gen i9 if its late 2023 produced then you don't have to worry about the oxi problem.

voltage problem, speculation currently is trash bins. trash bins be, for example, a 14900k needing 1.5v's for 5.7ghz.
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> Body rust on your $1000 CPU.

Easy to fix.
13900k have been running in systems for nearly 2 years now compared to the less than 1 year for 14900k
I'd expect there to be double the 13th gen faillure rate, but the 13900k and 14900k seem to be failing in equal numbers
I should hopefully be in the clear then.
>intel stated 14th gen doesn't have the oxi problem.
That is a load of bullshit they're just trying to damage control so they don't have to do a massive recall.
>Muh wholesome tech jesus eceleb
Stop posting this faggot already. Just post a news article that I can read, instead of having to watch this unwashed obnoxious ad chasing loser for 30 minutes.

is there possibility processor operating as gas filled tube
How can a microcode updoot fix that?
but mostly no
i doubt you would be able to create an attachment to keep the processor surrounded by gas yet expose the ihs for cooling.

more importantly it doesnt solve your initial problem
when you look at the chip, whet youre seeing is not the actual chip, its the ihs
or "internal heat spreader"
the actual chip sits underneath it
and the argon manoeuvre's goal is to exchange the air for argon inside the ihs bc thats where the rusting goes on-
in the chip itself.

no air = no oxygen = no oxidation.
maybe. theres a couple things that might make it so that the chip dies regardless.
like if the problem isnt related to the air within the chip, but the chemistry of how its manufactured.
or that once its starts rusting it cannot be stopped kinda like with regular steel (different oxidation levels mean that rust can change from one state to another and emit oxygen which allows for further rusting)
i dont know for sure.
but argon MIGHT do the trick
dont do something rash tho
wait a couple weeks
dont use your pc, touch grass.
maybe undervolt it if you must
wait for the lawsuits and co
bc what if a full refund comes your way but youre ineligible bc you delidded it
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this fat retard is spreading fud about shit he doesn't understand
(also disclaimer: picrel doesnt depict the whole proper "delidding" procedure. you dont just pop open your cpu with a screwdriver whenever you want to have a look)
>intel stated 14th gen doesn't have the oxi problem.

When they're rejecting warranty claims, they wouldn't know. Start taking back chips and checking them, then that claim would have some standing.
tell me how I know you faggots have never had a job in your lives.
DEI hires usually work in useless do nothing departments and usually are upper class women and other similar waste of air,
and the ones pushing for DEI are well known: banks, blackrock and similar companies. they aren't "managerial class", they are literally the tools of rich and powerful people to control the world.
DEI is a whole lot of mde up bullshit, made so retards like you could repeat the narrative about how poor workers from "different" cultural/racial backgrounds suck so much, even though those workers have always been the ones that actually do physical work.
now something for the shills

You are the DEI hire bro. Also nigs don't have to nog. Its their choice, nobody "makes them do it because they have more money". You clearly have never worked around "physical workers" because if you did you'd know all about the niggings going on. Unless you're a coping mulatto. Its okay to be ashamed of them.
>You are the DEI hire bro
LMAO I bet I'm 100x more competent that your NEET as, you fucking shillbot
>all 13/14th gens degrade/oxidize
>gn, which is a tech channel, conveniently doesn't have any degraded i9 rigs in their studio
Lol lmao even. Good night anon I have to go to bed because I have work and a family that depends on me. I'm sure you know what that's like.
At least according to Intel, only 13th gen oxidize. Also, GN doesn't run their systems all the time. Once the benchmarking is done they usually sit on a shelf for a while.
>>gn, which is a tech channel, conveniently doesn't have any degraded i9 rigs in their studio
They mostly do benchmarks, why do you think this problem is only surfacing now?
arent the oxides already baked in the silicon starting from the fabs
if so then gg
the only bite the argon thing has to it, is if its a matter of coating
I was thinking of maybe dehousing my cpu and making it look pretty and then put it into a block of epoxy when I upgrade, is it A. easy to dehouse and remove all the the plastic and shit so I'm left with pure silicon, and B. Is it worth it? Is it gonna look pretty?
All they do with their CPU is run cinebench once a year, no shit their CPUs are fine.
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'depends on your definition of pretty, but i wouldnt mind such a decoration
heres the whole process if you want to have a look:
you might have to look for a good solvent for the ihs glue residue
maybe ask around
maybe ask even here. or sci. or diy
i have no idea tho
'bever delidded anything.
i know its a thing, but 'didnt delid anything myself
Thanks mate
happy to help
no. from what unreal and others have put out, 13th gen is failing at higher rates than 14th gen
they do know because they stated they fixed the oxi problem by mid 2023
not shocked since the 5800x3d beat 7700 in games as well
no. not all 13th gen oxidize.
no 14th gen oxidizes because the oxi problem was fixed before 14th manufacturing.
not all 13th / 14th gen degrades either. its pretty much the trash bins that draw 1.5v's or more
delete this you fucking retard
Quit trying to troll, AMD themselves csne out and said that the 9000 series won't beat the 7800x3D in gaming and to wait for the 9800x3D if you wanted that.
>its pretty much the trash bins that draw 1.5v's or more
source: your ass

Of course you have a citation for that?

And you dare say "a reddit" post.
>a single chiplet with 3d v-cache beats dual chiplet
who would've thought...
>not all 13th / 14th gen degrades either. its pretty much the trash bins that draw 1.5v's or more
so "just" most of -K, -KF and -K(y)S, got it
>old gen beats new gen
not my problem
t. amdgang
Forget raptorlake
Arrowlake is nearly here good go- friends!
Yes, just like Raptor Lake beats Meteor Lake.
In the case discussed here its a specialized previous generation gayming CPU beating a next gen general purpose chip, in gaming only. In other workloads the next gen will win.
You're disingenuously comparing apples to oranges. Compare 7800X3D to 9800X3D and next gen will win every time.
>stepping B0
it's just raptor lake in a new socket lol
>first number of max boost is 5, and not 6
>no AVX10
>high end SKUs made by TSMC thus extremely expensive and low availability
>China now has top Intel tech
Is this what Intel W looks like?
that's the i5 badge lol
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they will have a i9 (u9?) too
I am on my third 13900k and it is gradually failing currently locked multiplier at 50x and disabled e-cores I am trying to hold out until Intel fixes this shit for good so would not have to change fifth or sixth cpu too. Never overclocked and kept the cpu cool with 360 aio.
>third cpus
No way, you guys have to be trolling
Unless intel just handing out other rma cpus as "new in box" replacements for rma requests
No they're not, those stories are all over the Intel forums and other forums. Also the chips are so fucked that they'll send you a new one but that one will probably also be fucked, you're basically playing gacha and hoping you hit on the legendary non fucked 13900/14900
QRD on chip demons?
>blame whole groups of people
only one group of people is to blame for DEI
the jews
unless you wanna blame the victims for letting the bugs get away with their crimes everyday
>cpu get fast enough now to keep a computer for 10+ years
Give it a year and the 'yeets and webshitters wrote enough shitty code that even this high level of performance is bogged down to a barely usable level.
Your argument only holds water if you ignore everything that changed in the meantime, e.g. comparing an original 8086 with a newly minted 8086.
>pretending and hasn't been running 95c+ for 3 gens
Intel shills are we going to be okay?
14900k is a gamer cpu and not for blender retarded amd shill.
AMD has conservative power limits set in the bios out of the box. Intel doesn't. A 7950X3D wont exceed its TDP unless you tell it to.
It's OK, it can't win in gayming 1% min FPS either, even while using 2-3x the power of 7800X3D.
AMD's turbo TDP is always at most 130% of stock.
Intel's turbo TDP can be up to 300% (i7 14700) or even over 400% (Ultra 7 165H).
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Not even in ultimate housefire all limits removed mode.
atleast i dont have the amdip ;) and 5min boot times
My 7800X3D boots faster than my 12900K, both on DDR5 with memory context restore.
In contrast to Intel, AMD's BIOS updates are actual improvements.
Are you ready for the upcoming 13/14th gen BIOS+microcode degradation "fix" that will lower performance? You should be used to that from all the security mitigations in the last 5 years.
nice meme, intel is more stable, has better software support and just werks. Doenst need 20 bios updates for normal functionality. The MC fix is going to boost the performance because it limits the max voltage.
More stable? That's why NVIDIA had to call out Intel as the reason behind driver crashes?
That's why even the biggest OEMs are now going to the press to whine about 25%+ failure rates of highest SKUs?
>The MC fix is going to boost the performance because it limits the max voltage.
Why is Intel so incompetent to leave free performance untapped from the start? It's been over twenty (20) months since 13th gen release.
Intel is way more powerful bro
7800xd is only like 100W that's very low
Not buying Jewtel until they exclusively use TSMC. Switching to Ryzen
They literally hire panjeets and women
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inteloids get what they paid and shilled for
>both these statements are contradictory
not really
amd issue was caused by 3rd party software. mobo manufacturers were driving it too hard
intel issue is a manufacturing issue, completely inhouse. even enterprise mobos, which are designed for stability first and foremost, are experiencing the same issues, because it's the cpu itself that's fucked
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what the fuck does that even mean?
Forced meme. My 7800x3d boots about the same as my 13900ks
Intel will use TSMC for one generation, arrowlake.
Then they'll be back with intel foundries for more abuse
What if demonic runes are just a middle age person's interpretation of ancient atlantean circuitry?
delete this anon
Not anymore, xir. The future is now and its brown and gay.
The company get's hiring bonuses for picking worthless do nothings therefore management is technically bringing the company more income by hiring useless do nothings. This incentivizes management to hire do nothings until it starts affecting the actual businesses productivity which is when they start weighing the pro and cons of damaging their brand vs the DEI money they will be receiving

I'm not even sure what the point of your whole post was, to defend DEI hires or to defend managers in hiring positions who sell the company out for free money but honestly it was a piss poor defense and comes off like you felt personally attacked and had to whip up a textbook defense for the artificial problems in the current business climate.
Oh no Intelsisters i thought this was all NVIDIA's fault
Not our blessed faultless Intel
What are we going to do now?!
Intel's own press release you retard
The problem on the AMD side was mobo vendors running the chips out of spec, thus degrading and destroying them over time (Asus mobo bonus round: once the CPU was destroyed and would no longer start, the mobo would also dump so much current through it that it would literally melt / explode). The CPUs themselves didn't have any problems as long as they were running in-spec, so the only blame AMD has here is that they didn't do their due diligence to ensure that their mobo partners actually adhered to the proper settings (voltage levels).

The problems on the Intel side are twofold and much worse. First of all they sold CPUs with manufacturing defects (the oxidation thing) and didn't notify any of their customers of this fact until now, when it all blew up in their face. The manufacturing issues have allegedly been fixed already. The second problem, which may arguably be even worse, is that Intel CPUs are degrading WHEN RUNNING IN-SPEC. You can run these CPUs on server / enterprise boards and chipsets which are extremely conservative and strictly follow the Intel spec to the letter, yet the CPUs STILL degrade. This is not due to gaming mobo vendors going too spicy (like they did with AMD), this is an absolutely major fuck-up on the Intel side, because it either means they shipped bad microcode which physically destroys chips or have failed to validate their own chips when running their own spec.

It's a fucking disaster, way, way worse than Asus and Gigashyte overvolting the SoC for epin gamer performance, this is Intel themselves selling chips which degrade at pure stock settings.
i love playing games on my 16 e-cores
>The CPUs themselves didn't have any problems as long as they were running in-spec, so the only blame AMD has here is that they didn't do their due diligence to ensure that their mobo partners actually adhered to the proper settings
AMD hasn't provided any guidance for voltages since Ryzen 1000, so this isn't entirely the fault of motherboard makers. The core voltage is managed autonomously by the CPU, but the SoC, fabric and memory controller voltages had to be figured out by the motherboard makers and community manually. For example, Gigabyte runs Vsoc at 1.2 V on AM4, but ASUS says anything above 1.15 V will degrade your chip. I run it at 1.1 V to be safe since it really doesn't seem to need any more, even if you're trying to max out the FCLK.

Not to take away from Intel's colossal fuckups but I wish AMD would tell you what voltages these chips should run at like they did for Ryzen 1000 ("lol just run it at 1.4 V, it's fine").
>older R9 beats a new R5 in multicore work

epic own!!
Can anyone explain to me why 12th gen is unaffected? I thought it was likely they used the same manufacturing process as for 13th and 14th gen.
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lower voltage
12900K runs at 1.35 V max
Well the oxidation thing is a manufacturing issue and according to Intel it only happened when they were making 13th gen CPUs. The degradation at stock thing is allegedly due to a bug in microcode on the 13th and 14th gens, though to me it looks a lot like Intlel just went full retard and pushed those things way too hard out of desperation to compete.
>no. not all 13th gen oxidize.
True, just all Raptor Lake. The unaffected models are the ones that used refreshed Alder Lake die.
>no 14th gen oxidizes because the oxi problem was fixed before 14th manufacturing.
That's still damning, because it means they knew about the oxidation issue a year ago and covered it up.
Wtf does oxidation even mean in this context? I keep seeing people recite it but can't seem to find an explanation
I know what it means in the context of metal rusting, but the CPUs aren't rusting, so what's going on here?

You refuse to link becaue you're reading something into the press release that isn't there.

Now, go drip some Rust-Oleum on your Intel CPU before it self destructs.
When making CPUs, they need to deposit some oxide layers on certain bits and it seems there was a problem with how that process.
Meanwhile in AMD land:
delaying by two weeks to ensure high quality standards is bad?
no, but it's interesting to contrast the attitudes in Intel and AMD when it comes to product quality
tldr amd delusional cope. is the press release in the room with you right now, amdrone?
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amd is a white mans product! white men never fail! how??
AMD is really scared of this happening again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgSoZAdk_E8
they will bin aggressively instead of putting "bad" samples into the high-end batches
not all raptor lake. raptor lake manufactured in 2022 don't have the oxi issue and raptorlake manufactured after september 2023 don't have it.
just the bulk of 13th gen made in 2023 have it. prior to sept 2023.
alderlake didn't hit 1.5v and above. 12900k topped off at 1.4 volts for the worst bins.
>white man are infallible
/pol/tards are fucking delusional and why do they even flock for amd when its owned by the chinese and ran by a chinese lady?? i never understood this.
huh I completely forgot about this, binning is a good solution but I wonder if they'll charge more for the privilege of having a slightly better chip
>Intel: delays performance-botching patch until after AMD's launch.
>AMD: delays launch until after Intel's performance-botching patch.
I swear AMD is like the Republican party. Working together as a uniparty and snapping defeat out of the jaws of victory.
>but I wonder if they'll charge more for the privilege of having a slightly better chip
they already have 7900 and 7900Xs, that's binning in action
>buying a 6 core part in the year of our tranny, 2024.
worse, the 7900(x) has the ccd latency impact to top it off.
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>intcel cope
>they aren't "managerial class", they are literally the tools of rich and powerful people to control the world.

Yes the tools of rich and powerful people are the managerial class you fucking sperg
exhibit A: a /leftypol/dot/org user having a meltdown in an intel thread.
>xhe still buys intel
>made in Malaysia
Are you actually retarded dude
the swastika is asian thougheverbeit???
asians are the real white race

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