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And this thread will decide which way is the correct way to use them near a window
It depends. Bottom floor window? Top floor window? In between two houses? Window at floor level vs chest level.
Wouldn't this depend entirely on temp differentials and the volume of the room you're trying to vent?
Bottom, ideally with a crossbreeze. The top doesn't work unless it's an actual air conditioner.
Top works well if you have two floors and the fan is on your top floor. This assumes you have windows open downstairs.
twin window fan
One in at low
One out at medium
>doesnt keep his house under positive pressure
your house gonna get dusty bro
you need to pull fresh air inward, with a second fan pushing air out the other side of the room, like out a door. ventilated in minutes
>programmers try to explain Bernoulli principle
Bottom works better for me but it depends >>101543508
>my trying to out you by seeing if it applied to air, which it does.
>Yes, Bernoulli's equation can be applicable to the flow of air. Bernoulli's equation describes the relationship between pressure, flow speed, and elevation in a flowing fluid. It can be applied to the flow of air just as it can be applied to the flow of liquids.

>The key assumptions for Bernoulli's equation to hold are that the fluid flow is steady, irrotational, and incompressible. While air is compressible, Bernoulli's equation can still be a good approximation for many situations involving air flow, as long as the Mach number remains low (below about 0.3) and the changes in pressure and density are not too large.

>Bernoulli's equation for air flow can be written as:

>P + (1/2)ρv^2 + ρgh = constant

- P is the static pressure
- ρ is the air density
- v is the flow speed
- g is the acceleration due to gravity
- h is the elevation

>This equation shows how changes in pressure, flow speed, and elevation are related for air flowing in a streamline manner. It is widely used in aerodynamics and fluid mechanics applications involving air, such as the analysis of airfoil lift and drag.
Upper half of the window - exhaust
Lower half - intake
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>Two-side fan
>Both runs at the same time
just open an another window in your house?
already been done, faggot slide thread.
I just blast AC to 68f
At least do 72 man, that's too much
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Wind is like AC, it alternates direction all the time. You're trying to create an artificial draft that will work against natural wind 50% of the time.

t. meteorologist
>absolutely no wind going outside
>meteorologist: stop using a fan because fuck you
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>if the axe is dull man must be stronger
simple I'll light a fire and suck air in through every orifice of my home, creating a draft, checkmate meteorologists
My house my rules.
I make $150k
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Fans only redirect airflow. If there's no wind outside, fans won't do anything. You need air conditioning instead of blowing hot air around your house.
use an air circulator like vornado
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Come home white man.
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now this is getting interesting
Bottom will feel better for you.
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>If there's no wind outside, fans won't do anything.
nigga what
Neither will exchange a meaningful amount of air with the outside if there's a screen in the way. If you like bugs, it's better to draw in if it's in the same room with you and push out if it isn't. The proper way to do this is with a whole-house fan, which are designed to exhaust air from the house.
Bad fengshui
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I saw a video where a guy elliptically determined that (for his specific room at least) a fan pointed at the window about six feet from the window was optimal
No idea why
temperature difference causes air movement
if there's no air movement when you open your windows then there is no temperature difference
do you believe the giant holland windmills are what's creating wind throughout the world?
go heat up a bowl of soup to whatever the room temperature is right now and blow on it. tell me if does or doesn't cool off

air multiplier effect, more air is caught in the stream and pushed out

Like if you take a garbage bag, and stick an air compressor tip in it and tape it sealed, it will slowly fill the garbage bag. But if you just point the tip at the garbage back and blow it'll inflate it instantly.
>go heat up a bowl of soup to whatever the room temperature is right now and blow on it. tell me if does or doesn't cool off
It doesn't cool off.
In fact, it should heat up because your breath should be warmer than room temperature.

Fans don't "redirect airflow", fans cause airflow. If it is warmer inside than outside, air will naturally move from inside to outside (and then outside to inside) but using a fan to help that process will be beneficial even if there is no wind outside.
If you guys really want to freeze your ass off in the summer make a diverter for your supply register and remove the vent cover for maximum airflow

Did this in my VR room because playing in the day was miserable even with two fans. It's silent too
left side = blow into house
right side = blow out of house
perfect efficiency
Will that actually cool the place down more than it heats it up?
We're not trying to move hundreds of metric tons of air, we're just trying to ventilate our homes.
>Pop out dust screen on your window
>Use compressed air to unload the solid inch of dust bunnies in your neighbor's direction
How about not farting so much.
If the house is cooler then the room, exhaust. If it's colder outside push air in.
what do you think anon?
Top will cool down the entire house. Bottom will cool the room you're in best.
I'm not sure, on one hand it should create a draft and draw cool air in, but on the other hand fire is fire and fire is hot.
>pulling the oxygen out of your room while you sleep
lmao enjoy suffocating to death
t. korean
That would be ideal but not everyone has a room with two different windows
bowl of room temperature soup will immediately start losing temperature due to water evaporation
blowing on it will accelerate the process, thus blowing helps to cool it down
that's literally how sweat works you retard
ceteris paribus both have exactly the same effect on the room, because air will rush back in/out to equalize the pressure
however if you want to cool yourself then the air blowing will always get you cooler due to aforementioned sweat evaporation
>correct way to use them near a window
bernoulli's principle
>Bernoulli's principle: Within a horizontal flow of fluid, points of higher fluid speed will have less pressure than points of slower fluid speed.

finally some white men ITT
aren't you supposed to have your windows closed and the blinds/curtains shut when it's too hot?
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the bottom is the correct method if you are in the room being chilled. if you face it the other way it will also cool the house down faster but it will empty the rest of the houses heat first.
murryshart retardation on display
cows dont fart, however they burp a little
the climatejews lie to you
this is the wrong direction dumbass.
bernoulli principle anon
you got the principle alright, just not the fancy name and math for it
Who the fuck uses a fan instead of central A/C?
the idea is to use the fan to get outside air inside when the outside is colder than the house.
dude what?
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Back in the olden days people used to complain that fireplaces made their homes colder, majority of the heat rises up the chimney and the negative pressure drew cold winter air in through the cracks in homes. A common preparation of homes for winter as a result was trying to find way to seal all the cracks in your home to prevent drafts.

More advanced cast iron stoves were developed that maximized heat output and minimized loss through more advanced and restrictive flue's.
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Put the fan a few feet from the window and have it exhaust air.

Logic: Put your had to the back of a fan. Barely any air moves, right? That's because most air is moved thanks to the bernoulli effect, in which the fast-moving air pulls in surrounding air.

Firefighters do the same thing to get rid of smoke.

Quality YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2ef1CP-yw
Bottom is definitely more effective if you're in the room and get to actually feel a cool breeze.
but now we slap those
if you do this in greece you gonna get extra crispy
The way I have it pull air to the top of the room and sucks air from either the bottom with the door or the middle with another window. Best for air quality in my opinion.
Assuming you can't create a cross-breeze with multiple openings, top is better if you leave a bit of distance between the fan and the window.
>moon removed from the other window
lovely attention to detail
correct anon
I refuse to believe people that poor exist
Anyone that lives in an old ass house before central AC was a thing
I doubt it, because what ever amount of air you blow out will be replaced and pulled in, ultimately from outside (or vice versa)
if this weren't the case, you would be able to pressurise or depressure a room with a house fan, and that would be silly
But it works in Korea!

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