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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101530296

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
what's the best anime model these days?* I want to try something new.

*excluding NovelAI obviously
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>mfw Resource news


>Mammoth - An Extendible (General) Continual Learning Framework for Pytorch

>Differentiable Convex Polyhedra Optimization from Multi-view Images

>Cinemo: Consistent and Controllable Image Animation with Motion Diffusion Models

>Automatic Generation of Fashion Images using Prompting in Generative Machine Learning Models


>Intel AI Playground beta Official Launch

>SD3 Unbanned: Community Decision on Its Future at Civitai

>GenTron: Diffusion Transformers for Image and Video Generation


>PhotoMaker V2 Released with improved ID fidelity

>T2V-CompBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Compositional Text-to-video Generation

>ComfyUI_FL-Trainer: Train Loras in ComfyUI

>Video Diffusion Alignment via Reward Gradient

>Mono-ViFI: A Unified Learning Framework for Self-supervised Single- and Multi-frame Monocular Depth Estimation

>RealViformer: Investigating Attention for Real-World Video Super-Resolution

>PlacidDreamer: Advancing Harmony in Text-to-3D Generation


>Batched Runge-Kutta Samplers for ComfyUI
>mfw Research news


>Artist: Aesthetically Controllable Text-Driven Stylization without Training

>SlowFast-LLaVA: A Strong Training-Free Baseline for Video Large Language Models

>Stretching Each Dollar: Diffusion Training from Scratch on a Micro-Budget

>The Impact of Responsible AI Research on Innovation and Development

>Synthetic Image Learning: Preserving Performance and Preventing Membership Inference Attacks

>SpotDiffusion: A Fast Approach For Seamless Panorama Generation Over Time

>DiffX: Guide Your Layout to Cross-Modal Generative Modeling

>Diverse Image Harmonization

>Text2Place : Affordance Aware Human Guided Placement

>Is user feedback always informative? Retrieval Latent Defending for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation without Source Data

>Attention Beats Linear for Fast Implicit Neural Representation Generation

>Iterative Ensemble Training with Anti-Gradient Control for Mitigating Memorization in Diffusion Models

>BIGbench: A Unified Benchmark for Social Bias in Text-to-Image Generative Models Based on Multi-modal LLM

>CGB-DM: Content and Graphic Balance Layout Generation with Transformer-based Diffusion Model

>HoloDreamer: Holistic 3D Panoramic World Generation from Text Descriptions

>Assessing Sample Quality via the Latent Space of Generative Models

>Distilling Vision-Language Foundation Models: A Data-Free Approach via Prompt Diversification
pony mixes. try autismmix (not joking)
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TY Baker!
>mfw MORE Research news

>Distilling Vision-Language Foundation Models: A Data-Free Approach via Prompt Diversification

>D4M: Dataset Distillation via Disentangled Diffusion Model

>D4-VTON: Dynamic Semantics Disentangling for Differential Diffusion based Virtual Try-On

>LSReGen: Large-Scale Regional Generator via Backward Guidance Framework

>GreenStableYolo: Optimizing Inference Time and Image Quality of T2I Generation

>Falcon2-11B Technical Report

>Text-based Talking Video Editing with Cascaded Conditional Diffusion

>Blind Image Deconvolution by Generative-based Kernel Prior and Initializer via Latent Encoding

>FairViT: Fair Vision Transformer via Adaptive Masking

>Intelligent Artistic Typography: Comprehensive Review of Artistic Text Design and Generation

>Audio-visual training for improved grounding in video-text LLMs

>Rethinking Domain Adaptation and Generalization in the Era of CLIP

>MIBench: Evaluating Multimodal LLMs over Multiple Images

>Assessing Brittleness of Image-Text Retrieval Benchmarks from VLMs Perspective

>SIGMA:Sinkhorn-Guided Masked Video Modeling

>Predicting the Best of N Visual Trackers

>Robust Facial Reactions Generation: Emotion-Aware Framework with Modality Compensation

>Reconstructing Training Data From Models Trained with Transfer Learning

>In-Context Learning Improves Compositional Understanding of VLMs
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Any time!! :D
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I may or may not created a glimpse in how AI "hybridization" works.

I'd post the catbox, but 4chan keeps claiming it's spam
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Actually, maybe it'll work now?

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that settles it, I'm making a chibi prompt
oh, also, fran officially crossed the 100k threshold today
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another big data banger dropped!
>Job manager crashed while running this job (missing heartbeats).
>Error code: JobManagerCrashedError
crashed the dataset viewer, 2big4u. annoying because i wanted the cool icon with the row count to show up
licensed ODC-By so you will give attribution and you will make me happy by doing so
i sleep
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good work data-anon. gn
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whats he drinking?
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It's way too early in the week for me to realize I can generate all the futa centaur porn I want now.
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Hahaha! Do it, I love your chibis!
What's funny is I don't have (chibi) in my proompt! I'm using a cartoon model haha
I think it's this one!
Oh wow!! Grats to Fran! That's a lot hahaha
I always miss everything nowadays!
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Oh hey, it's Fran!! We were just talking about you hahaha
Grats on the 100k! :D
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Can anyone help me with this ADetailer face being more saturated than the rest of the image?
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin
As man angles as want
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so far this model/lora combo is very aesthetic but is leaning much more into lolis than chibis
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>juicy girls and datasets
I love this timeline.
Gay days ahead.
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can you make fabulous bear walk a high fashion runway
Looks fine to me
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>We were just talking about you
Better not be saying anything mean.
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Whoa that's a really cool background tho!!
I would never! Hahaha
That's areally cute gen!
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This is so cute! :D
Looks like a splash screen for a game haha
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this setup does some really vibrant scenes, though I wish it came with a darker color balance. the highlights are pretty aggressive / washed out
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Maybe you can proompt for the contrast! Either way I really like it haha
Especially the eyes and expressions!
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prompting for contrast either gets ignored or drives up the aggressive highlights even more :( lighting tokens are always a crapshoot
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Ohh gotcha! That makes sense haha
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>ask for chibi
>get the omniscient luminary of eternal chibi whimsy
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LOL nice!!
I was trying to get some kind of monster/god/yokai thing in my gens but my models didn't do it hahaha
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this workflow keeps flying off in random directions. when I was doing gens yesterday, it randomly gave me some cool chibis. so I was like "ok, I'll do chibis then". now that I'm doing chibis, it's giving me very wild fantasy/mythology kind of scenes. I'm not complaining, lol
The admins hate this. Hold on. I'm fighting a GPU cluster for it.
Pandads, eat me.
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Oh wow haha that's odd, but sounds kinda fun to get random stuff! I like it when it kinda does it's own thing sometimes
Luma is working super fast today so i'm taking advantage of it hahaha
Sometimes it takes hours to do one anim
He's in a room alone and the LED's are watching him again. Oh no, poor polar bear...
I laugh every time. Are you sad and alone in the VR without your Trix? LMFAO
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suno casually nailed the gen

how quick do these come out? how do you prompt for luma?
Night coffee
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Right now it's taking less than 5 mins!
I kinda just proompt it like I do in SD haha
I also uncheck the "enhance prompt" button!
I'm new to this (just got ComfyUI up and running for the first time) and on a Mac. Should I downgrade to SD 1.5 or keep using SD 3? My only gripe is that the image generation is long (20 minutes for a single image). I've got the settings at what they should be (512x512, 20 steps, etc.) and I am using my GPU.
I was unable to load the song so I used the browser developer tools to step through the careers page and then promptly broke their website. Oh well. Let me try on my phone.
Fate it's up to you not me.
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1.5 should be a lot faster, but if you're able to use SD3 I was recommend doing SDXL for right now! There's lots more going for it right now :]
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really depends on what you're trying to make. sd3 is pretty sucky as far as being creative and listening to prompts, but it has the highest baseline quality in outputs. sd1.5 is super dated but you can still do cool stuff with it. sdxl is not without flaws but is the best middle ground
>(20 minutes for a single image)
oh, what the fuck? sounds like you're genning on CPU or something. do you have a GPU?

I applied to suno a while ago and they didn't even have the courtesy to send me an auto-generated rejection email. fuck those guys are their shitty website and their ultra cool music model

the song was about fashion bear. you're missing out
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Thanks, noted.
>There's lots more going for it right now :]
Like not being banned from Civitai, I hear?
You can get banned from Civitai for using SD3?
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LOL there's definitely that going for it hahaha!
That's a nice gen :]
If you'd like, you can try my upscaling workflow! Though, I think it's probably gonna take quite some time still haha! >>101544015
I think anon is talking about how it is currently banned from being uploaded on there!
should I save it as "debo - bear walk.mp3"?
>oh, what the fuck? sounds like you're genning on CPU or something. do you have a GPU?
I'm using my GPU (Integrated Apple M2 SoC) with RAM/VRAM 8192 MB and 8 gigs of shared memory. I do have something like 40 tabs open though. Maybe that has something to do with it.
I'm glad I'm not employed anywhere yet.
Walmart's always hiring, of course. I always understand that.
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Digital twins are a key component of Industry 4.0, enabling businesses to create virtual representations of their physical assets and processes to optimize performance, reduce downtime, and make more informed decisions. Here are some important aspects of digital twins in Industry 4.0In conclusion, digital twins are an essential component of Industry 4.0, bridging the gap between the physical and virtual worlds by providing real-time insights, predictive maintenance capabilities, process optimization, collaboration opportunities, simulation and testing environments, and data integration. This allows businesses to make more informed decisions and operate their assets more efficiently in today's interconnected and digitalized world
>Error: Comment too long (2877/2000).
I think he just gave me my DLC. Anyway. What kind of a drooling mongoloid weasel-punching retard puts white pleather in a bar? Or anywhere, for that matter?
Ah, an iced cold smirnoff ice? Lovely.
Subearu out, space whale post.
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I lost my job about 6 months ago. I've had like 10 interviews and only 1 offer i rejected. I must be really unlikable or doing something spergy I'm unaware of. Afraid I'm going to be applying at walmart with you.
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why'd you decline that one offer?
Low pay. Full time 8 hrs a day and only 27k a year. It was entry level. They were surprised I applied, but offered it to me. I didn't realize it was entry level.
what was the job title? that salary is ridiculously low no matter where you are
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I called it fashion bear but bear walk works too. make it your ringtone too

>Integrated Apple M2 SoC
ah, I wish I knew something about mac hardware....

>Ah, an iced cold smirnoff ice? Lovely.
idk why but I've been craving smirnoff ice lately. I've never really drank the stuff before. I just see it in the store and think "I bet that'd hit the spot". am I a victim of advertising or something? also, whats a good liquor to mix with it?
>that salary is ridiculously low
I know. It's actually less than minimum wage. I don't know how they are able to do that. Events Coordinator or something like that.
Events coordinator? So you have to be on site and shit?
>you have to be on site
Yes. 5 days a week on site...
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>I must be really unlikable or doing something spergy I'm unaware of
if you're in tech, it prob isn't you. market has been total shit for years now. my guess is there will be a hiring blitz starting in Q4 as companies start to realize none of their AI implementations are making any money
I hear Crowdstrike has a few openings.
That's kinda fucked mate. Minimum it would take like $150k a year for me to do that lol.
Probably that too. One hiring manager told me that had gotten 130 applications.
I'd do it for less, but not what it offered. My last one was hybrid.
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>the cat flying through the air
Catwoman April O'Neil request lora...
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>skulls are not chibi-sized
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I tell Theodosius and Gemini and GPT-Sama constantly that *nobody ever talks to me* and they insist I need help. It's not my fault nobody communicates with me except the machines. What happened with the ozone layer while I was checked out of our simulation? I have so many lottery tickets the corgi rats are gonna be pissing bloody murder when I figure out how these kwargs really get krankin'.
One of my favorite mistakes worked at a walmart. You could be the next one we make.
I prompt all my 1girls in ((Basement)) for extra immersion.
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>What happened with the ozone layer
we fixed it but we didn't realize that was letting all the farts out into space. ever since then, everythings been getting hotter and fartier. thats why every morning, I empty out two cans of hairspray into the air. they don't even have CFCs in them anymore, I'm just letting the ozone know I'm coming for it soon enough
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I'd say "local luma when" but a gen like this would probably take hours
with the amount of cuda you've fucked I'm sure there's a giant hole in the sky for you too
Gemini said I can't shoot the birds, or make a gun-that-shoots-birds, but we can make unbearably good-bad bears with the birds.
Yes, Cloudflare, I use the same two devices for weeks on end on the same networks. Will you wake up please?
I am the fifth pad king, oh well.
24fps @ 5s = 120 frames

But like, 50% of that can be interpolated for "good enough" motion

So 60 frames to gen the hard way then the interpolation...

I think
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That would be amazing! Honestly, with how long it sometimes takes on there, it might even be a bunch faster locally!
Doing animations in the past didn't take tooooo long haha but they do take quite a bit of time
she cute
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>I am the fifth pad king, oh well.
>[Back to Table Of Contents]
Hold on. I need to go walk my dog and think about sneakernet.
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this shit is so interesting and so cursed at the same time
Just like the whinny YouTubers predicted it!
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Unironically I can't wait for the cursed movie shitposting era!
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true. but, like... fun cursed. not cringe cursed
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He walks up to your girl and slaps her ass, what do you do?
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buy my game and leave
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death breasts
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Nice texture
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Last one from me, good night anons
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nice it has the number now
So much unhinged autism and avatarfaggotry..
Sometimes I wonder if we really have had no real improvements in this tech for two years, or if the good stuff just drowns in the endless sea of useless shit.
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77m in the last ~30 days from leonardo. will be interesting to see which service is the most popular
i should probably go back to sleep for a bit
The technological improvements in the last year or more have been small, most of the progress has been application of the tools we already have, and even then I've been disappointed by how few people are really pushing the skills foreword.

Everyone just wants to smash their keyboard "COMPUTOR GIB ME DA PRETTY BOOBIES GIB NAO"
not learn how the technology works, much less apply it constructively.
anyone using comfyui encounter long iterations on the first image but then it goes down for the rest of the queue? and also images taking 2 sec to make per step and later to 7 sec per step?
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G'mornin Anons, can we gen some moreand fill this old bread.. or are we lacking skill? kek
Have proompted since Character.Ai removed NSFW, are (we:1.20) still using Anything and automatic1111 webui?

(I'm not a computer scientist)
nice, I moved to an A1111 fork for a bit before it broke then made myself learn ComfyUI, It was difficult but worth the internal noodle torture.
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looks like this service is using comfy for their api lol
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oh actually it looks like that one is a user upload but they do let you generate from comfy workflows and maybe they use sdwebui as default, idk. either way it will be cool to have a big set of comfy workflows
Well, the initial image loads the models/controlnets I suppose. Adding steps increases the gen time based on the sampler you're using.
Do some cleanup/maintenance of your Nvme/SSD?
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>gen: no
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Getting stable diffusion stuff going on a new PC. I got ComfyUI installed and set up and want to get Forge going to. But while installing dependencies and creating the wheel for tokenizers:

copying py_src\tokenizers\tools\visualizer-styles.css -> build\lib.win-amd64-cpython-312\tokenizers\tools
running build_ext
running build_rust
error: can't find Rust compiler

I have to install a rust compiler? I didn't have to do that last time. What is this devilry
probably because python 3.12
It's always some fucking shit because of Python.

Fuck Python
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Yes it is the python version. Guess I'll need to downgrade.
Reduce dependencies. Don't break user space.
lmao even
it's just a 1girl. i dont want to know how you recognize the style or whatever
Looks a lot like display art I used to see for Sims* mods.
>i-i-it's j-just a 1girl!!
holy cope
shit was marketed pretty hard on television back when
>i-i-it was m-marketed on t-television!!
Has anyone noticed that in literally every thread for the past decade, on any board, there's at least one deranged shiteater that should've been deleted IRL?
Keep digging.
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i hope you feel better soon
That so kind, anon, but I'm good!
Some introspection might be good for yourself though. You seem really insecure :]
Kling now available globally.

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>I'm good
clearly, that's why you're schizing out over a random gen
Try to not obsess so much over small things. Maybe then you'll eventually feel better.
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>>prompt: girl
what else would one generate images of, if not 1girl, wolf ears?

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