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Will we ever see another person as brilliant as him?
dime a dozen os hobbyist who people only know about because he was a racist schizo lolcow
One post of luxury
you have to admit what he made was impressive for one guy
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I want another Dijkstra or Wirth.
What the fuck was wrong with terry face proportions?
the worship this retard gets is obscene
>zomg muh shitty OS!

There’s these things called books, they’ve been written on the subject you read them and apply them

The only reason you losers like this faggot is because he’s the epitome of /g/, wasting time on a worthless project no one gives a shit about

If you think he was smart you are a confirmed retard
yes but he said nigger
I respect Terry for who he was, his dedication and character. He had some great insights and was indeed talented. However putting him on a pedestal is extremely cringe. You're just clueless about what he was doing, the bird who didn't know wtf it was looking at.
he wasnt racist he was just old, thats how everyone acted when he was young, kys niggerloving zoomer
yeah back in the day you'd just go up to black people in the street and call them niggers to see if you could get away with it
No one will ever be as based as he was
He literally played chess with god and beat him
I miss him everyday
Are people who are becoming racist now just old at heart or just noticing things?
this is beautiful, anon
thanks for being
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How are most of you supposed to understand what makes a good or the best programmer if you can't even see the chirality of life.
he was mentally ill and jumped infront of a train
the fact that this board worships him is a testimony to the stupidity of humanity
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linus the developer of the linux kernel
>he was mentally ill and jumped infront of a train
A literal glownigger threw him in front of the train before he could spark the counter-revolution
Maybe next century if we are lucky
I wasn't born racist. If you've got a problem, don't confirm the stereotype.
He made games on top of his os. He made very realistic talons on his bird simulator
me, i wrote my own compiler and os in holy python
>went to a shitty, low ranked school (like all of /g/)
>worked at ticketmaster
>wrote some shitty os
wow, what a genious
>wrote some shitty os
In his own programming language and compiler. Which he used to write other programs and video games. Which probably took him more than 10 years of waking up every day and working on it 12-16 hours a day while drinking liters of Shasta Cola. Do you do that?
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Most people worship him for the memes. The rest of us worship him to see you people kvetch. You don't belong here and stop trying to make it seem like you do.
>Which probably took him more than 10 years of waking up every day and working on it 12-16 hours a day
lol not even close
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Give us 50-60 years, one may emerge out, but not for sure.
He was amazing for going solo, like Tesla, Pupin or Milankovic.
I downloaded bunch of his long-hour streams with ytdlp.
I watch them on 3rd monitor when I write bad C programs.
We're all that clueless bird for different kind of knowledge.
I understand simple ANSI C, but I'm bird for simple C++.
Wirth was quiche-eater, read "Real Programmers don't use Pascal".
Djikhigstsskra was assembler-challenged degenerate.
The dam will be broken one day, remember my words /g/.
We all suck anyway, so who cares...
J-Blow is all that's left of the super smart racist schizos in programming.
Was it more time or less time?
Terry's homemade C variant would take a few months to build
That's only one part of it, and every day he would wake up to realize that it or other component can be improved/refactored, and that process would take years
It's a C variant, it's not a complicated language, certainly not working for dusk til dawn for 10 years
He didn't only make holy c, he used it to build everything else
I don't know what it takes to build an OS, but the language and other stuff he made is not that impressive
>I don't know
That's obvious, dunning-kruger zoomzoom. Can't you broccoliheads go five minutes without embarrassing yourselves?
Have you made a programming language?
/g/ killed him. He was a gods gift we didn't deserve.
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It depends. A compiler to assembly that optimizes and is fast is non-trivial (lexer, parser, compiler). It's funny people in here says if it were the case but the majority can't write a simple ll(1).
I like that dancing pepe. I wish Unix had its graphics actually integrated into the operating system, drawing directly to the screen should be an operating system level call. Too bad plan9 never took off
He wasn't that brilliant, he was a skilled programmer. He was a very unwell man, stop idolizing literal schizophrenics, you bag of puke.
say what you want about him but you can't deny that he is a very talented programmer
>The only reason you losers like this faggot is because
It's because he said NIGGER a lot. He was never worshipped in any capacity until the /pol/ flood took over the site, losethos and sparrowOS were always seen as an oddity made by a crazy guy and laughed at.
Then what/who should we idolize?
This thread is full of Pust, Go and JS/TS kids...
He scored 1460 on the SAT. Back then SATs correlated pretty strongly with IQ, to the point that scores from back then are still accepted by high IQ societies like Mensa and TNS. TNS has a cutoff of 1450 for SAT scores obtained before 1994. Terry's SAT score put his IQ at around 146 or the 1 in 1000 level. This is about the level of the average nobel laureate.
Will we ever see another person as brilliant as him?
>you can't deny that he is a very talented programmer
I can, the stuff he made was pretty simple, he didn't really solve any problems, it was pure hobby stuff
Nobody you fucking idiot
Why not?
says the webdev
Ok maybe if you're young and you still haven't found your way in life you should look up to someone
But you could pick someone better than a schizophrenic hobbyist programmer who killed himself after contributing nothing to the world
Who did you look up to back in the day?
I've never looked up to anyone, learnt how to program purely to make the things I wanted to make
There doesn't seem to be many good role models in tech, or maybe there are but they get drowned out by mentally ill open source ideologues, elitist talking heads like Jon Blow or people worshipping unironic schizos like Terry
He looks up to Snoop Dog judging from his IQ...
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Dont talk shit about the dogg unless you've tried Snoop Dogg's bacon recipe.
Step 1: Throw that shit in a frying pan
Step 2: Scrape that shit around with a spatula
Feel free to reply back in 30 minutes talking about how fucking awesome it was
t. low sat score nigger
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>drawing directly to the screen should be an operating system level call
How is it possible, that a "amatuer" OS had those simple little neats things, but not linux (the tinker os)?
Wait a second, the whole memory at one glance?
Btw. APU has found his home.
>Will we ever see another person as brilliant as him?
brilliant, handsome and eloquent
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Probably there will be one, maybe not, but i hope so, it's a pity that he has diagnosed with schizophrenia...
I bet when he wasn't sick he was a really nice person
He was just the same as hundreds of other OS dev hobbyists. Smarter than the average programmer for sure, but not exceptionally. He's only popular here because the average /g/ user is an absolute moron who hasn't written anything over 1000 lines in his life, and for such people everything above their level of skill blends together. If he didn't go on angry schizophrenic rants, nobody on /g/ would know or care about him.
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Pust "programmer" detected.
You need to leave /g/...
All of you and Win/Mac shills.
This is /G/NU+C board.
Probably bruxism from the insane amounts of caffeine he took in from his absurd soda drinking
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his filesystem is to die for
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Every sufficiently advanced smart thing is braindead stupid. - xolatile, 2024 AD
Terrence Andrew Davis was aware of that...
lowtier bait
>Will we ever see another person as brilliant as him?
Plenty of them on skid row. They just lack internet.
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Ebassi has no angry shizo rants and is now the default /g/ meme, Ebassi alone is an example of why you are wrong and your life has no use case.
Back in the day there were no niggers to go up to because people understood they are a menace and opted to keep them out of greater society
How come he always talked about how much better he was than Linus but he never talked about Stallman?
Et tu, xolatile? You're pretty smart, you of all people should be aware that there's a dozen OS projects more interesting than TempleOS, an OS with such a basic and inferior design (ring 0 only, single address space) that it historically got abandoned as soon as hardware allowed for that. Yet I never hear about seL4, Mezzano, CHERI, Haiku, Theseus, Illumos, or Genode here. The only time I hear about Qubes is in the context of the creator being a tranny.
In other words, I'm not shitting on the C language, I'm shitting on /g/. These retarded monkeys couldn't tell good OS design from bad if their life depended on it. The only reason they know Terry is that he was their lolcow, his tragic mental decline a source of cheap entertainment for them.
Missed your C generals btw, hope you resume making them.
Blessed with divine intellect. Not in my lifetime.
He made an OS that's not another shitty boring Unix clone. That's at least worth noting.
If he were alive today he would've made TempleAI and it would've allowed to you do anything.
He wasn't smart for making TempleOS, HolyC or RedSea. I have high respect for him because of his opinions on simplicity, and their practical application in his programs.
You'll hear retards talking about KISS, DRY, OO, CC, but all of those miss the point. Simplicity is something that doesn't hide the complexity, but removes it, even tho it could make it.
As I said I downloaded a lot of his streams on my external HDD, and I watch them often, alongside Russian twink Tsoding and 6502/Z80 deity Hjalfi (guy who thinks 6KiB assembler is bloated).
You baited out honest and serious reply from me...
By the way, I wasn't the one who was making /chad/ threads about C. Ada is my fetish language, I enjoy good Fortran 95 even more, but I write serious programs in C.
My 2016 C programs were (example) 6k SLOC of Vulkan 3D renderer, written in Emacs (then). Now I prefer less than 300 SLOC small C terminal programs, written in Geany, sometimes nano.
I'm programming for 13 years at this point, started with Python and Pascal, changed a lot of languages, but in the end I learned to love simplicity of C (no struct, union, const, etc.).
I write toy programs, nothing of importance, but I enjoy it, and I don't earn from programming, I do physical labor related job, so I couldn't really care about "real-world" languages or programs.
If you ignore sick side of Terrence, and pay closer attention of what he's saying, you'll find a lot of truth. Less in Casey, Jon and other "influencers", and never take advice from webdevs.
gg ez
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He gave us the stairway to heaven.
We love you Terry A. Davis.
>Claims to "analyse" TempleOS
>Doesn't talk about TempleOS at all, in fact doesn't even use it, spends entire video talking about how he disagrees with Terry's religious views
What did he mean by this?

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