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for me it's type I the UOOOOHH plug
Everything except A and B means shithole country
shut the fuck up you insufferable faggot
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Type B just works. Simple as.
type B and type B only
why are there so many?
In the beginning, there was type A and B. However, these designs aren't very safe so everyone came up with slightly better shapes which are more safe.

Unfortunately if your country electrified too early, you're probably stuck with A and B.
I wish we used type G in the US.
Upside down Brazil type N plugs. That way if a penny or something falls between the plug and the wall it won't fucking explode and you can fit three of them in a standard electrical receptacle size.
Type A, B, C, and F are sockets, the rest are mental illnesses
type A is an abomination
>looks symmetrical
>until you try to plug something in and realize that it just barely isn't
if you're going to have a plug that omits the ground pin at all (you probably shouldn't) you should have a provision in your electrical code that says "anything with a two-pin plug must be prepared for either polarity"
are D/M and J/N really identical, or is there some difference not shown in the diagram?
europoor has localisation enabled
Redpill me on type L. How is it the only reversible grounded plug in the whole image?
As a type h user I wish ours were recessed and upside down
They do have that, it's very very old an antique even. You'll see them on very old tall lamps/table lamps.
enjoy getting fried when your shit shorts and you have no ground.
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F is hideous, the socket looks like an axe wound in the wall.
So europoors and turd worlders being different for the sake of being different. Got it.
F looks like a li'l robot head
>gets the current in a random side
Italians don’t care about safety concerns, and in any case their low IQ electricians would have fucked up the cabling upstream the plug
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Type F is grounded and reversible too
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Type A or type C.
Just like usb.
Ground pins are bloat. Without them, most houses will consume 33% less copper and lower the risks of electrical shocks by half.
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3 pin plug looks gay to me, only for faggots who are afraid of short circuiting their house
if you are afraid of getting electrocuted, you shouldn't have electricity/internet in the first place
t. not amerimutts
Outdated picture. Shucko is legal to use in Denmark now since a few years.
Type I
Everything else is trash
I like the happy K socket :D
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For me it's the edison screw
if people weren't so hung up on optics we could have a global standard around it already
at least in 220V nations
CEFK gang
There's not my dick in your mom's pussy in your pic
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>mogs your puny wallsocket
Nothing personnel' kid
Enjoy the humming in your speakers lmao
>move to Spain
>get a new flat
>it's renovated
>yeah we renovated the whole electrical installation it's amazing now
>power plugs still don't have ground connection
How is this country still so far behind baffles me.
Isn't euro power split phase? Shouldn't it be getting current from both sides?
type k makes me feel happy
No, no one uses split phase in Europe.
Grid is three-phase and the sockets are one phase, one return, and one protective earth connection.
Says faggot in the minority
attatch a wire from your device to the radiator
that should fix it
I don't have radiators, it's all through air duct. Not a big deal really, but I'm just amazed at how stuck this country is.
Imagine having 50hz electricity
couldn't be me
Split phase is where there's a center tap in the transformer, creating two hots and a neutral, instead of just the hots. Using the neutral halves the voltage. So either they're getting current on both sides (opposing polarity) or there's split phase happening even if they're only getting half the phase to their home.
Type K is kawaii as fuark
No no no. Delete that. You can't have the vikings knowing you know what K stands for.
Type G, can any other type be effectively used as a flail weapon?
Shuko is objectively the best:
>notches on the side to hold the plug so a tiny, accidental jerk doesn't unplug it
>ground is built into the plug, it isn't a separate prong
That's a bad thing
Schuko my beloved <3
the only gripe I have, really. but to me it only mattered once in my life so far, when jerry-rigging a plug to an LED light which needed the phase to be on the correct lead. no problem tho, find the hot side with a phase tester and never touch it again.

there is possibility in hospitals or industial, better not make assumptions
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replace power plugs with USB-C, simple as
Type I isn’t represented correctly in these images, it should look like:
entirely foreign to mutts so doesn't count
Schuko is okay but E is king for me
They hold for dear life, are usually compatible with schuko, and don't have flimsy ass shieetmetal foil as ground
>somebody who doesnt play with based radio reception
radio frequency interferences affect not just your radio reception but your health as well
I just got my home installation grounded (it wasn't... kill me I know) and the difference is night and day
my heart rate went down 5 points and I sleep much better
especially with all these devices around my bed, my sleep was difficult before
and now with smart meters injecting weird high-frequency shit into your lines, it got worse
ground yourselves anons
It's AC - alternating current, it doesn't matter which is the "hot" lead and which is "neutral" as long as the circuit is closed. Learn the basics of electricity before posting here.
I like the one combination where babies come out
peak midwit take
Everything non-reversible can get fucked. C has no ground. That only leaves F and L, but I've never seen L in real life.
kinda of lost cause type 1 is good country
>he doesn't know how electricity works
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Tip F šuko utikač, of course.
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There be 400V in most of those countries too
It literally does not matter unless it's 1930 or something. The third contact is always 0 and will stop a metal chassis from going live.
>he doesn't how electrical systems work and doesn't realize that neutral is usually very near ground potential and therefore much safer
>neutral is usually very near ground potential and therefore much safer
What the fuck are you on about, are you suggesting chassis should be neutral bonded instead?
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It's gotten worse since
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Polarity matters because it can enable safer designs.
Which contact in that pic would you rather have connected to live?
No he is not suggesting that. Reread the post.
>Which contact in that pic would you rather have connected to live?
Well, looking back at the time when I stuck my fingers into an E27 socket when I was like 4, it's all the same shit really.
Okay and? Reversing live and neutral literally does not affect the function of a device so what the fuck does it matter?
>Okay and? Reversing live and neutral literally does not affect the function of a device so what the fuck does it matter?
Because safety, retard.
Safety how, am I going to be touching shit inside my devices while they are plugged in? Not really.
Who needs airbags?
Am I going to be crashing into other cars? Not really.
Safety. There's voltage on the live wire and no voltage on the neutral.
Ever wondered why toasters have polarity enforced plugs? Yeah rewire that to nema standard and stick a work down the heater and bypass your rcd while your at it. Great fun half the time.
Not everything has a transformer or rectifier inside. Plenty of things that run on mains directly are wired just safe enough to work if you plug them in with the correct polarity.
Honestly the best case for reversible plugs is opposing hots instead of a neutral, because then the industry can't cheap out.
Ground connection is a fucking meme. Insulated is superior
bullshit. voltage is a measure of potential difference. you always have to have two for the tango.

But le neutral wire, if safe ground is present, is in same potential. Thus you don't get electrocuted by touching le neutral wire only. But if you touch phase line, the ground is lava as there will be a potential difference..
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>Ever wondered why toasters have polarity enforced plugs?
I don't think they do, there are no polarity enforced plugs in my country besides 3 phase ones, though few people also own toasters either.
>Yeah rewire that to nema standard and stick a work down the heater
NEMA is 'murican. Those ARE polarized. Euro plugs are the ones that mostly aren't.
>bypass your rcd while your at it
I mean I lived for 10 years with only RCD for the bathroom socket and the last 9 years with pic related for RCD protection, yes they were left unconnected, fucking nothing. I kept the water heater on every shower too. Even took the heater out myself once to remove massive limescale buildup. Still alive.
This place is also a whole 23 years newer than the last, it's just fucking absurd.
The voltage between live and ground (e.g. your grounded body touching a live wire) is much lower than the voltage between neutral and ground
If you cared about safed design then plug wouldn't be energised when exposed
Did you know stupid exists?
Did you know stupid and curiosity can exist in the same person?
Now combine stupidity and curiosity, but also knowing juuuust enough to get yourself killed.
Not energizing the plug when exposed is great, but wouldn't it be better if you could do that *and* design plugs and appliances better?
guess i learned something new, i always thought LED drivers needed to be connected only one way. i guess if it's a light fixture with a switch it does matter, as you want the switch to disconnect the live wire from the rest of the circuit when switched off.
Assuming the radiator pipes are metal, which is increasingly not the case.
I'm also have E and old soviet like C in my apartment in Moldova.
>if you're going to have a plug that omits the ground pin at all (you probably shouldn't) you should have a provision in your electrical code that says "anything with a two-pin plug must be prepared for either polarity"
You sound have that either way. You can't rely on the socket being properly installed. The european plugs don't even have polarity, it's practically useless from a safety standpoint
G is the superior choice here clearly
Type E ofc
Grounded, non directional, secure, simple
>Type E
>non directional
u dum?
Sorry meant type F
Type F is grounded too, prongs around the edge is the ground
Yeah I am dumb
Look at this loser he does not own a 3 phase toaster
I've used most of these and type G is by far the best.
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Polarization is mostly irrelevant these days as much because even the cheapest appliances are driven by electronics yes but it's still a nice thing to have. That's mainly why type E is superior other being much sturdier. Poolan in general has a great code, not too authoritarian, not too lenient.
>yes they were left unconnected
wtf lmao
>those are polarized
Nema is usually not polarized the outlets just have a funny shape kekkkkkk
>no grounds
>calls others shithole.
ameribrowns are a special kind of stupid.
what’s never shown in these infographics is that types A and B are ridiculously small
C and L work fine
btw, the image seems to be a few ones. for example, IIRC in argentina they have type I that aren't grounded... they suck but that's another topic.
F is objectively the best, but I like K because :DDD
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Ah yes, getting ready for the AMD 8000 series.
Well the best would be invertable and have ground. So type F it is.
No clue what the rest of the world is doing.
Type K for KAWAIII

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