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Why was Sonny Piers banned from the GNOME project???????
you should stop asking questions if you don't want to be cancelled.
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What is the usecase of Sonny Piers?
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>Share a lunduke article
>Get banned
honestly cannot hate leftist enough. all these fucking gnome dev's care about is whacking their cock and balls off and arguing with end users who want their shit to work.
Trannies have taken over all open source projects.
Almost all, there are some that aren't you can find if you're immune to /g/'s retardation.
the whole purpose of gnome is undermining linux
why are you guys even surprised
To name the trannies
lol, wtf
I would ban him too, Lunduke is a certified retard fake conservative.
I really hope Gnome gets dropped from Manjaro.
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lunduke is a retard jew, but this is really funny
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>what is the use case of an independent audit of the foundation's finances?
>reported this as a CoC violation
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Sorry sweetheart, you are not allowed to post content from fascist chuds
Not even a warning or removal, a straight up ban
the first time i heard of this dude was a week ago. whats his deal?
They should list the bannable content not allowed.
>something that I'd caution about, incidentally
lmao this fucking dude
>that last sentence
Based. He would have made a wonderful member of the Chekas if born a century earlier.
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why does lunduke upset them so much? he's barely known by ANYONE
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these guys are going to kill the opensource community with this shit, after gnome is done the trannies are going to swarm out to other projects and get them killed the very same way, because "there can't be no discussion"
idk, but he's def enjoying his streisand effect
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so much headaches for a fucking desktop environment...
who do these faggots think they are, so much energy wasted on inane bullshit when gnome could be a 5 men project on github without all this corporate retardation they currently have...
what a fucking waste of ressources....
I don't understand why people keep organizing as some US-based non-profit as it ALWAYS, 100% OF THE TIME, backfires and kills the org and the projects under its umbrella with it, ALWAYS.
it's pure retardation, write the fucking code, live off github donations or whatever and stay the fuck away from preteen drama, as simple as.
I do'nt understand how grown ass men can fuckup in the same way every fucking time without learning from others past mistakes...
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>what is the use case of arguing if you are unable to speak?
Straight up Gestapo shit, my god.
Ya, but you can make a killer profit as a non-profit.
>can't be no discussion
>questioning the integrity
115IQ tops
That is your misinterpretation.
He's a member of them right now.
On second thought, you're right.
115 seems generous.
Lmao if you ever use GNOME you're a certified loser at this point.
He's the Ben Shapiro of tech journalism. Spread the word!
They're literally every neckbeard stereotype and meme. Literally "Comic Book Guy" people.
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I am surprised that anons don't spend those 10s to create throwaway accounts and troll gnomies.

We only had two i know of, and both were on the bugtracker.
We have better things to do
Getting funding from the German government.
Which might fall through now...
ebussy can't negotiate with governments - that's why it took so many years for GNOME to get sovereign tech fund monies.
They got one million government shekels and 6 months later they had to announce a spending-freeze because they run out of money.
We do, It's called filing legitimate bug reports and watching them spend weeks arguing with each other if they should just bully Wayland developers into removing the feature over just fixing the bug.
Because he documents their stupidity, that's it.
GNOMEies hate nothing more than legitimate bugreports that they have to argue against.
You now realize that this literal filth walks the same earth as you. Okay, fuck the earth, I don't want that thing in my universe. Fucks like him are probably why we can't all ascend to a higher dimension or go to heaven and whatnot. Like, there's a guardian at the Gates of Heaven, he looks at all of collective humankind, sees ebussy and his ilk, and goes "naah, you have to scrub THOSE off of you first".
>there can't be no discussion
Literally can't, not allowed
usecase for politics?
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Just realized this sounds like those niggers role playing on GTA5 pretending to have real jobs, I mean the NPC kind not the ones that troll them
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I don't want to use GNOME (I'm waiting for COSMIC), but Plasma 6 is alpha quality software.
If you are too stupid to use the DE that is used by a successful gaymer consumer device... then just choose any other DE.
It's not like there are only two choices.
>but Plasma 6 is alpha quality software.
Works fine here, even on gayland. It's the first time I didn't go back to Windows after a few weeks. Been a few months actually.
Lol jesus it really does. What a sad man.
Cinammon is the best desktop environment, it's pretty clear and not close at all desu.
GNOME users need to be bullied harder.
If i ever see one of these gnome faggots around I'm beating the fuck out of him (this him does include tranners btw)
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it doesn't matter if they are in gnome or any other project
this post was written by a foot
>Nyeurgh, you have to keep up with the latest gossip and know which girl to overtly treat like an outcast on the schoolyard or you too will be expelled from the clique!
I have honestly never ingested any content by Lunduke and only know him as a meme on /g/.
How can these CoC spinning, evil, perverted sociopaths always make such a big deal out of their supposedly quantified social rules and yet act like the most unhinged, vile asocial freaks at the same time?
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>or linking well-known fascists
Rent free lmao
I don't understand the position ebussy is in.

He is not a board member, right?
Yet, he asserts more authority than those have.
This is like an OpenSource equivalent to a Western (((democracy))). The elected representative leaders are just puppets and the Deep State (permanently unelected officials) are calling the shots.
Isn't Lunduke jewish?
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The elected have always utilized useful retards that don't understand they are being used
As a German I'm shivering, knowing that my government is funding this Hetzjagd auf Juden by the Gnome Foundation with one million Euros.
Pretty sure the gnomies see Federico Mena Quintero (mexican) as the leader of GNOME, yet he's never mentioned on this board.
Here's a footage of him from 2006:
Unironically, PLEASE tell the German government. They're unhinged enough that it might work
You have to bait them into comparing something to the holocaust.
Making holocaust comparisons is considered holocaust denial in Germany and therefor illegal. During CoViD, people who said that the lockdown regime is like the nazis, got fined and afaik even jailed.

However, complaining about gnomies offending jews might be enough to make them step away from gnome. Even if it's not a legal issue.
Banning Lunduke = Antisemitism
Calling him a Nazi = Verharmlosung deer Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus
Holy fuck this guy is a PIECE OF SHIT.
They didn't call him a nazi yet, ebussy called him a fascist.
If you get him to accuse Lunduke of being a nazi, i am ready to invest a few hours to write to the proper places and steer the pot.
Leftism is a subversion ideology, they exist to destroy and contaminate.
You'd need to mention Sonny Piers since he claims he was pivotal in getting the deal
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This guy just does not get how big of a meme he has become.
True I forgot about all the literally flag flying trump supporters. More useful than the democrats idiots.
Small reminder that Piers did get kicked out while the Shaman was still there.
lol I started laughing at how openly loony this dude is. This is pure dripping toxicity and he doesnt see it. I know a lot of these people on irc, they spewing vile poison all day every day and they think that they are just talking normally to you
You are outdated. There isn't one single thing left from the 2016 Trump campaign.

>close the borders
turned into
>stop the flood over the border, and import indians instead

>bring our troops home
turned into
>send our troops to war, but make the European vassals pay for it

The anti-tranny-child-grooming vanished. No mention anymore. Same with the trannies-in-women-sports.
you want me to sit here and debunk all your alt-right shit, don't you?
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lock it. Lock it NOW.
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>donation funded organization
>community code leeches
>mute delete ban censor all questioning like a private company as if everyone is your intern
I hope ebassi gets killed by a nigger.
It's all so dishonest.

Imagine if you would actually care about GNOME - and not just watch it from the sideline like a clownshow - this would be the moment where you have to consider cutting your losses and abandoning it.
Even if you really love the baby UI and inconsistent CSD, this has to be the moment the line is crossed.

I understand why Red Hat is sticking with them. They employ their developers and can bypass all that bullshit. Red Hat also stopped caring about reputational losses since their CentOS drama.
But what the fuck is Canonical doing? Ubuntu used to launch Mir and Unity. They weren't afraid of trying their own thing. But nowadays they let themselves be roped into such shit by some neckbeard and tranime avatars?
Wtf, why can't someone just kill ebussy? I would piss on his grave.
Ebassi could be violently based if circumstances were different. Imagine Ebassi leading Francoist Spain's computing efforts. Unfortunately, God decided he would be on side of the enemey, at least for now.
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>mfw the coc has been violated
>id caution against questioning those above you
His wording is so poor I can't tell if he is aware of how fucking malicious this sounds and is the exact opposite of what he likely wanted to say
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Holy shit these are levels of cope you don't see every day. I'm surprised that person can still look in a mirror, not because of the implied utter shamelessness, but the ability of the mirror to not just shatter into a thousand pieces.

>start with assumptions
>appeal to authority
>wring your hands as nothing can be done
>just wait a few more days, everything will be revealed, for sure!

Assuming good faith, this person has no idea how a board works and how little effort is put into researching previous decisions that are presented as "no biggie, just some troublemakers that try to rustle some jimmies" before they get confirmed.
What a shitshow.
no that is exactly what he wanted to say and how he wanted it to sound
>But what the fuck is Canonical doing?
They've lost their touch and make their own stupid decisions. Stuff like forcing snap by aliasing apt to it.
this is why I don't want gnome to die, it needs to be kept alive as a containment zone for these fucking trash

If you are the type of person who fits in well with GNOME, stay there. Fucking stay there forever.
Everybody bitched about Unity back in the day so they decided to stop being a desktop company and focus on server deals. I guess that's not true since they make supposedly important patches to gnome
Lunduke should make an extensive biographical take on the cultural impact of Ebussy.
if you havn't noticed by now, 90% of the cancer in Linux stems from one source.

gnome, systemd, freedesktop. Whats the company that is behind all of them?
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Why is systemd not good?
>this shit
>ebussy going off the fucking rails
>drew also raging about vaxry

man are the hormones not flowing recently or something?
It's spyware.
Hyprland and COSMIC are saving Linux.
It's made by Microsoft.
Shariah can't come soon enough.
Then they can't alter it in the future when they find something else that hurts them in the axewound.
Haven't used Ubuntu since 7.04, but
>Stuff like forcing snap by aliasing apt to it
Seriously? That a thing? Is this what desktop Linux has come to?
And then there's all those "switch to Linux" shills.
Fuck you niggers, I'll stay on Windows out of spite.
No one uses Ubuntu anymore.
This is how HOA's work.
Bunch of men dressed up as Karen's complaining to one another about Bills house with the wrong shade of blue.
I'm glad I've never ever ever installed a desktop environment on any of the linux shit I run.
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this is why project managers exist in corporations btw, when development goes well he might as well not exist but when you look at gnome and their bullshit bickering, wouldn't you love to have someone who could tell everyone on the issue trackers to just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FIX IT
i used to jerk off to her hardcore videos. I was fucked up.
Hey tard.
The majority all want what was offered in 2016, The jew run media tricked you in to thinking that people still want war and open borders.
Sorry, you're a fool.
Welp, good for them I guess. Still, I maintain that desktop Linux is an elaborate hazing ritual designed to woo the young and impressionable by a bullshit promise of "software freedom", and then make them waste their youth feeding the demonic loonix egregore.
>these guys are going to kill the opensource community with this shit
that's their entire purpose
What's the use case for gnome?
It's monolithic, constantly pulls other programs into its wake and is irresponsible with privileging.
This makes it a significant attack surface that has only recently been attacked.
If it was actually just an init system that coexisted with other init systems, then the problems would be significantly reduced.
To host the GUADEC event every year
You can explicitly set the user and group on a service, if that fixes what you are discussion?
I also think you might be able to use ExecStartPre= and a shell script to grab and export the logged in user's group ID and user ID to pass into it.

Monolithic can be good if you mean it in the sense that systemd and docker are alike.
Ebussi, I kneel.
I couldn't be a bigger asshole even if I had financial incentive to
That Qt wasn't free 20 years ago, so KDE wasn't either.

That's it. That's the only reason GNOME exists.
>there can't be no discussion
That's what people should have told fuckers like him 100 years ago. The world would have been so much better we can't even imagine it.
What's GNOME shaman opinion on this?
that's even better.
Whats the usecase of gnome? Provide /g/ with endless entertainment.
e-bussy is just one of many loons in GNOME
lol wtf
buy an ad shill
She announced her departure roughly at the same time as the gnome-mentous scandal
what the fuck
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I want to reply to this thread, but i am speechless.
Ebussy needs no further comment. Shit is wild.

Have my bump
I want Korean girlfriend
GNOME is not based at all. They are obedient to their corporate master IBM/Red Hat and keep pushing CoC drama. It saddens me that their corporate CoC drama has such an impact on the wider FOSS community. Most people here don't care about CoC shit and just want to develop high quality FOSS . For example I don't care about inventing new gender pronouns and praising a fentanyl addict, I just care about making GIMP plugins.

Lunduke is very based except for a few issues like supporting Israel.

Anyone who deviates from woke theocracy is a threat to them
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he's a commie retard. its why he's such an asshole
It would be one thing if gnome was like the best DE available. But it's literally one of the worst so even if I agreed with them entirely I would still not use it.
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omg. this guy is a fucking retard who does what the corporate masters at Red Hat want him to do.
you would be good at making youtube thumbnails
He's like 5'0 and that's a man beside him? Literally gnome height.

Cucks with zero to lose are always the most willing to share. And most willing to exercise "authority".
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Yes! GNOME might actually be finished by the end of the year and ebussy is doing all the leg work!
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Rather than complaining about the hard work of unpaid volunteers to kick Sonny Piers, instead you should ask, is Sonny Piers REALLY so important?
Every single leftist deserves a bullet in their heads, each one of them are grifters and subversionist that destroy everything they touch.
Do your part, murder a leftist.
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what is the best linux distro and a DE for a fascist?
Don't compare this literal dwarf commie failure to Fedora and Red Hat. Hopefully he will just troon out soon and do the needful.
>tech journalism
What a fucking meme.
moot had the same shirt on when I met him in seattle in 2006
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My distro is tailored for right wing workflows
Gnome OS
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Lunduke is the only one in all tech writing professionally about these topics. I can imagine the amount of seethe he causes. The one guy preventing the court eunuchs from achieving total narrative control. He deserves support from the normal population of tech enthusiasts.
>normal population
>tech enthusiasts
Correct. He's the hero we need.
DEs are a meme. Always have been. You just need a window manager and a file manager. Everything else is bloat.
Major cope. Hardware inputs are tied into desktop environment now (for example none of your mouse gestures will work until you're in a desktop environment that supports it). Depending on your machine this could be completely unacceptable. Especially touchpad inputs.
Apartheid linux.
Don't forget when they put their whatnot scholarships in front of hiring new devs.
I do think it won't be that easy. At least since NixOS most projects that i know/interact with keep a much closer look on new people's backgrounds.
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>I'm not reading all this shit
So basically they fired the guy responsible for funding and besides memes, people are pissed it might affect future funding from the Krauts, who currently seem to have quite a big stake?

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