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Linux please do this
>You don't have permission
Motherfucker, I own this machine. sudo do this
>okay what would you like to do
Sudo Program add user
>Sorry sudo, can't add user, program doesn't have permission

Will they ever make a linux distro without permission buillshit? For a free OS you sure don't own it.
sudo delete this thread
Just login as root
sudo passwd -d root
# fuk you
>Windows please do this

I never had a problem where the "program didn't have permission"
You could login as root and that would do it, but please do acknowledge the security risks of doing this before you do.
all programs if they require advanced permissions must obey sudo, just kill yourself for this making this thread please, Jay.
login as root you utter moron
>Sorry root, userdata is on another partition and program does not have permission
gui faggot problem, as if any other os lets root do anything and everything in gui ootb
What command are you invoking to add a user, on what distro? I can't imagine what circumstance would cause the error you describe.
What a dumb fucking ape...

You're black.
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>I own this machine
Give it back, Jamal
sudo kill yourself
sudo rm -rf OP's genitals
>removes OP recursively
I see what you did there.
Linux autists will never address the permission problem because knowing permission autism rules for a simple desktop make them feel special for knowing them
Why letting the computer just do the thing when they can prepend every action with an "ahah" moment where they rememeber some weird ass rule?
Linux will begin to work when someone will want to make money from consumers
>Linux will begin to work when someone will want to make money from consumers
Absolutely horrendous bait
With great power comes great responsibility. This portects you from your own stupidity.
If you're unable to figure this out it's better you don't do it.
Unlike hand-holding windows or macOS, Linux just gives you full access to entire OS. Assuming you're not stupid enough to get permissions.
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>you never set a root password
>you dont know how to add to sudo file
>you dont know how to to a group
just quit and shut your dumb mouth son
>some weird ass rule
yeah, "what groups am i in?" and "what user/group does the file belong to?" are very difficult questions. as a fellow brown person, i sympathize
Sudo -i

(Become root and you don't even need sudo).
no one is forcing you to be on a non-root account, retards. but you're probably too dumb to operate it anyway and you will brick your computer and complain on /g/ that Linux didn't protect you from your own stupidity.
even if you're root there are files you can't interact because of stupid permissions having given the file to a non-root user. You have to tinker with the permissions to make files work.
if you're root you should be able to immediately do everything with a file, without having to tinker with permissions prior to the interaction
well, thank you for confirming linux is for retards that are not allowed to do stuff on their own computers, lol.
your mom sucks cocks on the street
Sounds like you didn't configure sudo.

Also, learn about setuid and setcap, it's better choice than sudo in case you always need to run some executable with elevated privileges.
You could've just used su but instead you were too retarded to use Google and on top of that also made a thread to show us all just how retarded you are
>even if you're root there are files you can't interact because of stupid permissions having given the file to a non-root user.
That's simply not true, when you're a root kernel just skips checking file permissions. Can you give some example when you run into this? I guess it may be an issue in logic of the software, eg. some program checks if the user running it is the same if owner of the file and if not it exits.
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>you don't have permission to delete that empty folder, anon...
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install gentoo
>thank you for confirming linux is for retards that are not allowed to do stuff on their own computers
Anon... You literally got filtered with this and everyone who use linux daily has no problem with user permissions...
$ find / -type anon -attr isafaggot
Security is a meme, if you are about to install spyware, you would use sudo anyways.

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