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What programming languages would you recommend learning, anon?
Haskell, brainfuck, fortran, delphi and turbo pascal are the most usefull ones currently.

I wpuld also add brainfuck as a begginer-friendly language.
Plankalkul, ALGOL 60, LISP, and PASCAL.
learn c, make your own interpreter, emulate chip8, then snes, gba, ps1, ps2, ps3, switch in that order.
It allows you to understand how code works on a lower level without all the complexity. Even if you move to a different language you can take what you learnt and write more efficient software.
Bash. Bourne shell if you want to start smaller.
Also hear good things about KSH and esp. ZSH but didn't get to try them.
Java, C++, Python. All you need
Troonixers not allowed here
Meme languages
Boomer language
What do you plan on doing with it? And what do you plan on in the future?
Oh wow i wasn’t expecting this thread to get so many responses
I was planning on learning a language to better understand how my computer works. My end goal is to write my own gui linux utilities specifically for my dad so he can breathe life into his shitty laptop & so he can use something i made despite being half the country away.
gui development on linux is a shitshow. the best toolkit is unironically electron with javascript
I've never seen that movie but I'm surprised to see russian cars.
I'm not sure if it's even an official poster
Python, C# and Odin. You will never need anything more
What makes it so bad? Is it just general drama i.e libadwatia & gtk4 or is it underlying codebase or something else?
>My end goal is to write my own gui linux utilities
KEK, that's why I plan on getting into imGUI or rayGUI after I get more up to speed on C++ but this guy is right: >>101546305
Beyond that there is also Lazarus (Pascal) which has a RAD builder.
C and Zig.
k&r c
one that is relatively simple, has good standard library and/or good ecosystem and probably manages memory for you

and one C-like lower level language.

I use Python/C# and Odin (I probably will look into Zig at some point, it seems like it's the worse language but it's the one getting all the hype currently)
>inb4 not programming
Neet / Linux user (same thing) obsolete language
Into web dev? Java
Everything else? C#
If you have a hard time learning C# you can start with Python which is the Ableton / Mac tier of generalist languages and then switch to C#
Don’t listen to C++/Linux spergs those troons never had a single job and never cared about getting one, now every single thing you can do in C++ you can also do in C#. Reverse is false
>I was planning on learning a language to better understand how my computer works
For that, C is the best option. But this may be at odds with your other goal - gui tools.
I'd advise you to start with your concrete goal of gui tools in whichever language is suitable for that (I dunno which). This might be enough to satisfy your goal of understanding your compute. If not, fall back to learning C afterward
Do you want a job and to be able to get shit done? Python, Java, JS, C#, C++ if you can put in the time to git gud
Do you want to jerk off with unemployed autists on /g/? C, Haskell, Lisp, Rust, whatever

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