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Good opsec or no
>on iphone
That's like wearing gloves while typing on your full telemetry windows 11
>ios store
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It doesn't matter what you use to communicate or what kind of encryption you use if you data comes to rest on a compromised client.

Every single iPhone in the world is openly a compromised device with client-side scanning of all your data.

If you are stupid enough to use your iPhone for anything important or interesting, regardless of what apps you choose to use, you deserve whatever happens.
Tor is a meme for paranoid pedos that think they are hiding their CP internet activity, I am sure some government spooks got Tor cracked & hacked
it was made by the US military, so duh
Tor Browser on iOS is fucking terrible. if you must use it, use at least Onion Browser
you're actually retarded if you use tor on any smartphone except for maybe a pinephone
25% up to 50% of Tor nodes are run by three letter agencies, both domestic and adversaries.
I heard the nsa hosts some pretty great exit nodes.
No but "opsec" is a myth. Fact is, using Tor is like downloading a torrent. Unless you're selling kilos of coke or hosting child porn, nobody really cares. If they DID care you'd be caught instantly.
it really is that simple
Nobody cares about the 3 tabs of acid you bought on the darkweb bro. Tor is a honeypot sting operation to take down major drug dealers and child rapists/killers like Peter Scully... If they just stung all the guys buying $25 worth of adderall, the people they actually want to grab wouldn't use it.
>Apprehended at age 22, Graham ran a series of "hurtcore" child sexual abuse sites.
how the fuck are people doing this shit at 22 years old, i could get twice or thrice that age cause you're old enough that you don't give a fuck
young men are much less risk averse, don't have a family to lose and much more to gain (imagine all the models you'll fuck if you get rich)
i dunno man, must be a sheltered kind of thing

the thought of being put in jail for the rest of your life from such a young age, and specifically a crime that will put you in a real bad prison, for crimes that will have you seen as the lowest of the low amongst some of the psychos in said prison

fuck that man, just stupid
Too slow vs things like the free version of Proton VPN, which should be good enough for protecting you from weird /g/entoo users in unprotected wifi cafes.

If you want something to protect you from the CIA on the other hand (which probably owns or has somehow tapped all VPN networks), then KYS pedo. Since extremely unlikely you are that important and want that for any other reasons other than that.
I've never even used encryption for my address (outside of the site's own alleged encryption) since like 2012. I only ever but personal use amounts so haven't encountered problems desu.
I don't really expect the law to go after me for that. It'd be like 1984 tier... But it has to stay "illegal" to keep people in check.
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Don't read the anti-privacy posts in this thread.
because americans are one of the most brain-dead species known to mankind
I'll start calling every firepower enthusiast a school shooter.
i think most americans who weirdly suck corporate and intelligence community cock r.e. privacy are usually fairly left-leaning and anti-gun
European propaganda.
How things are so backwards in USA? Shouldn't liberals support privacy and be anti-corporate?
the rich knew what they were doing when they started using modern pathological egalitarianism as a control mechanism, there is no group more loyal and insufferable than people with a moral high ground
or rather, people who think they have a moral high ground

because really, these kinds of people love their wilful ignorance. i.e. giving greater consideration for criminals than their victims.
Unless they control the in and out node you're using at any given time that doesn't really matter. The fact that .gov themselves use it would suggest they aren't super concerned about foreign groups that own nodes.

The threat model any non-retarded person has is perfectly fine for tor: avoiding data gathering by big tech and data brokers.
>open privacy policy page
>"oopsie! No privacy policy here :3"

If you thought this was anything else other than blatant malware, maybe you deserve to be gunned down by the DEA
>Unless you're selling kilos of coke or hosting child porn, nobody really cares. If they DID care you'd be caught instantly.
then why are people selling coke and hosting child porn not caught instantly
three-letter agencies have unironically failed to crack tor in a technical sense so they switched to filling the internet with "i bet it doesn't work anyway" and "you're a pedo if you use it" rhetoric, because tor anonymity relies on having a large enough userbase
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>Why are Americans like this?
There is a problem here called the Retard-Pedophile-Tyranny Loop. The way the Retard-Pedophile-Tyranny Loop works is easy.

The government, or proxies of it in media complain about internet pedophiles and agitate for new corporate/government spying and censorship powers.

Retards hear this and uncritically support whatever the new spy powers are. The Retards also harass other people and accuse anyone who has concerns about increased surveillance of being pedophiles themselves. Retards are too stupid to understand the value of privacy and view it only as something enabling child abuse, because that's what the government told them. It is also very easy to get the Retards into an even more aggressively stupid than usual emotional state via media manipulation.

The government/corporations get new surveillance and censorship powers. The government then does absolutely nothing about the internet pedophiles it cited as the cause for needing the new powers, and instead uses the new powers against political dissidents/journalists/etc. However, the media stops complaining about internet pedophiles for a bit, so the Retards forget they were expecting the government to do anything or that there was a problem they found upsetting and settle down temporarily.

Some amount of time later, the process restarts. Retards, being retarded, play their role of uncritically supporting the next way of censorship/surveillance and harassing anyone who questions it again. The Retards never ask what happened with the old powers they gave the government. The Retards never ask anything, because they literally do not have the cognitive capacity to have or understand these concerns, especially when whipped into an emotional state by the media.

>tl:dr; Democracy was a mistake.
>While searching his phone, police found three cached images depicting two deceased children and a baby being stood on.
I remember that baby standing pic and it was pretty funny. I doubt any of that shit was real tho. It seems unlikely that so much torture cp exists yet almost none surfaces on the clearnet.
>then why are people not caught instantly

the open secret nobody wants to acknowledge is that most people do not care, and in many countries its defacto legal. The amount of effort required to stop it would be absurd and besides, theres easier ways to justify your job. Consider this scenario:

>sir, cunnysuer420 the kingpin behind the latest darknet site slipped up. He logged into his gmail account with cookies enabled. Shall we prep our strike team and bring down his entire opperation? Hes hosting terabytes of advertiser unfriendly content
>remote village in uganda, surronded by militants of an extremist faction. this countrry technically doesnt have laws against content involving minors but if we play our cards right, the ugandian government is willing to look the other way

>anyone else on the agenda?
>some boomer in oklhoma shared a picture of a teenager's pussy on snapchat
>alright, assemble the team.

>shall I call the legal department to start extradition proce-
>no. I said assemble the team, we got a boomer in oklahoma sharing pussy pics on snapchat and thats dangerous for our democracy.
>use your iPhone for anything important or interesting
kek the vast majority of fucks on here are just coomers. delusional schizo
These people typically live in Asian shitholes, and employ countermeasures other than just using Tor or GPG encrypted messages. And they could still be easily found, given enough resources and manpower.

Ted Kaczynski was caught because his Judas brother ratted him out. If he used the internet, he'd have been taken down very quickly.

I wonder if the CIA ever sell drugs on the dark web legitimately, as in not a bust, just to make money from the stuff they seize off Mexican cartel trying to cross the border.
>use TOR
>80% of websites are unusable
the ones doing that shit are usually that age. its the age bastards conduct disorder acts up
>fuck that man, just stupid
pedofucks usually have low iq and are brutally killed in prison. nobody actually likes or respects kid diddlers despite it being normalized on here since there's no consequences. pedofucks probably love to flaunt their degeneracy because they have no self worth or any achievements
because you touch yourself at night
>These people typically live in Asian shitholes,
a lot of them don't
>and employ countermeasures other than just using Tor or GPG encrypted messages.
such as?
>And they could still be easily found, given enough resources and manpower.
so not "easily" then

for a guy defending the statement "opsec is a myth" you sure seem to be saying it's not a myth at all
80%? fuck more like 99%
every website wont let you sign up, post, view videos, p2p and torrents are broken, file host are all blocked etc
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I'm just pointing out that Tor on iPhone is security theater. Any "secure" application on an iPhone is security theater, given that Apple openly scans all your data on the client-side constantly.

It's like talking about using Tor on Windows. Sure you could do that, but what is the point, when the OS itself is spyware, and it is taking screenshots of everything you do every 3 seconds and uploading it somewhere?

Before the communication layer even matters you need a secure operating system and I don't think that exists currently. Everything is either corporate owned and openly spyware, or subverted Open Source projects that get supply-chain attacked constantly.

A new OS is needed. One that makes a clean break from the past and doesn't pull it any third-party dependencies or ancient code nobody audits. Even in that case you would have to worry about hardware backdoors in devices. So I suppose you would need to design a new OS with the assumption that the hardware it is running on may itself be malicious or compromised, and I have no idea how you would do such a thing.
I'm talking about people where the only difference is using a phone app version of Tor, vs a desktop browser Tor on Tails or something. It doesn't matter much, it's like OCD paranoia people scared to download a torrent without being behind VPNs and VMs etc. It's not a problem, the worst case is you get a "love letter".

Only go all out if you're legit doing VERY VERY VERY illegal stuff like killing or child rape, or actually dealing the drugs/firearms.
>everything you do every 3 seconds and uploading it somewhere?
Source? My windows has a firewall and doesn't send anything at all. Checked with Wireshark and on router.
I even disabled NTP.
He’s talking about Recall, a “feature” so over the top even normalfags are starting to notice the fuckery
GNU Guix System for the OS
GNU Hurd for the kernel (acceptable substitutes include some of the BSDs)
RISC-V for the hardware
The dream is possible, if not difficult to achieve
Why are there still pedos then? If that were true and the entire dark web were just one big glownigger honeypot, shouldn't everyone have been arrested by now?
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>Why are there still pedos then?
This explains why >>101550432 and this >>101550516 is also a factor.
I understand both of those posts, but if the government hates privacy and doesn't care enough about darkweb pedos to do anything about them, why would they have gone through the effort of spending hundreds or millions of dollars to design and operate a pseudo-private honeypot and then done absolutely at all with it? Isn't it more likely that Tor actually does what it claims to?
Tor was invented by the US military (navy).
In order to facilitate untraceable encrypted conversation over the internet. Where is the evidence that the government has more than a theoretical capacity to trace and decrypt data transmitted over Tor?
>There is a problem here called the Retard-Pedophile-Tyranny Loop
i'm not reading this, i think you just made it up
because he's wrong and tor works. you can go read up on busts of cp forums etc and even when the actual forum was a literal honeypot run 100% by feds they still had no way of getting the users' ips and had to do traditional investigation on each individual account, going over their messages and hoping they'd let some identifying information slip. that's why the triumphant press release at the end of the investigation ends up saying shit like "child porn forum with 100000 members busted, 100 arrests made." there was a story years ago about a major pedo figure that only got caught because he had some dumb catchphrase he always ended his posts with and one time he used it while selling something on ebay. this sort of shit would not be necessary if tor was "cracked."

of course people will tell you that it's only the high-level spooks that have the backdoors to tor and they don't want to share them with "normal" law enforcement that deals with low priority shit like pedos and drug dealers, because that would ruin tor's function as a honeypot for terrorists or whatever. it's not impossible but frankly i think >>101550400 is more likely. all these "don't bother with privacy, feds already cracked everything" posts glow in the dark for me
imagine sucking rossman's cock so hard
Nobody needs tor. There are zero practical applications for anyone here to use tor
>i dont want my governmel--
You are on 4chan, which is blocked on tor nodes, which means you are here on the clearnet - if you are fine with them knowing you are here You'll be fine with them knowing you jerk to furry porn
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>but if the government hates privacy and doesn't care enough about darkweb pedos to do anything about them, why would they have gone through the effort of spending hundreds or millions of dollars to design and operate a pseudo-private honeypot and then done absolutely at all with it?
The Retard-Pedophile-Tyranny Loop alone is enough to justify the expense and effort. The government can fabricate money from nothing so spending money it fabricated from nothing to increase its own power is easily worth it.

I made up the name, but it is a real problem here.
Tor was invented so glowniggers can do glownigger shit in countries where they don’t control the internet infrastructure and they released it to the public because without a lot of other traffic tor usage becomes a glowing beacon. They run a lot of the nodes because they’re the primary users, it’s as shrimple as that
>all these "don't bother with privacy, feds already cracked everything" posts glow in the dark for me
Half of them are probably genuine glowniggers who want to make their job easier, and the other half are tor using glowniggers who trying to reverse-psychology people into using it because they need the crowd for anonymity
This was my assessment as well. And if Tor does what it says it does for literally everyone not planning a 9/11 sequel, what's the point of the shilling against it? It's still going to protect you against 99.99% of glowniggers, how is that worse than being protected against 0% of them?
>It's still going to protect you against 99.99% of glowniggers
Not if you use it on iPhone. Then you're back to 0%.
I don't see how the RPT loop benefits from having a backdoored Tor. If they're not going to use the backdoor, why have it? It would just potentially compromise their own usage.
Depends. If you never download anything, it should still give you a level of protection. All of the shitware syncing happens outside the Tor browser so it's not broadcasting your identity.
Congratulations on realizing that the onion router is not compromised. It's all glownigger demoralization propaganda to keep everyone visible.
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I don't know if Tor itself is backdoored, though I suspect the Navy would not have made it public if that were not the case. Also, backdoors can be used against people the government actually cares about, which in almost all cases are going to be people it singled out for surviellance over political beliefs/organization they don't like.

However, the OP asked about using it on iPhone. Given that Apple is open about client-side scanning, it doesn't matter what you use to communicate with on such a device as your data will be snooped on at rest.

I don't even think you can call an iPhone "backdoored" at this point. They're so open with it you might as well say iPhones have been "frontdoored".
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Reminder that faggot journalists like picrel helped build Tor Browser.
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is this real
>I don't even think you can call an iPhone "backdoored" at this point.

the future is open doors. the apple and microjeet ai-rewind system basically makes it possible to view everything you do all the time and theres no doubt some kind of backroom lawenforcement deal to utilize it. no more afking on the job, your boss can just review your entire computer usage history.

uh to check for child porn, of course. trust us goy, thats all its for.
>left in the US
All you have is different colored right neocon faggots
i'm talking about the voters, not the politicians
there are plenty of 90 IQ left wing idiots in america.
>if you are fine with them knowing you are here You'll be fine with them knowing you jerk to furry porn

listen man, im comfortable going into my yard and peeing on the grass. I was raised by hippies and I know a little plant science. im basically fertilizing the plants and saving toliet water, its a very ecologically conscious minded action. Its not illegal and its not morallly wrong. But at the same time, im not comfortable with someone watching me do it or record me doing it from a camera drone. The uncomfortableness of you spying on me peeing doesnt mean im secretly keeping children hidden in the bushes or secretly running some kind of terrorist training camp behind my flowerbed.
Most left leaning fag's in the US are consumers. I'll give this to zoomer they seem pretty anti establishment which gives me hope. As a millennial I wish our Gen was a bit more that way. We got so fucked and I think zoomers are even more fucked.
>I'll give this to zoomer they seem pretty anti establishment
yeah which is why they all defend black criminals and troon out.
Dude what
>if you are fine with x, then you are fine with y

that's a fallacy, it's not hard to understand. But since you do seem to be having trouble understanding, I provided an example. But like the brain dead npc that you are, you are too stupid to understand even the simplest of examples or explainations. I should have just used a food analogy, then your npc programming would have been able to save you with
>food analogy

and you would have ignored my post.
When you realize 98% of gov jobs are just nepo babies trying to get in on the tax payer titties, anything casn be justified because hey, my cousin needed a job so we set him up one making worthless honeypots that do nothing.

There was just a thread on here or on /pol/ not too long ago about the CIA or FBI setting up these expensive camouflaged rock-cameras built to be undetectable and placed across a bunch of rural areas. For what? Who knows, they'll be working for 3 years. They had to hire people to build, transport and then place all these cameras, and they're putting them in parts of the country where there will literally be nothing unusual captured on them. It's purely a waste of everyones time and money and you can guarantee they won't be disposing of them when the lead batteries die in the predicted 3 year period. They'll just sit there forever afterwards rotting, all so a few people could pull 80k+ a year and benefits in some worthless gov position that has no reason to exist at all. That’s basically what the purpose of gov is now.
I'm not really a racist, well except when it comes to jews and poos. I don't give merit on skin color you have whites that are just as bad
you're an idiot
Weird, I think the same thing of you
no, you don't think at all.
Its odd how someone asked for clarification and you got this angry
>If they're not going to use the backdoor, why have it?
>why would a government composed by epstein clients not arrest the pedophiles they promised to arrest?
Because those aren't the people they are interested in.
Who are they interested in? And if you aren't one of those people, why wouldn't you use it?
It's odd how "I don't need anyone watching me piss in my back yard" needs clarification.
it's odd how you are pretending to be an unrelated third party.
Tor is the best free VPN and thats more than enough reason to use it
>its the age bastards conduct disorder acts up
Basically this.

Don't use any tor software that's not officially released by the tor project dot org. they put a SHITLOAD of effort into making their software not leak like a sieve, and using shitty phone app stuff is actually worse than nothing.
This. Too bad most people don't know that. It's hilarious to see people recommend a VPN while on TOR, not knowing that TOR already masks your IP really well, it all just depends on what kind of user you are
My friend Alberto says spooks only use tor to exchange emails, and they let the general public use it to browse the web, because browsing shit takes up a lot more bandwidth than exchanging mail, thus they can hide their shit in between "browsing" packets. Is this true or is he a lying mexican?
>Good opsec or no
Good app usage telemetry rats one out.
the only good one is Orbot, all else is shit
> Every single iPhone in the world is openly a compromised device with client-side scanning of all your data.

Implying jewgle phones dont do the exact same thing
i don't think he implied that at all
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Give this anon a prize. Holy shit people are retarded. The real glow nigga shit is VPN's that have suddenly been shilled everywhere the past few years.
> We totally don't keep your data goy :^)
> Only 20 sheckels for an entire year!!!
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OP asked about iPhone specifically.

How hard is it to be privacy literate?

> Degoogled phone
> Privacy respecting mail provider
> Linux ( Winblows and crapple are BOTnet glowie central)
> Don't log into anything while touring
> Live USB with T
> Librewolf browser
People say this, but they can never seem to describe the difference in beliefs between US and Euro liberals.
this, VPNs concentrate traffic. It's better to hide in a crowd than to give a single failure point all the information to fuck you over.
Using vpns with tor lowers your anonymity the same way attaching files to XMR transactions lowers XMR anonymity. It just narrows the search range.
>attaching files to XMR transactions
Do cryptofags really?

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