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What could have been done differently to avoid it flopping?
>1000 dollars
>makes you look like a retard
You'd have more success in dating by going to random women and talking about the gnu coreutils than walking up to them while wearing this bullshit
$599 pricetag.
sell the product at a loss, make your money from the software. just like console makers.
99% of people interested in VR are either gamers or coomers. ignoring both if them was a suicidal business decision
>Apple wants to make money off of nickel-and-diming by sabotaging the interoperability of standards and forcing people to use additional Apple shit
>Only way forward for VR is open source and maximum interoperability
>Apple wants something fashionable for narcissistic sociopaths to wear
>Comfortable VR goggle brace against your forehead instead of being retarded RPO movieprop skigoggles
There was nothing they could have done without fucking with their own modus operandi.
from the thumbnail it looks like her mouth is closed, but when you open the image for some reason she is showing a lot of teeth, and i can't tell if she's supposed to be smiling or not

this image is quite scary
The profit margins on app store apps is way too low for that to be feasible. Like you'd have to buy a thousand apps to even recoup the base price of the headset
damn now that you say that I think it's AI generated
the teeth are almost blurry and it's an especially ugly nigger
it seems to work for meta and bytedance. obviously their stores don't just sell candy crush over real VR titles, which is what Apple should've done as well. There's productive uses for VR for sure, but a big part of the appeal is still a gaming toy and something to watch smut on. Apple is in an even better position to do it because anyone who buys a Quest just to use virtualdesktop is making a loss for meta, but Apple's customers don't have powerful enough GPUs for VR, nor are there any VR titles on Mac to begin with.
Nothing I said was incorrect I dont know why you typed all that
it fell apart cause of MUH PRIVACY retards
as soon as they took its a ability to record the outside world it was useless
this is a post made by a bot
Don't market it solely to the demographic least likely to buy it.
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-2000 dollars off the price,

PC and Steam combatability.
Not releasing it. Even iToddlers aren't dumb enough to wear this shit publicly and VR bubble has already passed.
it will come back. when batteries improve.
might be redesigned as regular glasses.

the "i might eatch scat porno right now" factor does not help right now.

as it is, it is overdesigned.
we need more engineering
It wasn't intended to succeed, apple fucked up by trying to hopping on the metaverse band wagon which crashed a few months later, and now they either pull out and look like total retards or release their headset and after it flops say that people aren't brave enough for it yet or whatever and save face
I'm sleepy ok
None of what you just said has any basis in reality
with that ugly nigger in advertisement, nothing.
and you can't remove the nigger because DEI and shit.
not ai just 3d rendered
Unironically this.
It's a solution looking for a problem and the problem doesn't exist. Everyone keeps trying to make ar or VR into productivity and into an office and there's just so little use cases that could justify the price. The business world just doesn't need this shit, but those silicon valley retards think it does.
What I don't understand is that apple is supposedly the second biggest company on earth and everyone buys dozens of apple devices so everyone could use this even as a novelty. But in reality no one gives a shit and there's no one who buys this.
Get Marcus brownlee to shill it harder
I've heard some 3d modelers like VR, but that's about it
That faggot is the prime example of how exclusive access cripples reviews.
Mixing 'reality' with 'digital' in a gimmicky way never worked. Remember 3D screens and every TV in the early 2010s coming with 3D glasses? Remember google glasses?
You need to execute it reay well, and even if you do it, it is just not worth the effort.
Because most of them make the gear the main thing in the experience. People play games and watch movies, scroll the internet and lose themselves just fine. Because you are used to the device you are using, and it doesn't get into way.

In contrast, in a VR experience you are constantly thinking about the VR device and the VR experience itself, preventing immersion.
And because of this it never got common, so it s just a gimmick with no real use case
Not be Apple.

Apple kind of shot itself in the foot by locking down it's ecosystem. If an AR headset was made by literally any other company it would have been a success.
not having ugly people in the marketing (like the OP pic)
I just want it to simulate 2 big 4k screens for coding but it doesn't last long enough for serious work and doesn't work on linux.
Apple's decision not to have diversity in their marketing efforts. I've only seen blacks in their ads for this hardware.
Apple marketing team keeps recreating these shitty threads. Your tech bro target audience is on reddit. Perhaps you should go do your market research there. Here, you will only interact with a bunch of terminally online poorfags, gooning to lolli and other smut like it - neither qualities which your product is capable of catering for.
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>Better Marketing
Show me why I would want it instead of just showing me extremely ugly black people wearing it. Show me what it does. Show me how I could use it. Show me how it adds value to my life or saves me time or helps me or something. At least put somebody hot in it!

>Lower Cost
Nothing about this justifies spending $3500. Of course this perception might be partly because the marketing failed to tell me what it does or what I should want it. Marketing's job is to justify the asking price and they failed. From what I saw I'd have reservations about paying $350 for this. $3500 is a non-starter.

>make it suck less
I don't want to carry an external battery pack. I just don't. If the battery tech isn't there, it isn't there and this idea can remain science fiction until the tech catches up.
I heard it has like a 2 hour battery life is that true
the PPD is no where near good enough for 4k display emulation. It can do roughly a 34 inch 1080p display at a 28" viewing distance. At a five foot viewing distance it can't even do 720p on a 34 inch screen
I will make it simple for you: there is this game, Alyx, which needed a fucking VR headset to play. did I play it, even though I desperately needed something after HL2? even though I could have, nope, I did not and do not care. Is that answer enough for you? AMA.
>3500$ chastity belt
I thought the real reason this flopped was because it was unusually puke-inducing.
all the NIGGERs in the ads make me think this was made specifically for blackies. considering the genetic differences between humans and niggers, humans and jews, etc, I would want something that was peripherally designed for White people.
a headset made for niggers will render things much slower and at a lower framerate since nigger brains process things slower than humans, for example.
No he's right. The quests are all sold at a loss with the nintendo profit model and an overpriced walled garden store
Reread my post
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This. I won't buy a product if the ad has a black model. Ll bean and banana republic having black models is a travesty. They're supposed to be clothes for upper middle class white people.
Reread his. Assuming a normal 3x production cost profit model which let's be honest it's apple so it's currently at least 5-6x the production cost, then the $3500 headset costs $1,200 to make for a normal company based on the 3x model and for apples say 5.5x production price model it costs them ~$640 to build. So sell the thing at production cost and make all the profit on apps. You're thinking it costs them $3500 to build which it absolutely fucking doesn't. It's apple we're talking about.
>What could have been done differently
>Remove outside useless screen
>Make the chassis out of light plastic
>Make the front be made from plastic instead of heavy glass
>Put more padding in some areas for increased comfiness
>Allow developers to release some fucking apps whatsoever for the fucking headset for gods sake
>At worst set the price at 1000$
>Include some controllers inside the box if you think you're entitled to 3500$ of someone's hard earned money
Maybe I'm missing something, but should sum it up nicely for things that would have made it a comparably better success.
His point was that the model works elsewhere, my point was that this isnt apples model, and that if implemented via current app store prices it wouldn't ever be profitable. You are trying to shift the argument and engage in some meme nit picking. I never said it wouldn't work if apple applied did it too. I said that isnt apples system. Stop arguing. I didnt even read past the first sentence of your post
A $500 price tag, and not advertising exclusively to blacks, the people least likely to buy it.

It was always going to launch as a novelty with no software, and there's already a stigma against wearing headsets. They needed to make a strong value proposition. "Sure, you could buy that ultrawide monitor, or you could have infinite screens for half the cost.."

Instead they appealed to Latisha the software developer, who doesn't exist.
So his argument was change to a better model for this product and your defence was they don't use that model. They already take 30% on all apps and that is their largest proportion of revenue. Most of apples money comes from the iphone app store not their insanely overpriced hardware.
My point was that it wouldn't work in the current scheme of apples profit scheme, as it does with console makers as he pointed out. Saying they should change their profit scheme is an unrelated discussion I was not participating in and I do not care about. Talk to someone else about it, I didnt mention it and I dont care, yet you keep trying to drag me into the discussion for no reason.
You know people are saying you're dumb, you're gay. I'm not saying it but a lot of people are. People tell me, "Wow, this guy, what a retard." They say, "He probably sucks dicks too." You know nothing wrong with sucking dicks, a lot of women, great women, beautiful women, have sucked my dick. But a gay retard, that's taking it too far. This country used to not have so many gay retards, it was great. But now, look at it. A country filled with gay retards, it's sad. It's truly sad. And apple, apple is partly to blame. Steve died. He was a smart American. A great American. But this new administraton, it's terrible.
They made it incredibly heavy for no reason at all people don't even want to use it.
They also made devs have to buy a separate dongle.
>Talk to someone else about it, I didnt mention it and I dont care, yet you keep trying to drag me into the discussion for no reason.
I'm no longer reading your posts or responding to them.
You can't share it. Every new face that puts it on has to recalibrate it every single time.
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They fixed a lot of things like the low hand latency which made games impossible to play and they added a wide monitor option but imo most people are just waiting for the new vision air model since this ones way too expensive and just a hassle to use.
When we win the election, and we will win the election. There will be no more gay retards. You know we used to just have a few in this country. And we would put them on TV to laugh at them. But then they started putting them on TV. They did. The liberal media put peewee herman on TV. They put him on TV to make your kids get used to gay retards. And then the teachers union, a lot of great teachers in this country, a lot of bad teachers, all the bad ones in the union, they wanted to turn your kids gay and retarded and now look at them. They lose arguments and then refuse to read. They refuse to read because they're gay retards using chinas tiktok app. They can't think, they say "how can I read with this dick in my mouth." When we get reelected your kids won't be gay retards anymore. The teachers union and department of education won't be able to do this to them anymore. No more cutting off dicks and putting them in their mouths. We'll make america great again. One gay retard at a time.
>What could have been done differently to avoid it flopping?
Why would anyone get thus over a macbook pro with a max chip?
It should have flopped
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Make it an entirely new formfactor that no one else has the capability to replicate. An Apple headset is just an expensive Quest. Apple VR glasses would be something else entirely.
I've seen some convincing arguments for AR maintenance work, but for that you need something that you don't mind scratching up. A thousand dollar apple product isn't going to be an easy sell to a shop floor.
Nuclear battery
Who is the target audience for this?
>100 Microwatts
It would only take 180,000 of those to power a Vision Pro.
Black anime nerds from portland oregon with rich lawyer parents
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That is flat out wrong; Apple makes the bulk of their revenue from hardware sales, not the App store. Selling hardware at cost/loss and then trying to make up for it in software sales are just not how they roll.
how did it fail that market is huge

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