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What the absolute fuck KDE?
Why would you expect a window to be capable of containing a slider that exceeded 100%?
I'm talking about the rounded corners dumbass
>volume can't go above 100%
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it's a joke
Either stop zooming in too much, or upgrade from your shitty VGA monitor.
now show gnome and hyprland
>it looks good if you close your eyes
lincucks on suicide watch
I took the screencap WITHOUT ZOOMING. It's very visible
Looks like a GTK app, which can look weird sometimes
>rounded corners
It's the volume retard
>still obsessed with krash meme
no usecases found for your nonfunctional DE footfag
>When proper AA and filtering is too hard to grasp for a kde Dev
Well Cosmic will only lose if it sucks.
try it without some fucking pajeet's kvantum theme (themeing desktops is in fact dead)
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uhh qbittorrentbros??? how is my ratio ever going to recover from this??
I hope you kill yourself /pol/tard
>its so you don't injure yourself
On any normal headphones or earphones you can cause permanent damage MUCH lower than 100%.
the kvantum theme is literally 'nordic' lmao
fake, i have been blasting music max volume since 2009 and my hearing has been getting better since 2020
yeah that theme was 'literally' made by an indian
lol no, it's in the name dumbass. "nordic" was made by an aryan chad
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why the hell is everyone talking about the volume when the OP is clearly referring to the shitty rounded corners?
I can also write whatever the fuck I want.
So what is the shell theme? Curve radius does not look like KDE default.
bots +
retards with no reading comprehension

now you understand why the Internet is dead, not because of some s o y "dead internet theory", but because it is full of the lowest life form 80iq mongrels who will NOT understand what you are saying even if you repeat it 20 times into their face
you are indian. whites make their own themes
/pol/tards have utterly ruined this board with their retardation and off-topic political spam. the kind of person who believes /pol/ invariably has braindead technical takes as well.
there's that word again!
no, but seriously, disliking rounded corners is anti-semitic.
both Gnome & KDE are bloatware and xfce is getting that way too, i just use a lightweight window manager and it works great, OpenBox is my favorite
kill yourself worthless moron
Switch to COSMIC.
what's that? never heard of it
what's with the weird aliased 1px space between the rounded corner and the shadow??
Op is using some poorly cobbled together theme
I like this feature.
Makes it easier to hear video when watching videos with other people who like to chat at the same time on puny laptop speakers.
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Because normal people don't slam their face to the screen with a hunchback over their desks to count individual pixels over a volume meter that only appears on their screen for .4 picoseconds you neurotic faggot.
Imagine not finding such details obvious. That's so retarded, you're probably not even autistic.
that's the opposite of autism anon.
No, I was saying that you're not autistic enough! You probably don't even notice 50 ms of typing latency and have animations enabled.
they are sucking data off your computer through the ethernet cable
it's over
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as was foretold
Is this some kind of aviation joke I'm too dumb to understand?
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these threads are about as meaningful as frogposts
Bumping for this question.
I love KDE so much it's unreal.
me too, wat that
>implying he uses gnome

new desktop environment.
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and it works with the nvidia gpu in my laptop very well once alpha releases gnome won't have a use case anymore
Just googled it, apparently it's written in Rust. Makes me a bit skeptical but whatever, I hope they succeed.
Seriously what happened? Is it really just /pol/ overflow? It seems impossible to have a fucking conversation here anymore
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What? Looks great on my KDE.
most retarded post in this thread
I guarantee it's not nvidia right?
>tranny shill of the month
no thanks into the trash it goes
In gnome it's completely round and I think it looks better than a square like this >>101562022
>that'll be 2GiGs of RAM saar
I have gnome on my big computer, KDE in the two medium ones and xfce in the smallest ones + the raspi
I don't really see the issue of complaining about desktop environment ram usage in a computer that already has 64 gb ready to use, and I see no point in installing gnome on a system that doesn't have ram to spare
it looks like shit (like the rest of gnome)
>I see no point in installing gnome on a system
i too don't see a single usecase for gnome
>i want a real DE
use kde
>i still want a DE but a lighter one
use cinnamon/mate
>i have a shit toaster and refuse to buy a real pc
use openbox/fluxbox
>i'm a tranny ricer with way too much time to waste or a l*ptop fag
use a tiling wm
Gnome just looks better 70% of the time
KDE's just not as good
It is Nvidia. It's a 4070. Why is Linux so bad?
delusional ramblings of a footfag
90% of devs being troons does that
>Uses Linux and blames Linux for bad Linux drivers
Works on my AMD 7900 GRE perfectly.
too bad amd gpus don't work for anything that's not running bare minimum linux
Are you using X11 or Wayland? Also, what version of KDE are you using? I'm running Plasma 6 on Arch and haven't seen anything like this. Also, did you turn up the scaling any?
Let me guess. Nvidia?
I've had the absolute opposite experience.
I do 3d modeling work in bricks, I play video games, I watch HDR movies. Please do tell me what it is I'm missing.
KDE Plasma's HDR is fake.
Looks like it was made for toddlers. Every time I see rounded corners everywhere, I know the software will be braindead zoomerware.
X11, plasma 6, 125% scaling (which blurs text if I run it on Wayland)
Nvidia works perfectly fine on Linux if you're not running that retarded piece of shit Wayland.
>Nvidia drivers are horrible
>Somehow it's Linux's fault
Sorry bud. It's not like I wouldn't love to have Nvidia GPUs working properly, but you need to knock at the right doors.
Linux devs can just up and assault the Nvidia HQ and steal their GPUs documentation. I assure you they would do a better job than Nvidia if they had access to that info.

>Wayland works perfectly fine on Linux if you're not running that retarded piece of shit Nvidia.
Fixed it for you.
I run Wayland on multiple computers with Intel, AMD and Nvidia cards, and Nvidia is the ONLY one constantly shitting the bed.
>do 3d modeling work
no you don't
>what it is I'm missing.
not being a lying fag apparently
Wayland is one of the biggest disasters in the history of open source. It's pure retardation from initial design to implementation. Most retarded of all are people who shill it, because it's The Future (Reddit told me so), without knowing anything about it.
If you have problems and you're running Wayland, it's your fault.
>Linux devs can just up and assault the Nvidia HQ
Linux troons can only assault minors in discord, maybe they should learn to actually code
>Wayland works
If you want to lie at least not pick something this obvious
>If you have problems and you're running Nvidia, it's your fault.

Careful with your projections. They might get you arrested.
As for the Wayland working. It's working better than X11 on KDE on my PCs.
Last time I tried X11 it was a laggy mess.
Couldn't enable VRR and it didn't even allow me to have individual mouse configurations. What a piece of garbage.
>Last time I tried X11 it was a laggy mess.
oh no he's retarded
>125% scaling
well there's your problem, I don't know what the KDE devs did recently but scaling's kinda fucked right now. It'll look right at 100% scaling. It's fucked in Wayland too, it makes vector icons (such as Papirus, the icon pack I use) super fucking blurry when it scales them. I guess the real fix is to wait for someone to fix it, for now the only thing I can recommend is setting the scaling back to 100%. Are you using KDE on Arch too? this is pretty much just what we have to deal with on a bleeding edge distro.
>same weekly saddo obsessed with KDE who spends all his time messing with the DE to get it to produce graphical glitches so he can post a bait spam thread to /g/

You'd been doing this for the last 5 years buddy, your file names and writing are always the same

get a life bro, don't like KDE? then just use Gnome or something else, nobody cares
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Nah, it looks perfect in x11 but not in wayland if you're on Nvidia
Seriously, there's no reason to switch to wayland now except the faggot devs phasing x11 out for no reason. 100% looks too small for me.

Anyway, I changed the plasma style from nordic to graphite nordic and it looks much better
>Last time I tried X11 it was a laggy mess.
It's faster than Wayland when uncomposited, you absolute chromosome hoarder.
Do they pay you to shill that retarded pile of shit on 4chan, or do you do it for free?
>faggot devs phasing x11 out
Ehh, I've been hearing that X11 is dying for a decade now. Yet somehow it keeps just working while all the Wayland retards chasing the new shiny keep having problems. I'll believe that X11 is dead when it actually stops working.
Why not use Breeze Dark? I use it with Papirus icons and Fusion application style, it kinda feels like a mix of MacOS 10.6 and modern Windows with a dark theme applied. It's great.
Just a matter of taste. I tried to make everything 'nord' but the plasma style was the only thing bothering me
Hey, le jumbo cursor was pretty funny.

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