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What are /g/ thoughts on electronic warfare
awesome, I wish I had a device to zap my neighbors music system or if I could dick around with the volume
more like electronic warunfair
war drives global warming
I like the sonic blaster that makes soldiers shit their pants uncontrollably
didn't mythbusters deboonk that
Turned out to be almost useless on the battlefield, as the Ukrainian war demonstrates. Large stations jam their own forces, and when a drone loses radio contact it either returns home or ascends higher untill contact is back. Anti-drone rifles take several minutes to work and make the user and his buddies a target for the artillery strike.
Electronic warfare is when I spam nigger online.
it's not really hard to build one
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At one of the RF villages I went to in India, I saw a PoC that can measure reflections off the rotor blades to do micro-doppler analysis to identify drones from their catalog, and then their system can send protocol-aware signals to disable or confuse the drone. This is way more effective than wideband jamming.

As a PoC, it was interesting and they had only 3 drones in their catalog. I have no idea how well it'll work with a larger catalog.

In any case, this requires knowledge about your enemy drones and it's useless against unknown drones.
This is an occasional topic over in /cyb/.

>RF villages
What is that??
curious, whether megawatt tier amplitude modulation radio stations make comeback in event of war or not
A ponderance I've had; why don't they make radio jamming flares? They have those great big star shells they can fire out of an artillery piece to light an area, so why don't they have a radio equivalent? Would that just blast ionizing radiation over everybody?
Also, how to radar detector detectors work? Can I defeat them from detecting my radar detector?
>that laptop
holy shit
MythBusters are a bunch of jew faggots, don't trust anything they state is fact. show me a single article they've published? they're entertainers.
why tho? lorawan has enough power for telemetry, uhf 433/915 for telecommand
>A ponderance I've had; why don't they make radio jamming flares?
Flares operate in the optical bands. They also burn out and drop to the ground quickly. Radio traffic can go easily on for days. The closest good faith equivalent are jammers in balloons and drones, both exist. ARM missiles, homing in on jammers, also exist.
>They have those great big star shells they can fire out of an artillery piece to light an area, so why don't they have a radio equivalent?
Barrage jammers are old fashioned, mess up your own bands, and are defeated by more advanced waveforms. At least a drone would loiter a lot more than an artillery grenade.
>Would that just blast ionizing radiation over everybody?
No, ionizing radiation is a very different part of the EM spectrum, from UV to X-rays and gamma rays. Radios operate at the opposite end of the EM spectrum.
I'm mainly asking if there's a chemical way to make radio signals, since you can make light with chemicals and they're all EM anyway. And yeah I know it would block everything but if you've prepared in advance to fight without radio, doesn't that give you a drop on the other guy?
How do advanced waveforms evade barrage jammers, how is that even possible? If the whole spectrum your gear can pick up is covered with crap, how would you be able to do anythong about that?
>I'm mainly asking if there's a chemical way to make radio signals
My man, here you are beyond thinking outside the box: you have put it on fire and kicked it into a vat of fuel. I can appreciate that.
And I am all for good faith approaches, but the only way I can think of, is the use of chemical oscillators, which tends to be liquid, hazardous and won't hold well together when dispersed (if you prefer it delivered by artillery).
I have never heard it used in practice or even practical use for chemical oscillators. Those were weird things I learned about in university and never heard about since then.

I'll give you a reply on waveforms later.
>Hindi on laptop
Merry Morning, sirs.
it has its uses but also vulnerable, the enemy can find it with a receiver and destroy it if it ever transmits any kind of RF that can be identified
>tv show said no real :(

get off my board
meme warfare. so if I build a spark gap generator that produce so much RF noise, I could bring down a coordinated force?

Can't you just DDoS a drone? It's being instructed through a unique identifier, so just spam that identifier with garbage.
The military industrial complex will probably start using gaymers and Steam to make parsable records of multiplayer games and then format it into tensors that neural networks can learn from. They will collect vast amounts of data and information from strategy to shooters. Then these neural networks will be used to coordinate and control vast swaths of drones with eyes and ears. Any real humans in the field will be forced to wear tracking and livefeeds, which will also give the AI additional eyes and ears. Even radio comms will be fed into its input, which it will have the ability to rapidly translate and decode if necessary.

Basically a small super computer that could fit into a shipping container will have eyes and ears on the entire localized battlefields and be able to make autonomous decisions (assuming its given autonomous control over ballistic missiles and other vehicle systems).
spread spectrum communications make it futile. but then again, we have nukes.
Crucial part of modern warfrare. Enemy without communications is basically sitting ducks. Comms is life
Embrace the future
bumping so I can learn about waveforms later
> What are /g/ thoughts on electronic warfare
why can't zoomers use apostrophes?
No. You would instead invite an Anti Radiation Missile (ARM) for a quick visit. You would also mess up your own bands.
You didn't think it would be that trivial, did you?
>What are /g/ thoughts on electronic warfare
great - if you know what frequencies to jam. don't know the frequencies or the target is using spread spectrum? kinda useless.

>that can measure reflections off the rotor blades to do micro-doppler analysis
nothing new, used for decades.
>, and then their system can send protocol-aware signals to disable or confuse the drone
that's fucking stupid. they don't all use the same protocols or signals. this shit is useless.
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>What are /g/ thoughts on electronic warfare
its like you would ask "what are your thoughts on maths, anon?"
its a tool.
without additional context there isnt much i could say
>>101550259 >>101550332 >>101554474
OK, I am back. As for advanced waveform, the best example is the C/A signal on the L1 frequency from GPS (Navstar) satellites. The signal is already below the noise floor even without any jamming. And on the same 10 MHz wide band, there are dozens of satellites transmitting. The trick is to use code division multiplexing (CDM) where the data signals and the clocks are spread by a pseudo random sequence (PRN), and the receiver has to lock on to that PRN with the right timing, thus recovering both the clock and the data streams.
The maths is heavy but well documented on the net, in fact it is remarkable how much in depth GPS tech is published.

Next up is simple waveforms, just need to make a few figures first.
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Next: simple but still useful waveform: CW.

The amber part is the power budget for the jammer: either wide and low power, or high power but narrow bandwidth. Jammer bandwidth is from jammer start Js to jammer end Je.
The red is the power of the signal (voice) you output, and the green is what you receive. So with enough power, you "burn through" the jammer, and can carry on the communications.
When the jammer is too powerful, the Morse code operator calmly hits CW and reaches for the key. Emitted power is now into a narrower band (100 - 200 Hz, compared to a few kHz for voice), and the filter is as tight as you can handle (too narrow and the ringing is a pain). So the transmitter burns through the jammer, and the receiver has to contend with far less noise (the yellow jamming noise received within the green area).
The more advanced Morse code operator will in brutal conditions select coherent CW and the filter is now 10 Hz and barely any noise will get through.

All of this is public knowledge, and any good radio amateur book will explain the signal to noise budget. It holds for natural noise (QRN) as well as for man made noise (QRM).
So you can just blast strong morse through a jammer? Is there not a powerful enough jammer to stop this?
Nevermind, stupid question, I thought harder. Of course if you have 2 of the 'most powerful ever' transmitters the one blasting simple morse through will have an easier time than the one trying to block the whole band.
I had the chance to be part of this when I was in the army, but opted for other comms work. Wish I had of joined an EW unit.
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>So you can just blast strong morse through a jammer?
Yes, as long as the jammer is not directly on top of you.
>Is there not a powerful enough jammer to stop this?
Point jammers can be a problem, but the trick on the HF band is to hide.

Some numbers:
CW: 1 kW power into 100 Hz is 10 W/Hz. That doesn't sound like much. The jammer doesn't know where you will pop up and has to do barrage jamming over wide bands:
Jammer, monster class: 1 MW into 1 MHz is just 1 W/Hz. It will kill most voice comms, but the operators will laugh in Morse code.
>Wish I had of joined an EW unit.
I hear that is where you find the Aspergers', both enlisted and officers.
Sperg disease didnt exist back in my day
Nobody uses that anymore. ALE FHSS is where its at but it is out of reach for anyone outside Mil. Can’t wait until they bring some kind of LoRa to HF, although JT/FT8 etc aren’t bad either. NVIS is very cool btw.
flys in your airspace and spams all your terrestrial communications and media with jewish propaganda, nothing personal kid
I'd rather be listening to Slayer
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I am very very concerned with the development of Active Denial Systems. They are going to be used against the country's own citizens for crowd control and to enforce lockdowns.
Absolutely. We aint seen anything yet
What the heck is this?
wireless was a mistake
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Maybe some kinda big ass Faraday cage?

You could do that with a universal remote, if the system is remote controlled
is loic a meme in 2024?
electronic warfare is lame, counter electronic warfare now, that's same Spooky Shit.
Try nigger rigging a cyclotron to an aluminum foil cup and a large directional antenna
pre tci blackbird radio direction finding networks used to be huge arrays like these pics now they are small enough to fit in a rooftop luggage carrier or mount on a radio tower
wow anon you're really smart
ive seen it referenced as a meme in korean webnovels. its actually funny watching thirdies use ai tools to translate webnovels into english and then fumbling the explaination of vague 30 year old boomer memes.
don't bother if it's not open source, next question
We didn't have name for it back in the day either, but we agreed we were a bit from the average. Many of us ended up in research and academia.
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gud ol days
t. former btard
This thread only has glowie Jew posters

Everything doesnt have to be warfare, unless its to nuke Tel Aviv, then we can talk
Those are Wullenweber array, or CDAA. These are also known as Elephant cages. They work; no elephants ever escaped. Performances are not fully disclosed but estimates are ranges of 6 - 10 000 km with a bearing accuracy of 0.1 degree. That is a 17 km error, a quarter of the way around the globe.

Specifically, >>101560545 is an AN/ FLR-9, while >>101560467, >>101560484 and >>101560527 are Soviet equivalents called Krug.
>Nobody uses that anymore
He wanted to zap the music system, not the neighbours
What do I need to learn to understand how this shit works? Radio, wifi, antennas, all this stuff might as well be magic.
>What do I need to learn to understand how this shit works?
Come on over to >>>/diy/ham, read the FAQ and the rather substantial library of free documents and books, and you should get a good idea how it all works. That FAQ greew out from >>>/g/cyb a few years ago. And you don't need to know Maxwell's Equations to understand how it works, though it would help.

>Radio, wifi, antennas, all this stuff might as well be magic.
You know what they say about sufficiently advanced technology, right?
Finally, a /k/ based thread among Rust troonoids and chinkware shills

Spread spectrum, narrow band and directional.

If you mechanically aim a shielded 40 dbi antenna at a satellite, what the fuck is a jammer supposed to do? The only signal which gets to the receiver needs to diffract around the shielding.
I asked a not glowie question about not war, but nobody cares about radar detectors I guess. Just wsnt to drive fast.
The jammer could be directed to the same satellite and hope to overload the receiver inputs. A large jamming station can drown the output from a mobile unit.
It is known that various countries try to blind photo reconaissance satellistes with hihgj power lasers. It is reasonable to assume they try the same with satellite communication systems. Aviation Week (?) posted years ago that China tried to jam US drone radio traffic.
I would have figured shit like Bluetooth would be demonstration enough that radio use can be extremely resilient.
There's a lot of satellites. If it becomes a problem, use high altitude UAVs instead. Much cheaper and you can have a ton flying around in international airspace.
Just a reminder that this is partially covered in the /cyb/ FAQ:
Did you just confuse the Prowler with Commando Solo??
what the fuck anon that's a death ray
just build an RLC resonator at mains power rms and hook it up to a coat hanger yagi pointed at that shit
nta but please elaborate. is this it? >>101565689
1: it is hard if you want to avoid killing your neighbours.
2: anon at >>101565689 is full of it.
Well presumably they wouldn't broadcast from a command aircraft either.
>1: it is hard if you want to avoid killing your neighbours.
>2: anon at >>101565689(You) is full of it.
a) EMI doesn't kill people. fucking cyclotron radiation can.
b) *you're* the one full of shit. what the fuck kind of antenna can direct electrons? you want a waveguide or some kind of collimator.
I like it.

The future of warfare is drones and electronic countermeasures.
Elite soldiers will all be fat game nerds and they will down in pussy.
Commando Solo is not a command aircraft, it is uesd for Psyops, typically broadcasting TV and radio to the enemy civilian population.
You have to go back.
what's so leftist about a person with colostomy?
You really need to work on your reading comprehension and also check who wrote what.
>a) EMI doesn't kill people. fucking cyclotron radiation can.
That was my point. Not that it is realistic to build by someone this uninformed.
>b) *you're* the one full of shit. what the fuck kind of antenna can direct electrons?
I never claimed that.
>you want a waveguide or some kind of collimator.
Some kind of? Right.
Why didn't you quote the part that explained it to you, retard?
What's a PoC?
Just wrap it all up in tin foil.
>I saw a PoC that can measure reflections off the rotor blades to do micro-doppler analysis to identify drones from their catalog
Not new tech. Soviets had it in the 70s, on a hand-crank-operated electromechanical radar system with an 11-bit, 450KHz targeting computer.


any unique identifier is behind a huge wall of encryption, all you see is just gibberish. you just scream louder than the controller is talking and the drone can't take orders anymore.

>targets your transmission within 10ms of you keying up

>ALE FHSS is where its at but it is out of reach for anyone outside Mil
false. experimenters have done it for decades, it's just kinda untoward to shit up goyim nonmil bands with FHSS digital blurps.
2.4 ghz jammer
>Not new tech. Soviets had it in the 70s, on a hand-crank-operated electromechanical radar system with an 11-bit, 450KHz targeting computer.
Source? That sounds pretty interesting.
But really, what can you tell from doppler analysis besides the number of rotors and the speed of the blades?
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Proof of Concept.
>The military industrial complex will probably start using gaymers and
They have been talking about that for 20+ years but talk is all it is.
The government wants more of it:
>Dog-like robot jams home networks and disables devices during police raids — DHS develops NEO robot for walking denial of service attacks
>According to the transcript of the speech by DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) director Benjamine Huffman, acquired by 404 Media, NEO is equipped with an antenna array that is designed to overload home networks, thus disrupting devices that rely on Wi-Fi and other wireless communication protocols. It will thus likely be effective against a wide range of popular smart home devices that use wireless technologies for communications.
>Spread spectrum, narrow band
How do you engineer this deep fried ice cube?
are you baiting or bot or something?
it means proof of concept

of course he's baiting lmao

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