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Have you ever lost valuable data because you didn't make backups?
I lost my imagefolder once
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Lost all of dads family pics from 1997 - 2012 after he died and nobody could find the external HDD he kept it on
We found all the film photos he took before 1997 but all the digital stuff just went poof
yep, I even paid close to 1k for data recovery since it was personal work AND family photos, some files came out corrupted too
i lost some good music projects i had made because windows was designed by idiots and reformatting one drive during the installation process for some reason reformatted both drives connected
No, because I don't have any valuable data.
yes but only the data simce my last backup
After losing all my E2 scripts twice when reinstalling Gmod I learned my lesson.
I lost like a couple of music projects but they weren't that good/advanced, so I didn't care.

Reminds me that I still have to do a proper backup setup instead of relying on my old one (which isn't too reliable)
yea, some crypto wallets with <$1000
wasnt all my crypto though so not super worried
oh, and about 30 pages of a novel i started writing when i was like 17
to this day i have no idea what it was supposed to be about
A sad anecdote about digital versus analog, that reminds us of what will become much, much more common.
A bunch of personal photos transferred from my phone into a folder over the years. Only time I've ever regretted not being a Facebook normalfag.
sorry for your loss anon
anime website
kill yourself
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Imagine not burning everything you have to disc.
Where do you think you are?
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What is the best way to back up several terabytes of maidposting images?
It was only valuable to me in retrospect but I regret not copying my Flash animation projects from my student drive at school, now they're long gone and I wanna see the shit I made over a decade ago. I also wish I'd actually kept a living image folder from my ~2008 /b/ and /v/ days so that I could have a personal time capsule, but that's less of a failure to back up and more me not giving enough of a shit at the time
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lossless convert to JXL and store on a 500GB USB SSD
Primarily a bunch of photos and videos I took as a small child on my DS and phones. I know for sure that I'm missing some from when I first got my family dogs back when I was seven. I also deleted a folder I kept on my desktop called My Documents (...) which contained stuff like wannabe YouTuber recordings of tutorials and Minecraft animations. Now, I keep good, frequently-updated backups with redundancy.
And one other thing I lost is my childhood google account because those niggers locked me out for not having access to the phone number associated with the account. That account has old chat logs and files, but not much.
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No, but I have simultaneously accidentally deleted a piece of information and physically destroyed the local backup device. So glad I have a remote one doing append-only
No, but I know three people who have.
>Had photos from an once-in-a-decade huge family gathering on an SD card, stored in a cool and dry drawer. SD randomly failed, becoming impossible to access.
>Had lots of photos on an external HDD, accidentally bumped the HDD with her hand while it was copying data.
>Had the only copy of an important business PowerPoint on a cheap USB flash drive. Flash drive started randomly corrupting data.
Yeah, a negro stole my bag with paper notepad in it. In West Yurop.
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AWS Glacier Deep Archive and pray you never have to recover it
Outbound bandwidth costs at ~$90/TB would absolutely slay my financials even if I didn't need the data for over a decade
>buy hdd
>put data on
>wrap in several layers of vacuum packing
>put into a box made of iron (like a cheap toolbox)
>vacuum package again with several layers
>put it in plastic box
>put plastic box in another larger, sturdy container (I don't know what you could use, boxes of steel are very expensive)
>dig a hole somewhere (at least 1m)
>put your wrapped disk into the hole
>bury it
>repeat 10 times at different locations
>now your data is secure
I don't know whether it could resists the moisture for several years though, or how long it takes for the disk to demagnetize naturally.
Only my phone's meme folder because I lost a phone once. Lost a year or so worth of memes from that.
none of my data is valuable, i am a pathetic loser.

captcha: d0xs

im glad my state appointed agent is keeping an eye out.
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None of my data is valuable
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>forget to account for ground frost
>come back to annihilated box
What are you, a pussy?
Frost shouldn't be a problem if you go deep enough. The temperature is relatively constant.
Nudes of a girl in my school. I really want them back. I should sui.
Over here stable temps begin at 2meters, gotta get your back into it. Public infrastructure has had some major issues with the earth crushing absolutely everything all the time
Maybe rather than temperature changes (which shouldn't be an issue 1m in the ground), maybe pressure changes in the soil around the box could crush it. I'm not a geologist.
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Personal info? I lost a hard drive with 10-15 years worth of photos: i fully formatted my PC and went to copy again my data. Turns out my external HDD died between the backup and the system reinstall. I had to recover using Recuva and stuff, good thing i recovered like 95% of my pictures... i don't trust Toshiba (or only one backup) after that.
Work related? Not my problem but our client's hosting provider got ransomware'd and they lost all of their data. Good thing i had a week-old backup and they didn't lost that much.
Only one or two images I once saved that I really care about. I've probably missed out on tons more from artists I enjoy who have deleted their accounts before I could save them.

Almost lost everything from my teens once due to HD failure when I was much younger, but I got most back thank god.

Ever since that time, I have been strict with backups, and I'm always trying to improve and make my system more failproof.

I cannot imagine losing my lifetime on the computer, it would be unironically a type of death. Memories, work files I depend on.. everything is here. I can only function as a human with a computer, without one I'll go back to being a beast in the wild

The final boss of backups: To account for corrupted files, so you can detect them and replace by a good file, instead of replicating more backups with corrupted data.
>maybe pressure changes in the soil around the box could crush it
Water that gets frozen in loose soil has quite the compression force considering it itself is virtually incompressible
> I'm not a geologist.
Neither am I, though my colleague is. Observing and predicting the ground is surprisingly difficult to do right
This is why I always unplug extraneous drives whenever I'm about to move or delete data.
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i MAY have discarded a harddrive containing ~$80K worth of dogecoin at a point
Problems like these are often what people touting only RAID on other threads don't realize. User error is so prevalent in dataloss we could almost forget hardware entirely. Always backup your data somewhere else, preferably only append to it and disallow deletes from outside
Copy files to 2 mirrored zfs drives, unplug drives and put them in $5 milsurp ammo crate wrapped in aluminum foil.
>EMP resistant
>throw in some bubble wrap and now it's shock resistant
Where are people getting these military surplus crates for $5?
You do know those eventually go bad and start flaking off?
Photos, music, web designs sure a ton of stuff but these days I keep copies of everything on several usbs and always win export a copy of first drafts so I van at least work from that.
>The final boss of backups: To account for corrupted files
Btrfs and ZFS create hashes of every file and can compare them to the files after they've been written. If they don't match, then the data is known to be corrupt and you'll have to restore from a backup. It can't cover every way that data can become corrupt though, like if the file is read from the source incorrectly before being copied to a backup drive or if a gamma ray hits your CPU while you're backing up. I've only encountered file corruption in one instance where my system would consistently corrupt a handful of large files from a 4TB pool. It turned out to be one of my RAM sticks couldn't handle the mild overclock I put on it. I reverted it to stock clocks and haven't had an issue since.
Amazon, kommandostore, local shops, yard sales. Even brand new ammo crates from walmart are only like $15.
Ty for tips
Yes I have. First time, a long time ago, I only had a laptop and an external USB hard drive, the HDD failed.
I also lost a little bit of data when my samsung SSD (with lifetime warranty that they didn't honor) that was outside of what I usually backed up. Not super valuable, but still.

>we could almost forget hardware entirely
No, absolutely not. Im not data-hoarder tier, but I have had a total of 3 HDDs fail and 1 SSD. I would have lost a lot if I ignored the risk of hardware failure. And a couble of dead USB drives and memory cards over the years, too.

Maybe some people are retarded, but I'm not. Hardware failure is very very common and it's the number one thing you need to worry about.
Another tip if you actually intend to use aluminum foil for EMP protection: use sandpaper to get the paint off the rim of the container and just place a couple sheets of aluminum foil over it. When you close the container, the gasket built into the lid will keep the foil pressed tight against the box.
Idk if it will actually protect your data in the event of a nuke going off but it's gotta be better than nothing. I tested it by putting a phone inside and closing it and confirmed it gets no signal.
It's not number one by any means unless some specific uptime numbers are necessary. You can always restore from backups no matter if a single platter or the entire rack fails.
You're speaking as if you already have measures in place for hardware failure... Which most average people do not.
You have already discounted the most common problem (hardware failure) simply because it's so common that your favorite method already prevents it.
This guy archives.
The absolute first step that's mandatory either way fixes it, yes. It's rare enough to not require any special thinking outside the most basic of basics backup.
>To account for corrupted files, so you can detect them and replace by a good file, instead of replicating more backups with corrupted data.
If I recall correctly, Copy-on-Write filesystems like ZFS and bcachefs come with this feature out of the box. Some back-up programs also hash stuff, and there's par2 too.
It's a huge pain in the ass to burn a whole set of optical disks every time you want to make a back-up. You're better off just using external drives, then the back-up procedure is more convenient and you're likely to do it more often. I have several external HDDs (different models) and rotate through them, making a back-up every week. That way, I have redundancy and also a bit of history.

This is why I tell people that at least one of their back-ups should be offline, requiring explicit physical action to write to. Syncing your data to several location is great protection against drive failure, but you can still lose everything due to user error or ransomware.
Burning discs is objectively the best way of archiving data.
Nah it sucks. Optical media are obsolete, dummy. For home use cases HDDs and SSDs are better, for enterprise archival tape blows optical disks out of the water.
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Lost all my saved images and videos when my hard drive caught fire.
Very sad to have lost all those screencaps
Chimp level IQ post.
annoyingly, i had actually done that, but there was some reason i had to reinstall windows again soon after installing it and didn't want to fuck around removing the drive again (because of how messy my case was), so i just left it connected

so yeah it easily could have been avoided, but it was still annoying because i didn't actually make a mistake when reformatting, the installer just decided to wipe both.
Mistakes happen, I'm certainly not immune to them either. Hopefully you've started backing up important data nowadays
>as a race we act like we've got everything figured out
>we can't predict how dirt works
It's important to have a little humility in life
This. Maybe I could've recovered it, but it was too much work for too little gain.
It's okay it's only worth $39.87 now
>no argument
You are a total retard.
Literal skill issue.
>4chan user
>valuable data
A bitcoin wallet from before /biz/ was split from /g/, when we were fucking around with it for lulz and faucets were spewing the shit out to anyone with a wallet. I had a backup but it was corrupted, which shows the importance of testing your backups and the 3-2-1 rule (3 backups, 2 forms of media, 1 offsite)
>3-2-1 rule (3 backups, 2 forms of media, 1 offsite)
Yeah. Though I actually prefer a 3-1-1 rule: at least 3 backups, at least one offline, at least one offsite. I think that having at least one offline is a lot more important than diversity of media, as long as it's not literally the same model of drive three times.
My friend's dad got ransomwared
My dad lost money to scammers three times across several years. He's got a unique talent for it, every time I secure one thing he finds another. Thankfully it was a small amount each time, but still.
Oh, that guy didn't pay, if I recall correctly it wasn't even clear to him how and he didn't want to risk it anyway. He just had the drive formatted and he had to deal with the loss. It included some financial stuff for his small business so quite a pain in the ass, but in the end he was OK.
make sure and keep the drive; when ransomware groups are taken down or their payload is studied, often the keys or a decryption tool will be released and victims can recover their stuff.
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Just yesterday I decided to make sure I had backups of everything so I plugged in my oldest external and it took an hour just to read the top level of the folder directory. And then I realized I had about 100 gigs of various media on there accumulated across close to 10 years that I hadn't backed up. Fuck.
Why would I argue with a chimp?
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I've learned my lesson
No. But I only care about a tiny text folder and like a gig of photos, so it's easy to back it all up.
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If you can't remember files you have you don't need to keep them
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thanks anon
I've never had valuable data
You had this post!
Cheer up, anon! :3
Fucking retard.
ddrescue is your friend for reading data from failing HDDs.
I was a kid and got pissed off at the miniclip game I was playing. Smashed my fist on the laptop and lost all the family photos.
Second time I was a teenager and asked a friend to put movies onto an External, He deleted all my little brothers baby photos.
>My two biggest regrets.
Thanks, I'll give that a shot. Hopefully it can pull it out.
No problem. Keep in mind that it's an imaging program, so you'll need a drive with at least as much free space as the size of the drive you're imaging. It dumps the raw image of your drive into the file just like dd (hence the name), but it has intelligent error handling so that it doesn't get stuck and doesn't fail if an area of the drive is unreadable. You can then use losetup or kpartx to mount partitions from the image file as if it was a regular drive.
When faced with a failing drive, I usually image it as soon as possible to a good drive and work off the image. Trying to just mount it and copy the files off it will result in a bazillion seeks, which could damage the drive further if there's a mechanical problem with the heads. Imaging goes in large passes from the outside to the inside of the platters, which is safer.
I lost the source code to a fan controller I made for myself when the SSD it was on spontaneously died. The irony is that the only reason I was storing it on that SSD was because I was working on it and the shitty IDE for that particular microcontroller did not work over a network share to my much more reliable server. There was a tiny bit of crypto on that SSD too actually, but really not much.

I still use that fan controller to this day, luckily the SSD died right when I was pretty much done with the firmware and I had already flashed the latest version to the microcontroller.
>IDE for that particular microcontroller
God I hate you dumbfucks.
Yes. From now then, I do backups
Eat shit retard, I'm not going to waste my time setting up some unsupported toolchain that the manufacturer doesn't even acknowledge exists and which may or may not work correctly and reliably while likely missing proper functionality for shit like debugging and breakpoints on the actual hardware itself. Using the official tools involves a lot less pain in the ass troubleshooting. I've been down that rabbit hole and learned to value my time more since then.
t. retard who lost his source code for low IQ reasons
My job lost our entire knowledge base because one guy tried to get people to do his job for him. We've been running blind for three years
t. retard who never makes anything in the first place because he's more passionate about which turd tool fits his ideology better, then loses interest in the project when the tooling is broken and buggy and doesn't do its job properly
Embedded is literally my job. We're successful with our way of doing shit.
There's nothing wrong with using an IDE.
Why am I retarded for not having valuable data?
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I lost several hard drives due to a flood a year or so back. A lot of family pictures, image folders, documents, all sorts of media just gone. I was bummed for a while but luckily I found a flash drive with a good chunk of my family pictures. In a way I am kind of grateful for that event happening because it broke me of my data hoarding tendencies. Beforehand I just couldn't stop downloading anything that even slightly interested me. I'm definitely more go with the flow nowadays.
Lost my ex to suicide because I didn't back her up, I guess.
Sounds like she needed some fsck to repair her filesystem issues
rest in power
I managed to type rm -rf /* tmp/ instead of rm -rf /tmp/*. Took most of my home folder before I realized but miraculously missed everything important and not backed up.
Imagine being such a bad partner that your other half kills themselves to get rid of you

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