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The next version of the best Linux distro is likely to be out in the next few days.
>Kernel 6.8
>GTK4 themes
>Better software manager
>Menu layout editor
Hope you're ready to update, anon.
Why would I updoot from 21 thou?
do you reckon her braps smell minty?
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>>Kernel 6.8
>>GTK4 themes
>>Better software manager
>>Menu layout editor
bro this is so grim like when are you getting 6.10 optimizations? in 2030? these "stable" distro suck so much cock i feel pity.

this isn tribalism btw i just wish you people would enjoy blazing fast software now instead of waiting for ubuntu to update so that mint can drink the cum from the whores cunt
I don't use mint, but I will update my torrents so that I can see the ISO to people who want to download it.
Homosexuality maybe
Edge is perfectly stable desu.
Just use Debian.
Maybe LMDE will have it
You can already find the ISO in some of the official mirrors, here's one
Hardware support and Distrobox in the repos, if your shit works it doesn't matter
>getting 6.10 optimizations
unless you have cutting edge hardware it hardly makes any difference.
I have a 6 year old PC that wasn’t even top spec at that time
>Updooter & Proud
Linux is so awful you can't even screenshot an image and ctrl v it
I already have kernel 6.8 on Linux Mint 21. Why should I update?
>waiting for ubuntu to update so that mint can drink the cum from the whores cunt
Yeah but Ubuntu is at least secure, unlike hobbyist distros like Debian and Arch
I can, tho.
I'm running kubuntu btw.
My wife CC
>Skill issue and bring a retarded faggot
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This release now uses Ubuntu HWE to get new kernels. As soon as it's available on Ubuntu, it will be available on Mint.

With Mint 22, ISO Edge no longer exists.

Version 6.10 is already on Mainline, you can install it easily.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cappelikan/ppa
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt install -y mainline

It should be released for 24.04 and Mint in October, when 24.10 comes out.
any downside to just using this image if i was already planning on installing mint?
I keep hearing these names but have no fuckin idea what they do. Are they advanced user tools or easy enough for Linux retards that can use Mint and Ubuntu but not much else?
Wait for the release, beta isn't over yet.
Nvm it is over, I forgot to check announcements.
would still wait tho
got it, thanks
Nvidia 555 on Ubuntu when?
Is a way to run environments of another distributions on top of the current you're using but sharing the Kernel for both. Docker is one of the engines that allow you to do this (Podman is the other) distrobox is a wrapper script that gives quality of life features to these containers like accessing your /home directory, USB devices and creating desktop launchers for apps you install inside them. Isn't that hard to use them.
You could install distrobox manually from Github, but it was added to Ubuntu repos recently.
They smell like Pizza Hut farts
Is the Mint community still toxic or have they cleaned up their act and booted the unstables?
I'm trans btw. The transphobia in the Mint community was overwhelming.
Docker and podman make containerized applications. It's sort of like a virtual machine without the virtual machine part, just a wall around your application, so you can move it around and change it and build your system like you would play with Lego.

Podman is the Red Hat version and is better than Docker (closer to bare metal).
wow its already outdated
this. the kind of "stability" being offered here is useless and actually bad if you're not in a enterprise environment. they are not offering your thing will not crash or break kind of stability but api stability and this bug will behave like this until next version stability. once the next update is out you get a whole pile of shit to deal with and if you're a gamer or anything like that you are missing out on years of improvements
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The toxic'ness I saw was lgb[0-z]^e-9 agnostic. It was just unstables pushing all manor of political crap into what should be a technical group.
>Kernel 6.8
MX Linux AHS:
uname -r

Been stable, fast and comft.

Annnnd in the trash it goes
MX Linux doesn't support dist upgrades tho.
eat shit
>based on debian
>support xfce
>has its own repositories
looks almost perfect
is that another distro hoping fiasco?
Mint XFCE is the perfect XFCE distro if you're into that, yes.
They should drop old shit nobody uses like MATE and reintroduce the long awaited KDE edition.
>mint getting a update but still outdated
most of this are worthless rust modules that maintainers don't even bother to compile in most distros
Doesn't support dist upgrades (though they have backup tools, also the installer lets you keep your home and hand holds you in the process) and uses sysvinit instead of systemd by default (can be enabled through Kernel args).
>uses sysvinit instead of systemd by default
it almost gives the impression of anything that mint is trying to be maybe i'll give it a shot
>Doesn't support dist upgrades
yeh well its just a desktop i don't mind to archive and transfer files once a year or something
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I think the desktop attracted too many end-users and gamers. The user-space
has turned into garbage for that audience. Windows as the Unix/Linux
Desktop was popular for 30 years. Now these casual "Enthusiasts" who are
paid agents force their 3rd-world-OS ideas into everyones ass.

The future is *BSD as a server only operating system. *BSD's strength is
that nobody cares about it.

Linux on the desktop is about to be replaced by WSL because Windows just is
the better Linux Desktop. Always has been. In the end convenience trumps
ideology. Why should someone install Linux with a Desktop that isn't the
Windows Desktop when you can have the Windows Desktop and WSL? Soon the
only people using a Linux Desktop will be the same people who are developing
it. Just leave them behind.

And who is still using Desktops anyways? It is either servers (Linux and
*BSD) or Apps on Smart Devices or dedicated Video Games hardware. Apps
don't need a full blown Desktop to be launched. Games don't need a full
blown Desktop to be launched. Desktop is just a workplace for sad people.
should i reinstall to have everything fresh?
sudo pacman -Syu
looks much better desu
>MX Linux
Aren't they somehow connected to antiX, the "proudly anti-fascist" Linux distribution?
I wouldn't trust any distro that doesn't see itself as inherently apolitical.

Not even Mint is free from this, but that was more than a decade ago and I think Clem has learned to just shut up and not be political when it comes to his distro.
He was actually cancelled before that was a thing.
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I'm already on Pipewire, hope that doesn't break anything on my Mint.
They removed the option for custom window borders, I won't be using it.
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cinnamon is one of the ugliest distros i have ever seen. barely usable. There are so many half-assed programs it's insane. Just compare the Kubuntu and Mint screenshot tools.
Actually, cinnamon is a DE, not a distro. Other than that, I agree.
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mb King, you dropped that.
Why don't you fairy little faggots just use Applel if "ugliness" offends you that much?
You sound like little bitches.
It's supposed to just werk and look boring.
>posts badly customized cinnamon
>waaah it's ugly
true. why use it if kde plasma exists?
>krashes unless it's debian/ubuntu LTS
>every distro it's available on is shit
Foolish incel. What Windows 95 or Garuda rice do you prefer?
i genuinely don't know. kde's defaults make it look like win7 so windows users don't have problems with it. that was the point of cinnamon too.
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your Mint-tan sucks

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