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>He still uses wired mouse and keyboard
i have a wooden desk
on that desk i use a wireless keyboard and wireless mouse

for some reason when my leg is in a certain position under the desk, it'll block the signal from the keyboard, my PC is to the left of me and should be well out of the way of any signal, even assuming the signal is somehow peentrating the wood and being blocked by my leg
>wireless mouse
objectively good
>wireless keyboard
Why the fuck would I need wireless equipment?
never seen final destination?
What is that?
yes... because I don't like latency.
>be you
>time to play retarded tranime game
>woops my peripherals are dead because the batteries are dead because batteries fail.
>time to buy all new peripherals
silence consoomer >:[
Oh, I thought this site was for 18+ only. My bad.
Yes. No batteries. No charging.
you are done for
I ain't want the cyber jews read my mouse and keyboard input via bluetooth nigga
>stretch your legs wrong way
>mouse and keyboard fall over from the table
I have a wired mouse somewhere in my drawer in case of emergency. Still haven't used in half a decade.
I don't play games in my machine
>never need batteries
>zero latency

tech enthusiasts are cringe as fuck
>stretch your legs wrong way
>signal gets distorted and sends a racist message to all you're contacts
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>exposing you are selve to extra 2.4Ghz radiation
>batteries under your hands that might explode at any time
Yeah, no
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>playing competitive match of a videogame
>game suddenly pauses
>sorry our teammates mouse/microphone/keyboard died
yes, because a couple milliseceonds delay might as well be hours when trying to click on heads in de_dust2
this has literally never happened
yes brother i do
u gotta problem?
radiation and battery acid burns build character.
The lamest Super Smash Bros stage
>in my machine
Shouldn't it be 'on' instead of 'in'?
Everything happens inside the box
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Okay Grandpa
You go inside your CPU to play the game?
wait, you don't?
>no battery bullshit
>playing competitive game
>mouse batteries die
>gotta go to the store and buy more
>teamates get pissed off

>working in something important
>keyboard batteries die
>gotta go to the store and buy more
>boss and team get pissed off

if you are using wireless shit you are obviously new to PC
>>teamates get pissed off
>boss and team get pissed off
my convenience is worth their frustration.
this man is using devices from 1738
I recharge my mouse like once a month, and never for my keyboard because I also use it wired to a second computer so it's never below like 80%
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Wireless keyboards are a security risk, they scare me.
the most offensive thing about the keyboard is that it doesn't die outright, it start losing range and missing keystrokes, or worse, keeping keys held randomly.
I had a bad experience with wireless shit so I went back to wired shit, simple as
and then?
I play exclusively at vr.
Name a single good wireless mouse that costs $49.99 USD or less.
yes and yes, problem?
imagine having such fragile confidence that you give a shit what random anonymous strangers think of you. no wonder most of you have never gotten laid.
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Sparkle won...
no good cheap bt/2.4GHz mouse I can also use for games
yes and?
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typical wireless mouse lasts 6-18 months on a single AA battery and informs you that it's dying like a month before.
rechargeable ones lasts way less but they also inform you days before dying and you just have to plug a wire in
pic for you. this is from a 5 year old ltt video. your wired mice has more latency than my wireless one
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Inconceivably based.
>have a wireless keyboard for a few months
>Time to change batteries
>Keyboard doesn't resync
>Troubleshoot for hours, still won't resync and doesn't work on any other desktop either now
>Have to buy a new keyboard to replace the brick
>Throw wireless keyboard in the trash
Never going wireless again.
What keyboard are you currently using?
How old is that picture anon, say it because everyone will know you're a lying faggot.
Grim, if true.
uhhh.. frog?
I use a trackball. Neither of them need to move.
Says the fag posting the anthropomorphic frog.
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I use both styles. Now what?
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>it's 6 pm time to charge your earphones anon
>it's 2 am time to charge your phone anon
>It's been 5 days anon time to charge your mouse
>It's been 7 days anon time to charge your keyboard
>It's 11 am time to charge your laptop anon
>It's 8 pm time to charge your FitBit anon
>It's 4.30 am time to charge your electric car anon
>It's current year anon time to charge your sneakers
Good. Now, quit using the wireless ones.
>Wireless keyboard
Keyboards are mostly stationary. This makes no sense unless you're going for some weird gay liminal space empty desk aesthetic for your station. I don't want my home or my work station to look like a stock photo. It's soulless. Wireless keyboard also means one more thing the battery will randomly die on, causing an interruption, every few months.

>Wireless mouse
Clear understandable upgrade. Mice move around, the wire's a distraction that requires extra space. I won't go back unless it's an impromptu setup of hardware I just had laying around.
And this wanker cant even build his own computer! LOL

And hacking is also just something he believes he "can" in his crack dreams.

Hes just sad that theres no way in for a less than a script kiddie like him HAHAHAHA ...

How is your planning going for your big favour to society and cleansing the gene pool from yourself ?
not at all, i use only my laptop keyboard for everything, terminal and for the browser i have vimium, i rarely use the mousepad
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My RK84 and my Dragonfly moba just werks on my machine, tranime
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i need a pic of this recommendation list
my mouse is Viper ultimate though...
kek saved
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5 years, like i said
Wireless mouse and keyboard don't work at the distance I need them to.
i love my g502x wireless. the scrollwheel and battery life could be better but the sensor is perfect and i like how it feels in the hand
I use inbuild trackpad and keyboard on my lappy.
Well technically there is latency you are just too retarded to perceive it
What's wrong with Crayola Watermouse?
the correct way you mean
Shut up and start charging, battery boy
>don't even have some spare batteries
Fat fucks will blame anything but their laziness
wireless keyboards are retarded

wireless mice are kino

nuff said
ahhhhhh my sub-1ms mouse latency!!!!
>your wired mice has more latency than my wireless one
That's bs
the choice is between having a wire and having a battery and wire is the clear winner in terms of longevity and durability
The water in basically all of them have darkened over time, ruining their entire gimmick.
I have wireless keyboard and mouse at work, but I keep it wired anyway because I want lower latency and I don't want to bother with periodic charging
>some wireless mice have lower latency than wired ones
If that's true, so what? I neither work in a click farm nor am autistic enough to care about a few milliseconds of input lag. ADB takes between 300 and 500 milliseconds to install apps and I can't tell the difference.
i was replying to a guy complaining about input lag

not being able to tell a difference between wired and wireless is kind of the point
>>some wireless mice have lower latency than wired ones
correction: some wireless mice have lower latency than some wired ones
Everyone knows you cant tell the difference. If it wasnt for wire movement difference a blind study would tell you how fucking retarded you are. We know youre just larping as a mega nerd when in reality youre just an idiot.
>>woops my peripherals are dead because the batteries are dead because batteries fail.

>what are rechargable batteries
>yes because wires never stop working randomly
Whoever made this list has obviously never used turtle mouse
Just plug the receiver into a usb extender?
a lot of wireless mice have a charging port, you can just connect a cable and not hook it up to a computer
Hadnt thought about that. Might be nice to see anons like this put to the test and kill this latency argument once and for all
I cant fix my system if i run into a kernel panic because it doesn't start bluetooth daemon
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>laughs in 8kHz
>can use 8khz everywhere but kovaaks
pain and suffering
I tried a wireless mouse very recently. There was split second delay between when I moved the mouse and when an action was taken. That delay was so small that it was irrelevant most of the time - but it was very noticeable when I was playing vidya games.

I always use a wired mouse when I play the vidya. I don't know how anybody games with a wireless mouse.
bro bought a great value mouse thinking it was normal
You absolutely can notice the difference, especially as distance increases.
if only it was all my contacts instead of I being all my contacts
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Wireless is fine for non gaming purposes but the low latency and constant performance is necessary for games
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>He still uses a wired computer

Imagine being chained to a desk when phones and laptops exist LMAO

>B-b-but muh gayming requires 2 heckin 4090s to render fat anime tiddies!!1!

Yeah just get a better laptop, poorfag.
There has never been a good post with a picture of Sparkle next to it
I'm gonna be completely honest with you, if I wasn't gifted a Razer Cynosia gamerslop RGB keyboard from a friend of mine I'd still be using a Logitech K120 I got for $5 at a garage sale.
if you don't like anime you are a subhuman invader

I'll save this for the next time I need to buy a cheese grater, thanks
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> mouse never moves out of like a 20-30cm area on my desk
> keyboard never moves
Why the fuck would I need wireless
> mouse never moves out of like a 20-30cm area on my desk

Are you sure that's a mouse?
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>wireless keyboard

this sounds like something your mom's boyfriend got you for christmas
>shitskinned gaymer's chart
Rope yourself.
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>playing cybepunk
>battery: 30 mins
>wireless mouse
>wireless keyboard
>bluetooth headset
>nothing works correctly due to all 2.4G interference
(you) will live like this
(you) will defend this
Of course, wireless having zero functional advantages at my desk. My notebooks have perfectly decent keyboards.
Neither moves, why would wires matter? Literally just signing up for inconvenience.
>more expensive
>have to recharge the batteries
>less lifetime because of batteries
>sometimes bluetooth just disconnects and you have to go link it again
>the tiny wire triggers my dysphoria or something
>literally no other downsides
>pic for you. this is from a 5 year old ltt video. your wired mice has more latency than my wireless one
I continue to not believe that wireless can truly be faster than wired, when you consider that wireless will always have extra steps it needs to take to transmit the same data.
Though that said I totally believe that wireless technology is at the point where the difference would hardly matter even in a highly competitive scenario. And I have enjoyed my two G Pros for 7 years.
the actual reality of the wired device is that it's going to die before any battery does (5-10 years), from usual wear and tear, or the wire developing a faulty connection.
i threw away more wired mice and wired earbuds than i ever did any wireless ones.
it's usually there as backup or so you can have multiple devices connected, it's not your main mode of connection.
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I just want a wireless mouse that has the infinite scroll wheel but ISN'T just the g502 again
stop aim training
That still leaves it at 2:0 for wired
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They need batteries and batteries are an environmental disaster, especially lithium-ion ones. The less of them being made and used, the better.

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