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LXQt is a ridiculously underrated.
>Focuses on featureful Qt apps
>Does not look horrible like KDE
>Customizable to fulfill your autism
>Extremely performant
>Classic windows panel
>Ported to Qt 6, next version has Wayland
>Not stuck with garbage GTK/Gnome apps like Xfce and MATE
>Thumbnails in the filepicker

Try it in a VM or something.
That looks cool but I'm so burnt out I don't know what to use my computer for anymore besides video games
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it looks neat, I'm thinking about it. Can you list any tangible benefits over Debian, XFCE with Thurnar?
It was going to be my first choice, but unfortunately the screen brightness shortcuts weren't working, so I had to choose xfce instead.
Does it runs on X11?
Yes. The next release will support Wayland so you will be able to use your compositor of choice such as labwc or kwin_wayland.
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>drop application icons here
WHY?, WHY NOT JUST MAKE IT INVISIBLE, on win7 you can just drag or pin stuff to the whole bar
I like the look of kde tho
no mouse no install
It what fucking world does THAT look better than KDE?
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>no fractional scaling
Seriously that’s a major problem, everything is too small on a 27in 1080p. Windows 10 at 125% scale is perfect and KDE on Wayland is the only one that comes close to matching it. KDE is really the only one worth using at the moment
The shortcuts work for me if I spam the brightness buttons. It seems to change like 0.5% at a time. Also, in Lubuntu there are shortcut settings for that too.
looks like shit sorry bro
stopped reading here
I pick Qt over gnome garbage allday anyday
Apps have retarded names and their logo sucks
It had it's bright spots.
Does labwc/openbox have a Redmond theme with unlocked color scheme?
Why would I use KDE over LXQT and viceversa?
Opinion goes into the trash.
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nah I'm good
>this looks good
>KDE doesn't
/g/ opinions are nonsensical most of the time
qt is trash
gtk is trash
I'm using a 10 years old laptop so if they still haven't figured it out at this point they never will. Yes I know about the settings and I could make it work if I bound those shortcuts to command line utilities or made a bash script calling some 3rd party tool to set brightness however I refuse to tinker to have basic functionality working. Xfce worked out of the box.
You can adjust the % change by the way, if you make your shortcut run 3rd party tools like brightnessctl.
>everything is too small on a 27in 1080p
Have you considered glasses dysgenic little shit
Where HDR and VRR?
Next decade
>I refuse to tinker to have basic functionality working.
Understandable. In my opinion, Linux can be death by a thousand papercuts.
It's impossible to run a pure QT system, on lots kf distros GTK gets pulled in even if you specifically avoid it. As such, there's no reason to not just use XFCE.
While true, we might as well use the good Qt applications 90% of the time.
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Looks like shit
>Verification not required.
Or I could just not install it and avoid the bloat? I don't want 2 settings menus, thanks.
Qt apps are ugly
opinion discarded
>nooooo you have to shit up your computer with every random library and toolkit you can find
For me it's perfectly fine on my 27" 1080p monitor, where I have problems with scaling is my laptop.
>>Does not look horrible like KDE
This looks significantly worse than KDE. And I don't think KDE looks particularly good.
But qt is so nice to work with
How far do you sit from the monitor?
And Adwaita looks like it was made for tablets not workstations, because it was.
>Ported to Qt 6, next version has Wayland
It's not reddit man. Go back.
Yeah shame its so shit for users.
>Try it in a VM or something.
why? XFCE already does everything I need my DE to do
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This thread is getting heated.
bump for seething
Why all Linux DEs use this toy font? It looks like a kindergarten font
Not that far
Not my problem
awesome wm plus thunar etc > rest
t. ebussy
>everything is too small on a 27in 1080p
>mfw everything on a 24in at 1440p is just fine
Sorry, but I'm gonna stick with LXDE
>forgets to post ram memory and cpu processes usage
What are some nice themes and customization options for LXQt? I have it installed with devuan on my old laptop and just want to spice it up a bit, nothing crazy.
I have a couple complaints

1. It uses xscreensaver

2 xdg portal for chromium still uses GTK instead of pcmanfm-qt for the file picker

Tell me how to fix those two problems, and I'll switch full time, please.
>mfw when using 27in 4k at native resolution by having monitor as close as a laptop one
I just pulled a picture from their website.

I use Nightmare for Openbox and Sombre-et-rond as the LXQt theme. It is basically matching black themes for the titlebar and bottom panel with the windows being normal bright colors.
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>Focuses on featureful Qt apps
same on xfce
>Does not look horrible like KDE
same on xfce
>Customizable to fulfill your autism
same on xfce
>Extremely performant
same on xfce
>Classic windows panel
sorry I'm using Linix not Wangblows
>next version has Wayland
why list negative points?
>Not stuck with garbage GTK/Gnome apps like Xfce and MATE
xfce doesn't use gnome apps
>Thumbnails in the filepicker
same on xfce
xfce has horrible default keyboard shortcuts, i mean Alt + F3 for app/file finder, if you're typing in a dark room, just a misstype and boom you close the current window, thats just retarded
time to go outside, i think you know what you need to do. there is more life out there than here.
you can change the shortcuts anon... if you're retarded they even have a GUI for that...
>Does not look horrible like KDE
That screenshot looks exactly like KDE
>sorry I'm using Linix not Wangblows
You get MacOS clone instead
Shill it's bottom 1%. Which isn't really the devs fault, just the nature of tiny teams trying to compete with serious DEs.
I have a 16" 4k screen. I'm sure you can imagine how bad this is. I need around 275% scale.
It's unironically better than xfce just because the thumbnails work in file picker without xdg portal frankenstein hack.
>dat tearing
Thanks for the reminder
xfce looks and feels nothing like fagOS
best looking distro i've seen
it almost doesn't look like shit

might try lxqt again but i already got my mate theme set up.
LXQtbros... why did Gaben forsake us?
Qt is based
I am happy that you have found a desktop that you like, but every benefit you listed I could say for KDE, especially aesthetics. For example, KDE can automatically generate selection highlight and folder icon tint colour based on your wallpaper, which makes things very pretty.
>290+ replies
>over a year old
What the fuck is going on there?
what a retard
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>too small on a 27in 1080p
does it rely on qml? From my experience kde still performs better.
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Also holy shit do you have cataracts? Are you 100+years old? If this is bait it's well done thoughbeit.
I'm fine.
>That pic
>Does not look horrible like KDE
If KDE is a 6 then that's a 2. Just look at those inconsistent shadows that screams pre-alpha. Even my Xmonad desktop 15 years ago looked more polished.
There's no more screen tearing on XFCE anymore, and before it was fixed, you just had to install Compton to fix it.
>Does not look horrible like KDE
rocking that shitty gimp-ass filter wallpaper.
it has shortcuts? i remember when the thing didnt even have super key open the menu, it needed whisker installed.
>it's not dogshit simply because it isn't gnome
many such cases
>still posted le tearing meme
picom exists
An ancient bug because Valve only does QA for KDE and maybe Gnome.
Valve doesn't even know what GNOME is.
What's the usecase?
Which distros have it as default?
Probably none unless you count Lubuntu.
>>Does not look horrible like KDE
Sorry to hear about your debilitating homosexuality, anon.
You are a knuckle-dragging nigger if you support that bloated piece of shit.
i really like lubuntu and it just werks
xfce uses less ram and for some reason my lxqt doesnt have minimize buttons on windows
They were about the same for me, lxqt used just slightly less.
This but unironically
pretty need on fedora fast startup vs endeavouros kde but it doesn't look very good. I think some kde3 fork would have been cooler


The rest
The "though" Mexican isn't here.
Yeah it's based, I love it.
labwc support is pretty exciting because i loved openbox but we never had a good replacement for stuff like tint2
I look forward to window edge tiling. Even macOS, after 40 years, is finally adding it.
>before it was fixed
you switch between auto and glx and it is gone
all have all desktops - why not install multiple desktops and have a user account for each desktop?
this way they do not mixup settings and you can pick and choose whenever you wish to run other desktop for a while.
you also get backup gui in case some other desktop gets wrecked.
May I please the the second from top Morrowind screenshot?
My favorite DE, been daily driving LXQt for years. It just werks, no stability issues, and it's quite light on resources too.
Specs and BMI?

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