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If I ever find out you are doing illegal drugs, I'm firing you. What does this have to do with /g/ technology? Because I've been in the IT industry for over a decade now and I'm a manager. I've noticed this pattern of consistent drug culture among IT workers. And I've always noticed the worst performers are on drugs. So, I've always fired everybody I ever found out were on drugs in my department for cause. Because you're ALL bad employees. None of you can do your job anywhere near as effectively as those who are clean.
Alcohol is the worst drug and it's legal
I would think providing your code monkeys with small amounts of meth would increase performance.
My dream is to become a stim addicted code monkey that gets fired because of it and then goes on a meth fuelled pyromanic spree against my former employer. Imagine the catharsis.
Do you think Hitler would have succeeded if he wasn't an addict?
Alchol is worse then heroine and cocaine now?
Zoomer are retarded
Good thing weed is legal now. We're in the clear.
>tfw tren is illegal
How do we cope, /fit/sisters?
My boss makes jokes about LSD and is a fan of Infected Mushroom. I don't think he minds in the slightest.
The only thing you're managing is your waistline fatso, and a pretty piss poor job at that
I spend my money on sex dolls and gacha games, rather than drugs. However, I will request 100% WFH.
It's got a much worse withdrawal. Cocaine is really nbd. Heroin is only dangerous due to shitty supply chains and fentanyl. Pure heroin at a safe dose really only will cause constipation. Alcohol is carcinogenic to every cell in the body. It's withdrawal will actually kill you. Opiate withdrawal feels achy but you won't die from it. In terms of the actual dopamine released and addictiveness meth is the most but also has no actual withdrawal just like cocaine. People that get addicted to opiates just want to check out and nap their lives away. People don't get into fights or kill people drunk driving all the time from taking heroin. All the real risks are because it's illicit.
The problem isn't people using drugs, it's people using the wrong drugs. I guarantee you that your best, most productive employees are abusing amphetamines like Adderal or Vyvanse.
>he doesn't just fire the bad workers
God you are a terrible manager.
Meth is directly neurotoxic though. It's easily one of the worst popular drugs. And people do get into fights on it.
Opiate withdrawals can literally kill you.
I don't negate alcohol is also a really nasty drug, but let's not downplay the harm of others.
>Opiate withdrawals can literally kill you.
It won't. You're right about meth though. It fries your receptors permanently and even if you get sober from it, if you took it long enough you'll always be a zombie with blunted feelings. But you won't die from stopping you'll just sleep for a few days and then feel dead afterward.
You may be thinking of benzos, which can kill you in withdrawal with much of the same symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. In fact they just give you benzos to get through alcohol withdrawal they are so similar.
i overdosed on various neurotoxic stimulants when i was a stupid kid and im fine, you just need tolerance breaks and your receptors return to normal. overdosing everyday is a bad idea tho, takes years to recover.
If you're young you'll recover pretty quickly but I was talking about people who have been on meth over 10 years.
i'm doing coke with CTO every week, you're not firing shit, get back to your cubicle
Sounds like fun until you cry and go to sleep then wake up more hungover than ever in your life
od'd 2 times at his house already
it's just a couple weeks of fried brain
it's not like you have much work to do as a codemonkey, i'm usually done with my tickets in an hour and that's without coke
with fried brain, it was the only times i ever actually used almost all the time they pay me
You do sound like you have a fried brain desu
that's just esl and alcohol
>If I ever find out you are doing illegal drugs, I'm firing you
good, druggies are bad for moral
I have hired two "managers" and they earn less than the cleaner, because they do less. I stopped reading at "manager" btw, just wanted you to know how much you're worth.
That guy gets it.
Albeit amphetamine still fucks up people. MPH derivatives are safer and functional.
everyone in silicon valley is on amphetamines
This is true and a really good point and I'd like to add that porn should be totally illegal and church attendance should be compulsory. I am not joking.
Not in my country it isn’t
So, what's worse - being a 20yo+ khv virgin at a work place or a sex haver druggie?
estrogen too

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