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>AI uses images from web to generate slop
>Frontpages of search engines already give majority of AI slop
>AI will start re-slopping slop until it is entirely slopped up rendering it unusable
Only a matter of time until its over?
the annoying thing is AI art can actually be pretty good but 99% of what people make is terrible and all looks the same
Yeah I am pretty happy about this slop circle. It just accelerates the death of the internet. I don't give a shit about your shitty generations and wish people would stop posting them. They all have this uncanny valley look to them. Also just sick of them shitting up all boards.
>of what people make
Images aren't even the worst part of this.
The worst part is information degradation on a massive, never been there before scale.

Already NOW you see cattle taking AI assistant results at face value and internalizing absolutely wrong information.
Deliberate disinformation is one thing but AI keeps literally making shit up on the fly all the fucking time and the average end-user in 2024 thinks it's on par with the search engines they normally used up until now.
>art made with computers isn't real
it's funny having to just scroll past brave's AI search thing because it's so useless
nta but it isn't though unless you change the definition
>the expression or application of HUMAN creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or EMOTIONAL power.

>inb4 it's pretty so it's art
A sunset or a even a tree is incomparably more beautiful than anything a human will ever create, yet it's not art because a human did not make it
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>99% of what people make is terrible
This has been the case since cave paintings.
its real
actually laughed out loud
AI slippers genuinely ruined the internet and they deserve to be bullied at every opportunity. The constant fucking slop threads everywhere on this website immediately made me anti-AI.
Then there’s the absolute retards who think a fucking chatbot that regurgitates Reddit posts is AGI, they’re probably the worst. Just completely fell for the OpenAI marketing when there was literally nothing there. It seems like people are slowly waking up to the fact that it was all a scam but there’s a long way to go yet.
I think you'll like this image.
If all of us had the unlimited capability for comprehension of the world and it's parts, the age of information would have brought forward enlightenment.

But, things only get worse, and those who could see that far ahead are perpetually proven right.
Technology is a tool to prove mankind's shortcomings, not transcend them.
nice one
thanks, anon
they'll just have to work harder and harder to curate real data sets, you can't assume scraping is safe anymore
>Only a matter of time until its over?
Always has been.

From intellectual nakedness by the sheer lack of any technology,
to the emergence of greatness by the sheer force of the natural filter (and it's subsequent corruptions, minor or severe),
to returning to the intellectual nakedness except resulting in a mass of garbage exhausting the world's resources.

In Sodom & Gomorrah, everyone except Lot was a dualistic victim/perpetrator. They could never do better, but self-induced degeneracy gave them a pretense of being good at something. Sustaining themselves wasn't difficult either, since the earth around them was rich in resources. It was bound to go on in perpetuity until they were obliterated, Lot and some of his relatives being spared.
Now, find me a single place on the entire Earth that isn't becoming that. Sons of the Serpent, unable to do better, but more than willing to fuck over everyone around them to "one-up" themselves in suffering while dragging everyone else around them into their now-manifested Hell.

It won't be long.
>human slop circle
>humans use knowledge from God to generate human slop
>humans will start re-slopping human generated slop into more slop rendering it unusable
it's over
The potential is a separate thing from the observer. If the observer fails, who is to blame?

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