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What is the solution to kids being mind melted by the time they're 5 years old?
>>101553482 all social media. if you must give access to yt make sure you can sanitize it by using freetube/newpipe, etc.
Using psychology in entertainment products should be explicitly illegal.
But I thought psychology was pseudoscience
It is a pseduoscience, that doesn't mean you can't purposely attempt to exploit people's psychology to make something more addictive. For example, FOMO is a documented and understood marketing gimmick and it should be illegal to do it on purpose.
did you talk to unit 731 first about that?
YT already tried that with YT kids
it definitely isn't, group psychology tactics are in everything nowadays, and usually the most cynical kinds too.
Psychiatry is. Psychology is absolutely a science and it is the reason why your life is bad right now. There are people on this planet who are exceptional good at deploying the science of psychology
There's an innumerable amount of extremely addicting things on the internet. The only reasonable solution an is age requirement for the devices. 15 years old maybe? Future generations will eventually reach this conclusion too, and we will be looked upon as barbarians.
Offline enjoyment is still too potent. We need to get kids to play with each other or society withers on the vine.
Can't police this
>Offline enjoyment is still too potent
correct. i severely limit my kid's access to screen time period. the key is to fill their schedules up so much they won't even have idle time to think about gay shit like this. this is the only way.
You are thinking CIA, the 731 was a bioweapon unit.
the psychology the civilian sector has access to IS pseudoscience
the real deal is hidden away from you. why would the elites allow everyone public access to the power to manipulate and influence others?
CIA is the modernized equivalent but yes same difference.
genuinely good parenting
You absolutely can, it would basically be:
"The use of human behavior science or expertise with the intent to manipulate people to do things which they would not otherwise do. The use of psychologists or human behavior specialists is explicitly prohibited in the creation of entertainment and social products."
Okay, let's rp this out. I'm MrBeast and my company is a black box to you (i.e. let's assume this whistleblower never came out). How do you accuse me of breaking your rule?
We already have the FTC and this would be under their purview. Child entertainment should be heavily regulated and subject to investigation especially for top 10% entertainment products. That would mean that someone like Mr. Beast's marketing practices should be available for audit at any time. This would be easily determined via investigation that asks "how exactly do you decide what content to make and what goes into making your content. What is your secret sauce at being a top 10% creator."
What is this hypocrite even talking? Is he basically admitting, that his entire existence is just psyoping children for profit? Because this is what mrbeast is about. I only know his thumbnails and I see his videos are made for kids.
its weird that such practices aren't illegal while selling drugs is
selling drugs isnt profitable YET for (((them)))
profitable in an accepted sense in society, they already sell that shit
Raise your kids off grid with no electricity, not even solar. No other way to avoid the dystopian technocratic dark age.
it isn't a science. it isn't a science because they don't want it to be a science. they want to use it as a weapon against you and they do use it as a weapon against you.

so it isn't a science because what they teach is bullshit aimed at manipulating you. the mind is something that can be studied and they do study it, but they just lie and use their understanding a way to undermine and control you.

it's like if engineering was taught/understood in a way that aims at killing you because the people who actually understand engineering want you weaker.
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game design professor richard bartle warned us about everything in 2003, we should have listened
I'm not going to Reddit to read that but I'm curious this nigga still works there? he did an AMA while still working there or did he leave juste before? he says he has a pic of him at the office earlier that same day
I think there is a line that separates things which are unintentionally "addicting", as many entertainment products are addicting just because they're escapist and things which are set out to be addicting like Facebook's doomscrolling algorithm which drip feeds you content or how many products intentionally fail to satisfy you so that you keep using it (and see more ads). Google, for example, actually DO NOT want you to be happy with page 1 search results.
what do you mean selling drugs is illegal? the psychologist are selling more mind altering substance than ever before in history. something like 40% of women are using drugs from psychologist.

the illegal street drugs are illegal because they're more profitable that way
link for the thread?
>reddit claims a thing
>eat it up hook line and stinker because you're unintelligent and agree with anything that appeals to your spoonfed ideals
There's different schools of thoughts within psychology which are varying degrees of pseudoscience. Psychoanalytics is total pseudoscience, but Behavioralism and Neurology are basically as legit as any other real science. But many practicing psychologists that aren't Neurologists are eclectic so they'll use techniques from the different practices to do research or achieve goals. The field in general has cleaned itself up a lot over the years but yeah Psychology is still largely plagued by nonsense.
too bad zoomers will never read this and they are the group most affected. they are the perfect cattle with no ability to focus but big ability to consume product
No, it's a "soft science" and only STEM majors with little dick syndrome confuse the two or completely write off a field because of it. Not being able to isolate psychological factors from your testing subjects like you can seperate an element from a solution doesn't mean that things like the sunk cost fallacy suddenly have no merit.
never knew that. haven't used google in a while but in the past if the results wasn't on page wan it would absolutely not be on the other pages either. spammers and content farms tend to be there
>/g/ actually falling for "think of le children"
It's official, this board has been fully /pol/tardified.
weak bait
No, the idea is they you are unsatisfied so you either click an ad, go to the next page, or make another search.
If there's a method to make money, no matter how shitty it is, people will use it and keeping using it until the money dries up.
Gen Alpha is worse than zoomers
I never had a real personal phone until I was almost a teenager. I never had a tablet as a literal infant like people being born now. Nor was I on youtube at 6
>people will admit to doing literal demonic shit like this purely for money and still think capitalism+zionism is fine
yea its definitely not getting any better before people wake up and see that this isn't right at all
Things that are "addicting' because they're enjoyable is one thing (ie every oldfag who grew up with a NES or an 80s or 90s era PC probably didn't want to go to bed while they were playing some game, instructed parents to please not turn off the system so they don't lose their place until they get back, and that if it was the rare battery pak games you had to hold in reset before you turned the power off only after saving, and the highlight of a weekend was going to a video rental store to get some new games to play all weekend. Lucky richfags with PCs and Internet access had their BBS equivalents and other stuff even prior to the Web), but that's a lot different from things that are INTENDED to be addicting psychologically, like a gacha game, huge mobile freemium monetization and other shit that uses incredibly granular metrics designed to fuck with people and it works on those with addictive personalities, impressionable kids and others worse than others.

The only solution is legal - you can't leave it up to "the market" because the most evil shit , if legal, is also the most profitable so everything will gravitate that way with a few exceptions predicated entirely on the
>See I'm different from everyone else
market, but there can only be a few of those for a variety of reasons. So ultimately we need to prevent shitfuck bad behavior. We are literally 30 years too late on privacy regulations and need to catch up. Data mining , advertising profiling etc..should not be legal. Those involved will whine, but fuck them - its not much different than the idea of having some shitfuck factory in China or India who is allowed to dump untreated waste into the river and use slave labor ; nobody can fucking compete on price with that making the same thing, if they have to pay a living wage and properly treat waste and dispose of it; so the law has to prevent the chinapoo slave shitter river factory from selling here. Same principle.
Even newpipe still has "what's hot" and suggestions. You can kind of turn them off but for kids I want a whitelist of approved content. YouTube Kids claims to be that but I literally don't trust their gay little app. Any alternatives?
all the alternatives have stuff built out to show the latest videos, grayjay is currently implementing a whole recommendation system.
> professor of game design
> "i..it..it's wasn't me who made the experience addictive"
> "i certainly did not set out to make mud1 addictive"
> professor of game design
> well aware of addiction in video game world
nothing more than manipulation and lies.

> warned us about everything
all of this was known about back then. richard seems like he's just a hack.
He is right that the main problem, which we see now, is that most games do not have a definition end state. Many competitive multiplayer games, like League of Legends, exploit this and purposely do matchmaking this way. Games are made so that you don't want to put down the controller. It's something you'll notice with older games which more or less do not compel you to play for more than a couple of hours before you feel satisfied.
why are you defending a pedo enabling business?
also use this to see baleeted shit
i believe you can hide that tab.
> which we see now,
no. we saw it back then too, it's just taken more seriously now because there's far more people playing such games than ever before. we now have more than enough evidence to show how addictive some forms of gaming can be because the amount of evidence at hand is overwhelming. same couldn't be said 20-30 years ago but the problem was known about and well documented.

>is that most games do not have a definition end state.
some of these titles aren't supposed to have endings. ever played dungeons and dragons? that game goes on for eternity - as long as your character isn't killed off.

>you'll notice with older games which more or less do not compel you to play for more than a couple of hours before you feel satisfied.
that's down to creative choices and game design. it saddens me to see a list of credits for a such a game that lists hundreds of contributors yet many titles leave me feeling unsatisfied and have zero replay value.
Sorry, microtransaction dopamine gambling box simulators didn't exist back then but you're welcome to name 5. Should we list the top five grossing games in 2023? Or will you stop playing dumb.
nobody is dumb except you.
> tries to make argument using dunning kruger post of image written by hack
> gets btfo with facts
yeah, you're far more intellectually bankrupt than the professor in that cringe screencap. hope your down syndrome heals up soon.
libretube allows you to turn that stuff off, but to be honest if you want something truly 'whitelist only' for kids then your best solution is to selfhost a media server and stop trusting random yt creators
I setup a jellyfin server but its a pain in the ass for YouTube videos. I would also like a simpler interface similar to a tube site. I tried peertube but it was too complex for what I really need.
>2016 election year, the internet had a little to much to think resulting in Youtube and other sites to take on "approved flaggers" to work with them
>2024 another election year but this time social media is full of brain rot
>filtered by peertube
Just give up. If you can't figure out something that simple, there is no hope.
Which Reddit app is this?
Is the other way around since psychiatrists are doctor and psychologists not
Being a good parent
Thats the dilema of Arcade vs Story focused games that make /v/ go even shittier
Arcades lack end and focus on gameplay hence they are mostly fun games while Story ones have limited gameplay and tend to a moviegame like most of PS "games"
>microtransaction are a modern thing
Stopped reading there
I can tell you're a zoomer who thinks now isn't worse than then.
Take your meds
This is the entire point of MrBeast. Making money is not the goal.
>filtered by peertube
>Just give up. If you can't figure out something that simple, there is no hope.
How insufferable, I bet you struggle with IKEA furniture and come here to cope and feel smart.
How is jellyfin a pain in the ass? Its so simple.
I could go more into details but I won't is code for I know jack shit
why didn't mama just listen the first time...
Genuinely one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read. Jaw-dropping. You’re using psychology to communicate with the rest of us, fuckhead.
>the troon is a kiddie diddler
wow haha totally did not see that coming lmao
arcades aren't pay to win
And you must be a dumb motherfucker if you don't understand what it means to hire a behavioral psychologist to ensure children get addicted to your app and spend money on their parent's credit card.
every single fucking game in existence is p2w according to your logic
Well some games you pay money and it lets you beat the level. You know, games like Candy Crush. Should we look at the top grossest video game companies again?
Do you even know what arcade gameplay is?
Unless I'm missing something its not great for one off videos, like YouTube. It doesn't create thumbnails of the videos and since they aren't movies or shows none of the DBs work. Its also menu dense. I wish I could have it more like browsing YouTube where you see a thumbnail and click to play rather than 2-3 layers of menus. I could add thumbnails and label everything but that's very time consuming. I really want a local hosted YouTube clone with an android app.
>youtube bought by google
>becomes evil
>becomes shit
>becomes corporate
>steamrolled, sterilized
>lets advertisers bend them over a barrel
>fucks over users
>technology degenerates, stagnates
>censors everything worse than a anti-vidya republican in the 80's

are people legitimately surprised? after the millionth time this exact premise has occurred across all forms of media during the past hundred years?
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never forget
Don't let your children use the internet.
this is unironically why zoomers are so tall, God bestows gifts upon the unaware
this is constant over frequency.
I just got an ad for the first time in like 15 years. Can some kind affluent soul just scrape every yt video from 2005 - 2011, and then clone it over to a new site with the one of the classic layouts so everyone can set up shop there?
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BASED post.
>want to fuck off this platform
>but nobody else is
>tfw no face
this sounds talmudic.
>t. grew up watching the goybox
I'm expecting a child due in December, thank you for reinforcing my no YouTube and no iPad rule. I knew YouTube was a cesspool, but holy shit I did not realize it was this bad.
As technology advances, it goes from luxury to widespread convenience and then mandatory. Good luck getting anywhere social or economically without a car, smartphone, high speed internet, etc.
I'm hopeful things can change. I feel like we're at a state with technology like previous generations were with cigarettes. They knew that shit was bad, but the people profiting from it, did everything they could to stop or slow down regulations on it. Eventually there was enough political motivation to do something about it.
4chan sisters (and some brothers also), we need to go back to the golden age of vhs to resolve this problem.
Psychology IS pseudoscience, think of it as taking a straight man and beating him with a baton until he starts sucking cock and then going around saying "see? we told you he was gay".
Psychology was made up by Sigismund Schlomo Freud with the specific intent of doing harm and manipulating, white people in particular.
He literally admitted in his own words he made up psychology in order to prove that antisemitism was caused by being an incel with a small penis and the desire to fuck your own mother as an easily approachable woman.
In his letters he says as he was fleeing in america "I am bringing them the plague and they are oblivious".
There is no psychologist or psychiatrist that doesn't deserve the rope. No exceptions.
....disaster for the human race
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absolute 'emmerald
you put a coin in and get to play, probably lose and put in another coin because you want to try win. in a modern game you put coins in to get essential gear that lets you win the game with little to no effort. very different things
My 4 year old doesn't even know what youtube is. Uncurrated entertainment is banned in my house, and YT offers nothing of value to children.
YouTube Shorts and Tiktok are making kids less smart. You see it in school in real time. Kids know how to hold a phone but can't use a pencil correctly.
They don't walk so much so their bones are not compressed
there's plenty of good and useful stuff on youtube
the stuff kids watch though...
yep, it's not real, don't worry about it and keep doing what you were doing :)
yep, has nothing to do with teachers living on 4 dollars an hour and republicans gutting public schools to pay for culture war and border walls
If you can be manipulated, you deserve to be
That's been the motto of tech for 40 years
It's not gonna get any better either. As urban life decays there are long and worthwhile careers for us in using dark psychology basically to keep people from freaking out
how about, now i know this is crazy, but how about, instead of childproofing the internet and fucking it over for everyone, we just make parents actually parent their children and not let then give their kids an ipad and fuck off to drink or smoke or some shit.
why do we prohibit physical abuse but not psychological abuse? ignoring your kids and letting ((fink)) raise them with retarded ((content)) is abuse.
i hope a solar storm or something comes and wipes out all this garbage so people can live as intended again
Hellooooo soijak
that implies that entertaining entertainment should be illegal
So not much would change from how it is now then.
It has more to do with parents not doing their jobs and teaching their kids these skills and expecting retarded government nannies to do it for them. Technology has it's uses, but it can't replace being a fucking parent. Most schools don't deserve to exist since they don't even teach kids the most basic things about the standard curricula of math,science, language arts, literature,history,physical education and civics without getting bombarded with garbage like No Child Left Behind or Common Core.

Really wish this music video became a reality:
lmao what the fuck
I just noticed something. This thread has nothing to do with technology!
>a thread about how technology manipulates people has nothing to do with technology
Return from where you came, schlomo
janny recruiting's over there chud ->>
Psychology isn't technology. Go back to >>>/pol/
it might be psuedoscience. but it can certainly be used to achieve real world results, whether it's scientifically true is kind of besides the point.
just lookup how successful Bernays was in manipulating the masses.
It's not pseudoscience, but it isn't a science either. It's a art, like engineering.
you didn't buy the game and then have to pay every time you wanted to play it tard.
it also couldn't take a credit card to charge each time, you had to physically put the coins in each time.
Perhaps, but I'm concerned that people will do "something" but either completely miss the point, make it worse, or otherwise fuck things up. They may know things are bad, but not understand why or how, have completely unhinged solutions etc.
stuff typically isn't well reasoned policy for instance, its often a way to do something that ends up restrictive an asinine in a way that would never be acceptable if you weren't saying something very emotional and claiming anyone who opposes it wants kids to be raped or is a rapist themselves etc. See also - anything having to do with "terrorism" / "national security".

Lets not forget that we're having major vested interests in privacy obliterating tech since the late 90s and definitely by the 2000s advertising/surveillance capitalism/social media era , who don't want to change and will pour tons of money into misdirection, things they can co-opt, or things to allow them to 'pull the ladder up". The tobacco industry has some parallels, but lets not forget that the restrictions were mostly things like advertising etc.. at first, and it took relatively simple information transmitted over a generation (ie actual boomers smoked, but told their kids not to do so most of the time etc). Restrictions on stuff like smoking in public places did't come along into much later and that was because you had a large contingent of non-smokers and of course, smokers in restaurants etc..affected non-smokers directly. I'm not saying that there can't be good regulation despite the megacorps pushing otherwise, but its a lot more complex this time around for people to even understand privacy issues much less good solutions and things that can't be coopted. Also, there are more people than I (as an oldfag admittedly who remembers prior) expected who are justifying censorious views - culture warriors around social issues, and other manipulative stuff. Look at the "antiAI" tards; out of room
you're right, clean it up janny
heavily regulate ALL advertising
ban recommendation algorithms. sites can give you results based on your search query and nothing else.

the youtube website should basically work like google; the home page blank with just a logo and a search bar.
4chan is a /pol/ playground get used it transvestite
>He literally admitted in his own words he made up psychology in order to prove that antisemitism was caused by being an incel with a small penis and the desire to fuck your own mother as an easily approachable woman.
>didn't buy the game
Just like most of freemium games
>pay every time you wanted to play it
Revenue schemes include "paying" with data analytics, and being forced to watch ads
>it also couldn't take a credit card to charge each time, you had to physically put the coins in each time
Technical limitation but actually happened on some game centres
>buy game currency/physical tokens like coins
>pay with credit/debt card/cash
>play "free" game for free
>play free game for free
>buy game currency /virtual tokens like gems
>pay with credit/debt card/cash
>play "free" game for free
Its the same business scheme but updated to modern monetization standard
they're completely different. with arcades you got complete access to the game for the duration you paid for. with free to play shit you get partial access to the game and either have to pay for the decent shit or grind forever to unlock it in in game currency which keeps you playing for a long time.

arcades were fundamentally no different from going to redbox and renting a game for 3 days. micro transactions are designed to get you to not realize how much money your actually paying for the game and to keep playing the free tier to acquire in game currency.
you're also forgetting the online multiplayer aspect.
free games are more than happy to have free players never spend a dime and just grind towards in game currency because they fill lobbies for the pay pigs in the process. that's how games like warthunder and world of tanks work.
is this what capitalismaXXING means bros?
>t. 20 year old bitchless poltard neet
vanced solves all these problems
Doctors are pill-pushing hacks, researchers are real scientists. He's right
>I was vocally against a lot of stuff
>there is a big emphasis on understanding child psychology and how to manipulate it for profit
very ethical, this faggot.
just like a lot of tech people, though. as long as there is money, a lot of you fuckers will destroy everything if you can.
>Here son, go ahead and consume anything from anywhere with little to no wisdom in living
Actually that worked out fine for me. But I was terrified of my parent.
No psychology is not a pseudoscience but all of the useful stuff is hidden in plain sight
If everythijg were illegal would we have a libertarian utopia?
Homestead off grid.
You could maybe stop your immediate family from having their brains melted down like other anons are suggesting, but there are likely a billion retard kids on the way to young adulthood and there is nothing you can do about what they're going to do to society or how (((they))) plan to manipulate them.
>Psychology is absolutely a science
a "science" that bases all of its knowledge on studies of particular subjects:
nice science you got there..
What are they testing I wanna know..
>want something truly 'whitelist only' for kids then your best solution is to selfhost a media server and stop trusting random yt creators
But what if it psyoped your moderators into thinking it's safe for children but it's actually doing more targeted damage specifically more advanced and engineered for would be free thinkers to thin their ranks and turn them against one another
But like a stochastic search algorithm they're going to be sampling all remote territory using hardened survivors of the cities searching for food and ready to be rewarded with digital rations for turning you and your family in and nationalizing your garden

This could be a novel about one dissident who feels he cannot survive on bread alone
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Grifters deserve the death sentence
But that dissident is already a 5g device and the v2k gets him to betray his new rural friends
why do you faggots equate "being a science" with "being effective"? are you goys retarded?

>but Behavioralism and Neurology are basically as legit as any other real science.
how many frauds have they found in neurology so far? LMAO
He becomes the counterpart to IBM Watson, the story is relayed through a simulation run by the simulacrum of AGI Winston as part of the naturalization process for all maritime migrants (natural born humans )
This is why this planet is forever doomed. This hunger is also negatively affecting the future of this planet. Humanity has been digging their own grave and it's probably too deep to even get out now.
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Its more of a science of probabilities
What are the chances person X does thing Y if i do thing Z
Its not
This is what happens when you do Z
You dont need to have a degree to understand if i shit in your food you (probably) arent going to like me
It was a subtle joke that in retrospect wasn't funny or clever
ur an idiot
I also basically said the official crap is useless and the good stuff is used but maintained as unpopular or unofficial or outside of the parametrrs of established research
>enters thread that literally talks about reddit post
>tells people to go back to redit
>t. >>>/r/the_donald
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>when you realize that humans are just like any other animal with set behavioral patterns and exploit those to print money
ESL here.
This is making me understand why jewtube is now auto-translating videos from English...
Many of its stars are being questioned and getting fucked, and the platform itself is desperately trying to extract money from viewers.
Youtube is dying.
You don't want to fill their entire schedule, they need idle time to daydream, run around in the yard, or just relax. Just make informed decisions about what you let them do when they're bored. Give them pre-2000's movies and shows, encourage them to read, write, build models, fish, etc old school shit
more 4chan based/cringe hivemind and pagan frog memes of course
It's easy to break something, it's not so easy to figure out how it actually works and put it back together.
ban smartphones
>What is the solution to kids being mind melted by the time they're 5 years old?
No exposure to screens until they're older
Keep them away from Vaccines.
Vaccines are how they sensitize you to their psychological programming.
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There is really no way to protect kids from brainrot other than reducing or removing their exposure to it.
Homeschooling, playing board games, encouraging reading books, signing the kids on for a hobby group and such are your only options, homeschooling being the most important.
Dumbphones, IP filters can be used, but only as complementary measures.
>m-m-m-muh socialization
That's what hobby groups and neighborhood kids are for.
There is no virtue in being well-adjusted to an inherently diseased society.
It's all so tiresome.

who are you quoting, red*it typer
what a stupid word
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A final one.
there it is, the
>I can't mention things for legal reasons
just another psychological trick to get you hooked on this story and believe this person is a good guy doing a good thing
(he isn't and he's not)
TOTAL KIKE EXPULSION and turn israel into an open prison for kikes
so he did SEO and clickbait? this Mr. Beast drama is a nothingburger, I'd love to see that fag get a new one torn in him for being so egotistical as filming philanthropy to convince strangers that you're a good person, but this isn't how you tear him a new one.
If you read into the whole post he basically admits he doesnt have anything on them.
His attitude is retarded too, hes basically taunting "Jimmy" in his posts.
He mentions hes really doing it to get Mr Beast to kick out the tranny, because of his "illegal artwork depicting children, while also messaging a minor sexual "jokes"
I dont know about the second part but i know for sure that if the guy actually possesed cheese pizza, he wouldnt know about it.
What i think instead is that the guy is an open lolicon (saw some xtwitnigger posts that kinda confirmed this?) and this guy is miffed off about that, or just wants to use that as ammunition against him.
Unless its actually proven the guy is doing something illegal then its an entirely different matter, but the guy seems reluctant to accuse them of anything. Besides, if they were doing something illegal, you wouldnt exactly make a fucking reddit AMA first about it...

All in all its either some bait to get some notoriety to their company, no such thing as bad press, unless you fuck up as bad as Crowdstrike lmao (that shit must have been a psyop btw)
or the guy just wants to get famous
or the guy has some shit on them but is retarded
or the guy has nothing on them and is just retarded
>Le ban it!
Small brain move.
The big brain move would be forced disclosure.
Like cancer warning labels for cigarettes.
It would be very effective for psychology, whose usefulness tends to die as soon as you're aware of how you’re being tricked.
Disclosure rules should also be applied to government agencies.
The head honcho has been interviewed many times and basically admits every claim about how they make views is true. Because well duh? What you think they're casting fucking magic over there? No They're manipulating kids just like everyone else is manipulating kids.
>subscribe and win a car
Not being fucked in the ass for this proves he's somebodies asset.
>Disclosure rules should also be applied to government agencies.
Cool it with the anti-semitism, goy.
Reply to my comment and you could win a car.
>liking drawing means you like real people
Retard argument. 3d pig disgusting.
A lot of the new internet is monetising adult vices pointed at children. I'm waiting for someone to do a deep-dive on how much money Twitch thots are making from kids.
If you're into drawings of sexualized men, you're a homo.
If you're into drawings of sexualized children, you're a ____

You should be able to solve this.
this, lol.

eventhough, you can't do that on modern routers you get from the internet providers. They give you a mobile app to access them and the router login page has no login lol
Make sure to personally educate your child once he grows up a bit, don't let (((them))) brainrot him, it's your duty as a parent to protect him and give him the necessary skills he needs in real life.
I used to run a jellyfin server. You're right, youtube dont like anyone viewing their content other than through approved methods. Approved by their security team
Are you in Nigeria or somewhere like that?
>air soluble
I always wished I could zap stuff with laser beams that could shoot out from my eyes.
And that I could fire nuclear radiation from my penis
I don't get it
brain manipulating machine = phone/tablet
Anon, if you want your child to grow up successful, only gift him a smartphone when he turns eighteen.
If he wants one, he should work for one (teaching him useful skills in the process).
Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT have any tablet inside your home.
not even mad. be the change you want to see.
its no secret that twitch whores profit off children. they were literally giving away their onlyfans nudes to any child with money. it's sick when you dig down the rabbit hole. amazon is taking a cut of this too and promoting this stuff so they're equally responsible.
>if you want your child to grow up to be successful, prevent him from meaningfully networking with ANYONE until it's too late for him to learn how
you're a genius anon
>the most impressionable demographics.is being marketed to the most heavily
really gets those noggins joggin

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