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skill issue.
always buy tech from de-stock
fully matured and at promotional pricings.
now seethe more
i derive great joy from being confronted with the my undeniably superior buying tactics
>buying intelaviv
Serves you right
Always buy prev gen CPUs, and only if they're good, retard.
>just look at what she's wearing
Intel doesen't deserve your defense
Can you stop being a sojacque and get a refund? or do you live in some place where there is no consumer protection law???
In.tel aviv you delid yourself retard.
intel has been obviously getting progressively more shit year after year.
anyone could've told you to avoid intel but you opted to go for fanboyism and retched at the thought of a ryzen.
you deserve this.
you know you can refund it and get a 12900k ,there is no difference
uhh why would you buy the bulldozer/pentium4 of this generation
Dont worry anon A PATCH is coming
it wont break but it will run like 7th gen intel!
>he bought a 14900K
you deserve it
14th gen doesn't have the oxi problem
only trash bins (ones needing 1.5v just for 5.7ghz) are the ones failing.

i'm not saying you have nothing to worry about. just if yours is only consuming 1.4v's for 5.7ghz then you are more than likely ok.
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>buy 400 watt cpu from Intel
>wonder why its overheating and causing crashes

>not buying a 65 watt CPU from AMD
>which also beats Intel in performance
quit being sinophobic
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this, how fucking hard can it be?
never beta test for free for these multi billion dollar companies. always buy previous gen product right when it's phasing out and from a discount. this ensures you have well documented, tested, stable, matured product that will last many years.
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excuse me, AMD is the white mans company.
checked, not a gem tho
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Imagine falling for the Intelaviv meme

You deserved it
>Always buy prev gen CPUs
It's 13 gen that has the oxidation problem on top of the voltage problem.
All 13 gens will be bricked in a year or so (likely just after the warranty has expired).
14 gens will at least be operational at reduced clock speeds if it hasn't been pushed too hard before getting the new microcode.
>and only if they're good
Even without the failures, why the fuck did you buy Intel over AMD when Intel is slower, hotter and more power hungry?
people warned you about the housefires bro
you deserve all the pain and suffering for choosing intel over amd
Karma for being a wojak-posting piece of human refuse. Get fucked, retard.
how man volts if i only run at 5.3ghz
>14 gens will at least be operational at reduced clock speeds
what clock speeds we talking
i'm not a retard who falls for amd shit. i was tricked into buying a faildozer 8350 a decade ago. never again will i buy a amd processor. that thing was absolute horseshit.
from messing with my 14900k, if frequency does have to be dropped, then down to 13900k frequencies.
you probably bought a shitty motherboard that throttled it
You deserved it, committed intcel.
arent even 14900Ts (35W PL1 / 105W PL2) failing? These CPUs dont use TVB, and max at 5.5 GHz
it was the asus crosshair. fuck you and your shitty second rate processors. i'd rather own intel that fumbles the ball every once in blue moon. while amd fucking fumbles the ball every fucking generation.
no. you are confusing 13th gen. 13th gen low power stuff has been failing due to the oxi problem.
No, just buy the latest gen when its out a couple of months. 99% of problems of hardware is know the first 2 months. Also don't buy from jewish companies like intelaviv or nyidea.
And now you've been tricked into Intel shit that dies and runs like crap. Who will you turn to now? ARM?
amd has jewish owners as well. buy chinese processors if you want to be jew free
Nice what was your max stable oc
I just got my FX stable at 2600 NB runs like a dream now
Maybe he could turn to IBM, didn't they still make power chips?
>overclock faildozer
>still slower than a haslel pentium
i swear to god faildozer fans are fucking mentally ill freaks of nature
True when I got my hands on a haswell i7 after using FX for years it made me question my life choices
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worse than a haswell pentium
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Bulldozer competed with Core Duo series from 2008 lol.
Yes, you're a much bigger retard that falls for the worst cpus throughout the years
The fact that you think bad products are limited to one company shows how much you have to learn
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Bulldozer was single handily the worst CPU release in history. Its why AMD stock fell to $1 in 2015 lol
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The 2600K curb stomped it in single and matched it in multi with half the cores lol..
it's either pentium 4 or bulldozer
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I would vote Bulldozer simply because it came out after netburst. They should have known better.
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I7 13th series here
got it in late 22, fucking pissed, fucking kikes
Lets hope the oxidation wont fuck me, haven't noticed anything so far, need to check benchmarks again.
need to update bios and there are like 10 new versions, is it ok to just go for the latest?
2022 13th isn't affected by the oxi issue. its early 2023 to end of summer 2023 13th gen
they had all their eggs in that basket, they couldn't afford not releasing it
They way i understood it they had problems from the start. Have they released the serial number range or anything to go by?
Despite getting hot as fuck and throttling when i launch cyberpunk i haven't had any problems so far.
Anon, they should have known better before they went full steam ahead with a CMT design that was already a failure in the 90s.
Intel in their own press release stated the oxi problem only happened with early till midish 2023 13th gen.
Ok they should have known better. The Stars cores in FM1 cpus were die shrunk phenom iis which were pretty cool, I'm gonna look up some benchmarks and imagine owning one
>always buy tech from de-stock
what does this mean?
They honestly should have kept going with Phenom series. It was even faster clock for clock than the very Bulldozer that was meant to replace it lol.
At least Netburst was able to come out ahead against the P3 rather quickly. It was slower clock for clock but it had clock speed advantage thankfully.
Phenom iis had less instruction sets than core 2 quad 45nm. No SSE 4.2
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Time will tell, it's not like they tried to be open all along.
damn I accidentally swallowed the ball and almost choked to death
They seem to break when they start requesting upwards of 1.5v
That should be a non-issue on most 13700Ks save for the worst bins
a = 1
b = 2
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Is that pic related your cooler? I have zero throttling issues with my 14900K in pic related. Only a 240mm Corsair AIO with a thermal grizzly graphene pad.
Maybe you should repaste?
Anon, if they continued with it, they would have updated its instruction sets. Just like Intel did with the Pentium 4 series, Core Duo series, and the entire existence of the core i series. And AMD now with Ryzen.
No, they didn't switch to the new method of applying the anti oxidation layer until early 2023. That means parts made prior in 2022 was manufactured using the older method that was used on 12th gen.
Oh man this brings back memories
>buy a FX-6300 because it's 1/3rd the price of an i5-3570 (non-k)
>even with an aftermarket cooler
>cheaper motherboards too with better configurations (6 SATA 3 ports standard, intel still jewing it up with SATA 2)
>overclock the shit out of it, 4.8GHz unstable, 4.5 was the sweet spot for my chip at a reasonable voltage
>runs pretty much everything I need it to
i bought 14900K for the multithreading and really dont care if i lose 500mhz
>inb4 coping
i undervolt, underclock, and watt limit as soon as i get a new chip, because CPUs, motherboard components, and other parts are all obviously being pushed too hard and have been for a decade

any component getting over 70C is unacceptable. if any part is hot to the touch, its unacceptable. ive had to install heatsinks on the literal motherboard PCB on an AMD system.

the max any single cpu core should use is like 5 or 6W. So an 8 core CPU should be like 50W. GPUs should be under 150W.
if they nerf frequency in the end it will be on single core boosting frequency. oh boy, they nerf my 14900k down to a 13900k in cinebench single core benching. everything will be the same because the high voltages are only under tvb boosting.
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Yes, If i put load on it it hits TJmax immediately, usually under a benchmark or in cyberpunk. Idle is around 40°c, tried to repaste it once but didn't see a difference. Maybe the fucking cpu is bent out of shape.
Sounds like i got lucky, still need to get the new bios once it's available.
ok retard

bulldozer had good multithread performance
intels performance tanked after meltdown and sceptre mitigations
thats why i got the lga 1700 bracket. didn't want to worry about the bending. highly recommend
It matters nothing about how you limit the CPU. 13th and 14th gen CPUs are defective from the factory and will fail.
>All components should be limited to my arbitrary limits because my feelings tell me so
I ran a 2500k OCd to 4.6Ghz for almost 10 years on a NH D15. Never failed, never degraded, temp maxed out around 80°C
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Compared to the Ryzen AMD cpus, Intel cpus are more pricey, less energy efficient, and performs worse in typical desktop scenario, and all of that has been public knowledge for years. You are stupid for making a stupid decision and that's it.
That said, the defect ratio of 14th gen is about 15%~25%, so it might not even affect you, especially if you limit the voltage and tdp. Surely that means you are overpaying for an inferior product but you are an intel customer so no reason you shouldn't be totally fine with that.
>being lectured by an incel
nah, no thanks. still buying intel.
Thought about getting one, no sure if it will help visible after over one and a half years of use.
>because my feelings tell me so
no, history tells me so. i had 6W cpu 20+ years ago. if modern cpus need more power, then that is a regression. thankfully, modern cpus do indeed run great at ~6w per core with great performance. just need to undo the retarded factory defaults of 10-15W per core.
>Bulldozer cope
I hate poor people so much
intel has better multithreading performance, lower idle power consumption, and better linux support
any CPU newer than bulldozer is botnet
Source on the idle power consumption?
it took a lot of money to run a bulldozer. beefy motherboard custom watercooling exotic ram
only to get beaten by a locked i5 on a $50 3-phase board with jedec ram
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My 13700 is fine.
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I'm buying up all used i9s I see
This fud is super bullish
>buying an intlel CPU over AMD
You deserve getting ripped off
you're a retard for buying a home oven 13th gen re-badge, anyway
>Israel Inside
whoops looks like the IDF back door inside every Intel chip was exposed

Next time, as a cuck, OP will be ordered to take it up the ass by Windows/Intel another way
>buying new cpus

seriously, why do you need more computing power than any 5 year old cpu can give you?
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I only like the older stuff
Cuck cores and backported housefires are soulless garbage
>lower idle power consumption
The best idle power consumption is turning your computer off if you're not using it
no thanks
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>all new intel cpu's are dropping like flies
>another nuclear tier hardware security bug just found
>no one wants intel anymore, even the retards who were conned into buying them are chucking their hardware in the trash and going to AM5
>intel shills be like: B-BUT BULLDOZER!!!!
delete this antisemitic post, bigot
enjor the purchase sar we at intel india thank you from botom of hart for supporting our company in hard time
So the latest gen of Xeon Scalable
>perform worse in typical desktop scenario
This is objectively false
50x multiplier for p-cores and all e-cores disabled. My old 10900K was faster than this is currently but I sold it before the degradation happened and I had to lower clocks and disable e-cores for stability. Latest bios patch removes 10-20% performance in various tasks and cpu bound games from release date reviews but I have even less now and I could not be bothered to replace the cpu now when it will only degrade again. Probably going to upgrade straight to Intel Core Ultra 9 285K when it releases and sell the rma 14900K
This but with a 12900k is all you need, playa
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my 7800x3D won't run its memory past 5800mts. Not enough of an issue to refund it, but still a bummer.
RMA next year and hope amd upgrades you to a 9800x3d
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>mommy I lost silicon lottery gib new ticket
the spec is 5200
>bought inteljeet
You're on your own, retard.
samsung ram?
Only going from like 8gb to 16gb ram, or from ddr4 to ddr5 has meaningful impacts on fps.

Then to go beyond that you need to work the subtimings optimized for your ram which is annoying.
>intels performance tanked after meltdown and sceptre mitigations

lol, yeah, I remember that.
Yes. These chips cost $100 in materials at most so it'll only be your lost if you behave like a good goy. And spec is only to cover amd's ass legally lol
>Everyone tells you to buy AMD as a consumer
>You buy Intel
>Get a worse product
You should have listened instead of being a fanboy
Should I wait for 9800X3D or just buy the 7800X3D?
Running memory beyond default speeds is retarded anyway, if you have instability issues the first thing AMD and Intel users will tell you to do is try disabling XMP etc. Waste of energy for the ~5% FPS gains at best, usually not even measurable
That's why you should also buy nvidia
Wait for Benchmarks of the 9000 series then decide, 7800x3D is an excellent chip so if you want it sooner go for that
I agree
>t. 5800x3D and 4090
ramlet cope
but yes xmp is slow
now that's based
it's not as big a deal with X3D chips anyway, but perhaps a MOBO update might help one day
>wanted a cutting edge 13th gen i7 with my new build when I built it
>Could only get a 12th gen in person and I didn't want to order online so I settled for 12th gen
>Tfw no issues due to Best Buy sucking ass
Feels good man
>what does this mean?
being poor
>be me
>use 2011 Sandy Bridge forever
>get cheap 2018 laptop to go abroad
>finally purchase powerful hardware for a discount
>i7-13650, NVIDIA RTX 4060
>learn that Intel CPUs now fail and that NVIDIA cards may have cheap thermal paste
Why does the world hate me?
Obvious false flag OP is obvious

so obvious i had to break out old memes
that's a laptop kid, those problems apply to real computers
never ever wait
>be me
>work at intel
>50% cpu discount
>buy 12900k for $300.
>plan to wait 2 years, buy new cpu, sell old one for ~$300, and break even
>2 years pass
>buy 14900k for $300
>currently running a 12900k and have 14900k new in box
>dont know what to do
so what do i do. i can sell the 14900k and not lose money. or i can keep the 14900k, wait for microcode update before opening, then sell the 12900k
i know my 14900k isnt degraded since its still in originsl box. but scared of letting go of the 12900k as its been solid
works on my machine.
My 13900k has been excellent for rendering my vidoes.
what cooler?
are you at stock clocks/voltage?
>keep 12900k
>sell 14900k
>wait for non fucked next gen cpu
You're a complete retard. At no point in time did you look at benchmarks and make a decision, you just fell for stupid shit without looking. You managed to fuck up and buy from the wrong company TWICE.
>actually paid real money for intel
Exclusively a (You) problem. Be less stupid next time.
do you know your memory kit works at 6000 in another PC? you should be able to get 6000 by playing around with SOC/VDDP/VDDG voltages
far more for 1% lows
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>trusting intel aviv
have you tried not using your gayman dragon ultra mobo defaults with 1.7V and instead use manual normal voltages?
Intel has been finished since the Ryzen 3000 series. AMD non X budget CPU versus a 500 dollar housefire with more coars! Sad
my i7 990x works just fine, never upgrading
refund and get a 12900K
12th gen is unaffected and will work on the same socket
the performance difference is also very small considering 14th gen is an overclocked refresh of 13th gen which is an overclocked refresh of 12th gen
Things will get far worse as chip makers try to squeeze out every bit of performance out of end of the road silicon. It is time they made a switch but they won't because this is obsolescence is in their favour.
it WILL fuck you its just a matter of time
you have 2 options tho: you can get a 12700K or wait for 15th gen which is rumored to be on the same socket and HOPEFULLY intel wont fuck it up
Sandy Bridge doesn't have this problem.
It will hopefully be fine after the update, I guess. At the same time, since they fucked up voltage once and now they're in a tough spot where they need to do something quick, I'm not entirely sure I'd trust the new update to not degrade CPUs over a longer period of time as well. I mean, do they even have the time to do any testing over an extended period? Seems to me like they don't.
get rid of that piece of shit while you can
no software update can fix hardware defects
Sis you talk gibberish to me. My first 13900K had a faulty core that I got replaced and second unit kept crashing at XTU stress test on latest bios update from Gigabyte so tell me exactly how to manage the third cpu so it does die suddenly too?
The AM5 socket melting thing was going on when I chose...It was a coin flip.
I'm waiting for that and goyvidia's next gen. Gonna build a new pc, current 4080 and 5800x3d are getting old
unironically is there a desktop arm cpu manufacturer?
>two completely different benchmark versions
nigga what are you testing mitigations or benchmark versions
Yes, but it's mostly for server applications.
Now that Qualcomm has that new snapdragon in laptop I do expect there to be something from them for the desktop in the near future (if the laptop cpu is a success).
Didn't Intel confirm this was a firmware problem? If so, just patch the firmware and it's fixed.
only for 14th gen
there's a 13th batch of CPU's that have a manufacturing defect, those are done for
well shit this explains a lot, wish Intel has said something sooner before I bought. Last time I bought a CPU was a decade ago when failure rate was 0.0001%. I didnt realize its now almost 50% or possibly 100% in this goddam 3rd world timeline. I researched everything but the CPU so I just got a 13700 and got absolutely fucked. Nothing else is having any issues whatsoever and yet I crash while playing old games for a few minutes if its CPU intensive or UE.
Intel sounds unsure whether they'll be able to fix the instability for good
Do you actually want to put your trust in them lmao
Ddr5 3600 and 5ghz clocks at 1.3v
Try isolating which core is problematic with prime95 and turn that off too
>i'm not a retard
>keeps buying the worst processors of their time
I bought 12700k because I like the number 12 more then 13 and 14
Seems like I was right.
17 gen will be the next worth buying
12th gen is perfect kek
I bet you're the same type of fag shitting on people with "why didn't you buy a 4090 yet?" types of post.
I'm having lots of fun and productivity with my 10100F and RX 6600 @2560x1440.
The 8350's multicore performance was decent though it also had 32 pcie lanes which means you could run 2 graphics cards in dual x16 mode it sounds like you never actually owned this cpu and your just talking shit
just wait for AM6
>haven't bought a CPU in years
>buys fucking Intel
Fake and gay. No reason to buy Intel in current year when the 7800X3D exists.
Intel a dead company?
Their Optane tech was ahead of the game but high pricing + low extremely low capacity just'd them.
>sell the 14900k to a boomer who doesnt know its crashing
Ask your money back
Cool now stop sucking corpo kike cock, we know every single platform has issues.
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You have no idea what you're talking about. FX processors didn't offer ANY PCIe lanes, because they were still working with the northbridge/southbridge paradigm. How many PCIe lanes you had available entirely depended on what motherboard chipset you bought. The top end 990FX boards DID offer 32 lanes... but only PCIe 2.0 speeds. Ivy Bridge CPUs, meanwhile, had 16 PCIe 3.0 lanes direct from the CPU. There ARE some AM3+ boards with PCIe 3.0, but they use a PLX chip to achieve it, taking the 32 PCIe 2.0 lanes and using them to achieve 16 PCIe 3.0 lanes.

So no, FX chips didn't offer any PCIe-related benefits over Intel chips. Not only did you have the buy the absolute most expensive motherboards on the market to get the full amount of lanes, but you were only getting equivalent bandwidth to an Intel chip running at x8/x8 3.0 anyway. Another fantasy about the merits of FX trash successfully debunked.
we have a winner
/g/ is full with poorfags, especially saars & co.
poorfags are based doe
definitely more based than the retards buying 24 core cpus to play valorant
everyone told you to get the 7800X3D, retard.
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Thats what you get buying shintel's hot garbage cpus.
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Update your bios and it'll be fine. You are using a MSI motherboard right? I think ASRock and Gigabyte have the fix out as well. So just head over to your motherboards website, download the updated bios, slap it on a USB stick and update your bios, reboot and voila problem solved. You did buy a name brand motherboard right and didn't skimp on some Chinese brand right?
No, poorfags are lazy and not good for much. You bitch endlessly while posting your poorfag hardware like it's something to be proud of. It's incredibly pathetic and if it wasn't so sad, I would find it almost funny if not for the fact that you're actually serious. You refuse to better your life in any meaningful way and it boggles my mind. Being broke is temporary, being poor is a mindset.
They fixed it already you poorfag pile of nigger shit. You'd know that if you actually had a build worth owning.
let's see that fetch/hwinfo kid
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Sure thing
I did update the bios that specifically said it was for intel settings on my msi z790 2 months, but its too late the damage is already done and now my computer crashes after playing any modern game for 15 minutes on default settings.
nice you lowered the voltage. it should still run plenty fast enough. degrades slower if the damage is already done. no clue why intel took the risk of letting this happen.
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RMA it. Intel sent out my new 14700kf today because for some reason Linux freezes even after the bios update. So they even said that it's probably damaged, I sent them the receipt as a PDF from Best Buy which is where I bought it, and the day I mailed in the old one and provided the USPS tracking to their system (you won't have to pay for shipping, I did it because it was just faster for me and I'm not poor) they sent me a new one and it was here the next day. So it's sad but you won't have to wait long. They even sent a letter telling me to update my bios ASAP. Intel were actually really cool about the whole thing. Yes it sucks. The new CPU is running world of Warcraft in proton at 1000fps with zero issues. The situation sucks but it could be worse.
And by then I'll have a core ultra 7 or 9 desktop (whichever is better for muh bibeo gaymz) and whatever the next AMD GPU is cuz muh leenucks.
I would but Im retarded so its part of prebuilt with horrible customer service that will probably take months to rma if they even decide to allow it.
Like iBuyPower? I heard ibp is usually pretty good when it comes to RMAing parts and they'd be well aware of the situation.
Like I really like their mouse I bought from eBay for $5. It's as good as anything Razer released at 1/20th the cost. I have one of their water coolers I got for free as well. Someone went and had one of their computers and got a Noctua air cooler and he gave me the cooler and it's been running fine for over a year. I'm surprised it lasted this long. IBP seems legit. When talking to them on their website they seemed really decent as well.
no was NZXT sadly so probably have to send in whole computer according to their warranty if its CPU problem and apparently that can take months and seen horror stories recently of it taking up to 6 months for RMA with them because they say they're out of stock of something.
Yeah I don't buy anything from nzxt outside of their cases. The only good thing they make. Their motherboards and power supplies are shit. They are known for cutting corners and producing good looking ewaste. Last NZXT motherboard I bought I had to RMA twice. After that, they are at the bottom of my list right there with Apple and ASRock. Their cases are pretty legit though. The included case fans are garbage. Like they should stop making everything that takes electricity and stick to making cases like the H7 Flow. That's the only thing they're good at because they have inhouse CNC machinery and an appliance paint oven where they perfectly powder coat and bake the paint on. Their elections division is absolute ass. They're 2 different companies under the same umbrella.
>no clue why intel took the risk of letting this happen.
The problem is caused by oxidation that they didn't notice until a ton of them were already manufactured, this has been going on for over a year.
>>101580161(samefagging rant about NZXT)
I had one of their displays back when they had a collab with AOC. I bought an entire system through NZXT and the AOC touch controls stopped working. I tried reaching out to AOC and they told me to go through NZXT. Boy that was a nightmare. They ignored the emails. So I called. Got hung up on several times.

Fast forward a bit to another build with a NZXT motherboard. It was DOA. Got an RMA through Newegg. It died within 3 months so I HAD to use the NZ portal (discontinued) and it crashed all the time on Windows 7. Thankfully I had an older PC to do this with. Eventually I got another one that was dead on arrival. I said fuck it, ate the loss and bought a gigabyte motherboard.

Now onto my glowing review of their cases.
Continued text limit.
I had a case the glass shattered on. I contacted them and they had me call the case division.

They asked if I wanted glass or plexi. I went with the plexiglass.

Had other cases that all were of the highest quality. Zero issues. Well thought out filtering.

I emailed them and asked why the cases were so great while the rest of their stuff is such garbage, to which they responded that they're a different company inside of the same umbrella corporation. Apparently a lot of Chinese companies are like this, oppo for example owns OnePlus. It makes sense but like NZXT execs don't even talk to the case division apparently. They just all make money in their own way but operate entirely autonomously while paying the parent company for funding them initially.

So the cases are NOT the same company so that's why the quality is so much better.
Got email from MicroCenter with their advertised barebones bundles; no 13 or 14th gen CPUs offered, just 12th gen - tells you that the crapfest is starting to reach the normies.
Or they have a lot of overstock they're trying to get rid of and are trying to take advantage of the situation to offload it before core ultra drops.
It's actually not that bad if you set the voltage properly to begin with like I did. The bios update just does what I already did when I built the system initially. I only ever clock to my needs. If world of Warcraft runs at 1000fps, do I need to run it at 6.2ghz? Fuck no. 5.3 is even overkill. 5.0 would have been fine. I was dipping down into the 800s though so I bumped it up to 5.3 and left it. I never had a single crash. on my i9 13900k, I did and Intel RMAed it the other day and it's out for delivery with FedEx. When it arrives I'll do the bios update and set it behind my TV running Linux for fmovies and couch gaming.
why rma if you never crashed
I disagree. The best thing to do is buy new at launch. Yeah, this can happen, but if you don't you'll be constantly playing catch up and not getting the most value for your money. Building a new PC just for fancier hardware to come out a few months later at about the same price is fucking infuriating.
my 12700k had better value for the money then 14700k which is why I bought it.
Betatesters ALWAYS lose
idk anon
lga1700 was horrible early on with ddr5 issues and ddr5 pricing while am5 had that whole slow booting problem and burning cpus fiasco
my cpu is still the same price as it was 20 months ago, $95
then return it and demand one that fucking works
am4 ftw

captcha: 0WAR2
damn you’re assblasted and mindbroken
wait for AM7
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>Not buying AM5
You 100% deserve this retard. When you built your PC literally every person who knew dick about computers would have told you to go AM5
I feel no pity for you.

Now I'm going to go do some more mtg. bang my girlfriend, and play chants.of sennar on a 4090 and 7800x3d in 4k
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>4080 Super
>A PC with top end parts and no faults

>Watching Intel-Incels flail in their own shit
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That is a lie. They are in panic mode and doing damage control because 14 gens will only last one more year than 13 gens.
Is there any CPU fuckup as big as this one is shaping out to be? I honestly can't think of any
The pentium bug that had to be recalled, also from Intel.
Fuck that guy. Cost me a 4090 RMA because of his video claiming it was the users fault and not a design problem. Yeah Steve, tons of melty connectors aren't a design problem.
12VHPWR was rushed to the market because Nvidia tie it with their 4xxx series and they copy+paste the copy from 3090 and PCI-SIG ratify it as part of ATX spec (after Nvidia bribed them)
Still biggest market share cry about it
decommisioned xeon workstations

to be fair they were always great bang for your buck until zen 3 came out
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Sayonara suckers, shouldn't have gone Intel
Should have bought the teamgroup kit and a high end x670 motherboard to guarantee 6000
It amazes me that Intel meltdown happened 6 years ago, every year there is at least one major Intel security issue, only this year Intel disclosed around 40 new security holes, about 15 of them on firmware
and this retard thinks that this happened only the moment he bought a new Intel product.

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