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Are you ready for telemetry spyware in Fedora?

After the massive push back towards the proposed telemetry last year, these fuckers have silently approved telemetry features with just 6 motherfuckin votes!, 0 against

Thanks for the 6 person coup Red ̶F̶l̶a̶g̶ Hat!
Original 2023 thread: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/opt-in-opt-out-a-breakout-topic-for-the-f40-change-request-on-privacy-preserving-telemetry-for-fedora-workstation/85395/1

6 voter thread: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/3242

2024 telemetry proposal thread: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/f42-change-proposal-opt-in-metrics-for-fedora-workstation-system-wide/124325

Phoronix coverage:https://www.phoronix.com/news/Fedora-42-FESCo-Opt-In-Metrics
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>he installed FEDora
>O P T - I N
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do u social media
Then why are caring about telemetry spyware
do use social media
Even if you don't use Fedora/RHEL, this sets a precedent for your l33t haxxor distro to follow.
>"Finally, we intend to ensure that metrics reporting is fully under the control of end users. Metrics collection will default to off, and will only be enabled through a clear on/off prompt in initial setup. Users will be able to view the data that has been collected locally, and will be able to remove the client software from their systems, should they choose to do so."

This is what this Windows double agent is trying to fearmonger over.
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I know the paranoid schizophrenics among us won't believe this, but Fedora is going about this exactly the way they should and there's nothing wrong with their plan as it's laid out. They put out an idea, got a bunch of feedback, adjusted the plan thusly, and have come up with a way to collect data respectfully from only those who are willing, while trying to avoid privacy risks and letting the user have full control over how much if any data is collected, and see what it's collecting.

I can't see how this is worth being alarmed over unless you have mental issues. I wish all companies were this transparent about data gathering.
>"All of the code in the data collection system will be open source and available for public inspection."

Might as well gift wrap it for the corpos and feds since they're getting shit for free.
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It's already been in the beta for some time. Enabled no less. Also testing desktop store integration. Get ready to buy things, Dave.
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What's your use case for avoiding telemetry?
Instead of complaining about these unpaid volunteers who worked really hard to implement the telemetry, instead you should ask, is not having telemetry REALLY so important?
Well-implemented telemetry is not spyware, you braindead subhuman. Bug reports are necessary to improve both software and hardware, since most users will never supply them on their own, this must be collected in automated and anonymized way. There wasnt a single criminal or journalist ever prosecuted thanks to telemetry since it has 0 chances of affecting your life. You know what goes to the option box.
>The two named owners (of the proposal) work for Red Hat on the desktop team. That team is responsible for RH product development, but also provides engineering work to Fedora. (I also work for Red Hat, but I report into a different part of the Linux engineering organization.)

If it looks like a ̶d̶u̶c̶k̶ IBM, swims like a ̶d̶u̶c̶k̶ IBM, and quacks like a ̶d̶u̶c̶k̶ IBM, then it probably is a ̶d̶u̶c̶k̶ IBM.
Apparently the use case for avoiding is so good, it's the default

Please bend over to receive your free anal examination.
It's opt in and supports the devs who will make the anal pictures for further public inspection.

It's not that I have something to hide but more that I have nothing to share. I want to use MY computer on my terms and not give a play by play of my usage to the devs and therefore the world.
Are you being stupid on purpose or are you actually deficient
>It's not that I have something to hide but more that I have nothing to share.

Good, so this proposal doesn't bother you, as it will have absolutely 0 impact on you whatsoever. We can both appreciate that they're doing this right and our privacy and freedom remains intact :)
>telemetry is just like le anal rape
mindbroken freetard
>I want to use MY computer on my terms
Noone stops your from switching to different distro then
Not him but:
Do you think IBM was in the mood for handing out billions for an open source project? The codebase could easily be forked, they bought themselves a market leader position in the datacenter/server industry.

If you're telling me IBM is not going to try to milk Red Hat for every red cent, then I have a bridge to sell you.

Why doesn't IBM roll this shit out on RHEL and see how corpos like their telemetry open sourced for all. They're going through this silent coup at Fedora, because implementing it upstream means less mainstream attention to said feature on RHEL
I shouldn't have to say this, but at first it was opt-out until everyone called their bullshit, so they had to backtrack, maybe thou shalt be more informed instead of spouting bullshit.
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>muuhhh telemetry is spywareee!!1!!!
Grow up, manchild
>they listened to criticism and addressed the issue
wtf i am mad
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It's opt-in, same as Debian.
Firefox is automatically worse ootb with its opt-out bullshit.
Ok, so if you think that the Fedora project is completely untrustworthy and they are not going to follow this plan as laid out because IBM's long game was to secretly use Fedora as a datamining scheme this whole time, then I would have to ask why they are doing it in a transparent way that relies on public feedback, and only applies to people who want it to be collected, instead of trying to sneak it in under every users' nose like another tech giant would?

How successful do you think they would be at mass data harvesting if people who don't consent have no data harvested? Or are you a paranoid schizophrenic who thinks they are just pretending to be open about it and are secretly adding telemetry in a way nobody will find out?
I have no issue with the existence of an opt-in to get my ass cavity filled. Maybe I want it filled. Also obvious underage b&.
it gives you the option to enable/disable it when you install it.
No, they had to backtrack because they would've lost the little marketshare they had if they implemented this, because unlike on windows or mac, linux users actually care about this.
Nuh uh
Was this an IBM decision or someone else? I don't see any similar names that match any profiles on the IBM directory.
I swear to god this shit gets re-enabled for me every few months.
Haha its only opt in and totally okay because forcing it to become mandatory or "accidentally" tracking everyone has never happened before
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>is... that an anonymized crash report?
Slippery slope like with Microsoft.
That's what you get for not using GNU Icecat.
installed Fedora today to get SB working on Tumbleweed, there is now an extra option after "Location Services" for some telemetry stuff. it's nothing to worry about, I'm actually tempted to leave it ON just to fugg with privoocy 'tards :DDDDD
Who cares, it's opt-in. This is a good thing, and if you do actually opt-in, then it's more likely that someone will notice and fix issues with your specific setup.

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