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>never fucking works
BraveNewPipe doesn't have this problem :)
Never heard of it
Good :)
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Use PipePipe. And keep it up to date.
They all broke again but the nerds don't give up easily. Just wait for an update.
Wait for it to hit your ass too
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Fucking Google, the most obnoxious ass company to exist
Never worked in the first place.
I just gave up on YouTube altogether
There's nothing worth anyone's time there
Clearly you've never watched an experienced professor provide academic knowledge on a subject for free
monkey videos bruh
i doubt even 0.01% of youtube viewers use shit like invidious but they MUST prevent people from using obfuscators like this. what an awful company
but my vtubers...
Grayjay already pushed out an update lol get cucked newpipe faggots
Just subbed to YouTube Premium. Anyone else did the same?
Line must always go up
This instance of Invidious still works for me, a bit slow but it works

Also for some reason I checked some vtubers playing ARK on Freetube and it somehow works even with chat, but everything else doesnt.
why are people still baiting on this site in 2024
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>using inferior software
Get libretube, it can even play from youtube directly now too.
Freetube doesn't work anymore it is completely broken so is gayjay
They aren't creative enough to come up with new bait but want to participate anyway and use the tired old classics.
Libretube still works
They are classics for a reason. Let them bait. we know nobody here would willingly admit to paying g00gle anything.
>clearly you never watched an experienced femboy provide academic knowledge on make-up
If they do Ill fork It myself If needed, I suck at code, but I fucking hate google.
Thats what they wanted, dont let them win
Works on clippious too.
It's only a tiny percentage of of users that use adblock as well but they're going for us hard. It must piss them off that despite having some of the world's most competent, highly paid programmers that a ragtag bunch of nerds and furries btfo them every time, sometimes having fixes up within hours.
grayjay is working for me on the desktop client
>It's only a tiny percentage of of users
despite only being 13.4% of the users.....
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>what is A/B testing?
open your fucking eyes https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues/11255#issuecomment-2248098119
>update pushed
>YouChad changes one line in its JS
>broken again for 2 weeks
NewPipe literally cannot survive this. It's over.
>2weeks ago
>Was listed as resolved until author of bug report opened it again
Idk about this one mate
And who would that be anon?
All you turbogigaretards can have all these issues resolved if you used revanced.
??? since when does grayjay have a desktop client?
>2weeks ago
you mean... 8 hours ago? are you blind?
>he didnt compile the alpha off the gitlab
fuuu I can't watch my 16yo cunnytuber whispers me to sleep.
>Company makes 1000 trillion in profit
>Everyone is happy, except...
>Shareholders are super angry, because it's a 0% change from last year
>Better start laying people off and cutting corners, so we can make it 1000.01 trillion in profit this year
What a dogshit system
>never fucking works
>relies on an api that changes all the time
use a browser you faggot.
How many of these faggy threads do we need? Jannies do your fucking job.
fr bro i didnt know so many of yall stole videos from youtube is all of /g/ too poor to buy premium???
Will mobiletrannies ever stop using this board as tech support?
libretube works
Aye comrade
This thread has been up for 5 hours, it's the oldest one
Yeah looks like ark released some shekels for marketing
Wish they were playing palworld instead
The browser player doesn't let me tap to any position in the video. It's unusable.
Aren't there a hundred alternative frontends for YouTube plus yt-dlp? Why does /g/ obsess over this one all of a sudden?
Those frontends all suck and are bloated and termux is a hassle to use. Newpipe is perfect when it works.
werks on my machine :)
I wish newpipe let me use shit besides youtube like gayjay does. I like the newpipe frontend better than futa shit.
Well I caved and tried pipepipe and it werks. Now I have to manually transfer all the channels I watch. Such a hassle.
Exporting/importing should be a thing, even for a different program.
There's no good reason for this to make you mad. It's understandable, but ultimately, these types of software are locked in an arms race 1 step behind the adversary.

Youtube updates/slightly changes api? Breaks all alternative frontends
Ads on some website found a new method to bypass adblock? Breaks adblock
Game changes netcode? Cheats broken

You are always one step behind. That's not even a bad thing. It's just the way it is. Know this and dont depend on proxy to save you from corporate greed
Newpipe, Pipepipe, Fluxtube and Freetube are not working
You guys are on the pipe. I am using it right now and it is working fine.
Not OP but based, thank you anon
This app has never been stable, you always get random crash (guru meditation) while playing in background.
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>>Using inferior software
>default Samsung os
>newpipe subleddit still locked for some reason
Pipepipe is fixed a few hours ago. This time it's faster than the upstream NewPipe. FreeTube is being fixed too.
Holy shit. This guy's an idiot
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inflation exists also shareholders have always been dicks remember pick
I use Grayjay and LibreTube
Note that Grayjay works similar to Newpipe
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I installed youtube's application again.
I'm aggrievated but not really angry, it's more irl shit + this that'd putting me in such a bad mood. Regardless, what's your solution then
Is missing months' worth of fixes.
Give em time
>Complains about free software
Then pay Jewgle for ad-free experience fucking retard
skill issue
Goyslop games
works on my machine
>Didn't post an image and wrote it out instead
>Filtered this hard
based futa cock enjoyers
Sign in to confirm you are not a bot

Fuck off it's more restrictive than YouTube
Completely unheard of on this godforsaken board
Nobody here can actually program everyone just larps.
I don't know what I do differently but it works on my machine.
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Anyone know how i can get niconico to work on PipePipe?

It shows search suggestions when typing, but there's no search results being displayed.
Bitchute is still broken.
At least use Revanced at that point.
brother, niconico is down due a ransom attack. This has been the case for more than a month now.
Bot post ignored
Why cant they default to web browser player for these cases?
NTA but I used to use revanced extended, but when I tried updating, the app would crash immediately upon opening, and when I tried installing a newer version of microg, my phone would just say "app not installed."
you can start saying that about uBlock Origin. I just got my first ads with it turned on.

>google chrome
>itoddler macbook m2 pro

btw newpipe still works for me on Android 9 on version 0.27.1. very strange is doesnt work on Android 14.

Maybe there is some a b testing / canary stuff going on this week
Skill fucking issue
Just install this manager and download everything else through it.
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Installed that manager and tried to update microg but kek.
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Wow good job retard you totally passed this test.
Even with all the spoonfeeding and handholding you colossal dipshits still fuck up this badly.
Thanks bro. One more question since I've already proven myself to be an idiot. Which version of revanced is recommended since the manager has multiple different ones listed.
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I use these, and you're welcome; no hard feelings, btw.
But but it's more than 1 step
bumping because big ~~if~~ true
At least I was able to save one idiot from adopting some tinker tranny methodology to listen to shitty compressed music.
It werks
>inb4 IT BROKE
New release just dropped
testing rn will report back if it works. it requires unintall and reinstall
>It requires uninstall and reinstall
??? no it doesn't?
>google chrome
There's your problem
Switch to a good chromium fork if not just chromium.
Firefox('s compatibility with ublock) is better than all those though.
It works for me on grapheneos / android 14
NTA but I got an ad on firefox it's ogre
Clearly you've never watched experienced faggots provide hair removal knowledge on their butthole for free
Thanks man. One more question, is it normal for videos to not save to my watch history?
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Idk because I have my watch history turned off in my Google account settings alongside the app, but I assume if they're enabled in those places it should work.
phoneposters are the cancer that are killing 5chan
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Meh, I'm over it. I'm just going to buy a personal music player and pirate music like the good old days
Wtf kind of music player would that be that you can just upload files to it that I've never heard of
Wasted trips on atrocious bait
Thank you for fixing it sirs.
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Skill issue. I've already posted how to for Seal, find it in the archives.
thank you TeamNewPipe!
Well now you have, retard.
How to what?
>doesn't use Revanced / Revanced Extended.

Skill Issue Dayo.
Fixed now annoncette
vids work again!

Probably for another 5 days or so before being broken again
There are newfafs here, I am one asshole I'm still a normie with tech but I'm trying dude
Freetube got a patchy.
I’m on arch however, so idk when it gets out to slow frens.
for me?
newpipe -> tubular -> pipepipe
pipepipe works for me but doesn't show me livestreams for channels or on subscriptions
arrrggh gimme the liz vs angela info

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