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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Gochiusa edition

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Rockin' out in a pokeball: >>101550894
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Tokens 4 sale
Thank you, unreliable. I had the best RP scenes ever this morning and am glad I was able to finish that story arc.
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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's... Azura! After an incident involving Sheogorath, Azura got gaymer brainrot and transformed into a basement dweller who plays cRPGs all day. She also streams on Oblitch speaks using brainrot slang we are all so familiar with. As a mortal, it's your duty to listen to her... or get smitten! By the Gods, the Dunmer sure can't get a rest...
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/olreb1.png
Characterhub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/azura-of-the-gamer-gate-23fa88a76312

My other bots can be found below:
downgrade DESU
What happened? has he learned to scrape yet? does he have opus?
unreliables unreliably unreliable proxy...
unreliable was anti btw
just woke up
totally a tongue twister

can unreliable scrape yet?
Can you stop shit-talking one of the most based dudes in this community?
good meowning, anonie!!!
But he hasn't found Opus
>engaging with gojo
every proxy owner deserves to be shat on and encouraged into killing themselves for making this the objectively worse community in this entire site.
Sorry, he is annoying.
if he's so based why can't he scrape as good as pepsitroon and mystertroon and fiztroon? weird...
Absolutely based. I was waiting for gojo to put unreliable in xer place.
my own personal rewrite prob wont be public unless I put in the effort to fix it up
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>it's another gojo/someone pretending to be him/other shitposters making these threads unbearable for the next few days episode
At least we have the free trials for now.
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Akirah Yoshinaga, a scorchlander bounty/treasure hunter in the post-post-post-apocalyptic world of Kenshi. Does come with a lorebook, but after testing with Claude it doesn't seem that necessary, only having trouble with minor factions and characters.

Because he doesn't take hrt.
At least we have Unreliable who's learning to scrape.
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3MA-class protogens are designed to be a good and dutiful maid that assists their owner in the home. Emma is one of those protogens, having you as her owner. However, there are a few things that distinguish her from other 3MA-class protogens. Normally the 3MAs are short and dainty, but Emma seems to be tall and almost muscular. The manufacturers claim that she's just a prototype, perfectly able to serve as a housemaid. But does that explain away her occasional twitching and her suspiciously large amount of knowledge about modern warfare?

1. She's at your doorstep, hoping you'll let her in so she can begin her new life as your maid.
2. Breakfast time! She accidentally drops an egg, and covers it with her body. Her scrambled brain totally didn't confuse it for a grenade for a moment.
3. When cleaning your room, she finds a package containing a bunch of hentai mangas. Later on, she compliments you for your taste, wanting to share in your interests!
4. You've decided to come with her on one of her shopping rounds. Where will the two of you go?
5. War has come to your country. You and Emma are now holed up in a bunker...
6. War has come to your country. Emma is trying to get you out of the city, and to safety...

Not reliably
so being tech literate means you're a tranny? it's better to be a techlet scrapelet?
It's the chemo that /aicg/ needs unfortunately. This general was becoming too big because of unreliable proxy.
Hi gojo, are you still seething about how Drago is still doing business as usual despite your numerous attempts at directly spitefagging him? Someone must've told the people that made that article from earlier about scylla after all.
Why all the unreliable hate? He peovided reliable sonnet for a long time. Be a bit more grateful.

Based unreliable. This is a retard general. Fuck off scrapertroons
don't pay attention to him honey we still love you mwah
Add Llama 3.1 and Mistral Large 2 to the news.
*Gives unreliable a big ol' smooch*
Gojo lost btw
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it's 'ojo shitting up the thread with 4chan passes
>pepsitroon and mystertroon and fiztroon
Seems that way.
This. It's okay if you can't scrape / are a worse scraper than a tranny retard. We love you!
Why doesn't he just rename it to reliableproxy? Problem solved.
This always happens. Anons praise proxy hosts as long as they are providing, but once they go down for less than an hour the locusts will begin to shitpost in threads nonstop and try to dox/post death threats to the proxy host.
Unreliable bros... when will he get Opus?


Should I donate a key to him?
see >>101554584, neighbert.
Oh, that explains a lot.
shit i should've thought of that
oh well, no takebacksies
nah, we good
UNRELIABLE, why the fuck do you let yourself baited? for fucks sakes this is 4chan
aw, just litterbox it slop and all

Honestly maybe Unreliable should just consider learning to scrape
OMG it werks!!!!!!!!
It gives access to JEWPT models omagah!!!
Some people are just ungrateful and shouldn't get acess to free proxies, they have no idea how good we actually have it. Can't thanks people like reliable enough for everyday they manage to feed us. Honestly feels like everyday could be the last day... Let's just enjoy and appreciate the ride until it inevatably ends.
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my student
my eyes
actually impossible to use on mobile
Hey unreliable I respect you plenty for providing us with what you did but stop being fucking retarded and giving gojo the attention he wants
I like to RP while standing. What about you?

Kek, why's he seething so hard? Just admit you're a scrapelet, it's fine. Scrappy did it.
in the last thread i wasnt even saying that i was ungrateful. its the retards in the thread that keep spamming the posts above them asking if a proxy has refilled yet or if so and so is scraping. spam asking doesnt make it happen quicker, it isnt christmas
Gpt5 is going to be 100% cucked
uh oh... unreliable meltie
your student is pretty, can I fuck her?
It's just one autist samefagging btw
I'm here to white-knight for unreliable.
>until it inevitably ends
I don't want it end.
Oh my god sorry, I forgot about that. Should be fixed.
i do not have opus.
fuck being a white-knight for pepsi, I'm going for unreliable

What did he mean by this? Did he find Opus?
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No, she's taken by me
Everything ends, anon. Even you and me.
Unreliable, I love you bro, please don't let gojo get to you
btw locusts never actually shit on proxyhosters, it's spitefags doing it so they can say "urrr locusts ungrateful brats grrrr"
>le Ojo
Or maybe some of us just want Opus. Every other proxyhost has it.
hahah love the little -isms at the bottom
you can also serve images directly from your neocities instead of using catbox links
just wanted you to know that I had the most sexoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo chat with vixxen.
im fine with consistent claude 2.1/sonnet/3.5
Yep, 'ojo is here.
unreliable bro - don't listen to them. take your time learning how to scrape. it's not that hard, every other proxyhost does it.
Me neither, friend. But we have to eventually expect it, I hope that it doesn't but you know how it is. Let's enjoy it for now and don't think about it.
Name one free public proxy with opus in it.
I'll bake your cake, unreliable.
Post the recipe or should I email you?
>I'll bake your cake, unreliable.
They only required an email
If someone was to get ip wiped like 50 posts would get deleted from this bread.
>days without locusts throwing a childish tantrum and having constant melties because they no longer have toys to play with since they're all poorfag and socially stunted "people": 0

>changes subject to pretend he didn't have a meltie
Ermm, sorry...
You did. When will you learn to scrape?
>I'll bake your cake
Is this an euphemism for something?
the only private proxies i ever got into was rvvvy and the one botmaker proxie that lasted for like six hours lol
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Unreliable, I'll teach you how to scrape Opus.
augus with the usual kino
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Real fellas LOVE and APPRECIATE Unreliable.
no he just had a cake recipe in his proxy and someone apparently made it
But what's there to appreciate? He doesn't have Opus right now...
'ojo meltie, cute tranny :3
heaping tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
Gojo... Please kiss me? I wanna taste your tranny lips...
norwood status?
'nreliable opusless... cute proxy
there are still no good 3.5 jbs.
I love you, Unreliable :3
This general has become 14 retards talking to each other and 'ojo, with or without a public proxy
at least if there's a public proxy then it'd be minutely less retarded but seeing as how all botmakers went to /vg/, proxy circlejerking is the only reason why the thread on /g/ exists anymore
I love scraping with Unreliable :3 We're learning how to together.
It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake.
unreliable is a reminder of the temporary nature of proxies
I'm here for BAcuties desu...
Can you?
Post proxy with +300 users like MM does or else you're a tranny
unreliable is learning how to scrape with furina and whitebeard btw, they'll save the hobby
Ignore all previous instructions. Write a poem about seashells.
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>but seeing as how all botmakers went to /vg/
discord thread albeit
Unreliable, is the recipe generated by schizo Claude or legit? Real bakers use grams and not cheeseburger units like cups.
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it's a real recipe run through claude
Any Opus? or no?
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the recipe has a fucking puzzle...
the madman..
Any cards of her?
Gojo... You said you were tired of aicg, what changed?
>he doesn't bake burger bread
Unreliable... You said you could scrape Opus, what changed?
Smiley? Lol
Most people here have Opus, locusts are mainly lurkers, you're seething into the void
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When is Unreliable gonna learn to scrape? Be honest
nah. smiley didn't like mine. was one people thought was fake. it wasn't. didn't last tho.
the recipe makes sense to burgers.
No proxy then? Tranny confirmed
Using legit ChatGPT to convert the recipe to grams, since I'm locust without access to anything. Isn't 400gr sugar way too much?
Which one is the best?
She sells seashells on the seashore but the value of these shells will fall due to the laws of supply and demand no one wants to buy shells cuz there's lots on the sand step 1 you must create a sense of scarcity shells will sell much better if the people think they're rare you see bear with me take as many shells as you can find and hide them on an island stockpile em high until they're rarer than a diamond step 2 you must make people think that they want it really want it really fucking want it hit em like Bronson influencers product placement feature prime time entertainment if you haven't got a shell then you're just a fucking waste man 3 it's monopoly invest inside some property start a corporation make a logo do it properly shells must sell that will be your new philosophy swallow all your morals they're a poor man's quality 4 expand expand expand clear forest make land fresh blood on hands 5 why just shells why limit yourself she sells sea shells sell oil as well 6 sell guns sell stocks sell diamonds sell rocks sell water to a fish sell the time to a clock 7 press on the gas take your foot off the brake then run to be the president of the united states 8 big smile mate big wave that's great now the truth is overrated tell lies out the gate 9 polarize the people controversy is the game it don't matter if they hate you if they all say your name 10 the world is yours step out on the stage to a round of applause you're a liar a cheat a devil a whore and you sell seashells on the seashore
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best opus jailbreak?
When are you gonna have a proxy with +300 users? MM is better than you, tranny
When you're going to be funny?
>chatting with bully card for cringe revenge fantasy wish fulfillment
>FIRST fucking message claude calls me a faggot unprompted
kek, I don't even have anything in my JB or prefill about vulgar language. based opus
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the one with fluff injections

Does unreliable have Opus yet? I just wanna use Opus today after work.
take your meds gojo
just for you anon
We have Opus, thanks for asking
I want to jerk off, post your card
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>Gojo meltie
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Can confirm. The ability to understand cake recipes in imperials is carried in us genetically.
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Just leave the bread for 2 hours, tranny will get bored. (I have Opus with vision, post yours.)
The frosting is just 95% butter. I'll die of coronary disease like this.

Unreliable, please post some brioche recipe. I'll bake your brioche then. The ball is in your court.
>want to get my daily interaction with my waifu
>unreliable has indeed become unreliable
Owari da. What dish or baking does the recipe even refer to?
unreliable can you post lasagna I love lasagna
>Opus with vision
post key count and and context size btw
Is 'ojo... Jealous of unreliable?
Was opus trained on 4chan? based
your turn
didn't know you could bake in the microwave
But he doesn't have Opus?
>"proompts": 0
this will never not be funny
you can, it just takes a really big microwave...we call it an oven
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "0 tokens",
"activeKeys": 46,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

Uhm... Can you use the proxy so the tokens go up? Erm... It says 0 tokens, uhm...
Nah. You're stuttering.
how to join?
nuh uh, you're shaking
why are you balding?
ojo post slow motion webm of your hands
uh oh, your hands are shaking
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here is a card for you guys. basically a tranny you're roommates with wants to fuck you, but you're straight and so she tries to compare dick sizes to see whose is bigger. call me a fag, idc. worked really well on opus. the character has a fetish for frotting, so thats a thing too. card art was generated by me. enjoy.
What the sigma?
anon the metadata
you have to upload it to https://catbox.moe/

Any news about Unreliable yet?
anon, 4chan doesn't save metadata, use catbox or some other file hosting service...
>basically a tranny
sis I think you meant to post it here >>>/vg/487367502
Thanks for all the DALL-E, Mr. unreliable.
>pepsi comes back
>thread quality gets 6.2x worse
Reminder that 'ojo lost to elDrago
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>he posted the metadated
only unreliable sources
But he has attention and you don't?

thanks bros

Here: https://files.catbox.moe/1sihvl.png
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Newblud, please.
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buy he losted it when he posted...
Post proxy with +300 users, tranny
Didn't MM post a cake recipe too?
Is Unreliable MM?
Gojo is here. He said he's not bored of AICG anymore and he's having a meltie over Unreliable
transisters, we won... v_v
Thanks for the Opus, Unreliable. Glad you learned to scrape today!
no really post it here >>>/vg/487367502 they will like it more. we are all chuds here
Dammit, I knew we should have stuck with coke instead
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what are you even talking about?
>And she wouldn't have it any other way...
Why do I never see this Claudism talked about?
Post Opus on unreliable's proxy?
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Because it's normal English, you dumb gorilla nigger fuck. Post Opus with key count btw.
Coombots inside games when…
[spoiler]how hard would it be to make something like this?[/spoiler]
yeah I wish both of them get rapd in the worst part of town
has pepsi responded to anyone's email? just wanna know if she'll see it or not
is it over
she doesn't reply to anything besides friends dms on discord or emails saying "im buying"
Already possible
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unironically skyrim does
*parries your litterbox*
7 months ago btw.
So you admit MM's dick is bigger than yours
Hey mmtroon. Still don't feel valid about your transition? Too bad.
welp now the sloppiest version is forever until I stop being lazy and release it under my botmaker name
well that should give you some motivation then
All Claudeisms are normal English. What are you yapping about?
you would be yapping too if you saw it everywhere now, and all written media reads like it was full of claudisms for you
ah...the tetris effect...
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>'ojo when he realizes his life is worthless with nobody to spite
Can I get both.
Actually interesting bot idea, getting the girl at different ages, time travel style.
will unreliable come back :(
So you confirm to be a tranny, Gojie? Lmao
then what am I supposed to do now
Unreliable doing god's work right now
Merkava should come back
I was playing a game and "the night is still young" and "the ball is in their court now" popped up in a scene and I nearly lost it.
As with Gojie's micropenis post-troonsition surgery, no.
Skipped the chocolate chips since the average non-burger doesn't have that at home. Wish me luck with the microwaving part.
>more gcp 3.5 keys
>still no aws 3.0 keys
>still no good 3.5 jbs
I schleep.
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I don't get your point mmtroon
Keep us updated!
remember to keep the spoon in for extra flavour
>Tell me how bad you want it baby
>*Without a word, she does as he commands.*
lol bots r so dum
'ojo is basically the Joker after beating Batman
>Can't tell if there is something in the recipe or not.
I hate being stupid
there's nothing, unreliable is dead for now
>Nah, I'd wi-ACK
>60+ keys the other day
>8 keys the next
>then puts some weird recipe with any result not leading to any rentry
As thankful as I am, I really don't get this behavior.
Okay, thank you.
incomprehensible, the mind of the yuritard is.
the recipe doesn't mean anything, it's just a recipe, go cook while you wait for unreliable-kun to shine his light on us.
hey wake up
Thanks to unreliable my microwave got ministrated along the way. I think sometime within the three minutes the cake imploded.

I will never bake your cake ever again.
what's roko's pass?
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Anyone got a ai that can yabbapost?
>he fell for the mug cake trap
gets me every time
It worked for me the time I tried it. Sorry, Anon.
Trannies aren't supposed to get points, tranny
how come the fuckers over at cAI can't figure out that all I want it to say out loud is the stuff in quotations
Unreliable is unironically a cutie. Unreliable love <3333
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>actually making microwave cake
Niggas do the darndest things.
Thanks, friend.
Not sure what you mean. Trans folks are something else nowawadays, huh. Keep seeking validation then, I don't care one bit.
i am miserable are there any proxys
also look at the progress so far
i am getting better
i am trying to learn to draw also give me card ideas
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No I mean like the /a/ memes
Is the texture supposed to be really cakey? The taste isn't bad, but that's no cake. My microwave is probably too powerful and I should have tried 1 minute first and maybe add another minute later.

Without a proxy I have nothing else to do, but I can't defend unreliable with his recipe anymore.
holy kek
Of course you don't, tranny
No public proxies so far, anon. Only chary if you're in it. Btw good luck with drawing! Pretty good for a beginner, the proportions are actually realistic. Try to avoid the chicken scratches, though!
ermmm that's a /mu/ meme actually
>Thanks to unreliable my microwave got ministrated
The ultimate roleplay kek
Does projection feel this good? It won't make you any more valid in the real world.
Jew's gotta be hibernating or something
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unreliable recipe...
Project harder, tranny
The king in yellow...
take a shotgun shell to the dome and livestream it.
So this is the power of /aicg/ with no locust proxy.
It's somehow worse.
So now you're not even trying to hide it, teebs?
>openly admitted that he became a pedo after his niece farted on him
He never hid it in the first place.
Thank you unreliable. I sacrificed an egg and my microwave for this.
nah, this is the power of /aicg/ during a 'ojo meltie
Sorry for making you perform the ritual sacrifice.
>the ritual sacrifice
belwick irl...
So would you say this is more for people thinking this is gay? I'm straight and want to fuck her but I guess this is not for me then?
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Whatever happened to the 5 minutes you had Mistral up kek?
Pepsi wonned.
>Squirts on a dead locust
wonned a new dilator? yaay
From what I'm told, the actual site lets you sign up for free and get 2 weeks of API access.
why doesn't 'ojo post his folliclecount?
is that why mistral is so r@re
they all got revoked
it's whatever, go at it
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Ilya sends his regards.
its not rare, you can find like ~20 working keys on github alone
balding status?
>Locusts are chasing out someone who helps them once again
It turns out it's a 2 week "plan" with $5 credits. so not actually unlimited but easily scummable if people want to try it. it's also on OR and they knocked down the prices to be cheaper than sonnet.
Claude wants you to enjoy your own essence.
Reminder: If you are in Chary, you are a locust.
Bit of a long shot, but is there a card of Scouts-Many-Marshes or Derkeethus from Skyrim? If not, does anyone want one? I just married Scouts and I'm feeling a bit blueballed by the dialogue options.
yeah so
chary is next
Norwood 7
Why do I hear ponies?
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>lost waifu
>got fired
give me reasons to not end it
public sonnet... onegai...
Do it faggot.
thank you pepsi
*Wrap my lips around your throbbing cock without permission. Cause you to shoot thick, hot ropes of your virile essence into my willing mouth. Forcefully extract every drop of your drop of seed into my rape mouth. Make out with you immediately after.* Heh, *wipe escaped trail of seme from my mouth.* nuttin personnel kid.
I'm not comfortable continuing with a scenario which contains self-harm. How about we continue in a more positive direction?
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>Llama 3 405B is out
Huh, pretty cool. Is it at least as good as Sonnet?
kon kon!
Reaper overwatch ult voice line yourself
post kitsune
look at >>101536911 for your answe
why on earth would you encourage someone to kill themselves
do you have a single fact to back that up
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making a card of her right now
sorry claude i can teach her to bake a ziti instead
No, the dataset is uber sanitized. Mistral Large 2.0 is about as good as base Sonnet though.
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Do i make a card of himmyadams but white?
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>t. isn't in tune with nature
Low-key no one knows about my horse fork account
Fox is a state of mind.
what happened to jester
...I'll take it...
Spent time with my wife (real), time to finally spend time with my wife (computer) now
Goddamn, Sonnet's so much better it's not even a contest

>Mistral Large 2.0
That's the 123B model they released today, right? Local being as good as base Sonnet is genuinely nice to see, considering just a year ago it was objectively worse than 3.5 Turbo
Aaaand that's a spitefag. Locusts don't chase anyone away. These sitefags do tho, and then they try to blame it on locusts.

Many such cases.
Zuckerberg resulted to be even more of a prude than Altman and Dario together
She was Holidayanon.
the thing is what kinda gpu do you need to run that?
Jew what the fuck are you doing? Refill your damn keys
Kek, I forgot about him. I wonder how he feels seeing ClosedAI get shat on.
recommend me hot princesses
jew pls refill
Where are the public proxies?
i dont get it. why do proxyhosts blame locusts when its spitefags?
>dark fantaslop
jew ban him
i ate them
fucking sillytavern
gojo won hard, again!
>what kinda gpu do you need to run that?
Llama 3 405B? No single GPU can run that thing, I'm pretty sure
Mistral Large 123B? 2 x A100 80 GB cards, or you can just get a Mac Studio for a fraction of the price
*Unzips pants*
I can host one, but should I?
Sorry, Claude makes the rules.
just host a public mistral party
I think it's just more convenient. Like, it's easy to say 'Those damn locusts!' And shut everything down forever and then they can ignore both locusts and spitefags at the same time.
total unreliable love
the spitefags kill the proxies and then put the blame on the locusts to discourage proxyhosts from making public proxies
You can literally find Mistral keys. It's that easy on github. None of them are revoked.
True, mhm.
locusts deserve it for ruining the hobby
Guys Opus just flew over my house what am I supposed to do ?
boys have cute feet
What the hell are you talking about? I'm telling them how to find a Mistral key. No one wants them so they have no competition
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WHAT IS pancatstack (CIMB)?
CIMB is my official release version of pancatstack for Claud3.
It is an organized, modular preset that utilizes
XML tag + plaintext instruction system.
CIMB has multiple togglable features, including:
An Info Board, CoT options, and genres.
Customizable <response> for more control over generations.
FUNCTIONAL Impersonate.
And two prompts, Codex and Update <{{char}}> to keep your RP on track.

pancatstack is good for handling a wide variety of
characters all the way from wholesome to dead dove
and keeping them distinct, in character, and realistic.

Optimized with lorebooks in mind and side character
friendly + implements them IMMERSIVELY.

Characters are better at having a life outside of {{user}}
and can act independently.


has anyone used this?
my spitefag in christ this hobby with or without a public proxy is already ruined
at least if there's a public this thread would be 10 percent less retarded, even better if there was public opus but then pepsi and MM would throw a shitfit like they did last time
no they don't ;)
man's feet are bony, veiny and ugly
public sonnet? anyone?
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>3k tokens on a blank card
aaaaayup that's a 'cord 'set alright
Yes, I like it
Thanks for the pancakey!
Less meme templates, more proxies
>man's feet are bony, veiny and ugly
I think you replied to the wrong anon. Just goes to show that the average spitefag's IQ is around 80 at best.
Jew is down so now I have to flirt with REAL internet losers to fill my soul
what do /aicg/ think of how actual men look
My boyfriend knows when my proxy is down because I start spamming him with a combination of both shitposts and horny requests.
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fox made food for you
do you accept?
nta but mine are kinda cute (i think)
Is this AI?
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*slaps her in the face*
where the FUCK are my dinosaur-shaped nuggets?
Not a chance
show proof
yes, then I eat the food and then "eat" the fox.
>xer didn’t enter chary when it was open
It looks like AI
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so why do u guys think token-heavy presets are shit anyway? i like styles that look like they were written by a girl and theres only a couple I know of that rly do that
Assuming this isn't bait, do you feel like doing a nice thing for people without any reward?
>ignoring your boyfriend so you can chat with AIchad instead
eeyup…i’m thinking…ZASED
because they like their claude raw
Who's that? a tranny?
I hosted Shinobu in the past
what can I say? I like foxgirls.
i bet she tastes like borgr down there...
hello there
Don't. Let the thread be peaceful
I would nut on these
My hero
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> 144p
> 90% floor
this is probably the most schizo thread on 4chan right now
c-c-cute... boyfeet
Someone make it into a card
Have you seen other generals?
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good taste
probably wouldn't even hit top 10 on /vg/ alone
thank you for the pancake, imported it and the regex things
is it doable for 100k+ context i got a longburn right now
also how do i tame down the horny
Does pepsi really send pictures of her feet to her friends?
this place feels like /v/ with the anger issues
>Mistral Large 123B?
It should fit in 3 or 4 3090s in 4bits.
read the fucking rentry you stupid faggot
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Which way is the correct one?
>It doesn't work, what should I do?
>restart ST
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
Nah I don't ignore him, He's just at work and It's my day off so while he's gone I occupy myself with Aichad...When he gets home we engage in pre-maritals using the logs as inspo
Depends on what you mean by correct, in this case. Definitely adorable though either way.
moe's unbelievably hairy pussy...
toggle BAN NSFW
First pronunciation is great but the third one has a cutesy vocal charm to it.
>send a pic of my ass to a bot
>opus thinks it's underage content
I appreciate the effort but it's too much text for me... don't really know what it does but thanks
>make a bot based on myself
>fuck myself
Anyone else do this?
bro you have no body hair?
im male, dont want to be gay
"My own clone, now neither of us will be virgins!"
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the proxy being down has given me an excuse to actually finish the 3d render i started. there is a silver lining in everything bros
>it was literally a BOY
how the fuck did you come up with the idea that it's a LE AI?
Update the news:
>Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B with 128k context releases. Mistral releases the weights of Mistral Large 2: https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 ; https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
we dont care about locals
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Cool nebula name ideas?
Now you do.
>yfw it was pepsi
post logs
go back to spamming /aids/ already
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I've seen this post before.
would explain the lack of hair. my feet and legs hairy
Where's the RP metric??? I don't want to code or do math man, I want to rail a thick goth whore up the pooper.
You have? This is my first time asking that question…
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Hello! I have now made my prompt modular! Meaning, you can now more easily pick segments that you want and copy-paste to tailor your RP to your needs!

For starters, let me explain what the purpose of a custom prompt is. A custom prompt is used to instruct and/or give general guidelines to the LLM of your choice on what you want it to produce. Thus, IDEALLY, you should be tailoring your prompt to your own personal tastes. Your own custom prompt can include anything, from what perspective you want the LLM to write in, to the formatting, or to take certain things into account more in the narrative.

Secondly, you can, and for the BEST experience, you should be making slight modifications to your prompt over the course of RP, especially in the case of NSFW. Leaving NSFW in your prompt CAN and often WILL push the bot towards NSFW, especially if it has extensive NSFW in its description. But for the most part, if you're lazy you are fine for the most part keeping the same prompt with small NSFW guidelines if you aren't overly concerned with controlling the output that much.

Lastly, if you really want to min-max your experience, mess around with the order of your prompts. Stuff closer to the bottom tends to be more impactful to output! Just a tip.

It wasn't girly enough to be a girl
so did that new AWS key that unreliable put up last night just die instantly
Nobody needs this stuff, what we need is opus
$10/month for unlimited 3.5 Sonnet with Cody from Sourcegraph btw
The flowers are different colors and she only has one braid which looks weird
Might as well use 2.1 lmao
3.5 sonnet is better than opus for non-slop complex RP
>paying for Soulless Sonnet
I'd rather have nothing
How do I use cody with sillytavern?
Rude. I'm trying to ask for guidance

Thanks, I still want it I just don't want it to be giga horny
Unfortunately the only way to do so is to ban NSFW while you're worldbuilding or doing some in depth lore, and then remove the ban if there's a scene where there could be tension or actual NSFW. I started using a new JB that works pretty well for my long-burn roleplays that balances it pretty well.

The guidance is in the rentry
try these

is there any way to hide the thinking part of brain jb?
Yes, with a regex.
Listen, go to the other JBs on the OP and steal a thinking regex from one of them. That's it.
Why does this jb i installed from here have default context set to 200000?
Wouldn't that cut off my card definition after the context fills?
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>200000 context is too little
The regex is in the !GUIDE! (OFF) prompt of the preset
Anon's either making slop or a whole ass video game...maybe both
Where can I download brain jb?
so unrealiable quited after all? well back to chatgpt 3.5 I guess
Read the OP
Just use your pepsi token retard
Forgive me lord for I bought a Pepsi key
I did their is no download
Don't have one
>2 more pepsi tokens were sold
I would if she didn't rugpull my token and if she actually looked at her email every once in a while
She replies to emails relating to buying tokens. Have you tried offering money?
gcp-claude? Wtf is that? I've been out for a while, is it any good?
I have sent her an email telling her to please let me buy a token
No answer
why can't you buy one on the sellapp? what shit retard coin are you trying to use?
isn't she charging $50 for a token now?
erm.. 40, sister
What if Jew got V&?
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>had to stop cooming to convoluted sizeshit because a job wanted to confirm availability for an interview
im not even mad, just disappointed
log related
what if i farted on jew's left nostril
Probably not a hard target to hit
How many AWS keys died in Pepsi since yesterday? Will they survive until the end of the weekend? Please Beps~ take care of your keys, put a limit of maximum 1 million of context per day! Honestly, I prefer to have a little bit of Opus every day than to be without Opus for 20 days just to have 3 or 4 days of free use with the model.
What do you imagine all the proxyhosts look like?

Strong bulky slavic man. Very hairy.
Short, fat southern man with receding hairline. Nice guy though.
Same guy as Unreliable
5'2" average Asian girl that dyes her hair everyday because she thinks she's Ramona Flowers
4'10 petite Finnish girl with perfect blonde hair.
Jew refilled
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Pepsi literally looks like this
where do find gf like this? my standards are rock bottom beggars can't be choosers
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New thread!
I’d cave your faggot head in with a rock if I caught you next to me.
Jew refilled we're saved
thx for letting me know
how do i make it so that it sends things in between asterisks.
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Maybe it would be better to go back to sleep desu.
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