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How does this app manage to break every fucking day. Slow ass devs never do anything right and are jsut completely incapable of ever fixing their shit. what are the alternatives available?
>google changes API
>apps that rely on API functionality don't work
does newpipe actually use the api? I thought they were one of the people that essentially runs a browser in the background and scrapes the video. Thats how most of these clients work, they dont use any of the APIs
Because YT changes duh.
PipePipe updates faster it seems.
It's a free project mate, sht brakes and they ain't obligated to rush anything for your cheap ass, get revanced or anyone of the other forks that exist
The pipepipe devs are pajeets you trust that shit to run on your phone? It is probably a fucking virus.
Not that it's better but I though they were JP or CN?
A shit from my ass would be more useful than this post, OPEN SOURCE NIGGER FIX IT YOURSELF OR GET THE FUCK OUT.
freetube is not working either right now
Get Libretube
>does newpipe actually use the api?
/g/ users can't be this stupid. c-can they?
is it working right now?
hope you are right cuz freetube and viewtube are K.O as we speak
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It's working on my end, even with pic related
neither is working, i just tried gayjay and it seems to be working. sometimes videos cut off like 1 minute into watching them
Why don't you simply revanced, it works even if you don't update it for a long time
revanced is broken too right now.
Then why is it working for me, I haven't updated the app for months
yt-dlp never breaks though.
It does the latest A/B test is causing it to break randomly right now look at the discussion on the github. They are currently discussing solutions to the new obfuscation engine yt is A/B testing.
>revanced is broken too right now.
can confirm, broken af
Yeah, I noticed

There's a workaround
>Y R U using newpipe lol
newpipe spoofs the same client version for all clients, if you use it with a VPN your privacy is pretty good
Working fine on my end, but then again, I haven't updated the thing in 3 months, back when YouTube was doing A/B testing I wasn't affected, so there was no need for me to update
they don't, newpipe scrapes
trying various instances I finally got one to work, thanks anon
so does grayjay thats why it is broken right now.
>how does this app break every day
>that relies on an api that changes all the time
use a browser you faggot
Even my mobile Firefox with ublock origin is broke. When I full screen the address bar stays at the top/bottom
just give mobilefags they're own board already all they do is shit up /g/
tapping around on your retard tablet like a mongoloid is not technology. you zoomer faggots don't even know how to use a computer. please kill yourself.
that's crazy thanks for letting us know bud
Mobile apps and adblockers are tech wdym
holy shit, this board literally turned into either paid psyop by google, it's never been this bad about faggots actually complaining about free software
Phonefags gonna phonefag.
>t.tech illiterate retard
it's FOSS, you lazy faggot
I use libretube and it works saar
>this board literally turned into either paid psyop by google
no, this board has turned into free tech support because you faggots are unable to recognize that illiterate retards keep baiting you into helping them, you autists

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