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Gnome is has gone off the fucking rails and have stooped to a new record breaking low. They don't care about users and only insist on making their desktop worse, all while being petulant children. I salute System76 for their jump to Cosmic, the more we can get away from this desktop, the better.

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Windows doesn't have this problem.
How would you know, there's no fucking transparency?
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>there's no fucking transparency?
It doesn't need it.
Windows just werkz.
Why do you have a picture of 2 kids called "win95cunny.jpg"?
>utters a man who has never had to deal with HR
You are telling me that people who think they are the opposite gender are.... mentally ill and delusional in general???

Uhhh mods???
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Whos Lunduke?

I already hate gnome.
I'd say that ebussy is doing a good job of driving that dumpster fire in to the ground. Give him your energy /g/ents! Accelerate, EBUSSY! Accelerate!
Did people's eyes really glow orange in 1895?
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It just sucks
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ebussy is a literal communist. all the gnome dev's are deeply sick in the head leftist. its why they are assholes. no one should be surprised by this.
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its called camera flash
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>commie shilling for pedophilia
not surprised in the slightest
It's just GNOME. Point and laugh at them with us!
Linux is just eceleb drama now you can thank zoomers for that
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Ebussy wasn't even part of the meeting where they made the decision to kick Sonny out but I'm gonna post him anyways.


Don't call real kids "cunny".
what the fuck
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Sir, what is the use case for Ebussy, Sir?
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Actual demonic child loving tranny.
why are you people so fucking obsessed
XFCE > Cinnamon >>>>> KDE >>> GNOME
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indeed, why do you worship the devil?
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>defending pedophilia to "own the fascists"
this is your brain on politics...
I'm not even that anon
why are you taking screenshots of random people's twitter accounts
is it because some of them are ugly
most of this board is hideous
I saw an opportunity and made a joke. Just don't talk call real kids "cunny" you freak.

xfce >>>>> mate > cinnamon >>> KDE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GNOME
god I wish that was me
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why do you hate seeing your own tribal members?
this is just some nerdy white guy
most of /g/ looks like this
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GNOME messed up after they attempted to copy the Windows 8 mobile-desktop design instead of sticking to the traditional GNOME 2 paradigm. The mobile-desktop design fad was such a flop that even Microsoft is distancing themselves from it.
would the two in the middle top
WDYM, Win11 is a phablet interface
Imagine saving such an image to your machine. Might as well put on the thigh highs because that’s even gayer than picrel
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not like you have a chance lmao
tgirls are still hot as fuck thoughever
I don't what what's worse, being a pedophile or working for the gnome foundation.
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both can be equally as bad. no win scenario.
>Why are you recognizing patterns!
again, very strange to me that this place in particular is so harsh about looks
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why do you find pic related ugly? stop being a bigot
going to stop responding now but christ how many of these do you have saved
you're telling me you're not into it?
I thought touko was dead?
No, it was mid-2010s when all these communism memes started popping up, I think ironically, initially.
The communism is a party is really old, I've definitely already had seen it once by the mid-2000s.

Apart from that, it is kinda tone-deaf for him to be standing there in the middle with that T-shirt, you're representing GNOME, it shouldn't be political.
Oh, wait...
these fags don't have a little self respect?
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they're the same thing
Watch your language
>Whos Lunduke?
some Jewish tech/linux journalist who lately has been catering to chuds by bashing Gnome and other weird trannies in the corporate open source world
>not only did he do it one, he did it twice
you’re not beating the closeted homo allegations
Isn't that red dot on the forehead the Indian equivalent of Western wedding ring? And it is only the women that wear it.
you're mad
so mad lel

hard to believe people actually watch youtube
>Don't call real kids "cunny".
>t. definitely not ebussy
What happens if you utter the name Terry Davis? Does a random glownigger get run over somewhere?
I like that Brody kid, ht's maximus autistimus.
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ummm... ebussi is based?
This photo needs to be run through luma.
>Whos Lunduke?
the OP
I have no idea what this thread is meming about and I like it that way.
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>that filename
>on that image
fucking spit out my drink, KEK
You're going after the thirst traps you see online, I worked with some tgirls and they were all fucking goblibns
i miss when there wasn't retarded e-celeb drama in the linux community every 20 seconds
It's been a feature since Torvalds v. Tanenbaum
This. Gnome 2 to gnome 3 was the point it went to shit in a big way for us end users.

I suppose behind the scenes gnome must have been brewing that shit for a while though.
never said it never existed, its just been much more common in the last year or two
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dm me if you want to be gnomed like this rawr uwu x3
Any cunnysseurs here that have seen it, would you say it's worth the watch?
I have been reluctant to watch it because the girls just don't look that appealing to me, especially the black girls which I have no real interest in. If only the filmmakers had better taste in cunny...
what is this
> And it is only the women that wear it.
It's more common, but some men wear it too.
Embrace the future
It's your enterprise-grade software developers that can change design of gnome and all gtk applications that use adwaita to their will.
This is not GNOME problem, it's RedHat problem. It happens only because they approve
I never understod the hatred of lunduke, he seems like the nicest guy in the world, yet some people in foss starts foaming whenever his name is mentioned.
Maybe because he's also a kike who tried to cancel OpenSUSE and some other developers for not celebrating kike holidays and envious of them celebrating Christmas. But he's a funny kike, I'll give you that
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The predditors have taken over /g/. Is there any place those degenerate haven't infested?
Imo he should accuse every project that calls him a nazi and bans all mention of him of antisemitism, that would be hilarious to watch.
Not on the internet. All sites are either bad or worse, full of people that are angry, thinskinned & hyperbolical.
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the average weight there must be like 250lbs. this explains why gnome is so heavy
but what's the usecase for those fat bellies?
Who fucking cares? I don't even know what a Manjaro is. wtf do people actually watch this ragebait YouTube slop?
Where do you think you are?
I'd fuck the one who's looking down on epussi.

Also the chunky pajeeta to the right. I'd hatefuck her. Make my own plapjack in real life.
Rightoids and fascists can't code
cute and valid
am I the only person on /g/ that is pro lgbt but anti sjw oppression olympics crap that usually comes with it.

I know that's why all my GIMP Plugins are made in a designated template area. Every GIMP plugin I have ever "coded" was made by forking the template of GIMPs difference-of-gaussian.c
Your youtube streamer advert fails to inspire me
Ebussy looks like the type who has several TB of cheese pizza.
leave tripcode out of this collage
A red reflex happens when the flash of a camera lights up the blood-rich retina. If the eyes are looking directly at the camera lens and the color of the reflex in both eyes is red, that's usually a good sign that the retinas of both eyes are unobstructed and healthy.
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Looks like discourse.gnome.org was taken down, like all of it
I just read the Wikipedia article and apparently there's an actual photo of cunny in it
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Come home white man
> the cursed pleading face emoji
> 'alice', the most generic trans girl name choice
> mentioning their boobs literally every other message
these people are so gross and i swear they're all like carbon copies of each other, I saw another person who was almost the exact same person as this, same personality, same writing style, even same name, and similarly obnoxious. wtf
I am already home.
X11 -> BSPWM
Wayland -> Hyprland
>They don't care about users
why should they? You get it free.
Don't like it? Switch to something else

>and only insist on making their desktop worse
go and try another desktop environment
>Brodie Robertson completely ignores Ebussy
How is that meme completely contained and localized inside /g/ ?
>Whos Lunduke?

here he is
>why should they?
Because they are Red Hat employees and it is harming their product.
Red Hat is already on a downwards spiral for years now.
he's a pedo
nobody like thinking about kids cunny unless theyre a pedo
have we discovered a new lolcow?
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Works here.
t. Germany/ISP's DNS
i've only seen a handful of lunduke's "linux sucks" videos, and i've found them entertaining and well-informed
i couldn't say why gnome hates him, other than not being able to take criticism i suppose
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Why using Gnome when you have EXWM?
please tell me thats a sniper dot
>there can't be no
>its why they are assholes. no one should be surprised by this.
>Implement a CoCk so hard they're banning a lot of people everyday
>Oy vey if core developers are huge fucking assholes we just look the other way, teehee
GNONES are the most utterly mentally ill hypocrites to ever have existed, no shit they're literally going bankrupt.
Lately he's been doing a bunch of expose pieces on corruption and lefty political agendas in tech and open source. He did a deep dive into Mozilla's finances, reported on discrimination against straight white men in tech, criticized GNOME for hiring a shaman as their lead, etc.
>Be made fun for being subnormal assholes
>Heh we're just subnormal assholes and mentally ill at it too
This dude just deserves the rope at this point, and death would even be merciful for his soul.
>B-but he's a right wing grifter chud!!!
I'm already seeing the usual grifter chuds responding this same shit like every time someone utters the Lunduke name.
back then everyone used cameras with the flash on and never turned it off. so for a while there everyone’s family photos looked just hideous.
idk why it changed but nobody uses flash on phone cameras
look at how the woman on the right is leering at him
you just KNOW
so what software does this lunduck get contribute to?
GNOME will die soon enough.
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Runescape character have entered our dimension
Ah right. So saying truths Gnome don't like lol. Understood.
Can you imagine having this bunch of absolute faggots for co-workers?
I seriously don't get how Linux was infiltrated so fast by these fucking people. They somehow managed to get a hold of every administrative position there is and can easily stamp out dissent.
only white people had this....red eye syndrome. makes ya wonder...
>do tiny little commits or document updates once in awhile
>have a huge fucking ego
now you are ebassi
It’s because healthy well-adjusted people go outside. It’s the same reason for the absolute state of jannies here and mods on leddit: they’re absolute failures in normal life so they go to the only place where they can feel powerful and important, which in their case is becoming oligarchs of software projects that they rule with an iron fist
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What I don't understand is how there isn't a constant power struggle by other degenerates that act the same way. You'd think there would be more ebassi type people who do >>101571713 trying to get that same amount of power yet they all act in harmony and circle jerk each other instead.

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