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Ok, what now?
Delete and reinstall with cinammon or kde, I'd say.
>not sid
>using unstable branch
No, thanks.
enable swap and enjoy your prehistoric kernel kek
>using swap
Anon, I...
>what now
install gentoo
debian is for newbs
Cut off your dick and buy LGBTQ2SQ+ socks and learn Rust and then rewrite random github repos in Rust and then spam /g/ about it.
please dont do that op
i mean, do everything as you please up until, and NOT including- spamming g about it
obsessed, genuinely
Uhhh.... carry on?
No, thanks!
Don't worry, anon ;)
nta but trannies want attention.
after concerted efforts, ont his board too, they now have it.
literally what they fucking asked for.
>plague destroys software development and western culture
>mention it
>obsessed, genuinely
wait holy fuck when was the vvest destroyed I missed it
install arch then install gentoo
Install the uBlock Origin and get all of the filters.
What about it?
Another one of these threads...
>i just did something without thinking
>tell me what to do next
im sorry that anons made a joke about your scotish skirt
don't forget switching to either arch, gentoo, void or nix
the holy trinity of pointless autistic tinkertranny distros
>inb4 errm sweety it's not a trinity if it's 4 things, read a book
open the terminal and write

sudo rm -rf / 
sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
...love you. please take me with your big house cork.
sudo apt install nala
sudo nala install xfce4 xfce4-goodies

reboot and switch DEs
despite the crude bait, i got asked this unironically before. It's weird to see someone honestly stand there and ask you what they should do next with their install, like they installed their OS not for a purpose, not because they want to use their computer, but because of some game like perspective where installing linux is just an objective in some questline. As if, after they installed it, they would then be initiated into the clandestine sperg association and have all their secrets revealed to them.
>if you don't grab every minor version you are ancient
No, I think I'm fine, updooter. Without looking at the CHANGELOG can you even identify what changed between 6.1.x and 6.10.x?
Should I tell him I'm on 4.18?
Some CentOS install?
I'd say look around but I don't know what it's like in India
I laughed
CentOS is dead, my guy. I'm on RHEL 8.
very hot sir, thank you sir
not him but 6.9 fixed sleep on one of my laptops
Changed to sid
I hate debian so much.
could you set skibid toilet as wallpaper?
Done :^)
click "Get Captcha"
then you can sell your human element for a post on 4chan after you solve some problem the powers that be think can filter bots
4chan is so fucking dead its now stealing memes from fucking yt/reddit. lmao fucking hell
Check if xdotool works on Wayland or find a replacement that can send input to specific windows and not need a daemon
errm sweety it's not a trinity if it's 4 things, read a book
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nice anon. it took me about two months to finish my arch install on my laptop. just finished it today.

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