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why do only americans have cheap stuff on ebay and goodwill selling stuff way too cheap? a t420 thinkpad anywhere else would cost over $100 easily
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american superiority goyim
OP I can rub it in even further:
Costs of living in Burgerland is really fucking high (apart from cheap gas) so these 10 bucks for this laptop would feel like you spending 1 Euro on it.
remember when there was a 5 bucks raspberry pie but for euros it was always the 20 bucks raspberry pie? kek
but everyone here says they get paid 100k minimum and thats for doing basically nothing all day. sounds like the prices are just purchase power adjusted excluding a few absurd outliers like goodwill. and you can further save by not living withing walking distance of your trendy tech job
>no numpad
it's trash
Either they're retarded to spot a deal, or the entire premise is bogus, which it is, it would be cheaper to import to EU if that were true, and prices would readjust again to match (which is what is consistently happening).

In every country, you may be lucky to spot good deal, either because the owner does not know the value or the actual intention of selling is to rid oneself of the device.
The latter may have an increased precedence in Burgerstan, possibly.

Electronic devices are on average 5-20% more expensive in EU, always has been.
Not sure if it's logistics or legal wankery (tax, customs, etc).
"this item does not ship to your country" is a message seen on all these cheap items
Then the next guy who does ship, sells his, meaning the next American is forced to buy from the guy who doesn't ship.

Also, I'm not watching retarded YT eCeleb bullshit, but maybe this was an auctioned off device? If no one places a bid, you can get PCs cheaper for then even $10, duh.
I remember. :angry: Raspberry Pi are british though. Still good spend of my money though.
>16/9 screen
>Good for retro gaming?
Typical retarded youtuber who has no idea what he's talking about.
no need to watch, i also didn't but it was in the feed and i noticed the memepad being there with an unusually low price. generally the ones that do ship want at least 10x the price or take the money as "shipping fees"
Self storage taking off in the us goes to show you how many shit they buy each year.
Demand, there are lots of used laptops on America as opposed to shitholes that cant afford a new one every year.
Businesses buy a ton of these. In your average enterprise, they'll usually have 25-40% more laptops than they're actually using to allow for replacements, repairs, temp workers etc.

Once these laptops age out of their support contract (usually 3 years), most companies will hand them off to an e-waste operation to get a good goy tax credit and the e-waste op will either send the laptop to be recycled or hand it off to a refurb operation to be resold cheaply on the secondhand market.
Land of opportunity
this is how I got flagship dell latitudes that retailed for $2k+ for $500 two years after release
meanwhile retards are buying bottom of the barrel chinese slop for $1k
median salary in USA is like 35k
Supply and demand. We have a lot of old laptops here. It's alright.
They are lying it costs $10 just to ship a couple pounds through the post office.

There's nowhere on ebay you're actually going to get a laptop that cheap, Maybe $40 but not $10. Also thinkpads are shit, especially the screens. Yea a t420 can be upgraded but the display adapter for them is iffy. I think t440p is the only laptop that has a 1080p drop in replacement and even then its a low brightness bad color IPS compared to a desktop IPS monitor.

Most of these chinesium chink screens have dogshit color 70% SRGB. It's already bad enough that I have to use IPS and 300 nit, but they don't even get good color.
Do you really believe people posting on 4chan about their wages?
People who claim they got stuff for free or like for nothing on youtube always overpaid and probably even paid prices beyond comprehension. They are making money witht hose videos and they don't care about the ewaste they pay for because it'll be peanuts compared to their cash out
You can catch deals
What happens more often then not is someone or some thift store will sell something for just any money. A T420 is a stupidly dated laptop that already looked ancient when it was released, no one is going to touch it in this day and age and it might have been sitting forever before going down $10.
No. The median weekly income for Americans according to the BLS is ~1140, making the median yearly salary almost 60k.

35k was like back in 2009.
>Costs of living in Burgerland is really fucking high
If you're a coastal cuck. Flyover is cheap as fuck.
buy an ad
>I think t440p is the only laptop that has a 1080p drop in replacement and even then its a low brightness bad color IPS
the drop in replacement for the t440p, the AUO B140something was a godsend back then with 99% sRGB in a world of 1366x768 TNs and still holds up today
>Be happy that I got a promotion
>Turns out I only make equivalent of median wage in murica
brb killing myself
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If you think the median is upsetting, you should see what you make if you manage to get into the elite club of... being an assistant manager at a truck stop
I got a latty 7390 for $20 and a latty 7280 for $10
Local computer store does 80% off sales if something doesn't sell for 2 months so you can get some pretty insane deals like that
Cope, seethe, and dial 8 europoors
laptop computers were so cool back in the 1990s
Because american midle class has been destroyed, but americans refuse go acknowledge and continue to live beyond their means, so now it's normal to sell your belongings for quick cash. Dumbasses like >>101556468 this think it's a sign of wealth, but eu countries don't bother with this shit because they don't need to, they don't need to waste their time selling everything they own to scrounge up some cash, they just toss it.
So it's more expensive for you because there is less supply
We have abundant ddisposable income so we can always but the new next thing, so the old things pile up
americans are rich as fuck and are always buying tons of shit they don't need. see >>101556832, they can't even fit the shit into their mcmansions.
they'll cope with some some bullshit about "housing prices" or whatever, but they really do live in the easy mode country. imagine being a loser in an easy mode first world nation, you'd be coping and seething too.
Who knows if some random YouTuber will tell you the real price. Absurdly low or high prices generate more clicks.
>be a food service manager selling goyslop in a truck stop
>make more money than a doctor
I always see libshit complaining about bucees though, saying shit like people arent allowed to take toilet breaks or sit down
In Europe, listed prices already included taxes. In America, taxes are calculated at check out / the register. That being said, electronics still tend to be cheaper in America.

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