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>buying vpns

Why not instead deploy a botnet and use unlimited amount of proxies

No im not in US but rather Russia
>Why not instead deploy a botnet
yeah go ahead
just spend years on embedding yourself into open source to supply chain attack open sores.
without getting detected

you know shit from fuck and just wanted to post moetrash, didnt you?
>buying a networking concept
>create Roblox hack for Roblox
>advertise it to kids
>people download your software
>now you can tunnel your network through there computers

Seems high effort compared to just paying a tiny amount of your income for vpns or proxies.
>oy vey just spend a (((tiny))) amount of your foreskin, goy
U can sell proxies for money as well u fag
how fucking roblox give you enough access to the os to do anything?
its corporate greed, isnt it?
the stupid fuckers created the backdoors themselves for data collection purposes, didnt they?
like with the fucking browsers
who in the fuck thought its a good idea to give browsers fucking os read and write capabilities?
>nuh cant get metrics without fingerprinting
and now we all have fucking backdoors embedded into everyday programs
fuck this retard mongoloid world
Roblox is a desktop program launched through the browser
i never cared about the actual specifics
but this kind of shit should be totally sandboxed and should talk through apis with the os
not direct syscalls
it would have fixed alooot of fucking problems
problem with that is that you can shim the fuck out of the api and feed the browser or whatever pure garbage
and marketing didnt likey
so they pushed to have direct ass access
The original guy was talking about tricking people into downloading malware by advertising it as a hack for roblox
and i went into the weeds of that, namely- how it is possible to begin with
in extremely generalized terms because i know the theory but didnt care yet to learn the practical side of things
>but didnt care yet to learn the practical side of things
not to sound superior or anything
its just that im naturally inclined to, and have always worked on the opposite side of things

low level logical stuff and numbercrunching
i dont know much bc i have to invent everything anyways kind of deal
i respect hackers, dont get me wrong
its just that im on the opposite side of things to them
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why are you subhuman
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gopniks have alot in common with the rednecks actually
>how it is possible to begin with
Because it's possible to write malware? IDK what you mean
Kid googles "roblox hack" -> downloads Anon's "hack" -> it actually makes the kid's PC part of the botnet
Roblox is only involved because of the stupid kids
Im whiter than u
programs can easily be sandboxed
the os prevents writing to executable memory
to break out of the program one would need to have the functionality to do so EXPOSED WITHIN THE PROGRAM.

or buffer the ability to overflow into memory thats at the same time marked as writable and executable.

these are pretty specific conditions to fulfill to allow to break out of a program.

turns out, the functionality needed to fingerprint someones pc overlaps with the functionality to break out of a program (as in code any code execution, the attacker would still to escalate privileges to become kernel. unless the user runs the program as administrator or sudo. this is why you should avoid running programs as administrator in windows btw)
that sounded like im retarded
when i think hard(-ish) and speak/write at the same time i tend to skip entire words
fill in the blanks anon, im sure it wont be too hard
nobody was sandboxing their software when roblox was made by 2 guys in their moms house circa 2006
i know
its a mistake that originated very long ago
there needs to be a clear separation between critical programs and fluff.
fluff made by two guys in a moms basement shouldnt have the same access as fucking openssh

in the olden times, nobody thought about that
but in the modern times, when we already knew how damaging mass distributed programs could be
marketingroids said "nuh uh".
"gibs me dat data nigga"
and instead of being shot in the face on the spot ceos went "nothing ventured, nothing gained"

and were living the gay ending
>and were living the gay ending
where everything is shit
and gpus cost 2000 bucks a pop
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any way to watch this with subs instead of american voiceover?
what is that even?
no, i allude to the fact that everything runs off raw syscalls for performance reasons.
but today we have enough horsepower to add another api layer to oses to remove the possibility of an attacker of breaking out or escalating through the manipulation of data alone
that only leaves buffer overflow + wonky memory permissions on the table to exploit a program
which also means that in practice, if your program doesnt have execute and write permissions on memory, as in self modifying programs for instance (and when would you even need that?)
a buffer overflow is just not exploitable.
unless im missing something.
idk, probably
im not russian myself
a quick search for alt channels should yield results
>but this kind of shit should be totally sandboxed and should talk through apis with the os not direct syscalls
>it would have fixed alooot of fucking problems
MS tried that with UWP but everyone rightfully hated it, thanks to that shit UWP games are still harder to mod & pirates rarely even bother cracking it now
Don't think they even opened UWP to other stores neither, so roblox/steam/etc aren't ever going to bother with it
its a decent idea in my mind but knowing microdick they were greedy about it and everyone shunned them
rightfully, thats how they played their leverage to avoid having to pay a future microdick tax
>what is that even?
Sorry I know a lot of schizophrenics and you reminded me of one.
theres about half of the reason why we get the tech were having is purely economical and legal speculations
peak psychiatric vagueness
half of society could classify as schizophreniacs, if not more
yeah found it
seems not all their videos are subbed though
this one is at least
cheers then
perfect opportunity to pick up a couple of russian words
i used to watch russian docus abt military planes
worked for me
i could communicate with a ruski.
half in sign language, half in the brokenest of russians, but i could, and i did

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