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New Twitter API leak reveals that there's a group of "protected users" that are allowed to break the Terms of Service without consequence.

only a select few get the n-word pass, nigger
Thank you, my nigger Elon.
Page 404's for me. Did they already take it down?
it was fake. there is no way in hell they'd codify the use of this shit for any user. comically fake
Words don't break ToS. You can quote someone saying a slur.
They just get de-ranked. And they all cover touchy race subjects.

Honest question why do u guys wanna say n word so much ? Can’t u just not say it and respect our feelings ?
also, none of those accounts would want to use slurs in their branding and messaging in the first place, so the pass would make no sense and be a waste of time to implement
definitely fake
>no web archive of the url
fake and gay
this is the supposed link by the way
404s, no evidence it ever did anything but 404
Thread theme:
>find endpoint leaking data
>doesnt archive it, instead posts screenshots of it to their pedo pisscord friends
seems legit
good. when leftist owned twitter they did the same.

I don't need to. Don't care if real or not, if it is it's good and if it's not it should be real. Total leftist death. Fight with a sword, die from a sword.
lol retardedly retarded retard
facebook was caught doing exactly that years ago
so I can follow elon musk then call him a vatnigger loving bugchaser and I won't get banned?
But XJosh remains suspended for a complete non-offence. What a sick joke.
>they'd cheat their system for THAT side but not THAT OTHER side
oh boy
the poor micro-niche of introvertive redneck hunters who wish to discuss hunting tactics on Twxtter
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how do I know this shit's fake?
the "bad words" list fits on a single screen
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Doesn't predditor protect pedophiles?
Come to think of it, doesn't Discord.
Also, pedophiles are protected by this shithole too. Oh and facebook as well.... not forgetting the media too. They always protect pedos...
what's the problem here? Oh right, you disagree with them... of fucking course... mean words, wrong! pictures of naked children getting abused, A-FUCKING-OH-KAY!!!!
what the fuck is that thing man
Oh sweet summer child.
It's a beautiful woman!.
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>Adrian Dittmann not listed
>cotton, picker
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totally real leak alert
I would suck smelly's fat fucking cock so good he'd turn into a raisin as his baby gravy spurts on my chest while I wipe his tears away with my printed out lua scripts
>vouched by vx
might be legit
Go on twitter right now and post tweets with those words. I literally just did, and nothing happened lmao.
>leak before verification
>no archives
>antifa-ggots make a fake leak
>come to 4chan to post it
twitter threads need to be a ban on sight
>try to fake a leak
>they don't take the bait, release it anyway
100% this. fuck leftist. let them rot in hell by their own shit being thrown back at them
>we could not independently verify the validity of this information
did they really initially believe a post by:
>anti-fascist turtle
that didn't raise any red flags for them?
probably anyone who elon follows is immune
couldn't have free speech for plebs
leftist are not human and therefor not granted human rights. you have to be human, for human rights anon
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wow! this is 100% real!!!
They are a private company, they can do as they please, if you don't like it start your own.
it shadowbans it
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Of course not, these people larp as if they are important or something.
great post
they posted a leaked discord message, from VX-UG
VX-UG didn't confirm if it was real or not yet, but *somehow* random antifa accounts got it before it could be verified

someone trying to get a credible source to post this, but failed

maybe it's real, but there it's also looking incredibly fake and gay
a leak discord also wasn't another red flag?
Twitter suspended the antifa account.
It's called X now
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someone sent them info on discord, it couldn't be verified
they get sent info all of the time, it's not unusual
The social media platform formerly known as Twitter, X, has banned the antifa account.
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excellent, hope he also gets sued.
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a second antifa account has been banned...
how are they using otka to moderate?

confirmed real
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Okta doesn't do any of that shit, it's just SSO and apps. Just like JUssie smallet the gay nigger, they're faking their own hate crimes because they NEED to be the victim. These people belong on a hospital.

Why the fuck would there be a call from Twitter servers to Okta after every fucking post to check if they break TOS. You can break TOS right now with no action until a human reports your post. I configure Okta for a living and these faggots are slurping bullshit like they're indians on coke.
top g tweets nigger every day
Cuz you say it all the time
i don't know who that is, i don't use twitter
Sorry, I'm not subhuman enough to have a Twitter account.
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Yeah I'm thinking based
how do I get on the twitter nword pass list
Anyone can say nigga, or for example cotton. Makes no sense
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Are you telling me there are certain groups of people that get special treatment?! I for one am shocked and appalled.
Fake, smelly_vx hates discord and avoids it for telegram instead.
There's a warning in each and every tweet that talks about this lol
It's not only real, but provably real that those accounts don't get actioned through normal reporting methods. LibsOfTikTok has been doxing people for a long time and been reported by hundreds, possibly thousands, of people, without ever getting so much as a temporary suspension or post visibility limitation, while other people can get doxxed for saying as little as an asterisk-censored version of someone's real name.

If you want to test this, there are specific types of reports that will auto-mail you a case ID and some verbiage like "Thank you for reporting this. We’ve opened a case, and are investigating." The exact same report type does not send an auto-mailer for any of the accounts listed.
get banned for doxxing as little as**
>blatantly making shit up at this point
we wouldn't be reading this stupid tweet if it weren't for normies giving attention & money to every socialite grifter that caught their attention.
you are retarded, thats some fucked up pseudojson right there
Honest question why do u guys wanna sit in the front of the bus so much? Can’t u just sit in the back and respect our feelings ?
I just explained how to test it yourself, retard.

Do you think the account that posted it got banned because they had bad vibes?
>It's not only real, but provably real
Well do that then instead of posting a bunch of schizobabble.

The account got banned because it posted fake shit designed to hurt X and Musk's reputation. Reposts of it have a 'manipulated media' banner below them. You are fucking dumb.
Because you trannies keep spam reporting these innocent upstanding people.
doxing has one x you faggot zoomer
I was a mod on this site when you were still in elementary school, dipshit.

Nothing I posted is "schizobabble," I gave you step-by-step instructions to go perform yourself. You being too braindead to work it out is not my issue.
*sucks teeth* ooh he based
>it's only okay when taylor lorenz does it
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I know this is fake because twitter automatically tells me each time someone posts the image
the report options here say "dox"
That's new. What happened to "community notes"
Yeah I got banned for using it. These are the milquetoast judeophiles.
This, dead giveaway
it goes back to 1964
there is really no logical reason why white people cant be left alone, and the only reason white people are forced to cater to you is because just enough jews had just enough power in the federal government to throw the switch and send bayonets
at the time we were told you were just about to "turn the corner", but in reality for places like philadelphia, you turned the corner into zombieland
You mean a list of accounts people tried to use mass reporting to repeatedly deplatform?

I would rather they just not use automated "moderation" at all but excepting repeat victims is a good start
It's my sovereign decision who to respect or placate.
based if true. but it's lefty fake news as per usual
>tfw e-conservatives realize they're not part of the privilege techno-nobility of tomorrow
>"Russia" is on the list of privileged accounts
Kek. Leftists can't meme and also can't fake.
so retarded, you wouldn't even code it this way if you were doing this, you'd have a flag on the actual users then in the mass of moderation code use that as a weighting to grant leeway
>you wouldn't even code it this way
I'd code it this way. It's a based way to code it.

> you'd have a flag on the actual users
Fuck your object-oriented left-wing nonsense.
i guess i meant more Twitter wouldn't have coded it this way
Object oriented programming is hierarchical, it's right wing
Why would you have a redundant flag on every user that's only ever going to be needed on a handful of them? Also why would you integrate your dirty little secret privilege scheme into the core design? I was only half-joking,POO coders actually are retarded.
Note that all evidence comes from one screenshot from discord
is anyone actually dumb enough to believe this is a real leak?
oh, okay
Private Website, Elon can do whatever he wants.
Don't like it? Make your own Twatter.
lefties did this for years so whats the problem now? Also this shit is still happening on FB, Reddit and other lefty spaces so I fail to see why this would be an Issue if ONE website does it the other way around and its not like the left isnt fully covered by the Government so
>90% of israel is shadowbanned for posting the word "jew" and there has been no kvetching about it
>every local police account is shadowbanned for posting the word "illegal"
>every international news account is shadowbanned for posting the word "mexican"
they can't even come up with a convincing leak.
>shadowbanning israel
>shadowbanning zogpigs
>shadowbanning the lugenpress
Sounds based and right-wing to me.
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are people actually dumb enough to believe that "mexican" is a banned word?
Leftists aren't known for their intellect.
Could be a keyword that triggers some kind of sentiment analysis to determine if to shadowban the account. "Jew" would certainly be one.
>large mulibillion company
>in america
So you are saying all americans are leftists and all Chinese/Russian people are right wing?
More likely than you think. These cases drag on for years and generally end up with a settlement that costs the offender a tiny fraction of the profits made off of the offense.
>all americans are low IQ
low iq post
All Americans are low-IQ.
This is fake because otherwise it would be front page news.
Honest question why do u guys wanna say b word so much ? Can’t u just not say it and respect our feelings as women ?
>troons create fake thing
>it contains exactly what they're guilty of
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>illegal, abbie, illegal, Mexican, jew
Twittards would fall for this obvious bs.
See >>101564402. Not that leftroons would get as far as to entertain your objection, let alone come up with a plausible counter.
sure buddy
They are.
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Don't forget cotton and picker.

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