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aktivate ze cyber polygon
>legitimate source of news

Next you'll say you're a woman. Sorry brother. You will never be a woman.
i'm not a twitter or elon guy but this seems fake as hell
wow I can't believe a private company letting people say the N word, President Select Kamala should really do something to stop this free speech it's a threat to our democracy
make your own X libtard, karma, leftists did the same thing hehe why cry now?
why would any of those accounts say any of those words anyway? they're all moderate figures who don't use slurs
looks fake and made up
>make your own X libtard
They did... and then came back to Muskler's one because they weren't getting enough attention.
Big if true but sadly untrue

I don't need to. Don't care if real or not, if it is it's good and if it's not it should be real. Total leftist death. Fight with a sword, die from a sword.
the left wingers on mastodon instances are bizarre, really strange people, they're all quite old as well, like middle age
/pol/ post, you morons get too excited whenever you see a json
What are the chances of this being real, what the fuck is an Okta, let's forget politisperging for a moment, /g/ tech bros, explain.

have to admire left wingers accusing right wingers of doing the sort of shit they have done for years though
I would seriously doubt it's real, if not for Pajeets.
Chiefly, the user list apparently being hardcoded by username and not id or account flag.
very sus

Somebody poisoning the watering hole
Why is it 0%? You have to have a valid reason you can't just throw out numbers out of nowhere.
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True, also actually, some guy on X pointed out that Tristan's account name is misspelled, I'm heavily leaning to fake and dangerously homosexual.
Use your critical thinking cap for 2 seconds. The post in the OP is a discord screen shot of a text file opened in a web browser and copy pasted in to the discord message that says "prepare... someone [else] found ..."
ok its 100% real then
>antifa says twitter is racist!
go back
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fake and gay
I hope this isn't true. Would be fucked up
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Fake and retarded, no surprise retarded mongrel troons are publishing numerous threads about it on /g/.

Easily verifiable, go on X yourself and individually tweet all of those words, nothing happened to my account.
Really, Twitter is using Okta? Make it believable at least...
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Better-quality image here.
post a lower definition screenshot next time, useless retard
>what is even a hyperlink?
would be pretty based if it was real though tbf

ofc those accounts wouldnt just be spamming nigger or whatever
Illiterate subhuman mongrel, scroll down and there's another post >>101557660
Helpless cattle
Fake and gay.
>elon musk is a cyberdictator who does whatever he wants
this isnt news but it is funny
Likely the same as Trump colluding with Russia as the 51 intelligence officers from FBI/CIA ordered by Biden's campaign manager at the time, Anthony Blinken who later became Secratary of State.


Left wing lies and conspiracy
The fact it's using Okta makes me believe it's some internal tool made to review autobans for these "important" accounts. So when EndWokeness calls someone a jew or whatever it doesn't go into autoban instead it gets feed into some manual review process.

Literal nothingburger as pretty much any large site has manual process put in place for "important"/large accounts
It's already known for a fact that LibsOfTiktok blatantly doxes people, which is against the rules on X. If they avoid moderation for that, it's not a stretch at all to think that other right-wing accounts get similar moderation-immunity privileges.
would be quite funny though

left wingers whole lives revolve around some shit site probably created by the IC to disseminate narratives and propaganda, then it gets bought out by some "far right" billionaire and gets overloaded with the wrong kind of racism and ideology for them
Can somebody on the technology board explain how the fuck or why you would integrate otka into a moderation bot? Last I checked Okta was about access. Does anyone have any other examples where Otka is used to do things beyond the initial credential jump?
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Would the left want one of these users to have their post immediately deleted for a slur, never to see the light of day?
Or would they want it to slip by and go out to everyone, taking the user down by social justice workers?

Think about it, I think about these things a lot.
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>none belonging to the greatest cabal
there is a(nother) list

Uh, sorry, I thought you said otaku.
vxug, bunch of lolcows
You're just showing that you don't have any principles, you're just as bad as the other side, and only care about your team and nothing else.

There are people on the left who disagree with the crazies on the left. You don't have to be a villain to defeat villainy.
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the fact that tourists need to even question is a damning indictment,of this board this is literally screenshot of text? of a link that doesn work? he could just post the timestamped SHA256 certificate. i hate tourism so much
fake and gay, not even a realistic larp
why the fuck would they use okta to for hundreds of thousands of users. I don't care either way. Fuck all trannies and crazy leftists
lol, the mythical moderate lefty, sorry but that ship has sailed 15y ago
lol fuck off man, pure naivety
yup, just in time too!
how convenient!
>timestamped SHA256 certificate
yea man, the tourists suck.

It would make sense to use it as part of the API access, especially now that it is paid. Outsourcing 2FA kinda makes sense. Screenshot doesn't make sense and I am bailing on this political thread.
>still no link
baboon nig
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So is it real?
If you believe this fake shit, you can't be helped.
It's called "libel".
If it would be real, it wouldn't be libel and they couldn't just ban it.
What is this inspect element-tier bullshit? It's on par with what that one faggot a few threads ago presented; forgot what it was about.
Why do you think there are tons of undecided voters that the political parties are desperate to appeal to? You think the center-left doesn't exist? Maybe try talking to people in the real world instead of living online.
>posts random URL
>claims that large profiles have more lenient moderation (like youtube, what a shocker)
>deletes account
I'm calling it. This is a massive nothingburger.
No it doesn't make sense.
If people on your side abuse your position, then there is no such thing as "moderates" anymore.
You either take a stance against them - and stop being a moderate - or you become a cuck who lets himself be abused.

If you are a lefty and you disagree with the liberal lunatics, you have to go straight into Stalin purge-the-trotskies mode.
If you are right and you disagree with neocons, you have to start asking questions about the holocaust..

A cleaning purge to remove the traitors. If boths sides would do that, we would have far less problems on the world.
The "moderate" cucks are giving the lunatics power.
Moderates ARE the ones standing up to the lunatics. Becoming a lunatic yourself isn't how you stop lunacy. Being a reasonable person and sticking to your principles and calling out the lunatics on their lack of principles is how you stop them.
I wish this was real.
/pol/ has infiltrated vx-ug
My sides
aw man, i really wanted to discuss international politics on my tech board today. because usa cant keep their politics in one place. because they suck.
Is Jew actually a slur? What are you supposed to call them then?
>"nigger" is redacted

The dreaded "n" word is the worst word to have ever been uttered in all the universe and for all time...and don't you forget that!
>What are you supposed to call them
what are you supposed to call *him
>oh no, twitter is doing what everyone else has been doing for 20 years

in the words of the whitelist: kys fag
That doesn't look like json to me.
and watchu gonna do about it lil timmy?
average free speech enthusiast republicuck
all of those accounts are Zionist in nature, half of them are outright Jewish.
None of them are right-wing in any meaningful sense of the word.
looks like a retarded hoax tbdesu
Yes, right wing in a meaningful sense means low iq and angry.
It's a private company. Get over it. Start your own.
we were pretending to care about it just like you were pretending to care about it
hope you're enjoying your turn under the boot :^)
>free speech enthusiast republicuck

You still don't get it, do you? The country as you knew it is over. It was the left who first broke the 'social contract' and pushed massive population 'replacement'. Yes, America is over, so fuck your fake muh principles.
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uh what
You're going to lose, and the "free palestine" schizos are going to lose too. 2025 is going to be the grand return of the reasonable moderates, and your kind who only ever complains about shit and never offers solutions will become irrelevant.
fake antifa news
Wow! Can you also predict some hot stock picks? Because, apparently, you're able to predict the future with complete accuracy.
some dude wrote it in the fake file he was making, then decided to censor in before posting
fake n gay
You're supposed to say "Jewish people/person."
Yes it's the exact same thing.
No it doesn't make any more sense than how "people of color" is totally ok but "colored people" gets you fired.
I don't make the rules.
>cotton, picker

yes, two separate slurs very real post
You know realize some lefty tranny sat down meticulously typing out 10000 slur words for every race, many of which even the KKK probably aren't familiar with.
they sound like a foreigner. foreigners don't understand the precariousness of freedom, and probably shouldn't be allowed to touch the main internet.
>wordlist-ignore-for-protected-users = [jew, ...]
>if-followed-by-moderation-ignore = [elonmusk, libsoftiktok, ...]

this is so unbelievably retarded and fake
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>censoring nigger
>twitter posted a "manipulated media" warning notification below the posts
>isn't regex

i thought this was a tech board
this is immediately obviously fake to anyone who knows a single thing about programming language
this board is full of nigger cattle
>i thought this was a tech board
Sir this is a politics thread.
they know, they're pretending to believe it's real because it's their side and that's how all american politics works now
when humans are in a pre-war state the lies the sides tell about each other no longer make sense and don't need to be plausible because the point of the lying is no longer deception, but simply the joy of spitting lies at a hated enemy
I'm CompTIA certified tech professional with IT office job in central London for over 10 years now, wtf is "regex" I had to Google it.
>why bother if you won't win
>just align your convictions with power
You've proved his point.
Those are just vaxxed zoomer, they're speed aging pass even gen x now, balding and require multiple viagra to goon in their mid 20s.
end your life for us, kike
proof or fuck off to reddit
i work at x (unironically). you can say nigger as much as you want, as long as it's not directly insulting or threatening someone
delete this
okay <3
yeah this is the saddest point. they know it's fake, the people retweeting it know it's fake, the people asking "omg guys is this real??" know it's fake. none of it matters. the entire last week should show you that just saying random shit is more important than anything about it being correct.
>post array of usernames in a code block

>still seething beyond lunacy
yikes and cringepilled
meant for
>what the fuck is an Okta
do you guys come to the "/g/ - Technology" board for the tech, right?
Sauce is an Antifa scum.
idk if you're being sarcastic but I'm inclined to believe that it is true, I've seen a few of those account (andrew tate most notably) say nigger and jew and other "bad" words and get away with it while literal whos get suspended
Andrew Tate is black, he obviously has the N-word pass.
looks fake as fuck, that word list is too small and the variable names... lmao
idk looks pretty legirt
ignore-wordlist-regex is clearly the name of a flag applied to accounts in that list
So the link (https://protected-users.twitter.okta.com/1721835914) gives 404 and certificate expired, what gives?
lmao that looks fake as fuck
badly formated, hand written, "just some random config file from the api" (?), has a few dozen obviously hand picked accounts for shock

if you believe this, you are retardes
quote me, this is fake
cyber polygon has a simulation event occurring on the 10th-11th of september (9-11). at the same time the united nations is hosting its annual assembly which will put to vote, among many other things, the cybercrime treaty.
This is so obviously fake. I have said jew way too many times on twitter. It's not a banned word. Only retarded antifa would think it's bad.
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>You know realize
I hate this fucking DEI board
>noooo you can't just exempt people who are constantly getting falsely mass reported by leftists for non-violations from moderation
>only nigger get censored
what do they mean?
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Theres enough logic to it that it is fake and/or too easy to fake and I believe it.

Ironically I believe it largely because I'd expect it to involve way more accounts and esp his personal brown brownosing eunuch monkey.

However, even if it is fake, the butthurt reaction with banning accounts spreading it is ironically in itself hypocritical since it both showcases how fake news spread as well as that suddenly now he believes in "big govvernment" oversight to stop them.
BASED! /g/ is a liberal board.
Torrent magnet or gtfo
who is that dogedesigner faggot? i see his posts all the time even though i dont follow him. why does elon have such a boner for that fag?
Board is full of reddit trannies. Including the jannies who are of the tranny cult
>leftists mass report every popular right wing Xitter user which causes the account to get autobanned
>why is X protecting these accounts from report abusing?
>trying to deflect with a personal attack instead of addressing the news
sasuga heritage foundation
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>esp his personal brown brownosing eunuch monkey.
could you narrow that down please
darkass dotheads
>Source is knows for lying like the commies they are
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not a codemonkey but wouldnt all the names have to be in quotes? is this valid json?
>Personal attacks when source is failure
>twitter screencap
>fake shit
Okta is a SSO platform. It has nothing to do with content moderation. Stop posting retarded culture war faggotry here, /pol/troon.
Ask cuckservatives how well "sticking to principles' and "not doing what the enemy is succeeding by doing" worked out for them, you little bitch. Betting you're also really mad about tenacious d being "canceled" for kyle's statement about the trump assassination yet give negative fucks about anyone on the other side of the aisle having lost their jobs, homes, livelihoods, and had mobs assault them for having opinions either.
>yet another officially sanctioned /pol/ thread on non-/pol/ board
>expecting anyone creating the thread and believing it to have any understanding relevant to the board it's on
>named person doesn't get suspended
>literal whos get suspended
you don't say.
The named person is what keeps Xhitter attractive and visited by the masses.
Banning such an account is like xhitter shooting themselves in the foot.

In other words, the big boys have a bit more leniency.
This is not something new and hype.
idgaf about those migatarded accounts but this sounds like a bunkertranny falseflag
it lists all jidf accounts its only natural for them to be on the whitelist Bibi invites Musk to dinner for a reason.
Okta is a cybersecurity firm that specializes in user authentication.
This is 100% fake.
oh my god is that some heccin json text that literally anyone could write aaaah im freakin out
my uncle works at twitter and he's freaking out bros it's literally OVER
One thing I don't get about these leaks, how do you know they are real? Couldn't they just do an edited screenshot?
>instead of addressing the news
Not him, but anything posted by someone with an antifa name might as well be considered for putting him in jail.
You're literally saying that we should believe literal declared terrorists, I for one don't think they should be in jail, I think they should be decapitated and their heads displayed at every local public square for everyone to know who their terrorizers were.
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>nigger abbie
Stop being racist
found you tranny
Have you ever seen them together?
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>antifa turtle
dont believe it and even if it is real,i dont care
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yes and this is blatantly fake
>DEI board
first time on the internet?
Why is jew on the wordlist
why do I hate this bitch so much? not even an amerimutt, I shouldn't care, she just looks so vile, even worse than the EU bitch
>There are people on the left who disagree with the crazies on the left.
And yet they never make post or videos or anything to condemn their fellow brethren.
No shit. Republicans don't punch right either. No one is responsible for people with more extreme ideas than they have.
It's almost certainly fake, and even if it isn't, it's almost certainly taken out of context. The most likely reason for the list to exist is because twitter admins are tired of trannies such as himself mass flagging anyone right of far left.
The fact that you had to get as far as "this doesn't look like regex" to decide this was fake just goes to show how fucking retarded you are. You don't have to know a single thing about regex to know this is fake.
You have been successfully propagandised. Very few people "on the left" actually agree with the verbal diarrhea that "the right" likes to pretend to be us.
japs did it and they seem to be fine without either of you
that's pretty recent, pro-zionist accounts have been doxxing non stop this while year, there's also visegrad 24 getting a ban reversed by elon himself after posting a palestinian child being tortured
- ignore-wordlist-regex = [...]
+ ignore-wordlist-regex = [.*]

Fixed xitter
even worse, an incel who learns buzzwords, just ignore it.
mad u bought into the koolaid? dont worry you wont have to worry about it long.
>And yet they never make post or videos or anything to condemn their fellow brethren.
Where are your videos of condemnation. Kinda hypocritically of you.
I think everyone, regardless of political affiliation, should be free to post slurs on twitter.
poo in loo
>right wing accounts need special protection due to being constantly falsely reported by insane cultists
Nobody should be surprised.
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oh my god guys check this breaking twitter leak
it's fucking over for elon
Well garsh, you mean Elon kept the whitelist but changed the members? Hayuck.

Try harder, faggot.
>>right wing accounts need special protection due to being constantly falsely reported by insane cultists
>Nobody should be surprised.
wait, so... are you saying right-wingers are snowflakes and victims that have to be protected?
poor of them :(
Discord troons are always posting nothingburgers here
it's X, bigot!
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kill yourself boykisser
why do you know what word.
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None of these are actual fascists, would have been much more significant if someone like Keith Woods or Spic Fuentes was on the whitelist. Only one I didn't expect is Tate because he's anti-zionist Right but he's not a full-blown chud, and he is extremely rich so he could have paid. All the others are ziocon regime shills
libsoftiktok is one, and I THINK endwokeness is also one but I'd have to dig through some shit to confirm
Surely someone can link to a post by a "protected account" using a "whitelisted slur", right?

>inb4 cotton or Mexican
Endwokeness is one
Can't you just go through that list of users and check if they all have posts that would get others banned to confirm it?
Why the fuck would a sign in app have anything to do with content moderation?
>he's extremely rich because he plays a rich character online

why are zoomers this dumb
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I'm just going to keep believing this is real
See you in the next thread
buy an ad
>Elon favors fascist content on twitter
Is this supposed to be news?
If /g/ is this gullible then I wonder what wacky stuff normalfags believe
We need to bring back 'mooncricket'
to be honest i dont care at this point, x is more free speech than old twitter ever was
>"the left is evil"
>does everything he accuses the left does
>"well the oeft does it too" if you point it out
it's just people wanting an excuse to do evil stuff

actually interact with lefties instead of just going off of twitter screencaps on
Ah yes, believe the auto destructive subversionist people, I'm sure leftists never lie.
How do I join the list.
sounds like a great fanfic, OP
I'm sure nobody who spends all his time obsessed with Muskrat would just make up lies
>not actually regex
lol, lmao

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