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I still use an
i7 4790k, GTX 1070, 64GB of RAM. This setup will probably stay the same until 2030. I spent all my savings to buy this setup. It cost me 1500 USD back then. Nothing has changed except for an NVMe upgrade.
Stop being poor
Is that unironically your computer in the pic OP?
Ah nvm I saw the 2ch logo on it
whats Poccnr and why is it written wrong
>i7 4790k, GTX 1070, 64GB of RAM. This setup will probably stay the same until 2030. I spent all my savings to buy this setup. It cost me 1500 USD back then
i use thinkpad i got for free
imagine overspending on desktop garbage lmao
If this was such a hueg investment for you that you have to use it til 3020, why go for 64GB?
Nice larp
Could you use it with a PCIe card?
same vibe
that's really cool
Some haswell refresh boards could support NVMe booting
Haswell-era motherboards have 4 useless PCI slot and that one spare PCIE slot is always filled with a WiFi card since onboard WiFi wasn't the norm yet.
the original internet hate machine
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yes or via a usb port you'd need to flash the bios though allow it to boot from NVME.

usb wifi adapters cost nothing and for all we know OP might just use an internet cable.
Many older boards have more PCIe slots than modern ones.
Some would actually use PCI for WiFi because no reason not to use it. WIFI was and still is dogshit slow to not saturate a 133MB/S bus
loved me Z68A-D3

i got some asus micro-ATX recently and the sound quality on it is annoyingly worse than my 15 year old Z68-D3, i mean it's cheap so that makes sense but still
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I own this motherboard and it has one m.2 slot but with pcie 2.0 x2 speeds sacrificing 2 sata lanes which turns into 800-900 MB/s max
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Why do you blatantly lie on the internet? DDR3 comes in 8gb dimms max for a total of 32gb across 4 dimms, the 4790k has a maximum supported memory size of 32gb as specified on intel ark
64 gb ram use to be like 50$. oh but you richfags know prices right, because you are so rich you buy high and sell low.
64GB of ram was never $50
>DDR3 comes in 8gb dimms max
single DDR3 16GB DIMMs are everywhere
aliexpress and ebay are full of them
those are rdimms you dim r
>I still use an i7 4790k
oh yeah and when did you buy it? I bet within the last 5 years
>triggered by a random word
4790k memory controller only supports 32GB of RAM you lying poorfag.
>64 GB's of Ram
You fucking lying little shit the 4790k only ever supported 32GB
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whats a pusk rakyet na ameriku
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you killed him. OP is a fag after all.
I finally have enough money to build a new computer, but I want to build a retro pc more than I want a modern one. I hate everything about modern software and I hate Windows 11 because they are building everything in a way that's more and more locked down. My excuse for a new computer would normally be the games, but good games aren't made anymore, and I don't want to build a computer for a game that might never come out or that will be garbage because the original devs are long gone. I want a x79 build.
You should throw that shit in the trash and kill yourself.
Z97 had m.2 nvme with pcie 3.0 speeds anon
Nice try trying to pull the “lul I got you, liar” card and in the process outing yourself as a retard.
wrong, there were many motherboards with another pcie x4 slot
who is using wifi on a desktop!??

retards don't understand that you can buy a $5 passive adapter and put a nvme drive in a pcie slot, you don't need a special m2 slot for it
mine is i7 4790k, GTX 960, and 8BG of RAM, and >>101559368 the same motherboard. Weird.
Does it work in and around the environs of Stalingrad (Volograd)?
Most of them have 3 but those dumbasses put the first one above the GPU slot which means you only really have 2 spare slots
It freezes a lot.
> i7 4790k
> 64GB of RAM

> Max RAM supported with the 4790K CPU is 32GB of DDR3/DDR3L

Пpocчитaлcя, нo гдe?
Next CPU upgrade: overclocked E5
>The sunk cost fallacy is a cognitive bias that makes you feel as if you should continue pouring time and effort into a situation since you’ve already “sunk” so much money into it already. This perceived sunk cost makes it difficult to walk away from the situation since you don’t want to see your resources wasted.
There is no point in upgrading when games on medium and ultra look the same anyway

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