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cheap cans edition

How to request advice:

>Do I need a—
No. You don't "need" headphones or any of the electronics that support them.

Recommended closed back headphones:
• Beyer DT 770 Pro 80 Ohm (bright V) - $140
Honorable mentions:
• Takstar Pro 82 (darker V, chinkshit) - $60
• Senn HD 569 (dark V) - $100
• AKG K361/K371 (neutral V, build quality not great) - $105/$170
• Beyer DT 700 Pro X (bright V) - $250
• E-MU Teak (bright V) - $450
• DCA Stealth (neutral V) - $4000

Recommended open back headphones:
• Philips Fidelio X2 (bright V) - $160
• Senn HD 560S (neutral treble, flat bass) - $150
• DT 900 PRO X (bright, flat bass) - $250
Honorable mentions:
• Superlux HD668B/681 (bright V, chinkshit) - $35
• Hifiman HE400se/Sundara (neutral treble, flat bass) - $110+
• Senn HD 600/650/6XX (neutral but partly veiled treble, flat bass) - $240+
• DCA Expanse (neutral V) - $4000

Recommended gaming headsets:
• A good headphone paired with a mic
• Beyer MMX 300 (bright V, same as DT 770) - $230
Honorable mentions:
• HyperX Cloud II (bright V) - $80
• CM MH751/752 (neutral V) - $75

Recommended DAC/amp:
• Meizu HiFi / HiFi Pro Adapter - $15/$35 (you probably don't need more than this)
Honorable mentions:
• Topping DX1 - $100
• Topping DX3 Pro+ - $200
• SMSL C200 - $200
• FiiO K7 - $200
• RME ADI-2 (many DSP features) - $1200

Measurements and recommended information(tentative):

Z reviews are worthless

>Anyone aggressively promoting Apple, Sony, Bose, Stax, Beats garbage is a paid pajeet shill and should be ignored
tube amp
>Title in the name field
fuck I didn't notice
Kinda off topic but i assume all the audiophiles that know shit are here, sry:
I begin a vocation soon and I had the idea to record stuff what the teacher says.
Are there any type of voice recorders nowadays (I think ie even saw pens with it?) that would be useful for that or not worth it?
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They're literally called recorders.
>Senn HD 600/650/6XX
>flat bass
thing is warm with 10dB+ sub-bass rolloff LMAOOOO

jfc all these reccs... worst OP so far
Been using this classic 50$ blue logitech headset for almost a decade now and you can imagine how worn and shitty it is now. Ive been looking for something in the same price range and been thinking about maybe a Hyperx Cloud Alpha or Hyperx Cloud 3. Any other recommendations?
Why the fuck would you recommend DCA overpriced garbage? You literally have a headphone that's leagues above it as your OP pic for a fraction of the price. LCD-2/C/F/Closed, HD800S, Arya SE/OG, HE1000SE, hell even ZMF's overpriced stuff is a better shout than the Expanse and Stealth. Idiotic Harman bias ruined the OP template.
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>dac has quarter inch outputs
>amp has RCA inputs
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>look at planar magnetic headphones a little too intensely
>they commit suicide
Yeah but are they useful for the situation I described? or would it be noisy/not able to peak up the prof/teachers voice properly if he is not directly speaking into, just on my desk?
1/4" output? Normally you'd only see that for a headphone out. Does it really not have regular RCA for line level output?
DCA Aeon RT are a good value though. Audeze for reasonable people.

Leafy, you bought a bad batch with no warranty. Shit happens. Stop crying about it and get a job.
it's a scarlett 2i2
>bad batch
they're all a "bad batch". their diaphragms wrinkle if you hurt their feelings.
>namefield fail
sasuga beyer retard
Some DACs use it for balanced outputs.
Return. You can't even use an adapter in this case.
i just bought these https://a.co/d/h5U76d1
What do you mean you can't use an adapter, the grounds on the RCAs are shared in basically everything.
Nah they came out with a revised driver and it doesn't crinkle if you look at it sideways any more. You bought v1.0 and paid the early adopter tax.
Actually misunderstood the issue, but you can still get away with adapters on the rear outputs since they're TRS, you just hook up the ground to RCA -, the positive phase signal to RCA +, and ignore the negative phase signal.
no they didnt
Scarlet suppoet this but you'll lose 6dB of dynamic range.
But not all DACs support this, sometimes there's no ground.
what if I buy two TRS quarter inch to 2 way RCA cables? would that be better?
Is it safe to buy a topping dx3 pro+ (or others) from aliexpress?
No, the pinouts are all different and you'll end up shorting something out.
The proper way to go about it is to buy a balanced to single-ended converter, but most amps aren't designed to be fed with more than 2Vrms anyway.
what about something like this with regular old RCA cables?
always check the seller rep before buying smth but shenzhenaudio is safer
These >>101559658 will work, the 2i2 manual says it supports both TS and TRS plugs on the rear line outs.
yes they did
did they switch to dynamic drivers?
No, they used the same kind of planar drivers that have been floating around for 15 years now. Many of them on their 2nd or 3rd owner or having seen road use.
i hope they dont look at them wrong
I found a SMSL C200 on sale on amazon for cheaper than the aliexpress dx3 pro+ (equivalent to $130 and $160 respectively), which do you recommend? The most difficult to drive headphones I plan on using are the dt 770's 250 ohm, though some headroom for future open back upgrades might be nice.
I got memed into buying the DT 770 Pro 80 Ohm and it sounds like shit
Drop O2+SDAC for $60 a good deal?
is it possible that oratory eq settings are making my X2HR muddy? went back to no eq and noticed details in songs which can barely be heard when eq is on
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oratory eq brings down the treble peak and this is the area that usually gets affected with pad wear which is 100% what's happening
headphones shrink your brain
>oratory eq brings down the treble peak and this is the area that usually gets affected with pad wear which is 100% what's happening
headphones are only 3-4 months old so it's not that. remember some people said dekoni pads improve X2HR sound by a lot so that's what they probably meant. too bad they cost 1/2 of what the headphones cost
aficionado here, how do I even read this so I can impress my (real) girlfriend
The orange is supposed to be inside the green and the red shows how far away the orange is from the green.
>HyperX Cloud II
What's a good EQ for those?
>buying expensive wired peripherals
Do anons really?
and blue? should I just ignore it?
what are the best planar magnetic headphones under $1000?
why do chinks love IEMs but hate headphones?
Some flavor of audeze or dca, probably.
waifu vocals, vtube, asmr, and degenerate stuff require privacy/isolation and strong 3k, which is better with IEMs and you can bring it with you everywhere
Make a trip to your nearest Dan Clark(tm) authorized dealer and find out. They probably have at least Audeze and Chifiman too.
Why haven't you bought the HD 6xx yet? It's literally (and I mean as in the exact same thing, the same model, the same build, built from the same factory, same in every way) an HD 650 for 199 dollars.
Why is the open Superlux HD681 recommended, but the same thing in closed (HD662) is not - all while worse quality, more expensive chinkshit like the Takstar 82 and AKG 371 is recommended?

That does not make sense.
>y u dont HD 6xx?!
because frankly just bacause something is labled "Sennheiser" that does not automatically make it good quality.
but all the audiophile youtubers say the hd650 is S tier
Meh the OP rec list is way better than it used to be when sash tranny was making the threads
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>eq headphones to Harman curve
>instantly make them better
Why do people want soulless neutral sound profiles. Harman is all you need. There's a reason why HE-1's use it.
I just bought the HARX700 and I don't hate it
I've been collecting some CDs although I'm not sure what to play them on.
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After long analysis, looks like Arctis Nova Pro is the way to go for wireless home and work usage. There's no other 2.4 ghz cans that don't have glaring build, quality or sound issues. I will no longer be limited by physical presence of copper that limits my free movement.
I used arctis 7's back in 2018. One day after about a year the cup was dangling down 3 or 4 inches lower than the other one. I opened it up and the plastic inside was completely disintegrated from rubbing on the metal that held it in. Truly impressive how horribly built some of these are, never dropped them once
hopefully for your sake they dont still make things this insanely bad
Had standard cloud x II for 5 years, very comfy and amazing sound for under 100 bucks shit cans. Trashed them because surface coating got sticky and disgusting over time and pads fell apart. Good value for money.
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Thoughts on cheap earbuds?

I have pic related - they currently cost £8 ($10.30 USD). I paid roughly that, 10 years ago when I got mine. Sound quality is perfectly fine.

Crazy to think that people spend $130 - $250 on AirPods which probably don't sound any better. And AirPods have batteries that will eventually wear out and need replacing.
more than enough for that to happen
blue is stock
you could do harman how to listen if you feel like it
harman is neutral-sounding because music is mixed on speakers
>>>/g/iemg has a lot of thoughts on them. I went through a couple of pairs of those Panasonics back when, and it's not expensive to do better these days.
>AirPods which probably don't sound any better
By all accounts they do, which I believe because the ~$100 Ankers I've been using for the last 5 years or so also sound better.
>batteries that will eventually wear out
My experience is plastic wears out before batteries.
>harman is neutral-sounding because music is mixed on speakers
How would you eq speakers? What's the harman equivalent for speakers?
Just what I had theorized, oldfags prefer treble cannon faggotry and their milennial parasite off-spring then take up after their bullshit and then recommend Wankerdynamics and Shitheisser to the ignorant masses.
Harman tuning is the ultimate audiophile redpill.
I like my sound as flat as possible so I may hear what things are actually supposed to sound like
Are you autistic? I hate autists.
why would I get cans that distort the sound of what I'm listening to?
do you put salt in a drink to taste it?
With a neutral sound profile, it's the equivalent of drinking pure distilled water. At that point, you're not even getting minerals or any other forms of taste. It means you're a boring faggot who thinks neutrality somehow = good, when in reality it just means you're getting the equivalent of a sine wave response which is stupidly fucking autistic.
Faggots like you is why people fall for the neutrality meme in the first place. Autists need to be killed.
Apparently it has been a major issue with some older models, including Arctis Pro. Supposedly it has been fixed on the newer models, including Arctis Nova Pros. If this wasn't an issue with older models, I would get Arctis Pro 100 dollars cheaper than Nova.
>Apple, Sony, Bose, Stax, Beats

ngl mentioning Stax in one breath with this consumer trash makes me mad as hell
this is really fucking annoying
Stax is an Edifier subbrand.
wow, that's kinda sad
neutral sound is a clear and good representation of how something sounds, you ears don't boost specific frequencies and you don't complain about that
Are the Sennheiser HD 800 worth it? I've already got an amp setup.
>Distilled water is clear and a good representation of how water should be because it has no minerals to give it taste

Soda, alcohol, tea, coffee, spring water may as well not exist too because it's not pure enough, right? This is your logic neutralfag.
It has no bass, like at all.
>water is a clear and a good representation of how water should taste because it is water
yes this is my logic
when you go to the opera you listen to how the instruments sound not how they would sound if you boosted or muted some frequencies
>thinking there are any neutral or flat headphones
>misrepresenting and misquoting your oponent's argument because you have none
>thinking there's any argument when flat for headphones isn't even defined
then shut up moron
>inb4 ad hominem
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A concert hall with orchestra instruments is the opposite of neutral. Even in perfect conditions, there is frequencies bouncing everywhere creating subtle harmonics that are dissonant. There is also sounds which you cannot get in a recording. When you use a neutral profile, you're just listening to the raw recording gear as it is, it does not approach the actual frequency response of a live performance.
This is why arguably the best headphones in the world (Sennys HE1's) are tuned for Harman and not for neutralfagging.
Neutral as defined by neutralfags is just a flat frequency response in a specific db range. Which is fucking retarded because it doesn't represent irl acoustics.
I can name like 5 different definitions of flat off the top of my head all of which are objectively wrong. Even the least wrong one, flat when compensated to harman, will still be wrong because it doesn't account for unit variation, pad condition and the entire treble.
Let's not get too autistic and pedantic about it. Padding condition and unit variation is minuscule at most. Neutral is just a flat freq response, that's all, nothing more nothing les. You can only approach pure neutrality in a finite degree. Same thing with harman tuning.
>Padding condition and unit variation is minuscule at most.
10db from sennheiser pads blocks your path.
hd650 is less bright than harman dumbass
>Neutral is just a flat freq response
Flat on raw HATS graphs is objectively wrong. Flat on flat coupler graphs is objectively wrong. Falt in free air mic is objectively wrong.
Maybe don't buy german garbage?
Untrue, HD650s have a freq. response which is very high on upper treble compared to Herman. That leads to treble cannon ear piercing bullshit of the typical gercuck headphones.
Also HD650s have no bass
we have a specialist here
dont look at the measurements big guy
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>too lazy to look up a freq. response chart
? are you stupid ?
That's a question for the one who said HD650's were tuned for Harman. A headphone which has no bass to speak of and screeches at upper treble.
i never said that
circle upper treble on the pic
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Uh oh, he's so retarded he needs to know where the upper treble is. Here, I even circled bass.
first line below the image
youre a monkey
I'd like a comfy closed back studio headphone for recording music. Ive been using HD6XX but it doesnt isolate enough. Need to wear it for hours on end so have to be max comfy. Sub $200 preferable, any recs?
What should I go for in lieu of the 800s then? I'm not a basketball American. I have HD598s right now.
Focal Bathys
On average, most freq response charts have the upper treble as above treshold. So fuck off.
AKG 371
that shut xim up good
/hpg/ agreed to stop doing this months ago, why did you suddenly readd this again?
>you're just listening to the raw recording gear as it is, it does not approach the actual frequency response of a live performance.
still closer than headphones with a a nonflat sound
>you VILL see ze jeneral
if i filtered it it's because i wanted to not see it you filter evading faggot kys
Objectively false
My previous headphones were the SHP9500/9600, and now I want new cans. I'm interested in the HIFIMAN he400se, but the sundara closed backs are also in my radar. Should I just go for the 400s? are the closed back sundaras that bad?
both are heavy chinkshit that will break after 2 yeara with dogshit pads with no oem replacement, reflections, resonances and distortion in treble
>Closed back, first products are all wireless and ANC nonsense
You're trolling me right?
>fell for the open back meme
Kek. Just get speakers moron.
You can just EQ on some bass and it's not going to be any worse than other open back dynamic. 800S is about maximal sound stage and layering, which is more niche than general interest. Most people are looking at DCA, Audeze, and Chifiman in that price range, but they have their own comfort issues. If you're looking to spend over $500 you should make a trip to a physical store.
Guys I turned on the lights in my audio room forgetting that I had planar magnetic headphones in the room and they all wrinkled. What do I do?
Holy shit I am annoyed af.
Qobuz hasn't fixed their 192kHz FLAC for years. They claim they're HI-Res when all their 192kHz files are distorted garbage. The support is dogshit too.

After my yearly subsciption ends I'm going back to Tidal although I can't stand their owners and the MQA circlejerk.
Just get apple music, it supports 192kHz and it's dirt cheap
>Apple music
I like their owners and the circlejerk even less.
how outdated are you? Tidal ditched MQA from their platform and replaced everything with FLACs
Have you tried not being an autistic retard?
Tidal was FLAC from the very beginning. MQA is a lossy compression that tries to extract more bandwith from 24Bit/48kHz FLACs.
Essentially it was a way for Tidal to save bandwith.
I left Tidal for Qobuz 3 years ago.
So trolling me, got it.
Yeah I am looking for optimal comfort along with sound since I'm getting up there in years. I just like to walk into physical retail with an understanding so I can tell the store associates to fuck off and stop trying to sell my the most expensive item they can find. I'll keep those brands in mind and just do some research. I've been with Sennheiser for a long time so they're just the brand I think of first for headphones.
Anyone heard the HD490 Pro yet?
Supposedly they're very neutral with a good bass extension and good imaging.
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is there any reason to upgrade from akg 701?
i've had it for 10 years
Depends, it has no bass and weird treble but if you like it why bother
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>headphone burn-in is real
is he right?
yeah you gotta listen to different artists and genres
This is currently in my ear which I bought for 29 bucks and which is good enough to prevent me from reaching for my SR-009 which sits at arms lengh but I'm to lazy to grab it.
besides the fact that it's fake (you don't no sr-009s) it's fake (you would grab them if you had 'em)
You're right, I did downplay a bit, additionally I also own an SR-007, an L700 and an L300.
But that's besides the point
On top of that I'm a stupid phoneposter with retarded autocorrect errors
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>an L700
Yes, they sound fine.
But you should really buy them for the build quality and comfort since you can have similar sound for far less.
>since you can have similar sound for far less.
reminds me of the Sony Ericsson my first gf had
Yes I'm old
Sennheiser HD 599
bloated mid bass
lacks extension below 30 Hz
Blackpill me about the LCD2
Why do people like them so much when they're basically unusable without EQ?
cuz bass when EQd up is fun but its weight is concerning and annoying so idk
Because EQ is trivial? Why would you ever not EQ anything?
Because I expect a good product out of the box
Imagine buying a car and the salesman tells you... Yeah we decided to design this car without wheels on purpose, you just have to come in and bring your own wheels and mount them before you pick it up, no biggie right?
Verum One. Everyone loved them until the designer got canceled for making a joke about fags, but they don't sound any worse than they did five years ago.
I will use my gear the way it was manufactured, tuned, and was meant to be experienced.
>Everyone loved them
No one loves them. Some shills were paid by the company to hypebeast. What tf are you talking about anon
I will make things I buy work worse and then complain that they are bad
More like choosing not to buy a car because the tires it comes with are mediocre. If you care that much, you can just get new tires for it. The only difference is that EQ is free and you don't even need to take time out of your day to bring it in to the shop.
The only people who didn't love them are FR shills that are too brain damaged to figure out how to EQ and should probably buy some $20 meme IEMs with "perfect" FR instead.
Yeah? Do you EQ resonances too?
Looks pretty good to me for $350 when this is what $1700 buys you.
Why not but a Magnetostat with a decent FR for the same money and EQ that instead?
See >>101569635
What would happen if I never looked at women again. Would I be happier?
I'm M of course
See >>101569799
Imagine spending more money on a set of headphones with worse channel matching and distortion because you got filtered by EQ. This is what you spend $1700 on a pair of headphones for, by the way.
>buying anything from americunt ukraine
have fun buying pads for those next year
fuckin gitd oxygen thief
Fortunately you can pay an extra $10 to buy them from US stock, probably cheaper than shipping from Ukraine.

What does flat bass mean?
So to the anons arguing against flat headphones and EQ, what kind of sound do (you) use and what do you recommend for others?
HD800S vs HD600, which is better?
It means the bass frequencies aren't higher or lower in volume compared to the average levels of the rest of the frequency bands. Some people prefer more bass, some people prefer less, some people need it to be flat for mixing.
Why isn't that faggot Igor drafted though? Why would you willingly give money to someone so juiced up with the GAE he can fuck around making headphones when the average Ukrainian soldier is 45?
Are Sennheisers really that much better on tube amps compared to solid state amps?
What does thin/thick mean? What does airy mean? What's timbre? What's warmth?
Diameter of material you're measuring.
Ample ventilation within an environment.
What you say when you cut trees down.
Thermal energy.
The only thing the 600 does right is the mid range, everything else is sub par and I'm tired of 600tards saying otherwise
That's nice sweaty, now post what does it better at $200.
Tube amps are distortion machines. Any improvement is your opinion.
Mechanical parameters of any system that involves motion will change over time, on speaker it's measurable.
Whether it's actually audible is questionable at best.
Closed-back headphones that you guys recommend? I got 300€ to spare.
argon mrk3 if you can find them
anybody own one of the xduoo tube amps? are they any good? looking for a cheap tube
Some Tx0RP mod, save up €80 more for a Denon AH-D5200 from Hifiklubben, or just do the studio thing and go Shure SRH840A
90% of this thread is sub 100 iq retards i honestly cba to educate everyone i'll just stop posting
ok mr acoustics engineer
The problem with cheap tube amps is the people who build them actually have to listen to what they're building and give a shit.

Don't let the door slap your ass on the way out faggot.
why do zoomers abbreviate "not gonna lie" when the sentence has the same meaning without it? one can say "ngl" when one is capping, so what's the point? nothing is added, it's almost on par with the overuse of "like" seen in the youth for decades.
>hurr durr frequency response is everything!!!!
explain soundstage and imaging.
explain my cum on your lips
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literally on the recording and a mixing panning decision so it varies from mix to mix and any binaural mixing will be good at imaging even with garbage headphones

the sensation of depth and width, which usually comes with lower ear gain or 1.5k scoop that is more akin to the HRTF feature when the sound is coming from the front

FR explains everything in the acoustic domain, the brain domain is complicated because of the psychoacoustic and humans can be schizo, sight biased, placebo'd, etc
How are frequency response graphs made? Do they just use a sine wave and adjust the frequency from 10hz-20khz and measure the db? What happens when there's resonance in the driver/headphones (such as when playing a 600 Hz tone and there is a 300hz resonance)? Does the graph capture that?
How could a sense of distance be a frequency related thing? That doesn't make sense. The reason an HD800S has such a large soundstage is because the drivers are literally further away from your ears.
>Do they just use a sine wave and adjust the frequency from 10hz-20khz and measure the db?
Resonances show up as peaks, harmonic resonances show up in harmonic distortion plots
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Lol, there's neither crossfeed nor comb filtering with headphones, so we can assume that what we measure at the DRP is the result of what you experience. There's a huge dip in the 1.5-2kHz area when you compensate for the rig's diffuse-field response. Try EQing your HD800s to match the HD600, and they'll sound more forward and the 'spaciousness' effect won't be the same as before.
Actually there is crossfeed thanks to the open back. Your right ear hears a bit of the left driver and vice versa. Do you think moving away from a source causes it to somehow reduce intensity specifically in the 1.5K band?
>memedynamics 770s are still recommended
shit thread
You can't necessarily tell whether someone is mentally retarded based on their looks, speech, mannerisms, or dress. So if you want to know whether someone talking about audio is retarded, check whether they reference ASR headphone measurements as if they were actually useful
Is there any clear upgrade path from HD 560s? I tried the recommended Audacity EQ but I prefer mine without EQ, vocals pop more when I don't have any settings changed.
This is the only hi quality pair of headphones I've ever owned and I'm curious if I can get much better.
Beyer T1 or Audeze LCD-X
Audeze or Dan Clarks, but you're really just trading weight for better bass.
dont fall for the planar magnetic shills
Timbre is the difference in sound when you play the same note on different instruments, or sing the same note with different voices. Warmth is a bias towards lower frequencies. Airy is sort of a meme word but basically means that the headphone moves on quickly from one note to another, it doesn't continue to resonate with the earlier note. Thick/thin are just ways to say you don't like it and pretend like you've justified your opinion.
i actually like my HARX700s more
It doesn't have any soundstage. Only speakers have soundstage. Soundstage is created by room reflections, if you listen to speakers in an anechoic chamber they sound in your head just like headphones.
they record literally everything including all background noise, but you can always reduce it with denoisers and narrow the band down to the speech with EQ in audacity or some DAW
what's stopping someone from just buying some garbage headphones and then EQ'ing them to the harmon target to make them sound amazing?
>binaural mixing will be good at imaging even with garbage headphones
No. I listened to that famous "virtual barbershop" with my Beyers, AKGs and even 20€ chinkshit and it was incredible, then I listened to it on my friends Bose QC2 and it sounded like shit.

>FR explains everything in the acoustic domain
Complete bullshit.
* 20€ chinkshit IEMs
>Topping DX3 Pro+ - $200
atom stack is much better value for 200
I guarantee that people old enough to like openbacks without EQ listen so loud that there are room reflections.
the fact that their hardware would still suck you retard
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I mean, rtings literally scores for this.
Distortion and that garbage headphones usually don't have graphs available.
only if you live in the us
dont listen to this cuck.
go get a chinfiman on sale today!
Bose is a "special" company. Probably has DSP "enhancements" baked in.
what can beat the hifiman arya stealth at 649?
250 euro
>Intended use
>Kind (open or closed, over-ear or on-ear)
>Source(s) (PC, interface, headphone amp, phone, ...)
iPhone Bluetooth
>Other requirements
Easy to clean, durable


Sony WH-CH520
asking myself the same question but I deleted my paypal account, and that's the only pay option
also, fuck sending back your chink-fi
volume over 65dB
so i just received the zeos eris headphone and want to try it out but apparently it came with a 4.4 mm balanced cable... can i safely replace it with a 3.5mm cable (inputs to the cans seem 3.5, only the plug is 4.4) or alternatively attach an adapter to the cable to make it 3.5, or have i been hornswoggled and this thing is only compatible with balanced amps?
Connecting balanced headphones to single ended amps is no problem, negative pole just becomes common ground. Connecting single ended headphones to balanced amps is either not possible(2.5) or dangerous(4.4 and xlr need to have the ground actually connected to the ground, snoy players don't have it connected for example) and you'll lose half the max voltage.
that's pretty neat, ill go look for a cable now and probably order an adapter later since the provided cable is quite nice
The fact that FR isn't the difference between good headphones and bad ones. FR is entirely subjective, even if you had headphones that were perfectly compliant with the Harman target you should still EQ them to your preference.
But crinacle said frequency response is all that matters
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The dude responsible for all the frequency response graphs
DCA Aeon RT at $500
>lighter, more durable furniture
>better oem pads
>doesn't shit the bed at 65db
<marginally harder to drive
what is this 65db meme
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HD490 vs HD660S2?
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>thing is warm
So you're retarded and also a newfag, seeing as you didn't recognize the OP despite it being at least year old
Idk if that other guy has a specific source. A lot of reviews claim they sound off at high volume.
Is the Sennheiser HD 280 II any good?
I am looking for a headphone with good noise isolation for use when traveling. Comfort wise they should be bearable for 2-3 hours.
I am not interested in noise canceling headphones, but if you can recommend something else feel free.
>another shill OP thread
Fucks sake
Buy Stax.
>Is the Sennheiser HD 280 II any good?
No, they're closed back.
>Is the Sennheiser HD 280 II any good?
Yes, they're closed back.
is the HD 490 as technically proficient as the 660S2?
Thank you guys. Very helpful.
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>get audiophile headphones
>do ABX test to see if I can tell the difference betweeen lossy and lossless audio files
>can't detect difference between 320kbps mp3 and flac
>can't detect difference between 192 kbps mp3 and flac
>can't even fucking tell the difference between 96 kbps mp3 and flac
I wasted my fucking money
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I like neutral (harman) sound
this hobby is all about bragging rights and flexing to grandpas in old fart forums or trannies on transcord... smart ppl like me just buy well-engineered stuff and EQ to mimic good speakers with subs in a room
I too have noticed gook screeching sounds the same with or without compression.
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According to crinacle the ideal tuning amplifies mouth noises to pornographic levels. I respect the work, but he's a very weird little dude.
At the same time he goes out of his way that his list is subjective and that it's a subjective hobby and so on. For example, I like the DT990's and the Beyer peak doesn't bother me, but it does bother others.
>ATH R70X, rated at 470 Ω
>Scarlett 2i2 4th gen, headphone output is rated for 300 Ω max
The headphones get loud enough with the volume knob at like 60%.
If I buy a separate headphone amp, will I actually hear any difference? Or is it just a waste of money?
That's what I thought. Thanks, anon.
A lot of people accept his comments uncritically though. Blind headphone recs based on objective criteria are very limited and imo completely break down over about $500.
>If I add an amp to my amp will it sound better?
Where do these questions even come from?
Nah you're fine if it gets loud enough for you, higher impedance headphones are actually easier on the amplifier driving them.
>At the same time he goes out of his way that his list is subjective and that it's a subjective hobby and so on
Makes sense if he's basing it all on FR. Because FR is entirely subjective, and even if you had headphones that were perfectly compliant with the Harman target you should still EQ them to your preference.
>Makes sense if he's basing it all on FR
Look at the language in pic >>101584087
>natural in timbre
>close to estat speed
>top-tier resolution
Show me where any of that is on a FR chart. His synopsis are full of vague audiophile language along those lines.
It's here: >>101581592. I have no idea what Crinacle's opinions are, but if he thinks FR is all that matters then it makes sense that he would consider the hobby 100% subjective, and if he thinks that other things matter then there's no disagreement.
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>>can't even fucking tell the difference between 96 kbps mp3 and flac
You don't need audiophile headphones for that.
are you deaf?
I just showed you on his web site where he clearly doesn't think that.

This just means poster only listens to [jk]-pop and OSTs. There's no point spending over $25 on headphones if you're hikkineet.
i can tell the difference with the killers and the eagles, but not the other songs in this site abx.digitalfeed.net
I got basically the same test result twice. 100% for the killers, 80-100% for eagles, but random for the rest.
okay yeah nvm i can tell the difference. but its not as extreme as i was expecting. its very subtle and only in rock music to my ears. its like there's a tiny bit less fullness to the instruments but if i wasn't comparing them side by side i wouldn't know which was lossless or not.
its much more noticeable in modern music with more complex production, technical sound is onl,y half of it though, if you bought nice cans the detail is superior and the stage is wider, how much wider or more technical depends on what you got though
Any suggestion, sir? I like your philosophy

Kindly kiss your bady from Bangalore
i hot an hd 598
Then there's no disagreement, what are you upset about?
It's more obvious if you use tracks you're familiar with and more so on certain ones than others. You can also train yourself to recognize compression artefacts with very limited equipment, but most people who do end up regretting it because they're everywhere and you can't unhear it.
use your old cans to listen to a well produced track and a b test it with the 598s
lossy has gotten a lot better over the past 10 years, its not what it used to be.

Anybody that says 128kbps is noticeably bad audio quality is lying.
Lossy is more a problem for consumoids with bad wireless gear than audiophiles. AAC and Opus can have really ugly generational loss.
Headphones are a meme, I have a pair of 15 bucks Sony and with EQ they sound better than way more expensive headphones I own, the cheap headphones are gimped on purpose, they basically tune them like ass on purpose so you buy the more expensive models
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>Blackpill me about the LCD2
they're by far my favorite headphones in terms of sound. i got some pre-fazor ones like 7 years ago. for certain kinds of music with a lot of sub-bass, it's incredible

extremely uncomfortable and heavy but it's worth it. i just don't wear them for more than like an hour
Maybe you should try EQing your better headphones.
wether I can easily tell the difference between lossy and lossless doesn't matter

it's more about the fact that I can say that I have lossless files with big number kHz and kbps and that they take up gigabytes on my hard drive
(they also sound a bit better which is nice I guess)
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Anyone here with the HD490? What are your impressions of it?
Most 'lossless' audio you find online is bullshit anyway. Apple even refers to their lossless option on Apple Music as 'losslees audio compression' which is hilarious. I'm 99% sure they're just upscaling lossy files to be the same filesize as a lossless file, but the gigabytes of extra detail aren't coming from the original raw audio data, they're coming from an upscaling algorithm.
>losslees audio compression
I mean that's literally what the flac file format is. As for apple's files who knows. There are multiple tools you can use to detect whether a given audio file is truly lossless or just upscaled.
If you can't detect it by just listening to it, then what's the point?
More just peace of mind with knowing that the files you have are the highest quality available. It's not like saving a few hundred MB matters when storage is so cheap these days.
People who add the names of other generals to their OPs because they want attention deserve to be punished

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Thank you
i guess i try to get a cheap one and try to how it works
>Thoughts on cheap earbuds?
I used to live that life but there's so much clarity and durability from higher-end headphones.
Not the other guy, but I also have a Cloud II right now. Haven't had those problems in almost three years, but the plastic plates holding one of the ear literally just shattered.
Because you don't know what future processing will be applied. It's best to start from a clean copy to avoid unexpected consequences from cumulative error.
if i had the money i'd get them
Why would you apply any unknown processing to your audio files?
New ultra-low bit rate lossy encoding, N-M channel mapping for bizarre configurations of M, special or motion transforms for VR, ...
Yes. Why would you do any of that?
Is a Denon AH-D7200 a steal for 340 refurbished? Kinda tempted to buy it.
Considering they're normally a kilodollar, sure. Assuming they're in good working condition of course.
Because you can.
whats the difference between fiio k11 and k11 R2R?
R2R is like tubes for 90s kids. It just adds a ton of distortion.
why did beyer dynamic tune the DT 1990 pro with such an absurd peak at 8k? is it to some engineer's taste?
>need an amp (preamp) for your amp
why do audiophiles do this?
"Preamp" is a broad term and can mean something as simple as a volume pot.
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>try oratory1990 preset for my headphones
>i cum
How does a DAC affect the sound? As long as a DAC can convert the digital signal to an analog signal across the entire audible frequency range, what does it matter if it's higher price or lower price?
>cheap cans edition
>posts Audeze
t. OP
LCD-2s are the cheapest useable cans, anything below isn't even worth EQing, it sounds cheap no matter what.
>LCD-2s are the cheapest useable can
never keked so hard
LCD-2s are grating and thin. I wouldn't call them usable. HE-1 is the lowest bar for usability IMO.
it's a little something called sarcasm but you need to have >80IQ to get it
It doesn't. Audiophiles are morons.

The End.
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our brains are fucking weird, i often think about the magic of psychoacoustics in perceptual audio codecs.
the song sounds the same but its reduced from 1411kbit cd to 96kbit opus.

what if aliens listened to the same song encoded in opus, would it sound fucking weird to them?
I was looking at getting K361/371 but looking at people's opinions it seems like the isolation isn't great, anything else that's got decent isolation at the 100-175$ range? Was thinking of DT770M or SRH440/840A maybe? If you know of anything better I'd appreciate it
250 Eurodollars
>Kind (open or closed, over-ear or on-ear)
>Preferred tonal balance (or genres you like)
V-shaped but doesn't really matter
>Source(s) (PC, interface, headphone amp, phone, ...)
Mainly Bluetooth (iPhone)
>Other requirements
Forgot: should be closed ones
IEMs + 3M earmuffs >

closed-back only attenuates high frequencies and almost nothing in the bass unless you go wireless with ANC but if that is a must either beyer or shure will be decent

Accentum Plus or a good deal on momentum 4
Are the Sennheiser 560S's still worth buying if you want headphones for music production?

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