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>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>101490754
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Stay mad while I maintain my big-brained healthy scepticism
Try adding a unique uuid to each request coming into your server. Depending on your logging library, you should be able to attach this as breadcrumbs, scope, etc. then you can search for that uuid. Helps in cloudwatch, though we’ve migrated to Datadog. I haven’t used EKS to set up a logging solution.
Retarded contrarian
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the one where you notice that websites and computer programs are both trees and put two and two together
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Stack Overflow survey has dropped

Retarded contrarian
Expert Level Website should say ActionScript (Adobe Flash made the web good)
how retarded is it to make a (nested) element with a bunch of string manipulation and then throw the string into the element's "innerHTML" property vs proper DOM manipulation? i don't do frontend stuff very often but have to edit a script that does this and i'm unsure if it's considered super amateur or pretty normal

talking about doing shit like
let table = "<table>";
table += "<th>" + myVar + "</th>";
el.innerHTML = table;


let table = document.createElement("table");
let header = document.createElement("th");
header.innerHTML = myVar;
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>want to make unique portfolio website
>see reddit post about a vaguely similar portfolio site
>people endlessly shitting on it

im ngmi
hi. im a frontend dev who knows nextjs + react. and some node.

if anyone has a entry-level job for junior dev please let me know and potentially refer me. thank you :) im hardworking young and dedicated.
pm sent :)
if u are srs cms5327 on disc
the fact you thought that there was any chance i was being serious means you lack the common sense needed to have any kind of dev job. sorry, friend, you failed the pre-interview
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
>didn't get the 6th and 7th css flex assignments right first try on Odin Project
Am I int-capped from webdev?
20 years ago there was a significant performance difference in favor of the latter. This may not matter so much any more, especially if the HTML that needs to get parsed isn't particularly large.
niggertier contrarian
Thanks, it's nothing particularly huge but good to know
Nobody is going to hire you off of 4chan based on a comment without anything to work with, anon.
I know some react and am willingly to learn and take on whatever challenge is thrown at me.

If that's all you needed to get hired 30 years ago then I refuse to do anything more.
disagree. Beginner level is all react which is its own language
I wrote that I was testing exactly that kind of stuff and I can tell you: Up to 140k elements (which was the upper limit that I tested) this did not make any significant difference at all.
One would assume that constantly reassigning a string was bad and that innerHTML somehow was bad - but it was not. Everything slowed down only as a consequence of the actual rendering of the elements on the screen - not as a consequence of adding stuff via either innerHTML or append.
Also querySelector('li') was absolutely as fast as getElementsByTagName('li')
Also building an array of strings from the 140k elements textContents via push() took only about 0.3s.
in conclusion: JS / DOM performance is good enough for absolutely every use case you could find in the actual wild (because you are NOT ACTUALLY rendering 140k elements, are you?!)
Just keep user input in mind when using it

>Everything slowed down only as a consequence of the actual rendering of the elements on the screen - not as a consequence of adding stuff via either innerHTML or append.
Did you mean that you are re-rendering the entire innerHTML of an element?

Also does anyone know if the code below re-renders the entire <div id="container>...</div> or is the browser smart enough that it knows which contents to not re-render and just creates new ones
function saveState() {
let state = { container: container.innerHTML };
browser.storage.local.set(state); // localStorage.setItem(state)
if only this were so...
Expert level would be mostly HTML with some dynamic CSS and few lines of JS. If you disable JS and your website stops functioning you failed as a web developer.
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>The US government has its own UI design system
this. at least for stuff that is data/crud bound. like unironically.
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I've been at it for 11 hours, but still...
jfc it took 3 hours to reach a working "zoom at cursor" algo.
>js (vanilla)
>php (optional)
this is all you need
they have to stick to teiple A accessibility standards, probably part of the reason why that is so
Reminder kids if your website doesn’t cause your chrome tab to draw 2GB of RAM by itself you just aren’t bloated enough.
>If you disable JS and your website stops functioning you failed as a web developer.
I can see it as a way as ensuring some kind of pseudo SSR for SEO, but nothing beside that
i heckin love being contrarian
Html is limited to fuck, js's limits are the infinite
>b-but muh disable scripts
your problem
4chan is full of those niggers, my analysis? jews did this
I've always coded my websites in pure javascript and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me.
>inb4 muh practices etc etc
Maybe you should practice the art of not sucking dick for once in your life.
>Html is limited to fuck, js's limits are the infinite
Name one useful thing you can with do in JS that you can't do in HTML/CSS
console.log('anon is a massive faggot'), for starters
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How do I get tables to consistently adjust their size to that of the elements which they contain?

Sometimes a span's borders spill over the bounds of the table cell, sometimes they don't, and I have no idea why. See picrelated.
I have tried setting the CSS of the table to fit-content and max-content, but no success.
have you actually tried using the table/tr/td elements?
to add, check if you have valid HTML, it seems like there's spacing between the two `:status/:body` elements, enough for probably another <table> element.
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>has 3 months to build a full-stack website
>is still in foundation course in Odin Project
I am thinking of using bootstrap + vue for frontend and nodejs + firebase for backend. Is there a quicker way?
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sure, picrelated is the HTML.
Although It renders ok on desktop in this instance.
And how is that useful for a website visitor?
*::before {
content: 'anon is a massive faggot';
Have any of you integrated AI into a website? Like a chatbot, or audio/image generation, etc?

If so, do you run a model on your own server, or call an API?
>check if you have valid HTML
yeah I checked and the w3 validator tells me I'm using divs and spans in invalid contexts, I'll fix that first
People love to hate. Don't let the haters drag you down!
>it seems like there's spacing between the two `:status/:body` elements
oh, now I get what you meant. Yes, those are indeed two different tables, and they're supposed to be. One if the consequent of the if expression, the other the alternative.
The function checks if the requested CSS file exists and a returns a hashtable with 200 and the file contents, or a hashtable describing a 404 not found error.
Here's how the whole thing looks as code:
(def routes [{:path "/" :method :get
:response (fn [_] {:status 200, :body (gen-example-page ex1 ex2 ex4 ex3)})}
{:path "/css/:style" :method :get
:response (fn [{{filename :style} :params}]
(if (fs/readable? (fs/path "css" filename))
{:status 200 :body (io/file "css" filename)}
{:status 404 :body "File not found."}))}]))
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gigabrain contrarian
This is the truth
made a discord clone (not really lol) with AI chatbot once. It was fun
>have project idea
>promise myself that I won't use ChatGPT
>use ChatGPT anyway
>it works fine, but I feel as if I didn't learn anything/cheated
how do I stop myself from using ChatGPT?
use documentation and stack overflow instead, try to figure out exactly what you're copypasting and how it works, use the plumber method
t. xXxPlumberN0Sc0P3rxXx
impressive, ngl, but that's not it
you can hide easter eggs in console, that will help you engage with tech literate web visitors
I ask chatgpt what exactly im copypasting and it seems way faster than looking at docs... it feels like eating goyslop instead of normal food, I know its bad, but its more convenient and faster, so I keep doing it
reading the docs is the ascended way, yes do it, it's a skill to develop, in some fields, chatgpt just shit itself, so for that it's docs or docs
I was using a custom domain + addy.io to have infinite email addresses to use for sign ups but they're giving me a hard time as its against their TOS or whatever. Is there any service like this that wont care?
not sure if it'd work but:
nah that's not what im after, addy lets you do anyemail@yourcustomdomain.com and forwards all the emails to 1 email. so i can create infinite random email addresses for automated signups
Migadu (it costs money though)
Not sure desu, but if you're rendering a large list, you could try looking into contain: content. That has a large performance difference for that kinda thing.
Also, is there a reason you're saving the html state rather than data (that gets used to render html)?
What's the best way to make parallel TCP requests that share state? Should I use multithreading and mutex?
So react is first node second and next which is react and node is third, yet every chud on the internet is telling you to stay away from react and node
I used an api
I honestly have no idea of what I'm doing (I kinda do), but I don't call any external API, but I doo use google fuckery and some other fuckery, but it all seems to be contained within Python imports

I'm wondering if I could try running an LLM (like Llama from Meta) on a VPS so I can get some AI features for my website. It would mean I don't have to pay for an API. But I just tested an LLM on my laptop and it seems responses can be quite slow if the LLM isn't running on a GPU. It might be good enough for my purposes though.
Opinions on making a site in Go?
>Got a call from "suspected spam number"
>Don't answer
>They call again
>Answer because of how hard I'm searching for a job
>It's jeet #14351, claims to be a recruiter and asks a bunch of normal recruiter questions
>Answer them cautiously
>Asks for my SIN at the end
I get these all the time. I just go
>AYO SAI I got this baad indian bitch im tryna fuck can you help me learn the language?
and they usually call me to go buy some panties for my faggot ass before they hangup. anyways good luck finding a job in webdev in this saturated market thats currently tbeing aken over by AI
>being aken over by AI
no, by indians, yes
Fellow Odin Project noob hallo. I'm also on foundations after starting it last week. I'm on the landing page project, specifically.
Flex still messes me up sometimes, and I feel retarded because of it. Back when I was a kid playing with HMTL/CSS on neopets pages it was called flexbox. And I still mix up how to get things arranged when nesting rows in columns, etc. But it's been an interesting timesink. I even got a .dev domain to use later since it was cheap.
What's the difference?
transform-origin: 0 0;

This MF right here.
So much time wasted because the element unexpectedly had a non-zero width which caused transforms to originate from an unpredictable middle point.
I haven't heard this song, but I have heard the following song which uses the same sample:

I told chatgpt 4o to make me a web app with a search in order to search data from the API I provided it with, using JS, html and css, and this piece of shit doesn't even work. Its getting an eror. Yes I did follow all the instructions I was already signed up to the website from where I used the api from and I used the API key yet it displays the message of "error". I sent the request from the API but still error. How does this pile of shit manage to fuck up something so simple??!!
what else did you expect?
>the plumber method
What's that, anon?
If it's so simple then why can't you fix it?
Any advice for breaking free of the backend dev stereotype? All my stuff looks like some high schoolers first website kind of thing
If you don't have $millions for media mentions you're basically fucked.
As a user, is letterboxing useful if I lurk with JS disabled?
how is this related to web development?
its on the web and it's a new development
why the fuck javascript iterators dont have a collect or something?
why do i have to engage with this retarded for loop
>iterators collect
awesome thanks
assuming i have a backend done for a similar project to this, how much work do you guys think i'd have to outsource to not have to do the frontend myself? i will need to get the design done and i feel like it's better to hire a team that does full ui/ux/frontend pipelines than getting a design and then doing it myself. i can configure my backend API easily according to what is required for the people working on it. thoughts?
const x = [1,2,3,4];
const y = x.reduce(
(acc, val) => acc + val * val,

function* myIterator() {
for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) yield i;
return 5;

const it = myIterator();
const z = it.reduce(
(acc, val) => acc + val * val,
Is it just me or is extreme masochism a hard requirement for using frameworks like Spring Boot?
>Spring Boot
there's nothing masochistic about using spring boot, ask AI to spoonfeed you if you're struggling so much
Just learn CSS already you whiny bitch
>landing page after a week
How many do you study per day?
I was stuck on the git documentation because I wasn’t used to reading a lot.
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I'm fucking around with making a start page and I made this animation for deleting an item on a todo list.
How shit is it?
Forget flex and learn grid with auto templates
Don't animate it.
It will fuck up someone's day when they're rapidly removing sparse entries and the entire fucking list suddenly shifts long after they clicked remove
Thanks, anon.
Here's some reading if you want examples https://web.dev/articles/cls
So there's even a name for it.
Now that I think about it, tg on iphone is particularly bad for this: if you press & hold on a message, it springs open a complicated context menu and you can accidentally do various things.
it looks cool
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yeah I hate this so much, and Microsoft is even building this into their office software now.
I like to make my websites with Ajax because that way my designs always come out very clean.
Using flex is required for completion. Not refuting the utility of grids, but I figured I might as well learn it how they present it to know why I should do the alternatives.

I'm currently a NEET and live in a place where all entertainment options are at least 30 minutes away, so I spend a couple of hours on it a day to varying degrees of focus. I'd used git before in an internship, so I already knew the basics of it to get started with cloning, commits, etc.
I'm also not afraid to just throw myself at the problem through sheer attrition since I'm kind of retarded and keep getting the column-row orientation mixed up even when I write down how I want the boxes to relate to one another. It's inefficient and probably very jeety by /g/ standards, but I just keep fucking with it until it's right and then work backwards to find the efficient solution.
For example I was just working on the landing page and got everything aligned properly: I thought that, given the landing page reference image demonstrates 4 distinct segments (Hero, Information, Quote, Call to Action, and Footer) that I'd have the body's flex direction be set to-
Actually when describing it, i realized the goofy mix-up that was troubling me. I previously misinterpreted the flex direction for rows and columns to be swapped around.

That's to say, I was accidentally thinking of the row-direction as arranging items per-row within a column (which is actually what column does) and the column-direction as arranging things per-column within a row (which is actually what row does).
What did the web designer do when a hot girl walked up to him and squeezed his nuts? He AJAXulated.
show me your backend code and I will judge your cleaniness
That snippet comes from a mozilla extension made using html, css and vanilla js which is todolist with drag and drop similar to this implementation https://javascript.info/mouse-drag-and-drop with coordinate calculation with this link and the next two articles https://javascript.info/size-and-scroll. Wouldn't do it again as I spent too much time on a todolist and it looks super spaghetti (nested event listeners, no modules) which is practically just one large js file

I was just wondering about the consequences of rendering html every time state changes.

>Also, is there a reason you're saving the html state rather than data (that gets used to render html)?
I didn't have knowledge of React back then (using data as state instead of html). I handled state change on event listeners where I invoke the saveState and on every event end.
html/twig standard:

2 or 4 spaces indentation ?
Tabs. They're dynamic. They adjust to the viewer's preference.
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I always found it baffling that webshitters use spaces for indentation in JS and CSS when tabs will bloat the filesize by only a fraction of the amount of bytes that using multiple spaces per indentation level costs you.
I get that nowadays most sites will use minifiers anyway, but you'd think that there would've developed a tradition of using tabs before automatic minification became the norm.
For me, it's 2

I hate tabs, the reason being this: if you have a maximum line length, then lines can appear to go over that limit if you use tabs, because tabs can be made any width. If you have a max line length of 100 characters, you could have a 100 character line, but it could appear much longer in your editor, because each 1 tab character could appear as 8 characters.

If you imagine two 100-character lines:
>1 tab, plus 99 other characters
>4 tabs, plus 96 other characters
If your tab width is 8, then the first line will appear to be 107 characters long, and the second line will appear to be 128 characters long. So it's inconsistent.

Ergo I prefer spaces because it's always consistent.
Is a language as simple and braindead easy as Javascript beyond the capabilities of the average webdev or something?
JS is slow. CSS and HTML are basically interfaces to highly optimized browser functions written in C++ or Rust.
It's a stupid concern. You're not programming on an old 80-wide terminal. Max line length should be a guideline, not a hard rule.
Isn't modern JS pretty quick?
all the fancy React single page apps I'm forced to use are slow as shit, so no.
Pure JS is so quick that people feel the need to stack 14 different frameworks on top of each other just so that they can show a button
I don't use space. I just remember that the standard used to be 2 and now my html "tabs" 4 spaces. Jus wonder if i should bother to change it to two. I'm sure there should be a standard to look up to cuz every second person just can't go they'r own ways.
Why is none of my fetched data from my API being displayed on table that I setup? What tf does fetching data from an API even do??? I'm using api ninjas and yes I have added the API key to my JS file.
That's a skill issue and nothing do with the underlying language. Make the button yourself.
i hate two spaces, everything becomes cramped to shit
so fucking lost with distributed task queueing lol
You shouldn't be programming, that's for advanced guys. You should try school work. You'd drop out. You're a huge loser. Jump from a building and do a flip loser.
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why is this still a thing, why don't they just revalidate the session based on usage like in lucia auth
so goddamn annoying
It's not stupid, you're stupid

I like consistency
whats ur issue bubba
I only said he's stupid because he said my concern was stupid, when it isn't

It's perfectly valid for people to prefer tabs to spaces, but my reasons for preferring spaces aren't stupid
I mean, it would probably be better to save the state via the relevant data in vanilla js too - it would just require a little code organization
very shit, BUT! with this new epic web hack it'll look awesome, make every animation last 0.3seconds and it'll be good

other than that, it looks cool, other than the timing being shit, I mean
Dr. Dre is a wizard of beats, iirc, a hood party Dj, that made money with NWA, and then actually went and studied music production, and founded Aftermath, which through exploiting several rapers like snoop, eminem, etc. made him mad fucking rich
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Been trying all day to make an executable for my node web server so that it runs on a raspberry pi device with arm71. Pkg is just not working on it, the windows and Linux binaries are fine but I can't build for that ARM piece of shit
I made a simple webpage and i want to make it so a div links to it's own link when clicked. But i'm having some trouble on making the whole div clickable, besides the text underneath, i tried to disable to cursor events on that specific part, but it also keeps the clicking cursor, any advice on how to do that or do i have to rearange the divs?
The url is this to more clearly see what i mean: https://www.hiedanoakyuu.com/
>i want to make it so a div links to it's own link when clicked
what do you mean
are you talking about anchors?
That, i should've explained myself better, so when i click a post there, i want it to redirect to it's own page, like you said i read that wrapping the div in an <a> tag would do that, but it also messes with the text at the bottom, which would make reading a bother, so i was asking if there was a better way to do that, or i f i had to rearrange the divs to separate everything in one div and it's childreen, and the text in a separate parent div
I like it
What does it mean when it says "node.js runs JS on the server"? How come the JS on my web app when I run it works perfectly fine on my browser when running it? What is the purpose of node.js and it running JS on the server side if my web app works fine without it??
Most people don't even know that option exists in their browsers, let alone how to do it.
I'm trying react right now as it seems there are basically no jobs with any other framework.
Why is it so garbage? Going from Svelte to Next is just so bad.
That's cool, and it makes sense like this guy says - >>101563782 - their sites need to be accessible, so it makes sense to just make accessible components once, then use those same components on all their sites

Also I like the fact that their class names are prefixed with "usa":
<div class="usa-accordion">
You can use CSS to fix the style of the text. I think there used to be reset css files that removed exactly this sort of stuff, but they've been integrated into frameworks that change how you build sites completely. You're a bit too new to deal with those.

For one, node is completely optional. It's just one of many possible server technologies you can use.
The purpose is simply to run JS on a server instead of the clients' browsers. The cynical take is that it lets frontend devs do backend stuff without needing to learn a different language, so management gets two devs for the price of one.
You want to do some things on your server because you fundamentally cannot trust the browser of some stranger that visists your site. When I visit an online shop, I can easily change the prices in my browser, but I can't actually make a purchase because the server vailidates them.

Some things like rendering the HTML of the page can be done either on the client or the server. Roughly, things progressed from doing it in PHP, Java, etc. on the server, to Javascript on the client to Javascript on the server. Wether or not that's actually a good idea is one of those tribal nerd wars.
bash is ur fren and is the executable that just command line summons the node bullshit
This. Pretty much every website worth a fuck is just html
I know. I don't want to have the source code on the device.
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I literally called my gf and told her I got the job, only for them to come and fuck me up. I wonder if I can sue?
honorary top 3
Top 3, nice anon
why there is no vanilla js hot reloader.
that has nothing to do with speed
yeah, but I peed my boxers though
Yeah I guess they should have been clearer with their first email, they should have said the candidate hadn't been chosen yet
Are (You) niggers hyped for the new jQuery revolution of js?
I might do a collaboration with the paramilitary group 2bh, react docs, next js readmes, never sounded appealing, but jQuery mortars, jQuery car bombs. Sounds appealing 2bh
I hope I never use jQuery ever again
I hope I don't have to use jQuery because it improved js again
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good shit, this is what we should be posting instead of -5IQ framework flame wars
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I have been reading some of this and I clicked on some of the links in the article

He links to a friend of his called Greg

Greg's commit messages look like this

(They look like proper commits, I guess he just doesn't want to waste time on commit messages)
Perfect wesite:
CSS & html
That's not the point and I'm not saying you shouldn't use JS eg for QoL things but if your entire website doesn't work with JS disabled you failed to understand what webdev is even about, serving websites. You wouldn't make a game in HTML (unless you are retarded) so why are you trying to make a website in JS?
>hating js on web development general
you can't be serious
I want to fetch the files from youtube. I know it's do-able since things like Youtube to MP3 exist.

BUT I want to do it clientside with fetch API. I've determined you CAN use fetch to get an entire Youtube page, but would anyone here know of how to scrape the video out of it? I want to put the scraped videos into video.js so users can have an in browser Youtube knockoff. This is to get around the annoying "This video is only available on Youtube" bullshit.
look into invidious but you have a very steep hill to climb.
Yeah I have no idea what the language it uses is, it uses Crystal.

I'm pretty sure it does it backend then sends it frontend. Though if it shows how to scrape the video at least I can know what to look at for doing it in fetch.

Worst case scenario I'll have to do a standalone client with electron.
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Found the extract code. Gonna give it a go. Thanks.
I am a retard but can someone tell me the difference between a static site and a dynamic site? If I serve you a script that connects to a websocket server to play a game for example and update your DOM all over, but there are no permanent site changes, it’s the same thing if you renavigate to that page, is that a static site?
In layman's terms:
A static site sends you an html file.
A dynamic site creates or edits an html file before sending it to you.
If you're asking for the reasons of a Github Pages site (static only), you will have to host the websocket server elsewhere.
I am asking because I want to use SvelteKit to make my frontend and build it as a static site that is served by a Go server that is both the web and websocket server in one binary. One if the pages would be driven by a wevsocket though so I guess I am a bit confused if such a page would still be considered static. Is this just a retarded approach in general? Sorry for the dumb questions. I am a cnile embedded software guy at my day job so I am grappling with understanding modern web stuff.
Why does the distinction between static and not matter to you?
Static pages can be cached by the browser (and server), that's pretty much it.
To know which SvelteKit adapter to use when building.
If you don't have a reason not to, you should serve your static content.
That a frontend JS script later modifies that page doesn't change nature of what is essentially an http file server.
Fuck you. "mod_autoindex" was peak.
you know what I’m just gonna say it, I think testing is stupid only because I’m too lazy to add tests
Console log my man
>he trusts his future self not to fuck up
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how do i get this table of contents / description / search feature for google search indexing in my react app? it appears if i google search, using helmet npm package to add the html <head> element metadata, but I still dont see results like this even after indexing it on google search console
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>have to learn redux for my course
>Redux feels like absolute nonsense
It is only a thing because web browsers are very complicated because of security and performance concerns.
Event based architecture makes things very complicated.
For some reason I'm stuck on how to make a portfolio website. Pls tell me how
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OKCupid is written in C++
I would be surprised if it uses C++ for the whole of its backend, maybe most of the backend is written in a more typical language for backends (Java, PHP, whatever), and perhaps just parts are written in C++

I think YouTube and probably other big sites use C++ for certain parts of their backends, but not for the whole of their backends.
F-list is also written in c++
You have passed the test

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