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But Apple literally kicked off their last showcase with 10 minutes all on TV shit. What is going on over there? The Apple 4K TV is a good bit of kit too.

Facts: Netflix is legit dogshit and people are so starved they will eat up the 10000th LGBT propaganda film followed by a session of Nollywood and Bollywood shit (i.e., Netflix wants to get a bunch of cheap shitty content to inflate numbers and uses LITERAL Nollywood camcorder "films" to do this).

Everyone is pirating again now. They had their chance, for a while Netflix as a monolith was worth the cost over stealing. Now robbery is back to being the best option.

Install plex.
Apple is the Wallmark of Software, clone software of other companies and selling to iPhone Users.
Just happens users prefer Netflix or other services.
I just looked into the catalogue of apple tv and they really don't have that much, so why should i sign up to them?
outside of some strange sci-fi focus which can produce some decent shows, the rest of the content is pretty poor.
care to name some of these obscure shows?
for all mankind was decent for the first season or two, foundation was decent for the first season. for non-sci fi, masters of the air and slow horses were good.
is Foundation based on Asimovs foundation?
Yes. It's not good.
do they bother marketing any of these shows never heard of any of them
thanks anon, i will omit apple tv then
apple one subscriptions must not be looking too hot. i have their news and magazine subscription on my phone, and feel like i should upgrade because it's technically a better bang for my buck. but i have no interest in apple media. if they did news and music for 12 or 13 bucks, i think that would be a good deal. as it is, the news by itself feels too expensive when they could probably make a better offer.
They make pretentious shit all around, hell, severance is like a single black mirror episode stretched over an entire season.
Shallow, no content, no actual development.
They lost their vision long ago.
only in ads in the news app, or in notifications to your iphone.
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>Everyone is pirating again now
Everyone over the age of 40 has every single streaming subscription they can get, and everyone under 20yr/old doesn't own a desktop computer.
It's only the 20-40 demographic that would even have the desire and/or knowledge to pirate content.
>Yeah bro just host all your illegally downloaded content with a closed-sourced, for profit company. What could go wrong

They don't do that for fun, they are legally forced to take down the Pajeet running 50 pirate servers. The alternative options are all seriously shit and lacking features btw... Nothing will happen otherwise.

Plex is BUILT for pirate content. Lmao. Literally has you input a folder of movie files (not ISOs or physical disks in a player), and scrapes the web for movie metadata, because it knows it will be commercial content and not home videos.
Netflix fucking sucks dick too though. You literally pay money just to hope they have any decent movies or TV, and they never do. Their new shit sucks too, there’s nothing new they’ve made that I’ve watched repeatedly really. These days I actually end up just buying my movies on YouTube honestly, even apple as a platform to buy stuff like the iTunes days it’s kinda shit for now.
No. They race and gender swapped characters, so it deviates. Lots of black women larping.
nollywood and wakaliwood are kino, shut the fuck up

lol, at least now I know never to consider plex. Jellyfin sucks though because C#.
>The alternative options are all seriously shit and lacking features btw... Nothing will happen otherwise.
Jellyfin shits all over Plex, kys
I really enjoyed Severance, but there's absolutely no way the second season is going to be anything but disappointing. At least this might mean they don't have time to truly run it into the ground like Lost.
That's paranoia. Srs. If Plex shut down tomorrow I've already got the value from it that I paid for the one time fee. Had a good 2 years watching pirated tv shows and movies in synchronized watch parties with my best friends.

If you don't have friends it's a bit less important, but it still has a great UI, excellent transcoding leveraging GPU or Arc iGPU, and so on.
I don't have the issue, I don't pajeet in the loo and I don't host 100+ servers. It's no different than torrents, don't allow undesirables to use your bandwidth and you will never lose sleep.
Yeah nice cope. Sikk 4k transcodes every time.
Kys pussy ass faggot
jellyfin can do that too. The nice thing is that I dont have to worry about plex deciding it doesnt like my hosting solution and making me move to make their legal troubles easier
What’s the problem?
>Install plex
They should be giving that $ to me to make stuff, I'd make kamikuso media
fuck plex, i got rid of that shit in like 2014 when they started with their subscription service bullshit
The series that Apple puts out as originals is infinitely better than anything Netflix has put out in recent memory.
It's all generic slop anyway. None of their shows stand out or are willing to do anything provoking because Apple wants to keep their "clean" image and Netflix just makes everything gay and woke. It's just tiresome.
>I paid money to self host my own pirated content.

Nigga wtf. Jellyfin, Emby and even Kodi shit all over Plex and they're FLOSS
Lol just go watch mr beast video bro
Yeah I have little hope that the payoff is going to be satisfying. I also don't really get why they need 20mil per episode, the show is mostly just people in rooms.
Honestly, saw the first episode of the gamedev show and it was really shit, pure woke, unfunny garbage, thank god I didn't pay for it.
Around roughly 2013, artists and creatives of all kinds, from all mediums, decided that they wanted to own the cons more than they wanted to make good art.
That doesn't work, because you can't do it in that order. You can make good art that *incidentally* or *accidentally* own the cons, and there's plenty of good art from the Before Time that does that. But if you make owning the cons your explicit *goal*, you're going to make terrible art. You're gonna make the leftist equivalent of Christian Rock.
The politics has to be subordinate to the art, always. And since 2013 it hasn't been. It's all Christian Rock now, everything's a sermon. Because artists want to stick it to their dads more than they want to make art.
123movies is also pirating
you just need a browser to use it
> believes anything he reads.

None of their fucking shows is any good. They should spend 0 on shows, desu

Just give the money to the guys who make Game of Thrones LOL
Severance is good
thats too bad
severance was awesome and i was really looking forward to season 2
>anything provoking
>Severance is good
it's not, none of that shit is good. It's just so fucking slow and so fucking artsy.

Severence story could be told in 3 episodes, the first seasone. Those fuckers stretch it out to 10 1h episodes. I had to watch it at 1.5 speed and skip ahead, it was that boring.
>ahdh zoomer, brought up by tablets, cant concentrate for more than 2min
can you even enjoy anything not made in the last 10 years? classics from the 80s and 90s must be a pain to watch for you, which is too bad since there are a lot of good old movies
stfu, faggot. Their entire stick is, look at this little jew walking a long colored way. There is a mistery in this fucking show. Look at the jew, you might miss it.

Fuck you and fuck your tv. I am glad it failed.
yeah wtf costs 20 million per episode? it's all B-list actors and the whole thing takes places in like one undecorated office room
Tim Apple apparently missed the lecture on not branching out into markets you aren’t comfortable expanding into and then he didn’t stop there.
While Disney, Paramount, Peacock, Max, Hulu, and all of these other retarded streaming services lose billions quarterly because they wanted a piece of the Netflix pie, Apple is sitting at the bottom unable to even give away their service for free.
Apple also spent billions on cars
now it's yet another company with more money than brains
I used to LOVE Netflix. Then, every company wanted a piece of the Netflix pie. Then every company decided to blow billions each on a shitty streaming service.
Only Netflix is making money still.
Then Netflix jacked up prices and started putting out woke bullshit.
Then HBO and Hulu and Peacock and Paramount started putting out woke bullshit.
Now I have everything I watch on a 10TB drive on my Linux server which streams Jellyfin.
Fuck them.
Look for open source options for Plex.
Severance is probably their best show, Silo is also quite good.
No wonder Severance S2 took so long. At 20 mil an episode the writers must have so much blow and hookers to get through before they spend the $40,000 it takes to shoot an actual episode.
What a>>101560306
>Just happens users prefer Netflix or other services.
I'm fucking amazed, I thought they'd move to the Apple branded trough in a heartbeat.
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Pachinko season 2 starts in a month, Apple TV fags. Plenty of time to watch season 1 if you haven't yet.
If you don't pay for what you watch, they're incentivized to do the bare minimum.
apple News is the best news app but don't you find it insane they still show ads despite paying a subscription? Also it's obviously extremely left biased
is it about cute Korean girls
How the fuck did Severance cost $20 million per episode? The show is mostly set in an office building, and the set design didn't look that complex.

Ted Lasso and Severance were the hit shows early on, but Ted Lasso ended last year and Severance has a 3 year gap between seasons 1 and 2, and it's not closing until next January.
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Largely centers around one Korean girl.
I just want physical master of the skies.
Plex shills in 2024? What a joke
You've never used it, obviously. It's much better than Jellyfin in every way in terms of the software itself. Watch parties on Jellyfin are BROKEN, the dev who made it left, and nobody can be bothered to fix it.

Tbh never heard of or used Emby. Will check it out though just in case.

Plex is a lifetime pass not subscription model. I got years of >>>> Jellyfin enjoyment for $75. I've already got my value for money. Dealing with Bluray quality streaming to remote destinations, you can't be fucking around with shitty free dev software just because it's FOSS. It has to actually be up to the task.
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I have used Plex actually and the last time I did the only good way to watch with others and chat was some third party integration that was jenky. If I'm not going to have a chat and just use voice then Jellyfin has been perfectly fine, I regularly watch anime and movies with friends using it. Never had an issue with Jellyfin software either, works great in browser, works great on my firestick for TV, works great on android. I've heard there's no console apps if that's your thing but it's a fairly niche use case. And not only do you have to pay for Plex but it defeats the entire point of a local library and privacy if you care about that, you're relying on an online service for logins and they scrape your data and share it with others. I can see no reason to ever go back to Plex and anyone who shills it in 2024 is just that, a shill perhaps out of brand loyalty, perhaps out of laziness (I can understand using it if you were using it before Jellyfin was viable) and perhaps out of incompetence if you're incapable of installing Jellyfin/Emby
shit the fuck up shill
You can't syncplay from inside most Jellyfin apps. I just reinstalled it to test it again now. So still legitimately unusable for me as I most often stream watch parties over our TVs.
That's a fair criticism if that's your use case, usually if I'm watching with other (online) people it's on a laptop or computer using headsets or chat
Jellyfin literally doesn't do the thing I need it to do. Plex does the thing I need it to do. I am on it right now, scouring menus. Where's syncplay on the Sony tv app?
So it doesn't do that? That's a shame... Jellyfin aside from that seems perfectly fine. I don't know how much of a priority it is for them, but even Plex is a bit lacking in syncplay because you have to make one episode party at a time.
I think the plot lines without diversity actors (so all except ones involving black female Salvor Hardin) are pretty decent. Gaal Dornick or whatever the fuck her name is plays OK as a somewhat lost little girl following Hari Seldon, but in every scene without Jared Harris she's embarrassing.
I really liked the cloned emperor plot line and Lee Pace, I don't think that's something from the books though.
Can you explain your use case? I'm not criticising you as a shill I'm curious about how you watch things with others using TVs in sync, do you use your phone to chat or what?
Yeah we'll be at our respective TVs, I go to an ep and do "Watch Together", and then my friend joins the party on his TV app's home screen.

Then we usually chat over WhatsApp on our phones. Have been doing this for years now. It's quite good how watch party works because the episode doesn't start for anyone until all parties join (you can force it to, but automatically it waits for everyone to be ready and buffered).
it's roughly based on them. If you like the books you won't like the show, if you don't know the books the show is good I guess
That sounds comfy and I don't begrudge you for using Plex in that situation. Ultimately "whatever works" is the most fundamental and best reason to use something even if I would shill Jellyfin in most situations for new users
I like the books and kinda enjoyed the show, but they differ, especially in pacing. Books were mostly talking heads, in the show they went for a kind of Star Wars action adventure.
>Because artists want to stick it to their dads more than they want to make art.
As a dad, with a stay at home wife, I'm pretty mad that my wife and kids might feel this way about me even though I keep a roof over their head and feed them.

It's fucking nuts that leftists shit on the only people that would actually agree to support them.
yeah, the ads are retarded. they're going to be added to most subscriptions, unfortunately. i've also seen things that i blocked like slate still show up as a big grey box along with the headline. all those things bother me, and i wish it was different.
For All Mankind became
>DEI: in space
after the first season. Maybe it was even during the first season, I can't remember. But that's the biggest problem with AppleTV, they shoehorn SJW shit into almost every show and ruin many that could otherwise be good.
>is it about cute Korean girls
Is it really? Given that pachinko parlours were run by them poor Zainichi I'd expect it to be about discrimination. Lets check.
>The series details the living conditions and discrimination of Korean immigrants in Japanese society.
Wow, what a surprise. Taking a rest from bashing whites by bashing nips, just like every netflix anime. I had honestly never heard about the series, jews and best goy are just too predictable.
buy an ad
I have not streamed or pirated any apple show since they just make slop that does not interest me. Nothing of value was lost when Apple cut that cancer out.
dumb esl
I agree but everything is filled with them, which is about how I see the world so I'm almost finding it humorous at this point. I don't pay for this so I have no attachment, but the exclusives they offer are simply better.
go back to your containment board freak
>But that's the biggest problem with AppleTV, they shoehorn SJW shit into almost every show and ruin many that could otherwise be good.
Trying to find non self sabotaging showrunners and writers in American media is almost impossible at this point.

Nothing can be plain entertainment. I honest>>101567156
>But that's the biggest problem with AppleTV, they shoehorn SJW shit into almost every show and ruin many that could otherwise be good.
Not really shoehorned in this case, custom designed for it. They knew they wanted to do all kinds of whatever-rights and discrimination, so time skip alternative history.
it probably all goes to middle management karens, no different from any modern company.
It's almost as laughable as steam "competitors". Difference is that steam isn't (((publicly owned))) so it can keep its monopoly simply by being the best service possible.
Literally not my problem
> everything is slow
30 y.o. Millennial here. Everything in 90s-2000s is ultra fucking slow and I am currently watching Sopranos with my friends on my Jellyfin server at 1.5x speed.

Ironically, very old movies are much faster in the way people act and talk. E.g., Alien is an absolute masterpiece.
Presumed Innocent is good
i binged it yesterday
they have some good movies

i still want a netflix subscription
they have some good shit i want to see
you better stay clear of korean television, you've never seen *real* slow until then. not moody or contemplative slow, just pure time wasting slow.
Isn't squid game Korean? I found it pretty good for the most part.
it's an outlier
I don't really pay for anything but some of the apple shows have been good. Can't understand why they're paying 20 million a episode for severance when it's mostly filmed in an office kek. Ben Stiller must be jewing his expensives claiming for everything he can.
Watch old films and read books

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